Chapter 2959 The Story of the Brave Saving the Bright Moon Elves

"Your life is still long, don't worry about the impossible anymore, the past has become the past."

Leaving this sentence, Johnson left with intelligence.

It was also Johnson's last advice to Rhea.

He may have seen the past.

Nie Rhea was the only one at the seaside who was secretly sad.

Oh, and there's a kid peeping from a tree.

The thumbs and forefingers of Bailiyuan on the tree are connected to form two circles, which fit over the eyes like a pair of glasses. He had a panoramic view of everything that happened below, and also heard the conversation between the two.

I have a basic judgment on the situation in my heart.

"At the beginning, Rhea turned her back on Senior Johnson because of her conspiracy. Later, Rhea returned to normal and was always looking for Senior Johnson. Now I finally met Senior Johnson. Do you want to save this relationship?"

"Is this just a moment of pleasure in torturing your husband, chasing your husband to the crematorium? It doesn't seem to be accurate."


The relationship between long-lived races and short-lived races, even if there are no accidents, is still difficult to last forever.

Can only leave a good memory at most.

This feeling is not just love.

Jieer, the guardian of the corona elf, was stimulated by the death of a friend of the human race. Since then, he no longer wants to go to those beautiful places that can arouse memories, so he returned to the clan to cultivate and eventually became a guardian.

Compared with short-lived races, long-lived races do have a lot of time and spare time to do other things because of their long lives.

Jieer, who was born in the elf clan, was absurd for hundreds of years when he was young, and he also had the opportunity to return to the clan to cultivate and become a guardian.

As for Jieer's friends, after hundreds of years, the ending can only be turned into a handful of loess.

It's just that since the fall of the gods, there have been no immortal races in this world. Even the giant dragons with a long lifespan still have their lifespan to come to an end.

The strong also have to face the end of life.

Even the means of increasing lifespan, such as pills, potions, or special rituals, cannot extend lifespan indefinitely, and there will be a day when it will come to an end.

Many strong men and divine beasts would choose to prolong their lives through deep sleep in order to preserve their useful bodies.

There are also those who simply cease to live and transform themselves into undead.

Undead races can indeed have unlimited time and life, but undead races cannot reproduce, and they will encounter many dangers in their survival.

The spirit and will of the undead race will be worn down by time, and if they cannot be restrained and resisted, they will eventually perish completely.

Perhaps the body of the undead still exists, and consciousness can be born again in the future, but it is no longer the original undead.

"The great heraldry of the human race can have a lifespan of hundreds of years. It should not be a problem for the first-level guardians to live for a thousand years through various means. However, Senior Johnson seems to be dying, but he is already old. To death."

"It's not just that Senior Johnson has lost the idea of ​​living, but it may also be because Senior Johnson has an incurable disease that cannot be cured, and will continue to wear down his lifespan."

"If Senior Johnson has the idea of ​​living, I can try to help him, but..."

The doctor can't force the patient to continue the life of the patient.

Some things need to listen to the patient's attitude.

Bailiyuan looked at Ruiya who was crying sadly below, and felt that if she went down to comfort her now, she might gain some stories about her and Johnson.

But in the end Bailiyuan chose to retreat.

"Emotional matters, there is no answer."


Bailiyuan asked Caroline to investigate the matter involving the Bright Moon Elves in the database.

The information that Nieria brought came from the words of Nieria alone.

Johnson chose to believe in Rhea, and maybe he would have doubts, but then he needed a way to prove it.

Baili Yuan also wanted to know more about the Bright Moon Elf Clan, and wanted to see if this clan was credible.

Caroline's database contains a lot of information about the human race, including a lot of information about other races. Because Caroline thinks it may be useful in the future, she stores it in her own database.

Soon, Caroline investigated information about the Bright Moon Elf Clan.

Although the Bright Moon Elf Clan is not as good as the Sun Crown Elf Clan, they are also the elves of the king's blood, and their racial strength is not weak.

This elf tribe is relatively mysterious, living in a secret environment like a small world, but the human race has some related information.

Because the Bright Moon Elves once took the initiative to repair with the human race, and until now, this race has had contacts with the human race, bringing many precious resources and benefits to the human race.

Coincidentally, the time when the Bright Moon Elves took the initiative to repair with the human race was more than four hundred years ago.

The human race's understanding of the Bright Moon Elf Race is relatively limited, but they have recorded a disaster that happened to the Bright Moon Elf Race more than 400 years ago.

More than 400 years ago, there was a battle between the Bright Moon Elves and the Dark Moon Elves.

The Mingyue elves have plotted for thousands of years to steal the blood of the king of the bright moon elves and all the inheritance of the bright moon elves.

The Mingyue elves are a much weaker elves than the bright moon elves, and they were originally a vassal race of the bright moon elves.

Because the two elves have similar beliefs in the moon, and the core of power is the moon.

Strength is alike, and the weak tend to cling to the strong.

It's just that the Mingyue elves are not reconciled to being a vassal of the bright moon elves.

It is the idea of ​​the Mingyue elves to replace him.

If the Mingyue elves can get the blood and inheritance of the bright moon elves, they will get great benefits and become as powerful as the sun crown elves.

Become a pivotal existence in the elf race.

As for the ending of the Bright Moon Elf Clan, there are only decline and humiliation. Because of the contracts of the various clans, the clans probably won't be exterminated, but they don't know where they can survive.

Maybe the Mingyue elves will give the bright moon elves a status as a vassal race, but the life of the bright moon elves will definitely not be easy.

By the time the Bright Moon Elf Clan discovered the ambitions of the Bright Moon Elf Clan, the Dark Moon Clan had already launched a millennium plan. The Bright Moon Clan invaded the secret realm where the Bright Moon Clan lived, and successfully controlled most of the strong and powerful members of the Bright Moon Clan. Top, trap them.

The Mingyue elves can't compete with the bright moon elves in a frontal battle, so they can only choose to play yin and plot against the high-level and powerful of the bright moon elves.

The surviving ordinary people of the Bright Moon Elves can only hide in the corner of the secret realm, or resist, or are dying, or are captured and become slaves.

After occupying most of the secret realm where the Bright Moon Elf tribe lived, the Dark Moon Elf tribe began to use the power of the Dark Moon Elf to erode the inheritance of the Bright Moon Elf tribe - the Bright Moon Pond and the Bright Moon Mother Tree.

If these two things are eroded, the strength of the entire Bright Moon Elf Clan will be greatly weakened, and the Dark Moon Elf Clan will become stronger as a result.

However, erosion does not happen overnight, so there is still a possibility for the Bright Moon Elves to resist.

This dark period was called the "moonless period" by the Bright Moon Elves.

The hope of the Bright Moon Elf Clan came from the fact that members of the royal family of the Bright Moon Elf Clan escaped from the secret realm by chance, returned from experience, and then brought their partners to release the royal family and many powerful people of the Bright Moon Elf Clan, saving the Bright Moon Elves family.

The Mingyue Elf tribe was retaliated by the Bright Moon Elf tribe, the clan land was destroyed, the Mingyue Well and the Mingyue Mother Tree of the race were destroyed, and the Mingyue Elf tribe had to leave their homes.

Now the Mingyue elves can only rebuild their homes far away from the bright moon elves. Only a few of the once-populous Mingyue elves are scattered all over the world, and it is difficult to reunite.

If the Mingyue elves win, then this will be the end of the bright moon elves.


This is a story of a brave man defeating the darkness and saving the elves.

The Bright Moon Elf Clan took the initiative to establish diplomatic relations with the Human Race, and it was easy to infer that there were Human Races in the team that helped the Bright Moon Elf Clan.

The Bright Moon Elf Clan will naturally accept the kindness of the Human Clan.

It is also very possible that that human race is Johnson.

It's just that, in the end, the brave team broke up because of certain things, and it broke Johnson's heart.

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