Chapter 2751 Ultra Bullying

Compared with the emptiness and emptiness of fifteen years ago, today's God's Domain has undergone tremendous changes.

Bailiyuan has also been transforming his God's Domain over the years.

God's Domain has grown and become even bigger, and has been developed into three main areas by Baili Yuan.

One is the moon and stars.

The surrounding stars and the bright moon in the sky are the main development areas of Bailiyuan.

If you observe carefully, you will find that the stars and moon in God's Domain echo with Bailiyuan, and change from dark to bright with Bailiyuan's breathing.

The stars are the passages for the creatures that have established a bond with Bailiyuan to connect with Bailiyuan.

The bright moon is a special space created by Bailiyuan. Each bright moon represents a powerful power of Bailiyuan. The elves can practice in the bright moon and get the benefits of the corresponding power of Bailiyuan. Creatures who practice in the bright moon will gradually transform into Bailiyuan's family members.

And these bright moons are also the basis for Bailiyuan to gather power in the future.

At the same time, Bailiyuan can also borrow the power of those who have bonds with him from the bright moon and stars.

Some characteristics of the spiritual space were reproduced by Baili Yuan in the domain of God, and the effect became even better.

The second is the domain under your feet.

Under the pitch-black feet, the shadows of many creatures can be seen, including some people, beasts, and undead.

These are the projections of Bailiyuan believers, most of them come from the world of mages and the world of the dead, and some of them come from the world of nine layers of immortals. There are also figures of followers of Demon King Cult from the world of heraldic envoys, and the beliefs of Demon King Cult believers are also assigned to Baili Yuan.

There are even believers on Douluo Continent.

The believers in Douluo Dalu came from soul masters' belief in the greedy clone, which was also attributed to Baili Yuan.

Bailiyuan specifically asked Tang San and Qian Renxue, and the answer he got was that there were indeed some outlaws who took the greedy avatars who violently beat up many strong men in the Douluo Continent as their beliefs, causing a lot of trouble.

There are also many young soul masters who regard greedy avatars as their lifelong goals, imagining that in the future they can also fight alone against many strong men in the mainland.

Bailiyuan can understand the believer's thoughts from the believer's projection, even communicate with the believer, and give the believer items or power.

The more solid the believer's projection is, the more room Bailiyuan can operate.

However, Bailiyuan usually feeds the believers some food at most, at least he guarantees that those who believe in him will not go hungry.

The last area is the area where Bailiyuan and Abel are standing at this time.

A place reserved for battle.

"Damn it, where is this? What are you going to do? Believe it or not, I killed you?" Abel yelled.

But Abel was still wary of Bailiyuan's methods.

Baili Yuan sneered, and the black mist gathered behind him, and gradually took shape.

Jealousy doubles up.

Bailiyuan and the jealous clone stared at Abel, and suddenly began to twitch, no, it should be said to be twisting.

Bailiyuan: "Hey! Isn't this the space killer Abel? What are you doing here? Little trash, this is our territory." (Street dance)

Jealousy clone: ​​"You know what? This place doesn't collect garbage! You are not welcome!" (street dance)

Bailiyuan: "Listen up, Abel! We're going to hold a super awesome parent meeting this weekend, and all the influential people will be there, but guess who won't get the invitation? You~~~~~" (raises arm refer to)

Jealousy clone: ​​"Go home, Abel! Otherwise, stay and do my homework for me." (Street dance)

Bailiyuan: "Oh, I'm jealous that you scared him, hahahaha, go cry on the sidelines!"

"Go to hell!" Abel felt the huge humiliation, and shot directly.

Abel raised the Gabia Snake Spear on his right wrist, and fired arrow-shaped light bullets at Bailiyuan and the jealous clone.

This move is the same as that of his older brother Thaddeus.

Jealousy took a step forward, and a weapon appeared in his hand, which bounced off the incoming light bullet.

The weapon in the jealous double's hand looks like a spear for spearing fish.

This spear is the spear of Leviathan, the weapon of the jealous clone.

Then the jealous avatar took the initiative and stabbed Abel with the spear in his hand, and Abel hurriedly drew out his melee weapon Abel's Blade to fight.

In fact, the strength of the jealous avatar is not particularly strong under normal conditions, but in God's Domain, he has nothing to fear.

In this God's Domain, Bailiyuan would bless him so that Abel could not hurt him.

When Abel was pulled into God's Domain by Bailiyuan, it meant that Abel's fate was doomed.

Because in God's Domain, the master of God's Domain is invincible!

The jealous avatar fights with the spear in his hand, and he looks good.

Because after getting the spear of Leviathan, the jealous clone learned how to use the spear from Bailiyuan's dimensional pet Athena.

Athena's weapon is the divine spear.

After studying with Athena for so long, the jealous avatar has also become more proficient in fighting with spears.

For example, at this time, the jealous avatar easily suppressed Abel, and did not let Abel attack him.

This proves that in the normal state, the jealous avatar used skills to suppress Abel who was stronger than him.

Abel was suppressed, furious in his heart.

His strength is more than that.

In anger, Abel turned on giantization, his strength soared, and then he stepped on the jealous clone.


The jealous avatar laughed.

Monsterization of Evil!

Abel felt a huge force coming from under his feet, and he was directly thrown out.

"What's going on?" Under Abel's shocked gaze, the jealous avatar turned into a monster.

Among the avatars of evil, the avatar of jealousy is the largest in monster form, approaching a hundred meters in size, looking down at Abel, who is fifty meters tall, like looking at a younger brother.

The huge monster looked like a fish, with scales on its body, these scales turned into hard scales, sharp teeth in its mouth, and spikes under its belly, making it terrifying.

Raising his hand to grab it, Leviathan's Spear showed its real appearance, like a ship's anchor, being carried by a monster on its shoulders.

The name of the monster—the monster of envy, Magalviathan!

Magalviathan laughed, and threw the Leviathan spear in his hand at Abel, who was knocked flying out of the way.

Magalviathan rushed towards Abel, punching and kicking, and Abel had to be beaten.

"Who are you?" Abel asked loudly.

Regardless of Abel's usual personality, at least he was scared at this time.

"Who are we?"

Bailiyuan smiled, intending to make Abel understand.

The transformation device appeared in Baili Yuan's hand.


Bailiyuan in normal form appeared in front of Abel carrying a weapon.

"Are you an Ultra warrior? Wait, that weapon is... how is it possible? Why is that weapon in your hand?!"

What shocked Abel the most was the weapon in Baili Yuan's hand.

It is a weapon that has been widely circulated in the dark web, the weapon that Beria once used - the ultimate combat instrument!

It is a powerful artifact in the dreams of countless evil cosmic beings.

However, this artifact disappeared with the end of Beria.

Now it actually appeared in front of him.

"No, that must be fake!" Just as Abel comforted himself, the ultimate fighting instrument in Bailiyuan's hand lit up.

The monsters were summoned by Baili Yuan from the ultimate fighting instrument and appeared in the realm of the gods.

These monsters are all demon monsters subdued in the demon world!

Among the demonic monsters, the two leading ones are particularly powerful, and they are the two heavenly demons.

"Can summon many monsters, yes, is it true!?"

Bailiyuan pointed the ultimate fighting instrument in Abel's head.

"Is there anything else you want to say?"

"...I am not reconciled. I am not reconciled to avenging my brother, but still in the hands of Ultra warriors!"

In such wailing, Abel lost consciousness.

However, Bailiyuan didn't directly kill Abel, he still needs to read Abel's memory to understand Abel's purpose of coming to Earth.

"take away."

As for the demonic monsters behind...

"Okay, there's no need to come out and stand up, you guys should do whatever you want." Baili Yuan waved his hand.

The demonic monsters bid farewell and retreated respectfully one after another. They all changed back to the appearance of demon cultivators, and then they should go to work and practice.

Luoli Tianmo and Meiyan Tianmo looked at Bailiyuan, returned to their home space honestly, and continued to go to the ranch to collect monster excrement.

If they weren't strong enough to pick up monster feces, most people wouldn't be able to do it.


somewhere in the city.

Kirisaki looked at the night sky.

"According to the days, the hired killer should be here soon, I wonder if it can bring me a surprise, hehehe..."

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