Chapter 2911 Eye of the Storm, Island of Heroes

Galatron flies through the air.

In the following journey, everyone inside Galatron became more vigilant.

The banquet ended so hastily.

However, until everyone approached the meeting place, there were no more interceptions.

"It seems that we are safe for the time being." Hua Shi said.

Here, it is easy to meet participating teams of other races. Unless they are lunatics, no one will attack the participating teams here.

And fighting is not allowed here.

With such rules, to determine the status and importance of the World Conference.

At this time, everyone stood in front of Galatron, looking at the distant scenery through the opened window of Galatron.

In the endless sea, an extremely terrifying storm is sweeping.

The scope of the storm is huge, and there is no end in sight to the left and right. The wind speed exceeds 100 meters per second, as if it is about to tear apart the space.

There was also a huge wave of more than 100 meters that was set off, full of power, and this power almost turned into reality, pressing on everyone's body and mind at the same time.

The strong wind and water energy fluctuations enveloped the surroundings, repelling almost all other energies.

The horror of the storm was indescribable, and Baili Yuan could feel that even a supreme-level existence would need a lot of effort to pass through this storm.

Even in the storm, a supreme-level Easter egg was refreshed.

This is no longer a simple natural phenomenon.

Everyone didn't panic. Except for Zhao Ziya, the team that came to the World Conference was not the first time here.

In the past, every five years, each race would send representatives to hold a small meeting, which was regarded as a regular meeting, to prove that there was no problem with their own race.

Meetings at other times are not held here.

It is only because this World Conference is very important that it receives such attention and is held here.

Anyone who sees such a scene for the first time will be amazed by the power of nature.

Huo Chaofan saw this terrifying storm, and was still trying to comprehend a stronger intention and momentum from the storm.

Eye of the storm!

It is the name of this place, and it is also the place where the World Conference is held.

The eye of the storm is a huge storm formed in the sea due to unknown reasons. It is extremely terrifying. Fortunately, the storm does not move, so there is no need to worry about the storm threatening the distant islands and continents.

Of course, also because of this environment, almost no race will live here.

Huashi solemnly took out a box, and then opened the box, revealing a badge the size of an adult's fist placed in the box.

It's an old gold badge.

Even though it is old, it is not dilapidated, but still shining with gold.

Special characters are engraved around the badge, and the images of a man and a woman are engraved on the front of the badge.

Its name is "Emblem of Terran".

It is the racial symbol of the human race. When the human race wants to communicate with other races in an official capacity, it needs to take out this badge.

However, this badge is only a symbol to the outside world, and will not be privately held internally, nor will it give the temporary holder any special rights.

Most of the time, this badge will only be awarded when the representative race comes out for a meeting. Usually, this badge is protected by the second-level guardians of the human race in turn.

In the future, Bailiyuan will also have the opportunity to receive the task of protecting this badge.

Other races have similar racial insignias, and racial insignias are heavily protected, because a racial insignia is not just a symbol of a race.

Race badges have received special blessings, allowing holders of race badges to go to some special areas.

Like passing through the eye of the storm intact.

Without Huashi doing anything, the Terran Emblem sensed the eye of the storm, and immediately burst into golden light, covering Galatron.

Under the protection of the golden light, Galatron easily entered the eye of the storm without being affected by any storm.

Everyone crossed the eye of the storm and entered the interior of the eye of the storm.

Passing through the violent wind and waves, everyone's vision is clear.

Inside the Eye of the Storm, the sea is calm. In the center is a huge island with singing birds and fragrant flowers. It seems to be two worlds from the outside.

But the most attractive thing is that there is an extremely tall building standing in the center of the island.

That is a tower.

Looking up, you will be shocked to find that this tower leads directly to the universe!

Taller and more majestic than the tree of Akamoy.

At this time, there are countless different spaceships, circling around the island, or flying towards the island from around the eye of the storm.

"Here we are, this is the island of heroes!" Hua Shi said with a smile, explaining to those who came here for the first time.

"What? Is this the Island of Heroes?" Huo Chaofan was a little surprised.

"Island of it really the Island of Heroes in legend?" Zhao Ziya also exclaimed.

They couldn't help but be surprised, because the island of heroes is not an ordinary tourist attraction.

Rather, it has a special meaning to the Mortal Generation and is a symbol of the rise of various races.

Heroes from various races that were ruled by gods appeared in the past, and the heroes of all races united to overthrow the rule of gods and liberate all races.

The way for heroes of all races to unite is to gather on the island of heroes and make an eternal oath—to overthrow the gods and share the world.

Even the race medals of most races were created at that time. The protection on the race badges is also the eternal oath made by the heroes, and the eternal protection derived from it.

As long as the race does not betray the eternal oath, the protection on the race badge will be valid forever.

The island of heroes appears in the legends of various races, but few people have the opportunity to reach the island of heroes. Many people even think that the island of heroes is an island that has disappeared in history.

However, in fact, the island of heroes has not disappeared, but has been protected and used by various races.

Looking at the legendary island of heroes in front of them, Andy, Huo Chaofan, Zhao Ziya and other younger generations were all in high spirits, feeling the weight of history, as if infected by the will of heroes.

The heroes back then were not protected by badges. They relied entirely on their own strength to overcome the storm, cross the waves, and arrive at this island hidden in the storm.

How powerful is that? How heroic?

"The careers of heroes are really magnificent." Andy couldn't help sighing.

The heroes created the mortal generation, and the guardians are the successors of the heroes, guarding their own race and this mortal generation.

This is the inheritance of the heroic spirit!

When everyone faced the island of heroes, Bailiyuan was unexpectedly silent.

Because, to be honest, although Bailiyuan was also very touched by the spirit of the Island of Heroes, he instinctively felt that this place made him uncomfortable.

Even his strength was suppressed.

Bailiyuan also knew the reason for this situation - because he is a god!

Now, the god has come to the place where the heroes meet to slaughter the god.

What is the difference between this and white feather chicken in Kaifeng cuisine?

On this island, the will and strength of the heroes still remain.

"Is this attribute suppression? In this world, heroes attack gods?"

But everyone didn't notice Baili Yuan's strangeness.

Galatron is approaching the Isle of Heroes.

After everyone was amazed, they also began to ask Huashi about the island of heroes and the tower leading to the universe.

Huashi answered them one by one, and he said with a smile: "You don't need to be cautious here. Although this is a world conference, there are usually some entertainment activities."

"Meetings are serious, but life should be easy."

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