Chapter 3015 World Bubble

When the attack came, Bailiyuan didn't bother to study what happened to Andy, he directly shoved Andy into his crotch... no, it was stuck in the home space.

"Caroline, you and the elves, take a look at what's wrong with Andy, and leave it to me to deal with it."

The pupil of God kept opening, and Baili Yuan tried to see through the attack.

"This is... an attack that condenses the power of space and... the power of the world?"

Is it so outrageous?

It's outrageous to take a stab at the big crotch of the world, but this blow actually has the power of the world?

Although there are still many things that Bailiyuan doesn't understand, Bailiyuan still sees the essence of this blow.

Tear off the sky and smash it into balls, not just smashing a space into balls and throwing them over.

In the ball formed by the space, there is the power of the world.

What was torn off was the power of that world!

How strong is the power of the world?

The power of a hero born in the imprint of the world is a weakened power of the world!

Bailiyuan had never seen such an attack and power, but instinctively felt that he could not bear this blow.

If Future Vision hadn't been affected, one-thousandth of a second later his face would receive this attack, and he wouldn't even be dead.

Because when Bailiyuan understood what the attack was, it was too late to dodge or defend.

The blow was extremely fast.

Like an asteroid strike!

It would be very difficult for a real ninety-nine-level powerhouse to survive this blow!


The ball hit Baili Yuan's body and exploded instantly.

Numerous spatial cracks spread around Bailiyuan.

The world is shaking!

The planet is going to crack!

All the powerhouses on the Island of Heroes watched this scene in disbelief. Both the enemy and us, even the powerhouses at level ninety-nine, felt the crisis of extinction.


This blow can even split a planet, let alone an island of heroes.

I can only hope that the Tower of Skylight is blessed by heroes and can still stand still.

Many strong fighters fighting in the universe also stopped fighting one after another, and their costumes turned to the inside of the planet, showing shocking expressions one by one.

"What kind of attack is that?"

"Why is it a bit like the secret biography of my Titan family?"

"Then it's the secret of your family. Why do you Titans use such an attack? Are you fucking rebellious?"

"Betray your grandma's legs!"

"Wait, something is wrong!"

Under the watchful eyes of countless strong men, this blow... failed to explode.

A more stalwart golden giant figure appeared above Baili Yuan's head.

Open your arms and shake your cloak.

The projection is as large as a kilometer!

It can completely protect the Bailiyuan at a height of 1,500 meters below.

Baili Yuan also looked up at the golden giant that appeared.

It is the phantom of King Ultra.

At this moment, Bailiyuan used - [The King of Ultra's Protection].

One second of invincibility every day!

I just didn't expect King Ultra's phantom to become so big, did it change with his body shape?

However, I don't know if it was an illusion, but Bailiyuan felt that the phantom of King Ultra looked down at him.

Being invincible for a second, Bailiyuan naturally didn't intend to just resist the damage so hard.

Baili Yuan folded his hands up and down.

"Holy area!"

The Moon God Realm is unfolding!

A special field unfolds within a second with Bailiyuan as the center.

Swallow all the power of this blow and the fallen giant into it.

In the blink of an eye, the huge crisis disappeared on the planet of the big world.

"God's Domain?" A strong man recognized this move with a little surprise in his eyes.

Even in the era when all gods lived side by side, not all gods had their own domains.

Otherwise, going to kill the gods is not going to the mountain of God, but to the realm of the gods.

According to the records, those gods who own the domain of the gods are often very strong and extremely difficult to kill.

Because in God's Domain, God is invincible.

Only by possessing the power far beyond the gods can one break the realm of the gods and pull the gods out of the realm of the gods.

The crusade against the gods who own the domain of the gods is the time when the heroes suffer the most casualties.

That dark giant actually owns the God's Domain. With the strength of that dark giant, there are absolutely not many strong people in this world who can break the Dark Giant's God's Domain.

I just don't know if it includes the fallen giant.

Previously, the strong had seen Bailiyuan slaughter the fallen giant, but the fallen giant suddenly exploded and tore down the sky, which caused a spiritual crit to countless strong and shocked them.

A fallen giant who can tear apart the world, who knows if it has the ability to tear God's Domain apart.

No matter how big the space-time turbulent cracks in the sky that have not been completely closed, the psychological shadow area of ​​the strong people present will be as big.

Fortunately, the space-time turbulence crack is slowly healing under the influence of world power.

The suction force is also much smaller.

Bailiyuan took away the fallen giant and saved the island of heroes.

However, the remaining powerhouses on both sides suddenly lost the desire to fight.

With such strong people around, what's the point of their fighting?

Even if one side wins in the end, as long as Bailiyuan and the fallen giant come back, the battle may be reversed.

Only those top powerhouses can still maintain their fighting spirit, and they even have the confidence to face either Bailiyuan or the fallen giant.

What's more, in a war between the two, it is more likely that both will lose in the end.

The leader watched Bailiyuan take away the fallen giant without any surprises, as if he had expected it long ago, or in other words, this was what he arranged and expected.

"These powerful races are truly blessed. How many years did it take for the human race to have a Baili Yuan, and if any strong man of the Titan race falls, he can be pushed into danger." The leader said to himself.

However, there are still a few strong men in the Titan race who are not weaker than Mount Andulu, and among the human race, there are only a handful of strong men comparable to Baili Yuan, and none of them can appear at will.


Because the human race was put in shackles, the previous road was cut off by the world.

If the human race wants to rise again, it must rebuild the road and smash all the shackles.

So first of all, we must destroy the Tower of Skylight and destroy the eternal oath of the heroes.

Although the appearance of the shackles of the human race is the shackles that the world puts on the human race, it has a lot to do with the hero's eternal vow.

Don't forget, the emergence of heroes is driven by the world behind them.

"Get ready, while Bailiyuan is not here, and the only person who can stop us is not here, let's blow up the Qiongguang Tower." The leader said.

The reason why they waited until now was to let Bailiyuan leave.

"Here, that giant, the Bailiyuan you mentioned, does he really have the means to prevent us from blowing up the Skylight Tower?" The man was puzzled, "I almost understand the cultivation power of the human race, and the destruction methods of the human race There are many, I don’t remember that the human race has a strong defense and protection power.”

The leader shook his head and said, "You understand the human race, but you don't understand light."


"Go down and get ready."



"Prepare for the World Bubble Level 1!"

A balloon-like object floated in the direction of the Tower of Dome.

If Bailiyuan was here, he would find that this balloon-like object was the World Bubble that was once snatched by [Innocence].

However, this world bubble has already been processed and transformed.

Now its name is - World Bubble!

According to the pioneers, this bubble-like object has the power to blow up the Skylight Tower that no one can destroy!

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