Chapter 2958 Johnson and Rhea



A man and a woman.

The woman stands on the beach, and the man stands behind the woman. Both of them are looking at the sea in the distance without looking at each other.

The woman spoke out first, and suddenly said, "You're here."

The man said, "I'm here."

The woman said, "I knew you would come."

The man said: "Of course I will come, of course you know, should we talk about specific things?"

The woman's eyes dropped, she turned her head to look at the man, and after a long time, she said slowly, "Hundreds of years have passed."

The man said: "A total of four hundred and sixty years."

The woman sighed softly, and said, "It's been a long four hundred and sixty years, you're getting old."

The man also sighed, and said, "Four hundred and sixty years are so short, you just matured."

The woman said: "If you don't come, I'm afraid I'll never find you."

The man said: "It's very possible, but you don't need to look for me."

The woman said: "But I still looked for it, and you still came."

The man said: "I must come!"

The man turned his head, looked directly at the woman with sharp eyes, and said: "I will come no matter what is involved in the safety of my family!"

The woman was a little sad, and said: "Is your race only in your heart now? There is a reason for what happened back then, listen to me..."

"Needless to say, I don't want to delve into it. I don't have much time to live, so I won't waste time on other things." The man said, "I'm here today just for the information you said. Don't forget your identity, Jiaoyue." Guardian of the elves, Rhea."

The woman also called out the man's name and said, "Johnson."

One person and one elf fell silent again.

A beautiful and charming Bright Moon Elf, and an old man of the human race stood together.

The Bright Moon Elf had a complex expression, and wanted to get close to the old human race, but the old human race showed a cold attitude of repelling people thousands of miles away, making people afraid to approach.

On the huge coconut tree behind them, Baili Yuan had half a coconut shell on his head, lying behind the huge coconut leaves, watching the scene.

Bailiyuan: Oh hoo~

After challenging the Bailiyuan of the stone statue of heroes, I plan to go fishing at the beach and relax.

As a result, I saw Johnson mysteriously walking towards the no-man's land, and followed curiously, and then, I witnessed this shocking scene.

With the strength of Bailiyuan's second-level guardian, the following two first-level guardians, one person and one elf, could not find him at all.

Bailiyuan, the Guardian of the Bright Moon Elf, knew that she was the female elf who wanted to stop Johnson in the square and had complicated emotions towards Johnson.

And what is a little different from that day is that now the female elf is no longer a beautiful woman, but has become younger.

The lifespan of the elves is long, as long as the magic power is sufficient, it is difficult to show old age, unless you let yourself change.

Now, the female elf obviously no longer allowed herself to grow old, but returned to her youthful appearance.

"What's going on here? Resurgence of old love?"

The characters are right, but the plot is a bit wrong.

Shouldn't the plot in the novel be -- at this time, the despicable old man is rubbing against the beautiful tall and cold fairy, begging the fairy to let him do it again, just the last time?

How did I get here...

Is it the old man who is cold and the female elf is begging?

The emotion exuded by the Guardian of the Bright Moon Elf, besides being owed, is love!

Johnson blocked his emotions?

"Remember that elves have a different view of emotion and mate selection than humans. They don't just look at appearances. Older humans are just right for elves. Most elves will only be loyal to one spouse in their lives. See When Johnson was young, he had a relationship with this elf."

This was what Jieer, the guardian of the corona elves, told Bailiyuan during the challenge of the headmaster.

For the elves, the old humans are more flavorful.

The other elves didn't know if this was the case, but Jayer said he was.

I think other elves shouldn't be too bad.

The difference between the Bright Moon Elves and the Sun Crown Elves may not be too great.

It's just that most elves won't go out and mess around like Jere, after all, most elves are a clean race.

Bailiyuan is a little flustered now because she discovered Johnson's secret.

"Fuck, this... Shouldn't I be peeping? Is peeping a bit bad?"

"But isn't it worse to see it openly?"

However, Bailiyuan was still very concerned about the information that the two talked about, which involved the safety of the human race.

"I hope this information is not the bait that the guardian of the bright moon elf caught Johnson. They are all guardians, so it shouldn't be so unreliable."

Baili Yuan decided to continue reading, in order not to miss any clues, he pricked up his ears and opened his eyes wide.


Johnson obviously did not accept Rhea's overtures, because he was here to talk about business.

Compared with Rhea, who has a long lifespan, Johnson's lifespan is running out, and now he just wants to shine for the human race.

Unless he breaks through to the second-level guardian, he can gain a longer lifespan.

However, the decadent time when he was young has made the possibility of his breakthrough very slim, and he will not consider the matter of breakthrough.

When Rhea heard Johnson saying that her life was short, her eyes trembled, and she couldn't help but raised her hand and grabbed the clothes on her chest, as if this could relieve her mood.

Then he said: "Johnson, I have some life-extending potions and elixirs here, and I can help you prolong your life."

The elves have a long lifespan, and Rhea is not too old, so she will not prepare resources to extend her life in advance. Obviously these things were prepared by Rhea for others.

This other person is Johnson.

It's a pity that Johnson doesn't want it.

If Johnson really wants to prolong his life, the human race can also provide Johnson with potions and elixirs that prolong his life.

Things that are very precious to the great heraldry, but to the guardians, they can only be regarded as more precious.

Johnson's desire to live was not so strong.

But if someone wants to attack the human race, as the guardian of the human race, Johnson, who has dedicated most of his life to the human race, will not agree.

He ignored Nie Rhea's words, but asked again in a deep voice: "Nie Rhea, is there really any intelligence that threatens the human race? If this is just a joke, there is no need for me to stay."

Johnson's unfeeling did not anger Rhea, but only made Rhea more sad. She still has feelings for Johnson, and she wants to make up for something more.

Pin Rhea realized that Johnson had the intention of leaving, and she finally revealed the information.

"Someone with malicious intentions sneaked into the World Conference!"

"Someone sneaked in here?" Both Johnson and Bailiyuan in the dark had slightly changed expressions.

Niria nodded and said again: "I found traces of the poison of forgetting dust on the island of heroes. There are many traces of strangeness. From this, it can be inferred that if someone wants to harm this world conference, it will inevitably affect the human race. Now our race is contacting the strong people of familiar races and preparing secretly."

"The poison of forgetting dust?"

Johnson was a little puzzled.

"What is the poison of Wangchen?"

Bailiyuan: +1

"The poison of Wangchen, a special poison that can make people forget their memories and feelings, and change a person's emotions."

"I betrayed you back then because I was poisoned by Wangchen!"

Pinch Rhea stared at Johnson.

However, Johnson didn't give the reaction she wanted, just frowned and said: "My human race knows about this, I will go back and inform the strong people in the clan, and the strong people of my clan will contact the strong people of your clan for other things. "

"Thank you for sharing the information."

What happened back then was not simply because of betrayal.

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