Chapter 2752 Bailiyuan's Nightmare

From Abel's memory, Bailiyuan learned that Abel was hired by a man named Kirisaki to fight Ultraman.

Tregchia, you're cooking shit again!

Abel was naturally dealt with.

Then the days passed.

Life is relatively simple, but full and busy.

On weekdays, Iggis is busy with tasks and work.

Naruto Uzumaki also gradually became familiar with the business of Igis.

Kudo Yuyuki and Uzumaki Naruto will also train with Soya Hikaru on weekdays. While doing missions, they will occasionally go to various parts of the world to fight monsters.

It's just that the frequency of crimes by aliens in the city has become more and more recently.

Shirakawa Junko also discovered this, and told Bailiyuan about this discovery.

Bailiyuan thinks that Tregchia may be causing trouble. After all, Tregchia is like a catalyst and always causes chaos.

The purpose of causing confusion is more to watch for fun.

In the Wanshiwu, waiting for customers to come to the door, when there are no customers, Shirakawa Junko will either stay in the Wanshiwu, or go out to be a street skater, or go out to blow up the street on her beloved Harley motorcycle.

Speaking of which, there are many cases where Shirakawa Junko is mistaken for a bosozoku.

But Shirakawa Junko is much more vicious than the bosozoku, none of the bosozoku in the city dared to jump in front of Shirakawa Junko.

Bailiyuan and Shazi go to school, and usually Shazi teaches herself what she is interested in under the shadow of Bailiyuan.

Since receiving the light from Bailiyuan, Shazi's mood in a pool of stagnant water has also gradually changed, and she has begun to be curious about various things and have her own preferences.

And when Bailiyuan was studying in kindergarten, he had to fight wits and bravery with Wuzaki and confront each other secretly.

By the way, Bailiyuan noticed that one day Kirisaki became very unhappy, probably because he realized that he couldn't contact Abel.

On this day, a monster suddenly appeared in the city.

Its name is Nightmare Monster, Night Fang!

After the night fangs appeared, they did not attack the city, but released special sound waves, and all human beings within the range of the sound waves fell into a coma and began to fall asleep.

Not only human beings, but all intelligent and conscious beings are like this, and the cosmic people are no exception. Even the dogs passing by have fallen asleep.

Kindergartens are no exception.

Baili Yuan, who was not an ordinary human being, had naturally detected the special sound waves in advance, and could easily isolate him from the interference caused by the sound waves.

But when Bailiyuan saw the classmates who had fallen asleep one by one, he knew that the sound wave was not easy.

But… Kirisaki was watching him.

So Bailiyuan also fainted.

"Ah, I fell asleep."

In order to prevent Kirisaki from noticing the strangeness, Bailiyuan took the initiative to accept the influence of the sound wave, and wanted to see what the sound wave was like.

People and animals throughout the kindergarten fell into a deep sleep.

The special energy was pulled out from the bodies of all people and animals, and the sleeping people and animals showed painful expressions, cold sweat appeared on their faces, as if they were all in a nightmare.

Only Kirisaki was still awake.

He looked in one direction, his eyes seemed to pass through all obstacles, and he saw the figure of the monster.

And he also quickly understood the situation of the sound wave and the monster.

"It's really good to treat pain as food, I like it very much!"


Wu Qi came to Bailiyuan's side, stared at Bailiyuan for a while, raised his eyebrows unexpectedly, "Did you really fall asleep?"

"Hehe, after all, it's just an ordinary human cub, and still wants to beat me?"

So what to do?

Kirisaki, who was watching Bailiyuan with a smile, stretched his fingers and extended his hand to Bailiyuan.

He didn't do anything else, just put a finger on Baili Yuan's forehead.

"Let me see what your pain is."

Peep into the pain of Bailiyuan and make yourself happy.

Nightfang's ability is to manipulate and emit sound waves that make creatures have nightmares from the huge eyes on the top of their heads, and absorb nightmares as their food.

If no one can stop the Nightfang, all creatures affected by its sound waves will die a tragic death in nightmare agony.

Kirisaki poked his spirit into Bailiyuan's mind, peeping into Bailiyuan's dream.


in a dream.

The nightmare awakened by the fangs of the night is not woven, but the creature's personal experience, which makes it uneasy, and can be called a nightmare memory.

In Bailiyuan's memory, what he could call nightmares were all painful memories, and the first to bear the brunt was the memory of falling into the turbulent flow of time and space.

At that time, Bailiyuan didn't have any ability to resurrect, nor did he have strong power. In the turbulent void, if he didn't meet the system, he would have to die.

Although Bailiyuan never said it, but when he fell into the turbulence of time and space, his heart was extremely desperate.

But these nightmarish memories were suppressed by Baili Yuan's spirit as soon as they appeared.

"Arouse the tragic part of my memory? Huh? Have the spiritual power to invade my dreams? Is it Kirisaki? Then just take a part of the memory of these five years and show it to Kirisaki."

Baili Yuan rolled his eyes and suddenly had an idea.

"Just show him this. You can't let me suffer alone. He wanted to watch it on his own initiative. Remember, it happened last year..."


Kirisaki peeped into Bailiyuan's dream.

He saw Baili Yuan who looked younger.

Bailiyuan was standing at the scene of a TV station filming a program, surrounded by many children of similar age.

"Is it a memory of three or four years old? Is this the recording site of a TV program?"

Some children's programs in Japan will select children to participate in the program on the spot. Obviously, this time Bailiyuan was lucky enough to get the spot to come to the scene.

Then Wusaki saw that Bailiyuan quietly left the show behind the others behind his back, and ran to the corridor of the TV station to play.

"Sure enough, it's a brat." Kirisaki chuckled and followed.

Bailiyuan wandered around the TV station, seeming to be curious about everything, until Bailiyuan came to the door of a dance studio.

This dance practice room belongs to the rehearsal venue for the program participants.

Lying outside the door, Bailiyuan heard the sound of dancing.

"Hey." Baili Yuan showed a shy smile, "Will there be a beautiful big sister dancing inside?"

Then Bailiyuan carefully opened the door of the dance studio with excitement.

Kirisaki witnessed everything from behind.

Bailiyuan opened the door a crack, looked inside with one eye, then froze in place, trembling all over.

Kirisaki also stood behind Bailiyuan curiously, looking through the crack of the door.

He wanted to see what frightened the brat.

Maybe he can refer to and learn from it, and use it to deal with Bailiyuan in the future.

I'm just curious about what it is, after all, what scene has he not seen in Tregia?

Then, Kirisaki saw that in the dance practice room, several male elder sisters in floral skirts were dancing coquettishly, but the legs of these male elder sisters were not shaved, and there were messy beards on their chins.

Suddenly, a male elder sister found Baili Yuan at the door. Instead of chasing Baili Yuan away, the male elder sister greeted other people. A group of male elder sisters made poses to Bai Liyuan, and kissed Baili Yuan deliberately. He squeezed his well-developed pectoralis major, and a piece of thick chest hair trembled slightly.

Shocked, the child slammed the door shut.

Then Baili Yuan turned and left with blank eyes, honestly returned to the room where the show was recorded, and never came out for a walk again.

Kirisaki also disappeared in Bailiyuan's dream.

In the classroom, Kirisaki withdrew his fingers and turned to leave with blank eyes.

He can't learn what scares Bailiyuan.

And this Bailiyuan is not evil, if you peek into his nightmare again, you will be a dog!

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