Chapter 2910 The Ancient God

In this mortal age, all races have power comparable to gods.

So God is the same thing for many races, and it is just a kind of power.

Divine power and divinity are extremely high-quality powers, and they are indeed sought after to a certain extent.

Impiety is the norm for most people.

It is only in some churches that believers maintain their faith in God.

It is in these churches that there is often no real god, and the god that believers believe in is just a spiritual support for them.

Andy once belonged to a certain church, she used to be the saint of that church, and that church was a church without God.

However, there are still some newborn gods, and the remaining gods of the generation of gods are still alive.

Some of them still have their own churches and become a party force, but they have not been able to reappear the Generation of God.

Some do not need faith, but live in this world as a free body.

A certain god debuted and became an idol in order to attract believers; a certain god worked thirteen jobs in order to buy a house in the third ring road; Awarded the official pennant and bonus...

Although such weird news is rare, it does exist in this world.

Isn't the god Bailiyuan also working for the human race, as the guardian of the human race, guarding one side?

Although other people don't know that Bailiyuan has become a god.

The God of Fate was also awakened by Baili Yuan, the surviving God of God's Generation, living a life of salted fish eating pig's head.

Although the God of Fate established the church with the help of Bailiyuan's power, it was just a normal development of believers, absorbing the power of faith, and had no intention of fighting for hegemony.

And the God of Fate belongs to the god of the age of gods in the age of gods.

In the era of gods, in this world, it mainly refers to the collection of gods who use blood kinship as a bond to build forces and form.

There are clear levels of father god, mother god, master god, great god, minor god, subordinate god...etc.

With power, there will naturally be struggles.

The gods in the pantheon era are prone to fight for various reasons.

The battle of the gods has caused great harm to the world, and those who suffer the most are most of the weaker races.

In oppression, in order to survive.

Powerful heroes were born from each race.

Crusade against these gods who were doing evil and doing nothing on the earth, and then established the generation of mortals.

By the way, the many corpses of gods buried under the forest guarded by Bailiyuan are the corpses of gods who died in the generations of gods.

After learning about this period of history, Bailiyuan and Caroline were very suspicious that Gaia and Alaya's power was behind the disappearance of the Generation of Gods.

Especially with Gaia's calculations.

After all, the battle of the gods is nothing to destroy the lives of various races, but the gods control the power of the world, and their battles are also causing serious damage to the world.

Gaia can bear it?

Besides, all the gods who can survive in this generation and have not been cleansed are the gods who did not harm the world much back then.

As you can see, very little.

The God of Fate also sensed the mystery and chose to watch, but because he did not have the power of faith to support him, he finally fell into a deep sleep.

Fortunately, he survived.

Moreover, in that era when God ruled the world and controlled all resources.

Only by allowing Gaia and Alaya to exploit various races can heroes powerful enough to defeat gods be born from each race.

Bailiyuan now doubts whether those powerful heroes have also obtained the world imprint, and they are the ones that awaken the world imprint.

But there are some things, it is good to know, there is no need to say it.


Johnson narrated.

"Some records and history of the gods' generations, when you have enough strength and level, you will naturally have the opportunity to come into contact with it."

"However, the ancient gods existed in an even older generation of ancient gods. Most of the records about the age of ancient gods are the records of the gods of the gods. The records that can be handed down are extremely rare. Even many guardians have no chance. learn."

"If I hadn't come into contact with relevant records by accident during my adventures when I was young, and felt the divinity of the ancient god, and understood it, I would not be able to recognize the identity of the ancient god today."

"Before the appearance of the gods, there was a group of ancient gods. These gods were born from the root of the world. They brought order to the world, but they were also chaos in the world. Ancient and chaotic are their symbols. They are also the most primitive gods."

"This group of ancient gods has the incarnation of chaos, and order was born in the chaos. The gods of the gods are their descendants. Because of their appearance, the world has become orderly, so all races Can be born in an orderly world, and some races are created by them."

"Therefore, they also have a special title—"

"Creator God!"

Hearing these three words, everyone was shocked.

In the myths and legends of the great world, the God of Creation often has a unique status, representing incomparable power.

However, someone told them now that the so-called God of Creation is an ancient god.

"Then why did the ancient gods disappear? Why are the generations of the ancient gods separated from the generations of the gods?" Zhao Ziya asked curiously.

She is very interested in exploring the secrets of the world.

The same goes for everyone else.

Anyway, it doesn't cost money to listen to it, just listen to it a little bit.

"I don't know many things, but it is mentioned in the materials I have come into contact with that the ancient gods did not follow the order, so they were destroyed."

"However, the ancient gods should not be completely destroyed. There may be remnants hiding in the corners of the world, and there may also be gods crawling out of their corpses, invading the world."

"The thing that the woman wanted to summon before may have something to do with the ancient god."

"That's all I know."

After Johnson finished speaking, his expression was slightly melancholy, and complex emotions appeared in his eyes, which made people feel that there might be some secrets that Johnson didn't want to mention about the story of the ancient god.

Huo Chaofan asked tentatively: "Senior Johnson, can you tell me where you came into contact with the records of the ancient god? The junior also wants to explore."

Johnson, however, shook his head.

"The things recorded about the ancient gods have been destroyed by my own hands. They are not things that should remain in the world. If you encounter them in the future, please also destroy the related items."

"The content can be remembered, and the items must not be kept! It is best not to spread out."

Johnson's exhortation made everyone slightly startled.

Johnson was able to say so much to everyone today because he believed in everyone present.

Maybe Johnson doesn't know everyone well, but those who can be selected to participate in the World Conference are people who can be trusted in the human race.

But if the information about the ancient gods is spread, there is no guarantee that there will be no ambitious people to pursue this power.

The power of the Creator God, which is stronger than the gods of the gods, is even more attractive.

However, Bailiyuan thought of the terrifying existence he encountered in the depths of the millennium current based on Johnson's thinking.

That ancient and chaotic thing, could it be...

Andy suddenly asked, "Senior Johnson, do you know anything about the information about the Age of the Old Gods before the Age of the Ancient Gods?"

Johnson shook his head again.

"I was lucky enough to learn about the ancient gods' generation. Regarding the older generation, I only saw one record in the records I got."

Johnson's answer is a pity.

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