Chapter 2753 Wind Horse Nine Tails Mode

Kirisaki felt that instead of watching Bailiyuan's nightmare, it would be better to look at the situation of the monster.

The monster is nice, he likes it very much.

When the sound wave just came, Junko Shirakawa noticed it. However, in the Wanshiwuwu, the cicada was still tricked.

Shirakawa Junko frowned, and took the wooden sword out of the Master Room, intending to trouble the monster.

In Igis, because Ultraman's hearing is far superior to that of humans, Taiga and Fuma noticed the abnormality before the sound waves spread to Igis, and they reminded Kudo Yuyuki and Uzumaki Naruto respectively to let them Cover your ears.

It's just that the first reaction of the two of them was to warn in Iggis.

In the end, only Asahikawa Mirika put on the headset in time to isolate the sound waves in Iggis and survived.

This also means that it is actually possible to isolate sound waves in this physical way.

There are indeed people who survived the same situation in the city, but these people have no way to solve the predicament in front of them.

Kudo Yuyuki and Uzumaki Naruto failed to cover their ears in time because they didn't have earphones, and because they wanted to remind others, they were tricked one after another and fell into a nightmare.

Looking at the sleeping teammates, Asahikawa Mirika knew that the important task of saving everyone would fall on her now.

"We must save everyone!" Asahikawa Mirika said with firm eyes.

She intends to analyze the sound waves and then reverse engineer the anti-sound waves that cancel the sound wave effects.

Everyone in the deep sleep showed painful expressions.

Kudo Yuyuki dreamed about sad things when he was a child, and the pain he suffered from being beaten up by monsters and aliens recently.

Uzumaki Naruto dreamed of a tragic experience when he was a child.

When Jinchuriki's negative emotions were high, it also disturbed the nine tails in Naruto Uzumaki.

"Naruto, wake up!" Kyuubi hurriedly called Uzumaki Naruto.

Over the years, with the help of Fuma, Kyuubi has gradually reconciled with Uzumaki Naruto, and Uzumaki Naruto has also used his own strength to get Kyuubi's approval.

Now the Nine Tails in Uzumaki Naruto's body has no seal around him, and he usually stays in Uzumaki Naruto's body with Fuma on weekdays, living comfortably, and even gained weight twice.

Recently Nine Tails met Taiga and Titas through Fuma.

When Uzumaki Naruto is in danger, it will also take the initiative to help.

"No, this sound wave is very special and cannot wake up Naruto." Fuma said anxiously.

Kyuubi sensed it, and said in a low voice: "I'm actually absorbing Naruto's nightmare, hmph, it seems that I need to go out. Fuma, come with me to defeat the enemy and save Naruto."

"Okay!" Fengma nodded in response.

The nightmare produced by Uzumaki Naruto was not drawn out of the body, because the faint red chakra of Nine Tails gushed out of Uzumaki Naruto's body, entangled Uzumaki Naruto.

Then Naruto Uzumaki suddenly opened his eyes, revealing a pair of red fox eyes.

At this time, the one who opened his eyes should be Kyuubi.

Kyuubi occupied Naruto Uzumaki's body, then got up from the ground, and rushed out of Igis' base with hands and feet.

Asahikawa Mirika, who was concentrating on deciphering the sound waves, was taken aback.

She seemed to see something rush out.


Big black mouse?

When Asahikawa Mirika looked up, she found that Naruto Uzumaki who was lying on the ground had disappeared.


After Kyuubi rushed out of the Iji base, it tore off the crystal ornaments around its neck, and the crystal ornaments turned into Fengma's key-shaped light ornaments.

"Fengma!" Jiuwei shouted loudly, holding up the light ornament.

Amidst the light, the blue giant rushed into the city.

The situation of the monsters is monitored on the screen in the Yiji base, and when the wind horse appears, it also appears on the screen.

It's just that the wind horse on the screen seems to be quite different from usual.

At this time, Fengma had red lines on his body. If you look carefully at the pattern on his chest, he could faintly look like a fox's head. Behind him, there were five red lines on his back, and two red lines on his legs. The unfolded nine tails.

Wind Horse Nine Tails Mode.

"Are you the one playing tricks?" Nine Tails looked at Dark Fang Fang standing in the city.

But Feng Ma said: "Wait a minute, save people first."

Only then did Nine Tails notice that beside Dark Ye Fang, there were still many people who had fallen into deep sleep.

"Okay." Nine Tails nodded.

Fengma clasped his hands together, and Nine Tails formed a seal in his body.

"Multiple Shadow Clone Technique!"

More than a dozen clones of the wind horses rushed out, and at the same time, golden hands appeared on the bodies of these wind horses, grabbing the sleeping humans on the ground and taking them to a safe area.

These hands are the power of Nine Tails - Chakra Hands.

In the perception of Fengma and Nine Tails, the people scattered outside were all taken away by the clone.

In some tall buildings, a large number of people fell into a coma. Fengma's avatar simply uprooted the building, carried the building, and took the building to a safe area.

Anyway, it is impossible for the real estate developer to come to Fengma for compensation.

When the avatars sent the sleeping people far away, the main body of the wind horse rushed towards the night fangs.

Night Fang didn't stop releasing sound waves halfway, because it had been sealed for a long time, and now it could absorb nightmares wantonly, so it naturally wanted to eat its fill.

Now when the wind horse rushed towards Dark Night Fang, Dark Night Fang couldn't continue to eat, and the two sides fought directly.

And because it is a Fuma transformed by Nine Tails, this time Fuma's fighting style is extraordinarily wild.

A huge spiral pill swelled in Feng Ma's hands.

"Take it, Tailed Beast Jade Light Wave Shuriken!"

As the wind horse interrupted the sound waves released by the night fangs, the people affected by the sound waves gradually woke up.

When Kudo Yuyuki, who was sober, saw the picture of Fuma fighting the monster on the screen, he also quietly left Igis, and then Taiga joined the battle.

In fact, the appearance of the night fangs has something to do with Aegis.

Previously, Iges was entrusted by the producer of the Internet idol, Tennoji Lan, to go to a village called Kutoulyu Village to shoot a video, but fell into the conspiracy of the cosmic people.

It turns out that the legendary "Lord Chimu" is sealed in Jiutoulu Village.

The cosmic people made deals with the dead souls of the villagers who had been sacrificed to "Lord Akame", and calculated Tennoji Lan, and even the producer of Tennoji Lan was pretended by the cosmic people.

Because Tennoji Lan is the reincarnation of the witch who used the energy of the earth to seal "Akame-sama", only the spiritual power of Tennoji Lan can break the seal.

The sealed "Lord Red Eye" is the current Dark Fang Fang.

The purpose of the cosmic people is to unlock the monsters, and then gain the power of the monsters.

But I met Kudo Yuyuki and Uzumaki Naruto.

Under the joint efforts of Taiga, Titas and Fengma, the cosmic people were all wiped out. Dark Night Fang was so powerful that he did not quickly fall into a disadvantage with one enemy and two, and when he saw that the situation was not good, he turned around and ran away. where to go.

Until today, it reappeared and has recovered a lot of strength.

But to defeat Night Fang, it is not easy to rely on Ultraman's power alone.

Because Night Fang is really strong, and it also has various special abilities, which can make opponents fall into painful memories and cannot fight against them.

Thus, Tennoji Lan, who was reincarnated as a shrine maiden, stood up again.

With the help of the energy of the earth that once sealed the fangs of the night, he taught Taiga this power, allowing Taiga to open a new form-the photon earth form.

Then Taiga and Fuma defeated Night Fang together.

In the explosion, Ultra fighters once again protected the earth.

Seeing that she was no longer needed, Shirakawa Junko got on the motorcycle and left quietly.

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