I might be a fake Ultraman

Chapter 3017 one world in one month, one punch and one end

"The end of the Titans!"

The fist entwined with the law of force and the ultimate power rapidly enlarged in front of his eyes.

The same move, stronger power!

Shown in the realm of the gods.

After pulling the fallen giant into the realm of the gods, the absolute power of Bailiyuan's realm of the gods indeed suppressed the fallen giant.

And Bailiyuan can guarantee that if you kill the fallen giant in God's Domain, the fallen giant will not be transferred to another body and resurrected again.

The power of God's Domain cuts off the external effects of the world imprint.

"It's a pity that the power of the world imprint of the fallen giant was not directly blocked, but the connection between the power of the world imprint inside and outside the God's Domain was blocked. If the world imprint of the fallen giant can be sealed, it will definitely weaken the strength of the fallen giant."

The effect of the world imprint is not only the various abilities brought by the attributes, but also the great enhancement of the world imprint itself to the user.

Failure to completely block the power of the fallen giant's world imprint also represented that God's Domain failed to completely suppress the strength of the fallen giant.

The strength of the fallen giant is a bit beyond class.

Beyond the tolerance range of the God's Domain, he still has the ability to resist in the God's Domain.

"God has limits!" Baili Yuan thought in his heart.

After opening the realm of the gods, the power of the moon god gradually calmed down the rage and evil in Baili Yuan's heart in the darkest state.

The performance is that Baili Yuan is not so reckless anymore.

And the fallen giant, who still retained his fighting wisdom, also made a decision to leave God's Domain as soon as possible.

Bailiyuan also realized this, so he chose to delay time with the fallen giant in the domain of the gods.

At worst, it will be delayed until the Titan Force effect of the fallen giant ends.

The fallen giant would naturally not let Baili Yuan's idea succeed.

In the end, another secret ultimate move was used.

God's Domain failed to completely suppress the fallen giant, but the fallen giant couldn't directly tear God's Domain apart.

After all, Bailiyuan's strength at this moment is not that far behind him.

Titan Qingtianwei is useless.

But there is another basis—

Concentrate the strength of the whole body and strike the finishing blow!

It's for the end of the Titans!

This section spanned time and space, locked on Baili Yuan's body.

What are you hiding with?

However, the two esoteric skills were used one after another, even if the fallen giant activated the power of the titan, he still couldn't bear it.

The body of the fallen giant is crumbling.

But the fallen giant knew that as long as he punched Bailiyuan to death before his body completely collapsed, he could survive.

Bailiyuan also knew that as long as he resisted this punch, he could completely eliminate the fallen giant.

The invincibility time has expired.

There is still one chance to be resurrected.

However, there is a time lag in the resurrection, and the strength of God's Domain will also weaken at that time, giving the fallen giant a chance to escape.

"Who said he can definitely kill me with one punch?!"

"Let you see the joint skills developed by me and my partners!"

In the realm of the gods, the moonlight filled the air, and everywhere was purple brilliance.

At the foot is the altar of accumulating faith, which can be used to communicate with believers across time and space, based on the gifts of believers.

And the sky—

It is the place where gods and their relatives live!

Round after round of full moons appeared in the sky of God's Domain.

For months!

Different full moons emit light of different colors.

In the full moon, the elves and various creatures that have contracted with Bailiyuan can be seen moving.

"Combining the ability of the ninja crest to create a different world and merging it with the power of God's Domain, this is—the moon is in the sky, one world in one month!"

Every full moon is the essence condensed by Baili Yuan's perception of power.

Among them, various attribute worlds will automatically evolve, which are suitable for the survival and improvement of corresponding creatures.

There is no need for creatures to enter it in person, as long as there is a sufficient bond with Bailiyuan, there will be projections in it, enjoying the benefits and improving their strength.

If these creatures die, their souls will not dissipate, nor will they go to Hades, but will be attracted into the full moon of the God Realm, belonging to Baili Yuan.

That is to say, ascension to the Kingdom of God!

As long as Bailiyuan is not dead and the realm of God is not destroyed, then the Kingdom of God will last forever, and the souls in the Kingdom of God will live forever!

Bailiyuan even resurrected his soul in God's Domain and transformed it into his own family members.

Those believers who believe in Bailiyuan, whether they are followers of Demon King Sect, Miaomiao Sect, or those who believe in his light... After their death, their souls will travel across time and space, pass through the altar of faith below, and ascend to the In the realm of the gods.

Inside the green full moon is the world of the forest, where grass-type creatures live; inside the red full moon, is the world of magma, where fire-type creatures live; inside the blue full moon, is the world of the ocean, where water-type creatures live ;...

In addition to the full moon world with various attributes, there is also an ultimate space world suitable for the survival of extreme beasts, a world full of spiritual power suitable for the survival of immortals...

And when Bailiyuan needs strength, they will all become part of Bailiyuan and directly provide blessings for Bailiyuan.

Through God's Domain's blessing to Bailiyuan, there is no need to consider Bailiyuan's bearing capacity.

Because God can bear His own believers!

Boom boom boom——

Above the head, in the round and round moon, a thick beam of energy light fell down and injected into Baili Yuan's body.

At the foot, all the power of faith accumulated by Baili Yuan emerged from the altar of faith, attached to Baili Yuan's body, burning with white flames, and turned into Baili Yuan's defense.

"These powers of faith are accumulated by me. In the past, I used to borrow the power of faith from Ah Ming!" Baili Yuan roared in his heart.

God of Fate: Ah Ming? ? ?

For belief in God, the power of faith is like money, even more omnipotent than money.

Usually, Bailiyuan borrowed money to spend, but this time he finally spent his own money!

The God of Fate is in a complicated mood.


Bailiyuan has activated many defensive skills and abilities.

Ultra Drive, Ultra Skin Defense, Super Body, Talent-Covered Armor...

The end of the titans has arrived.

The fist landed on Baili Yuan.

All damages will be borne by Baili Yuan and his partners.

The elves in the home space shook their bodies and sat on the ground. They all felt as if someone had punched them suddenly.

Almost didn't open the line of their pants.

The damage that each elf takes is exactly on the line of injury.

It hurts, but it doesn't hurt.

However, the monsters fighting outside, including Uchiha Shisui, etc., were not apportioned to the damage.


In the realm of the gods.

The power of the fist stopped on Baili Yuan's chest.

Baili Yuan stood tall in the God's Domain, with jet-black light emitting from his body.

However... Bailiyuan was only injured, he withstood the damage of this blow that was enough to break through the barriers of the world!

Even the crazy titan looked at his fist in disbelief, and Bailiyuan who was still standing.

Fallen Giant: Am I using the wrong skill?

But the fallen giant's body on the verge of collapse proved that this was indeed the limit of what the fallen giant could do.

Bailiyuan is not dead.

Then this moment is the weakest moment of the fallen giant.

The fallen giant wanted to launch the power of the titan again, and made some struggles and resistance.

However, Bailiyuan directly raised his thugs and grabbed the fallen giant's head.

Shake and fiddle.

It's useless to give you a chance!

"Give me a punch!"

Dark Dominion·Sublimation·Dark Law·Ultra Drive·Strong Arm Power·Critical Attack·Penetration·Briolet Fist!

Under the powerful blessing, Bailiyuan's arm cracked, and more black light spots spewed out.

However, when this punch hit the fallen giant.

The fallen giant's thousand-meter-high body was directly shattered, and this shattering force even spread to every cell in his body.

A punch blossomed, splashing all over the sky.

Flesh crushing is not the end.

The dirty soul of the fallen giant, entwined with the power of corruption, also appeared in the realm of the gods, and was oppressed, deformed, and then shattered under the powerful fist power...

Bailiyuan watched the whole process.

The power of this punch was extremely violent and the speed was extremely fast, but Baili Yuan could clearly see every detail and change.

When the soul of the fallen giant was shattered, a phantom of a white titan suddenly appeared.

The depraved power entangled in the soul was shattered by this punch, and Andurushan's soul regained its clarity for a moment. Andurushan showed a grateful smile to Bailiyuan.

Then the soul of Mount Andulu was also completely shattered by the powerful force.

It's like cooking smoke being blown away by the wind.

The soul was shattered, and the remaining spirit and will were also crushed.

Only the mark of the imprint of the world remained, flying to the distance, and then like glass shattering, it exploded into countless light spots, and each light spot slowly extinguished.

These dissipated light spots seem to have merged into the domain of the gods, which has increased the strength of the domain of the gods to a certain extent.

However, what Bailiyuan cared more about was...

A ball of light floated in front of Bailiyuan.

Bailiyuan returned to normal form, and raised his hand to support the ball of light.

"Is this... a thank you gift?"

"Part of the principles and perceptions of the secret technique of the Titan family: the end of the Titans?!"

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