Chapter 3119 If you have the ability, come out and single out!

A truck is driving on a dark road.

Selena looked at the picture in the crystal ball and asked in confusion: "There is something wrong with this truck? How did you find out?"

Helujia's Nest is called the City of Night, which means that it is very prosperous at night, and it is a huge gold selling cave. The amount of drinks, ingredients and other things consumed on weekdays is terrifying.

Therefore, there are not many trucks that come and go on weekdays to transport supplies.

As a woman who walked out of Heluga's Lair, Selina has a certain understanding of these.

"Although it looks brightly lit here, there are still many dark areas that cannot be illuminated by the lights." Uchiha Shisui analyzed, "But this truck was walking in the dark, but the lights were not turned on, and there was no accident. Demonstrates the need for this car to hide and the driver's deep awareness of the path."

"Now we can see a clear picture of the truck, not because of the lights on the sides, but because of the night vision brought by the crystal ball."

"Eh..." Selena showed a look of surprise and admiration at the right time.

As a person who can roam the upper class of the Big Apple, Selena naturally has her own means, such as psychological manipulation of the opposite sex and realistic acting skills.

Even though Selena is under control now, she always wonders if she can regain her freedom.

Even if the little wild cat is put on a collar, or fed cat food every day, and taken care of with delicious food and drinks, the little wild cat will still yearn for freedom, and will run away when it finds a chance, and will not even come back to take a look.

It's a pity that Uchiha Shisui ignored Selena's little thoughts and was not affected in any way.

Uchiha Shisui is professionally trained, and his life is still at the time of death.

As the most professional and traditional ninja, Uchiha Shisui will not show his flaws because of women.

He didn't think much about the opposite sex either.

If it is alive, Uchiha Shisui may still consider marrying a girl in the clan in the future and inheriting blood.

But now that he is dead, even if he has the same body as a living person because of Bailiyuan's light, it still cannot change his status as a guardian spirit.

Uchiha Shisui just adjusted the power of the barrier again, and saw the scene inside the truck.

Inside the truck, there were some comatose people imprisoned, and some comatose elves locked in cages.

"Is this a human trafficker? Also a part-time elf hunter?" Selina was surprised.

"Maybe, not only that." This is Uchiha Shisui's intuition.

"Wait, their clothes... are they trainers?"

Selena suddenly reacted.

Trainers generally don't have any special logos and clothes, but the clothes worn by trainers are mostly made of different materials from ordinary clothes in consideration of combat needs.

Many clothing companies are involved in the field of trainer clothing.

From the comatose people, Selina saw the new trainer clothes recently launched by several well-known companies.

Selena still pays more attention to the trainer's clothes, because the combat uniform she made for herself is the material used for the trainer's clothes. She has also studied related fields for this purpose, and she even passed the exam as a senior trainer costumer certificate.

As a trainer dresser, she used to make tailor-made clothes for some powerful trainers. By the way, she figured out the structure of the trainer's home, so she could visit her at night.

After Uchiha Shisui determined the location of the truck, he put away the crystal ball and said, "Follow!"

Once a goal is determined, let's track it first.

Follow the vines and find out a series of clues.

Hearing Uchiha Shisui's words, Selena would honestly turn around and go back to the stairs.

When she was a wicked catwoman, she was really high-spirited, but that was a route planned in advance, just like parkour, if you follow the plan, you can evacuate safely.

But here, Selena didn't feel that she could go up and down casually. If she stepped on an empty foot and fell so high, she didn't know what would happen to her.

Uchiha Shisui would not wait for Selena to take the stairs.

Uchiha Shisui directly grabbed Selena by the collar, and then jumped off the stairs with Selena.

With such enormous power, Selena has no ability to resist at all.


Selena screamed loudly, thinking that she was going to be killed by Uchiha Shisui, a lunatic.

As a result, when Selena opened her eyes, she found that she hadn't landed at all, but Uchiha Shisui was running on the wall like walking on flat ground.

Then Uchiha Shisui jumped to another building with just a light jump, and kept jumping between buildings, and the distance of more than ten meters could be crossed casually.

Even Uchiha Shisui's face was neither red nor heartbeat.

And her Selena is like Uchiha Shisui's pendant, constantly swinging up and down under the dual influence of wind and gravity.

"Super, superhuman?!" Selina was astonished.

Do superhumans in superhero movies really exist? !


At night, Bailiyuan and the others did not go back to rest early today, but were taken to a so-called science and technology fair.

It is said that it is the most cutting-edge and brand-new achievement expo related to Pokémon-related technology recently held by the Lighthouse Country.

This time it was indeed not arranged by the secret service organization behind Taylor.

The secret service organization behind Taylor is not yet capable of commanding those high-tech corporate giants.

This time it was indeed a coincidence.

This expo is held every year, and this year it will be on the eve of the World Masters.

In previous years at the expo, it was easy to reach a lot of cooperation.

This year, many powerful trainers and companies have been attracted, which may improve the results of the expo again.

Baili Yuan was not very interested in those achievements, they just came to enjoy the atmosphere.

Compared with the celebrations during the day, although the expo feels very lively, it has a lot less hustle and bustle, giving people a more high-end feeling.

The men present were all in suits and the women were in evening gowns.

Only the three of Bailiyuan still maintained their daytime celebration attire.

Taylor prepared suitable clothes for several people in due course.

"We can provide replacement cars." Taylor said with a smile.

As a result, the three of Bailiyuan just looked at Taylor, and then the clothes of the three of them automatically changed into small suits or decent dresses.

Only the various accessories bought from the ceremony during the day have not changed.

Taylor: "???"

Taylor had question marks all over his face.

"What technology is this?"

"Nanotechnology, auto-changing clothes." Bailiyuan explained.

This world also has nanotechnology research, but it is not so intelligent.

Taylor admitted that she was envious.

If there is this technology, it will be more convenient to change clothes during the work of secret agents.

In the end, the clothes and the replacement car provided by the secret service organization can only be used by Taylor himself.

Several people from Bailiyuan were waiting for Taylor outside the stadium.

Suddenly, Bailiyuan felt something, turned his head, and saw the cover of a sewer behind him was pushed open, revealing a pair of eyes from behind the cover.

Eyes on each other.

The other party's eyes showed displeasure.

Immediately, Bailiyuan couldn't take it anymore, squatted down, and shouted towards the sewer.

"What are you looking at? If you have the ability, come out and fight!"

"Come out and challenge!"

The other party was obviously not a good-tempered guy, and was provoked by Baili Yuan and rushed out of the sewer.

A large black and nearly one-meter-long Salamander flew towards Bailiyuan in an instant.

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