Chapter 3121 The real target

Uchiha Shisui took Selena, chased the truck in question, and soon came to a quiet manor.

Compared with the hustle and bustle of the whole city, this place is more quiet and gloomy.

"Those who can own a manor in Heluga's Nest are the big bosses here, such as the stronghold of a gangster family, or the residence of the helm of some forces." Selina said.

She went on to add, "Generally, the minions in Helujia's lair dare not approach these places without permission, otherwise they will disappear passively, so there is also a saying here, 'Don't go near a quiet place'."

"But I patronized the manors of several gangster families back then, and obtained the start-up funds for me to get out of Helujia's lair."

Saying this, Selena is quite proud, these are all her achievements.

Even in these years, when she was in a good mood, she would come back and go around these gangster families a few times.

You don't have to take anything, just revisit the old place.


And in Heluga's Lair, the quiet place is either the territory of big bosses who are not allowed to make loud noises, or it is a truly chaotic area without rules and lights.

Either way, it's very quiet, and it's also very dangerous.

If you don't want to have an accident, you must not get close.

There are no rules here, and when something goes wrong, there is no police protection and no one to defend you.

On the contrary, because there are many guests who come here for fun, the area under the lights looks chaotic and violent, but in fact, as long as you follow the rules set by the gangsters, you should pay the money honestly.

Usually nothing happens and you can enjoy a wonderful night.

Even if something goes wrong, there will be gangsters to protect you and help you get ahead.

make money~

Of course, gangsters have rules, but not many.

If you encounter a problem that cannot be solved, the gangster will not force you to protect you, but may be the first to sell you.

Uchiha Shisui is not interested in Selena's pride.

As long as Uchiha Shisui wants to, he can go to anyone's house here and get whatever he wants, including the secrets in other people's minds.

However, Uchiha Shisui cannot check one by one. He needs clues to point him in the direction so that he can achieve his goal more simply and efficiently.

And now, he has caught the tail of the clue.

As for the purpose of taking Selena to act, Uchiha Shisui is not clear, and he will not take care of it.

But the reason Uchiha Shisui can still be guessed, it is estimated that he wants to accept pawns and strengthen the scholar organization.

"We shouldn't be simply going to rescue those captured elves and trainers."

When Uchiha Shisui was about to start acting, Selena spoke suddenly.

Uchiha Shisui turned his head, looked at Selina calmly, and signaled Selena to pay attention to what she was going to say next.

Because it is likely to be related to Selena's tongue or life, or whether other organs will be missing.

What's the use of being beautiful, Selena is a thief, she doesn't suspect good intentions, and she's a prisoner.

In Uchiha Shisui's view, captives have no human rights.

As for the organization that hired Selena, Baili Yuan would naturally not let it go.

After Selena spoke, she realized that she seemed to have said too much.

But she couldn't hold back her curiosity.

Maybe it's because she has been a cat for a long time, and she also has the same strong curiosity as a cat.

Or the other way around, she was born with a strong curiosity and became a cat.

However, now that the words have been spoken, Selena can only bite the bullet and continue to speak.

Selina is quite accurate in seeing people. She can feel that Uchiha Shisui's temperament is not like that of a purely righteous person.

Therefore, whether it is Bailiyuan or Uchiha Shisui, the purpose of targeting those organizations behind the experiments is definitely not just for rescue.

If you had the heart, you would have done it long ago.

"We came here probably because of what those organizations are researching. Although we don't know what they are researching, since they can transform a special elf like my pickpocket cat, it proves that their research is absolutely special. value."

"In addition, you should also be regarded as a superhuman. I don't know how you obtained the ability, but I think you should be interested in the information on transformation."

Uchiha Shisui's expression behind the mask was a little surprised.

"You actually have a brain!"

"What do you mean?" Selena was immediately upset.

"Am I wrong? Which brain thief would attack a champion trainer?"

"It's not that I haven't shot a champion trainer before, but this time I just accidentally overturned!"

"Oh, sorry, I almost forgot, the champion trainers here are pretty weak."

Selena was immediately upset.

What's the meaning?

Is my success based on weak goals? !

Yet it is what it is.

Even though elves have been in this world for many years, and many powerful elves have appeared, there is no way to make up for the gap in the quality of trainers.

Not to mention those exaggerated super real newcomers, the physical fitness of ordinary people in the Pokmon world is far superior to that of ordinary people in this world.

Those heavenly kings or champions also often have special talents, even if they didn't have them originally, as they come into contact with elves, these special talents will be added.

It may not be as magical as superpowers, but it is definitely not simple.

That is the miracle brought about by the so-called spiritual power.

When the intimacy between the trainer and the elves reaches a certain level, the power of the elves will subtly affect the trainer.

Trainers also tend to have specificities similar to their counterparts.

Steel-type trainers are more tenacious in spirit, fighting-type trainers have more endurance in doing things, evil-type trainers have a bad character, ghost-type trainers can be psychic, goblin-type trainers become more wonderful... Ordinary Department trainers are also mostly people who are easy to contact.

The champion trainers of the two worlds are even more incomparable.

The champion trainer of the Pokémon world, with a master pet, he dared to single out the beast. It is possible to fight for a few days and nights, although it may die suddenly.

And the world's champion trainers, let alone talk.

Most of them are simply trainers who stack levels and combat power.

Take a team of main elves to challenge those powerful beasts, and you will be so abused that you can't find Bei.

In the battle on the island of beginners, if it were the champion trainer of the Pokémon world, the three younger brothers of Iron Mewtwo would be as tall as one and a half.

That half refers to Xerneas turning into a tree.

With three champion trainers of the Pokémon world joining forces, Iron Mewtwo has to consider exploding.

The most important thing is that the champion trainer of the Pokémon world, the words from above, really dare to work hard.

As long as the innocent are not affected, they regard the victory of the battle as more important than their lives.

The biggest reason for the gap between the two worlds is that in this world, there is not much development and little understanding of the deeper things between elves and trainers, let alone paying special attention to them.


Uchiha Shisui answered Selena's doubts, and did not do something to her that could not be described, as Selena was worried about.

"You guessed it right, I will save people and elves. I may not specifically target evil, but I will never let it go when I see it."

"But I do have a special purpose, too."

"The special ability your pickpocket cat has is not a simple genetic modification, nor is it because your pickpocket cat has any special talent, but because this power comes from a kind of fantasy Pokémon."

Selena didn't expect Uchiha Shisui to be willing to tell her the truth.

Then she was attracted by the "Magic Pokémon" that Uchiha Shisui said.

"Illusory Pokémon, what is this?"

"Fantasy Pokémon, and Legendary Pokémon, the special classifications of the two types of elves, I won't go into details to explain them, but you can generally call these existences—sacred beasts!"

"Divine beast?!" Selena exclaimed, and then hurriedly covered her mouth, her eyes full of excitement and disbelief.

She doesn't know about the Phantom Pokémon, but she knows all about the mythical beasts.

I even learned about the battles of some mythical beasts.

I also know that many countries are hoping to obtain divine beasts.

Then Selena looked at her pickpocket cat.

My pickpocket cat actually has the power of a beast? !

Is it so wow?

In the past, it was the little girl who couldn't see Mount Tai with her eyes. From now on, let the pickpocket cat walk in front and follow behind!

"The power of your pickpocket cat comes from the Nightmare God, Darkrai!"

"My purpose is to investigate matters related to the divine beast. It does not mean to snatch the divine beast, but to help the divine beast escape if it is in danger. If necessary, capture the divine beast and train it."

"Divine beasts are strong and weak, but without exception, they are all special. Even the most common three sacred birds and three sacred beasts with ethnic groups are definitely not to be underestimated. What's more, weaker divine beasts , often have a larger background, and the beasts behind the three sacred birds and the three sacred beasts are also extremely powerful beings at the top of the list."

"If human beings touch those powers rashly and want to use despicable means to murder the beasts, the final result may even be world-class!"

Selena was already dumbfounded.

"Is it so serious? But I saw someone fighting with a freezing bird on TV..."

"Divine beasts can be subdued, but it doesn't mean they will be slaughtered."

"Then how do we get in next, do we want to infiltrate and investigate?" Selena changed the subject and said enthusiastically.

Save the beast.

Having said that, I immediately felt that my actions tonight had become grander.

Uchiha Shisui directly released Vulcan Moth.

"Of course I went straight in!"

"Vulcan Moth, burn all obstacles!"

Selena: (ΩДΩ)!

Suddenly, the quiet manor was illuminated by fire.

Everything is on fire.

The guards of the manor also acted immediately.

A group of representative Heluga began to shoot flames at Vulcan Moths.

Uchiha Shisui laughed immediately.

"Vulcan Moth, let them see what is the blood of Vulcan!"


The sea of ​​flames filled the sky, illuminating the night sky.

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