Chapter 3120 Bailiyuan's Frost Milk Fairy

Just after changing his clothes, Taylor, who got out of the changing car, saw a large Salamander pounce on Bailiyuan.

The Fire Lizard is a poisonous lizard Pokémon. Although its own strength is not strong, it has a difficult and dangerous poisonous attribute.

Can release some special poison gas.

Even the fire lizards with corrosive properties, their poison can corrode steel, needless to say the damage to the human body.

The most important thing is that the Fire Lizard rarely acts alone.

At this moment, a dangerous Salamander was attacking Taylor's important protection target.

It was too late for Taylor to protect Bailiyuan.

Only, Taylor didn't notice.

Andy and Huahua on the side just watched this scene curiously and did nothing.

The Salamander flew towards Bailiyuan and spat out a mouthful of venom meanly.

Venom Shock!

This is a night thief salamander with a level above thirty-five.

The Frost Milk Fairy on Bailiyuan's head returned the water gun.

As soon as his cheeks bulged, water gushed out of his mouth.

The water gun not only dispersed the venom, but also sent the Salamander flying out, hitting a distant wall, making it instantly incapable of fighting.


It's not surprising that the Frost Milk Fairy with the water plant attribute has learned to use a water gun.

Taylor didn't know much about elves like the Frost Milk Fairy, and only knew about the common skills, characteristics, and racial characteristics of the Frost Milk Fairy.

In addition, because of Baili Yuan's attack.

It is very abnormal for Taylor not to notice that the milk fairy uses the water gun.

After spraying the water gun and killing the Salamander in seconds, the Frost Milk Fairy was on top of Baili Yuan's head, shaking her jelly and cream-like body, with her small hands in a gesture of strength.

QQ bouncing, so cute.

Andy and Huahua were immediately attracted by Frost Milk Fairy, and they couldn't help but started to masturbate a couple of times.

Huahua sniffed the sweet and creamy smell, and couldn't help swallowing.

The cream fairy instantly sensed the danger, and turned her head to glare at Huahua, her soft cheeks suddenly puffed up.

A mouthful of sweet aroma sprayed Hua Hua's face.

Taylor hurried over.

Secret agents who had been hidden all around also appeared one after another, and they were about to come up to protect Bailiyuan.

The first thing Taylor said was an apology, and then he distanced himself from it.

"Sorry, Mr. Xiaoyuan, I surprised you. This matter has absolutely nothing to do with our Lighthouse Country. We will investigate this matter as soon as possible and give you an answer."

Even if the Salamander is just a wild elf in the city, the Lighthouse Kingdom must show something.

The attack on Bailiyuan was an accident that didn't matter at all.

On a bigger scale, someone wanted to assassinate Baili Yuan.

If Bailiyuan gets excited and pulls the beast to the Lighthouse Kingdom, the Lighthouse Kingdom can't bear it.

But Bailiyuan made a silent gesture to Taylor, then looked at the lifted sewer cover, and said, "Quiet, listen carefully."

Although Taylor and the agents were puzzled, they all quieted down and listened quietly.

They heard the comings and goings of the participants of the exposition, the melodious sound of violins coming from inside the exposition, and the countless rustling sounds...

It's like there are many creatures crawling!

The source of the sound is in the sewer!

"No, quickly protect Mr. Xiaoyuan and evacuate the crowd. There may be a group of night thief salamanders in the sewer, and there may be flame queen lizards among them!" Taylor reacted immediately and exclaimed.

Salamanders seldom act alone, but unexpectedly, there are groups of Salamanders in the city's sewers.

And once a large-scale ethnic group is formed, there is often a leader.

The leader of the night thief salamander group is often the evolutionary type - the flame queen!

Only female Salamanders can evolve into Flame Queens, which are more dangerous and can lead a group of Night Thieves.

Fortunately, there can only be one flame queen lizard in a group of night thief salamanders.

One mountain cannot accommodate two tigers, unless there is one male and one female, and there is no such thing as a male and a female in the flame queen lizard.

It can only be two tigers fighting each other, and they are both tigresses.

Therefore, the Flame Queen will deliberately drive away the female Salamanders in the group, and most of the single Salamanders are females.

The group formed by the Flame Queen is like a reverse harem. The Flame Queen acts as the queen and enjoys the care of a group of male Salamanders. Beat the Salamander.

In fact, many women cried with envy.

Once Taylor was also envious.

At this moment, she wished that the family of the Flame Queen and the Fire Lizard would completely disappear from the world.

The sounds coming from the sewer are getting denser and closer.

Apparently the Night Thief Salamander just now was just exploring the way ahead.

Bailiyuan didn't choose to leave, and directly spoke to give instructions.

The malice in the sewer has already surged up like a fountain, there is no reason for Bailiyuan not to choose to act first.

"Use hot water!"

Frost Milk Fairy lay on top of Baili Yuan's head, facing the entrance of the sewer, and sprayed a lot of high-temperature hot water.

There is also a gap in the move of hot water.

The hot water of some elves can only be used for washing hands, and most of them are for bathing.

And the hot water of some elves can directly cook the broth and remove the bones.

The hot water of the custard is the latter.

Because of the special evolution method, when Frost Milk Fairy uses grass-attribute moves and water-attribute moves, the moves are more powerful.

High-temperature hot water fell into the sewer, and bursts of steam floated in the sewer.

Even the custard fairy seems to have become more fragrant, there is a smell of a cake that is about to be baked.

Then a piercing scream broke the good feeling brought by the fragrance.

A large group of dark figures rushed out against the hot water.

It was a group of night thief salamanders.

The Salamander who rushed ahead was obviously scalded.

Then Taylor's pupils shrank.

The Flame Queen Appears!

A Flame Queen used a few Salamanders as a shield, was not hurt by the hot water, rushed out of the sewer, and then directly attacked Bailiyuan and Taylor.

The flame queen directly condensed a long flame whip, sweeping and whipping in the direction of Bailiyuan and Taylor.

Flame whip!

The hot water couldn't stop the Salamanders from appearing, so Milk Fairy stopped the hot water and opened a protective shield to protect Bailiyuan and Taylor from the flame whip attack.

However, the Flame Queen's attack on Baili Yuan angered the Frost Milk Fairy.

Milk Fairy's cheeks puffed up again, and then she raised her hands.

The huge water ball quickly condensed on the top of the milk fairy's head.

The Fire Queen commands the other Salamanders to stop the Milk Fairy.

But it's over.

The gathering speed of the water spheres was faster than the flame queen imagined.

The huge water polo fell down.

The sky is moving...

Ahem, it's a water cannon!

This time, the Flame Queen couldn't use the Salamander as a shield.

The powerful water cannon fell, and the ground collapsed under the bombardment. When the water polo exploded, the water rushed around like waves.

The water-type move caused tons of damage to the fire-attributed Salamander and Flame Queen.

A split second.

I don't know if it's a coincidence, or the Frost Milk Fairy has a strong control over the moves.

The rushing water did not affect Bailiyuan and the others.

Frost Milk Fairy crossed her hips, stretching out her soft belly.

Just say strong or not.

Andy started kneading directly to the lovely Frosty Milk Fairy.

Bailiyuan's Frost Milk Fairy, grass + water, level 85, dual characteristics: heart of water and heart of grass.

Feature Effect——

Heart of Water: The effects of water attribute moves are greatly enhanced.

Heart of Grass: The effects of grass attribute moves are greatly enhanced.

Color: pure white.

Accessories: Heart Grass Leaves, Heart Shells.

Introduction: The special frost milk fairy evolved with special accessories may show special power when fighting with Xiaoyuan.

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