Chapter 2912 Heroes Special Attack Against Gods

The World Conference does not end in a day or two.

In some cases, the meeting lasts for several months.

Naturally, these months were not entirely devoted to meetings.

Because this is a rare meeting where representatives of most races in the world will appear, so every world meeting is also an opportunity for various races to communicate.

The number of teams participating in the meeting may not be large, but almost all of them have unique skills. Even before coming, they have already discussed internally and selected some races that can try to communicate.

Many inter-ethnic collaborations were reached at the World Conference.

If it wasn't for the special status of the Island of Heroes, it would not be possible to bring too many people here. There would definitely be more than this few people coming to the meeting, and there would definitely be a caravan following.

And for those meetings that are not held in the eye of the storm, every time a meeting is held, the human race has a caravan of thousands of people to follow.

Caravans cannot come to the Isle of Heroes, so each race's display of its own race and the choice of cooperation with other races can only make the representatives work hard.

Representatives will also have enormous power.

Representatives can use power for personal gain and plan huge benefits for themselves.

However, those who do so are generally unable to be selected as racial representatives.

The most important criterion for the representatives of the human race is that the interests of the race come first and personal interests come last.

Selfishness cannot be serious, or even exist.

The guardians who are in charge of security do not have such restrictions, but they do not have as much power as the representatives, and at most they can only plan some benefits for themselves.

It is a benefit that guardians can enjoy.

In fact, this World Conference is somewhat similar to the World Expo.

The cooperation between races is also a display of the strength of each race.


Galatron moved towards the Isle of Heroes.

On the top of Galatron, a human symbol is projected.

Let other races know that the human race is here.

However, the arrival of the human race did not attract much attention.

There are many races coming at the same time, and the human race is not a particularly powerful race.

There is a huge landing pad on the edge of the island of heroes, and many spaceships have already docked at this time.

When Galatron landed, Bailiyuan and the others were curiously looking at the races that had disembarked from other spaceships.

A group of stone people-like races, but their skin is like solidified magma, and they are covered in high temperature - the Earth Rock Race.

A group of elves with pointed ears, but these elves all have pale hair and blood-colored eyes, giving people a strange feeling-the hell elves.

A group of four-legged creatures that look like lions, but their eyes have the light of wisdom-the Lion Heart Clan.

Various races appeared one after another.

They are all intelligent races.

Among these races, some are common on the territory of the human race, some are rare on the territory of the human race, and there are even races that have never appeared on the territory of the human race.

Even Huo Chaofan and Zhao Ziya have difficulty recognizing all races.

Fortunately, there is still Huashi, a professional, who introduced the races that appeared to everyone, and by the way, popularized science for everyone whether there are taboos.

There may be a huge gap in the cultural methods between different races. Some expressions that are friendly to the human race may be provocative in the eyes of some races.

If you do not pay attention to these, it is easy to cause misunderstandings and even conflicts.

While everyone was observing other races, other races were also observing the Terran team.

Also, for some races, Terrans are a rare breed.

As a representative who came to participate in the World Conference, there are naturally staff to receive him.

And the staff come from all races.

Those who receive the human race are those who are also of the human race.

"Hi everyone, my name is Ye Yuan."

A young man stood in front of the crowd with a smile, "Friends of the human race, welcome to the Island of Heroes. I will be in charge of your life on the Island of Heroes. Please come with me."

Ye Yuan is sunny and handsome. From the aura he exudes, it can be seen that he is a powerhouse at the level of a first-level guardian!

"Ye Yuan, long time no see." Hua Shi greeted him familiarly.

Ye Yuan also seemed to have a good relationship with Huashi, "Uncle Hua, long time no see, you are still so energetic."

"Haha, your strength has also improved a lot." Although Huashi only has the strength of a great coat of arms, he still has vision and can judge the changes in Ye Yuan's strength. Then Huashi introduced Ye Yuan and everyone to each other. .

Mainly to introduce Ye Yuan to Bailiyuan, Andy and Huo Chaofan.

Then Hua Shi explained Ye Yuan's situation to everyone.

"The island of heroes does not belong to any race, but many races will send people to guard the island of heroes. On the one hand, it is to protect the island of heroes and prevent it from being destroyed by those with ulterior motives. On the other hand, there are still heroes in the island of heroes. If you have the strength and will, if you have the qualifications, you have the opportunity to inherit the strength of the heroes and become stronger."

"The inherited power of heroes is also an important power to protect the world and the race."

Ye Yuan nodded seriously.

That's right, Ye Yuan has the aptitude of a hero, and has inherited the power of a human hero!

Ye Yuan is also a little older than Huo Chaofan, not as old as Andy, but has more strength than Huo Chaofan.

This is all due to the fact that he inherited the power of a hero, as well as the responsibility of a hero.

Probably only Baili Yuan should check his feelings towards Ye Yuan.

There is no way.

Bailiyuan himself still has a good impression of Ye Yuan, but as a god, he instinctively felt the threat from Ye Yuan.

Ye Yuan couldn't help looking at Bailiyuan, and then his eyes changed slightly.

"Are you a god?" Ye Yuan asked Bailiyuan.

Apparently, the power of the hero can also detect the presence of the gods.

And as if influenced by the hero's power, Bailiyuan always felt that Ye Yuan wanted to give him two punches.

The others were startled when they heard Ye Yuan's words, and then looked at Baili Yuan.


god? !

Hua Shi's eyes flickered after knowing Baili Yuan's identity.

The others showed expressions of disbelief.

Johnson couldn't help squinting his eyes, because Johnson thought of Bailiyuan's residence.

A god, stationed in the place where the god's corpse is buried?

Not good.

Only Andy wanted to say something.

Andy also knew that Baili Yuan was a god.

Just as Bailiyuan was about to explain, Ye Yuan said in surprise: "You are a god, but you are also a human? So it turns out that you are a human race who has become a god, but you have not abandoned your identity as a human, but you have mastered the power of a god."

Ye Yuan's hero power is even more peculiar than Baili Yuan expected, and he can actually see through Baili Yuan's situation.

After seeing through Baili Yuan's situation, Ye Yuan's pressure on Baili Yuan also subsided.

"Sorry, my heroic power is influenced by heroes, and I'm instinctively hostile to gods, but don't worry, it's no problem for a person like you to become a god. Moreover, this era is also very enlightened, and gods are not street rats. Even on this island, God may feel uncomfortable, if you encounter any problems, please come to me in time." Ye Yuan also showed a bright smile to Baili Yuan.

Bailiyuan felt helpless, "I'm just a child, I don't know anything."

If he had known that this island of heroes was so unfriendly to God, he would never come here.

Besides, there is no way to become a god.

There are so many things and powers related to gods on the body, and the transforming devices are all weapons of gods.

If I feel it, I won't be able to become a god.

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