Chapter 2957 The extreme fragrance is stinky, and the smell is diluted to be fragrant

The so-called explosive refers to a substance that can burn violently (that is, explode) in a very short time, and is a substance that explodes by its own energy under the action of a certain amount of external energy.

On the way to find the hero stone statue, Bailiyuan used the materials at hand and started to try to configure explosives according to the formula provided by Qiu Qiu.

As usual, the more powerful the explosive, the more advanced the materials needed and the more complicated the configuration method. For the time being, Bailiyuan can only configure relatively low-grade explosives.

The blood red goblins rated the power of explosives.

Divided into grades one to six.

According to Qiu Qiu's description, Bailiyuan compared and judged that the power of the first-level explosives was equivalent to the attack of a silver-level powerhouse.

The second level corresponds to the gold level, the third level corresponds to the platinum level, the fourth level corresponds to the diamond level, the fifth level corresponds to the colorful level, and the sixth level corresponds to the supreme level.

Depending on the quality of the bomb, the power will fluctuate.

In the pile of explosives that Qiu Qiu sold to Bailiyuan, there was a precious supreme-grade explosive, which was said to be an old-fashioned explosive eliminated by the blood-red goblins, but the quality was not particularly high.

The power of explosives below the first level is naturally below the silver level, which is classified as recreational explosives by the blood red goblins, which are usually used for listening.

It can only be said that the blood red goblin's definition of entertainment is a bit strange.

Soon, a level 4 explosive with diamond level power appeared in Baili Yuan's hands.

Average quality.

The power can be regarded as the attack of an ordinary diamond-level powerhouse.

Don't look at only diamond grade, but as long as the amount is enough, it is still terrible.

High-quality fourth-level explosives are already as powerful as some of the world's small H-bombs. Although it does not have the radiation effect of the H bomb, it can add various other effects.

The bomb is much more controllable than the H bomb.

After successfully deploying the explosive, Bailiyuan raised his hand again, and the coat of arms on the back of his hand lit up.

Summoner's coat of arms, branch skills - a miracle of mankind!

Because of the improvement of the world mark, the level of the summoner's coat of arms has also been raised to a first-level guardian.

A brand-new explosive that was exactly the same as the one configured by Bailiyuan appeared in Bailiyuan's hands.

The quality is also the same.

Then came the second, third, fourth...

This is the application of Baili Yuan's ability.

As long as Bailiyuan has enough energy, this kind of explosive can be manifested infinitely.

And to put it bluntly, Bailiyuan with the green indicator light is equivalent to unlimited energy, and the consumption of level 4 explosives is not as much as Bailiyuan's natural recovery.

However, due to the limitation of the heraldry level, Bailiyuan can easily realize the power of the seven-color level and below, but he can feel that if he wants to realize the power of the supreme level, the consumption will increase sharply.

But not much.

It's as if Baili Yuan can really manifest some supremely powerful creation.

Unless Caroline deciphers the formula of the sixth-level explosive, Baili Yuan will have the chance to discover the sixth-level explosive.

Among the many explosive formulas that Qiu Qiu sold to Bailiyuan, the formulas for the sixth-grade explosives were not included, even the formulas for explosives that had been eliminated.

Don't look at the shy look of the blood red goblin, but they also have their own persistence. If others dare to persecute them, they dare to blow themselves up for others to see.

So Caroline can only crack it by herself.

Soon, Bailiyuan came to a dense forest and found a stone statue of a hero with no one in front of him.

The hero of the plant family - the flower of disgust.

This is a very flavorful hero.

The record is that by virtue of his natural stench, he has corroded the bodies of many gods and created excellent opportunities for other heroes.

The strength can't be said to be strong, but the ability is definitely special enough.

It is only because this ability is so special that the stone statue of this vegetable hero is rarely seen.

In case I got the strange smell inheritance of this plant hero, would I not be able to survive?

But Bailiyuan didn't mind.

Bailiyuan started the challenge directly with the golden overlord flower.

"Bawanghua, stand up!" Baili Yuan encouraged.

The golden overlord flower also made an imposing look.

He really doesn't like fighting very much, but when he really wants to fight, he won't be cowardly, and he is very addicted.

Then in the challenge, the golden Overlord Flower was beaten by the projection of the Disgusted Flower.

The challenge is very simple, it is to fight.

Bailiyuan didn't end, but gave the Golden Overlord Flower a berserk aura and a recovery aura blessing, and also turned on the sunny weather in the weather field to assist the Golden Overlord Flower.

Therefore, the strength of the projection is only comparable to that of the golden Overlord Flower.

But the golden overlord Huabai has grown so big.

Once stimulated by the special smell of the despised flower, I even forgot how to defend myself.

Bailiyuan also smelled the smell of the flower of disgust. He said that even when the stinky flower was the smelliest, it was a hundred times more fragrant than this smell. It is indeed a smell that can corrupt gods.

This taste has the ability to reduce defense and reduce dodge!

In addition to the unbearable taste, the effect is quite good.

In the end, there was no other way. Seeing that he had no chance relying on the golden overlord flower alone, Bailiyuan integrated the strengthening core of the coat of arms into the golden overlord flower to further enhance the strength of the golden overlord flower.

Then Bailiyuan stuffed the Golden Overlord Flower with a pile of fourth-level explosives that had manifested.

Before Baili Yuan changed his job to become Bomberman, the Golden Overlord Flower got addicted to Bomberman first.

Under the poor operation of the golden overlord flower, the golden overlord flower finally won the battle by relying on the infinite firepower of the rogue.

Bailiyuan clearly saw the resentful little eyes when the projection of the flower of disgust was defeated.

"The reward this time shouldn't be very good." Baili Yuan sighed in his heart.

After challenging so many stone statues of heroes, Bailiyuan gradually figured out some rules for obtaining rewards.

To challenge the stone statue of heroes, there are not only two results of success and failure, but also an implicit score. There is a score based on performance and completion of the challenge.

The better the performance in the challenge, the higher the score and the better the reward.

Obviously, the performance of the Golden Overlord Flower was definitely not good this time.

The rewarded light fell and submerged into the bodies of Bailiyuan and the golden Overlord Flower.

What Bailiyuan got was a slight increase in the strength in his body, which was the lowest experience reward. Sure enough, poor performance and poor rewards are better than nothing.

The big head of the reward is on the side of the golden overlord flower.

Before Bailiyuan asked what reward the Golden Overlord Flower had received, a stench came from the direction of the Golden Overlord Flower, causing Bailiyuan to hold his breath in a hurry.

Well, instead of asking what reward the Golden Overlord Flower got, Baili Yuan realized that the Golden Overlord Flower had directly received the most representative stench reward from the Flower of Disgust?

what's the situation?

Such performance is top rewarded?

Shouldn't it be the worst experience ever?

"Wait, maybe the reward for this challenge is that the worse the performance, the easier it is to stink."

For creatures of many races, this stench is unbearable. Even if they are strong, if they suddenly become smelly, it will have a huge impact on their lives.

In the eyes of many powerhouses, this stench is not a reward, but a punishment!


Golden Overlord Flower feels that she has become stronger and gained special skills, but she has also become stinky.

But he's experienced with getting stinky.

Seeing golden pollen wafting from the body of the golden Overlord Flower, covering his body, the stench on his body began to fade, and finally disappeared, and there was even a bit of natural fragrance.

This problem is solved.

The extreme fragrance is stinky, and the smell is diluted to be fragrant.

Perfect solution.

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