I might be a fake Ultraman

Chapter 3016 Intercept Bubbles

A seemingly harmless bubble floated unsteadily in the direction of the Tower of Light.

Most of the powerful are unaware.

After all, the bubble is very big, but it floats at a very high position.

However, there are still many strong people with keen perception or special talents, who looked in the direction of the World Bubble with a look of horror the first time the World Bubble appeared.

There is great terror!

"Stop that bubble!" A strong man shouted in shock, and rushed towards the World Bubble immediately.

The other powerhouses still don't understand why, and are very puzzled.

Isn't it just bubbles?

Many strong people can spit bubbles, and some sea people can even spit bubbles in tricks.

It's just that the bubble is a bit big.

I can blow it~

But there are still strong ones who, because they trust their companions, choose to take action to help block the bubbles.

Those who are hindered are those who hinder and hinder.

[Innocence] The powerhouses on one side seemed to have received some orders, and began to block all attacks and powerhouses who wanted to destroy the bubbles, trying to ensure that the bubbles could fall on the Tower of Light.

The strong enemy, who had already fallen into a weak position before, unexpectedly burst out with impressive strength at this moment, and actually blocked all attacks for a short time.

Even those strong enemies who hid deeply chose to expose at this time.

Because victory is at hand!

The powerhouses of the ten holy tribes all showed their trump cards one by one, and showed their unique skills of pressing the bottom of the box.

At this moment, the bubble heading towards the Tower of Light has become the center of gravity of the island of heroes.

Anyone can see that when the bubble falls on the Tower of Skylight, something bad will definitely happen.

"That bubble is very dangerous! It's something made by bubbles in the world!" The ancient immortal clan powerhouse calculated with a serious expression.

Even though many powerhouses don't know what the bubbles are for, they still look confused.

[Innocence] Under the absolute strength of one party, the strong man could not hold on for too long.

The strong men of the Ten Saints successfully broke through the interception of these strong men.

Antamir broke through the blockade, and with his own body, opened a huge hole in the blockade.

Titan shock!

"Rush!" Antamir shouted.

At this moment, Antamir's body size also swelled, and blue light radiated from his eyes.

He also activated the power of titan impressively.

It's just that Antamir's aura is obviously not as strong as Mount Andulu's.

Several strong men from the other ten saints rushed towards the direction of the bubble along this defensive loophole, and launched their own attacks.

Among them is a 99th-level titan strongman named An Yadu, a female titan. She is the cultural inheritor of the titan and is equivalent to the status of the deputy patriarch.

It was Anyadu who took the lead in dealing with the fallen giant before.

However, although An Yadu was at level ninety-nine, he was not a top existence among those at level ninety-nine.

The top ninety-nine powerhouses of each of the ten holy clans were all dragged into the universe.

The ninety-nine-level powerhouse of the ten holy clan who appeared on the island of heroes can only be regarded as average in the clan, but it is still far superior to the ninety-nine-level powerhouse of ordinary races.

It's a pity that Mount Andulu, the predecessor of the fallen giant, was the emissary of the Titan family, and a 99-level powerhouse who was very powerful in the family.

After becoming a fallen giant, his strength has been strengthened again. Even if An Yadu takes the lead and Antaimir supports him from the side, it is difficult to deal with it.

Anyadu bent over and rushed through the loophole that Antaimir opened, and said at the same time: "My child, leave the rest to us!"

An Taimir is indeed strong, but to An Yadu, he is still just a child.

Hearing what Anyadu said, Antaimir showed a smile.

Then Antamir was overwhelmed by countless attacks.

The giant's body was knocked down by the attack.

"If any race dares to kill the giants of our clan, our clan will fight with the strength of the whole clan!" Anyadu's loud voice enveloped the sky, but Anyadu rushed towards the bubbles in the sky without looking back.

But just this sentence deterred the powerful enemies who wanted to continue to attack Antamir.

Not to mention whether it is possible to kill Antamir with extremely thick blood, even if Antamir is really killed, they overthrow the Tower of Skylight, and then the entire race is targeted by the Titans, will it just disappear?

If the contract is broken, they can indeed annex other races freely. But it also means that the Titans can also exterminate them!

If someone draws all the racial forces that choose to rebel, they will find that these races are those with good strength but far away from powerful races, such as the ten holy races.

"Hmph, the original plan didn't include the part of forming a mortal enemy with the Ten Saints." A strong enemy said.

In fact, when choosing to join [Innocence], each clan had already considered the matter of the ten holy clans.

Generally speaking, as long as you don't form a deadly feud with powerful races such as the Ten Saints, you don't have to worry about the threat of powerful races such as the Ten Saints.

Because even if there is no contract, powerful races such as the Ten Holy Race will not arbitrarily exterminate in order to maintain their own interests. Instead, they may follow the hero contract and create a new contract to maintain their own interests.

Let the races willing to abide by the contract not hurt each other and form an alliance.

The most likely result is that these organizations that cooperate with [Innocence] will unite to form a force, and the Ten Saints will lead the remaining races to become a force.

The world will be divided in the future.

Reshuffle the cards and re-part the cake.

As long as they can unite their own powerhouses, they don't have to worry about the attacks of the ten holy clan powerhouses.

What's more, in the new world situation, not all races among the ten holy races can fully guarantee to continue to stand on the side of the so-called "righteousness".

Are there no races among the Ten Saints who want to expand outward?

The answer is not only yes, but more than one.

In particular, they also hold power over other races.

There is no comeback, but the benefits that can be obtained are not large enough.

Without contractual constraints, if the dangers from the outside world are not enough, those ten holy races and powerful races are the greatest dangers!

"But you can't just put him here, take him back, and let the Titans come to exchange for ransom!" said a strong man.

I don't have the guts to kill the Titans and form a deadly enemy with the Titans.

But the courage to catch the Titans and exchange the Titans for ransom is not only courageous, but also great.

Among the ten saints on the Island of Heroes, not all of them are top powerhouses at level ninety-nine.


The powerhouses of the Ten Saints rushed over to intercept the bubble, trying to block it.

Only the strong primitive tribe disappeared.

The powerful ancient fairy shot out a huge lightsaber, and the lightsaber was entwined with the law of attack and the power of the ultimate attack.

"The Forbidden Art, Ten Thousand Laws into One!"

The Celestial-human powerhouse condensed a sacred spear with countless feathers, and the spear was entwined with the power of divine law and extreme speed.

"Heavenly Human Skill, Heavenly Punishment!"

The strong human elemental family wields the tide of the wind element, which contains the law of wind and the power of the ultimate wind.

"The ultimate wind, Fengming!"

The strong man of the Golden Behemoth tribe was covered in a bloody aura, and he grabbed it with one claw, and the claws were entangled with the law of power and the power of ultimate power.

"Secret Technique Beamon Splitting the Sky!"

The strong golden elves drew their bows and set their arrows, and the golden arrows turned into meteors and shot out, and the arrows were entwined with the law of wood and the power of extreme sharpness.

"Golden Arrow·Golden Meteor!"

The strong man of the ancient demon clan transformed into a body of a 100-meter-high demon king, and with the long knife condensed with devil energy in his hand, he cut out a fierce beast-like knife energy, which was entwined with the law of blood and the power of extreme darkness.

"A Fierce Demon Comes to the World·One Slash!"

The strong dragon clan in the star field breathes out the dragon's breath, which is full of the law of the stars and the power of the ultimate flame.

"Dragon's Yuanli·Dragon's Breath!"

The strong golden salamander is still a woman, but the characteristics of her body are still different. The body of this strong golden salamander actually has dragon-like scales.

The strong woman-like golden salamander raised her hand.

The law of water and the power of ultimate water emerged, turned into sea water, poured down from the sky, like a sky leak.

"Extreme Water · Weak Water Sky Falls!"

Finally, there was Anyadu who had activated the power of the titan.

The law of force and the burst of ultimate power.

"Titan's secret technique, the end of Titan!"

"Finishing skills are coming!!"

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