I might be a fake Ultraman

Chapter 244 Half Monster Frog Flower

At this moment, Miaowahua's body trembled, and then...


"Miao Frog Flower, what do you think?" Baili Yuan asked.


Bailiyuan nodded.

Frog Flower said that the absorption of Sword Wheel Grass cannot be completed in a day or two. Now Frog Flower just has a feeling of fullness. It will take at least a week to completely absorb Sword Wheel Grass, but Frog Flower Still can clearly feel that there is a force affecting his body.

Bailiyuan had checked before that nothing would happen to Frog Flower absorbing Sword Wheel Grass.

But Bailiyuan still called Zhu Xingtuan to see the situation of Miao Frog Flower.

Zhu Xingtuan didn't see anything wrong with Frog Flower. The only problem was that Frog Flower had a feeling of fullness, so it was difficult to eat anything recently.

But not eating for a few days has no effect on Miaowahua.

During the week when Bulgaria absorbs Sword Wheel, Bailiyuan does not intend to let Brilliant Frog back to the heraldry space, but wants Brilliant Frog to stay outside, so that Brilliant Frog can absorb the energy of Sword Wheel , and Bailiyuan could also notice the changes in Miaowahua.

Not only the energy of the wood attribute, but also the weak cosmic energy contained in the sword wheel itself will also affect the frog flower.

But at this time, when Miaowahua began to absorb Sword Wheel Grass, Kendoros, who was lurking in the universe, was still quietly waiting for Sword Wheel Grass to mature,

However, what Kendoros waited for a week later was not the feeling of maturity of the sword wheel, but the fact that Kendoros lost the connection with the sword wheel.

Kendoros felt a little flustered, it knew that the battle had failed.

But in order to invade the earth, it is impossible for Kendoros to just do it by himself.

After some calculations, Kendoros returned the same way, and waited until he found another sword wheel before invading the earth.

And a week later, on Earth, Bailiyuan also looked at Miaowahua in a daze.

Feng Yuan and Zhu Xingtuan were also there, and they were also a little dazed.

Looking at the Miao Frog Flower at this time, Feng Yuan revealed an expression of amazement.

"so big!"

At this time, the Miaowahua is really big.

Including the flowers on the back, the average frog flower should be two meters tall, while the frog flower of Bailiyuan has absorbed a lot of wood attribute energy and received reasonable care. The Miao Frog Flower is much bigger, but at this time, the Miao Frog Flower, after a week of metamorphosis, has reached ten meters in size!

This is totally monsterized!

If it weren't for the Miaowahua in the deep mountains at this time, it would have been scanned by MAC's detector long ago.

"This should be affected by the weak cosmic energy left in the Sword Wheel Grass. If there is enough cosmic energy, the Frog Flower should have completely transformed into a monster by now." Zhu Xingtuan judged.

Bailiyuan was a little worried.

"Won't there be any problems with the Frog Flower?"

"Monsterization can also be regarded as a kind of genetic evolution, and judging from the current situation of Frog Flower, there should be no problem with Frog Flower, and it should be evolving in a good direction, but Frog Flower needs to adapt to his new body at this time .” Zhu Xingtuan said.

"Miao Frog Flower, move around a bit," Baili Yuan said.

Miaowahua nodded, and then began to move around in the mountains.

The three of Bailiyuan watched the activities of Miao Frog Flower.

Miaowahua began to adapt to her new body gradually after a short period of discomfort, moving faster and faster, and her flexibility and speed were not affected by her enlarged body size.

In addition to these, the appearance of Miaowahua has also changed a lot.

Originally, all the crystal armor on Frog Flower's body had disappeared. It didn't fall off, but was reabsorbed into the body by Frog Flower as energy. The leaves behind Frog Flower also returned to their normal color, but their appearance was somewhat different.

The flowers behind the frog flower are very bright, and the plant stems under the flowers become thicker, and like the banana leaves under the stems, they have a layer of metallic luster, and they look sharper.

If the body shape is ignored, the frog flower at this time is almost the same as the ordinary frog flower, except that the color of the plants on the back is a little different.

Familiar with the new body, Brilliant Frog Flower began to test whether her skill usage has changed.

In fact, not only the appearance and body shape of Miaowahua have changed, but also the strength of Miaowahua has changed a lot.

After scanning the Miao Frog Flower with the illustrated book, the Miao Frog Flower now has the strength of level 60!

From level 40 to level 60, this change Miao Frog Flower has jumped up by 20 levels!

This is Bailiyuan's second Pokmon to break through to level 60, the first being Xanadu.

The strength of the elves increased sharply, but Bailiyuan couldn't laugh anymore, instead it made Bailiyuan feel a little urgent.

If the strength of the elves falls below his coat of arms level, he will not be able to summon the elves, so it is necessary for Bailiyuan to raise his coat of arms level.

But it is impossible to become a fat man in one bite. Bailiyuan has just broken through to the realm of primary heraldry, and it will take at least a year to reach the realm of intermediate heraldry at the current speed. two years or more.

However, the strength of the elves cannot stay at the current level, unless the elves stop training.

But this is impossible, because stopping training is not conducive to the growth of elves.

Fortunately, although the elves grow rapidly at the beginning, the speed of improvement will drop a lot after reaching level 40, which is enough for Bailiyuan to improve himself.

But the premise is that the elves will not suddenly get any huge improvement.

At this time, Miaowahua and Xanadu are already at the critical point of breakthrough, and both of them have broken away from the limitation of the handheld, and their strength improvement is no longer limited by Bailiyuan's strength.

In order not to cause a situation where he cannot be summoned, Bailiyuan must either find a way to improve his strength, or find a way to solve the limitation of the summoning level, that is to say, Bailiyuan can summon contracted beasts that exceed his two realms!

But these ideas can only be taken one step at a time.

What is important now is the matter of Miaowahua.

After some experience, Miaowahua's original strength is still there, and the skills of the crystal series can still be used, and Miaowahua's other skills and physical fitness have also been greatly improved.

It is worth noting that the two skills of Miaowahua have been greatly improved and changed.

One skill is Flying Leaf Knife. At this time, Frog Flower's Flying Leaf Knife has changed a lot.

The blades shot out by the Flying Leaf Knife are as hard as steel and sharper. Moreover, the shape of the blades has also changed, becoming the blades of the sword wheel grass. It is a shape similar to a boomerang. At the beginning Miao Frog Flower was not used to it. After consulting the star clusters, Miao Frog Flower successfully mastered the new method of using the Flying Leaf Kuai Knife, and also derived a series of usage methods.

Another skill is a new skill mastered by Miaowahua, called Crazy Plant.

The so-called crazy plants are essentially controlling plants to attack the enemy. It is one of the big moves of the grass system, and the crazy plants used by the frog flower blessed by the sword wheel grass are even more terrifying, because they are plants as hard as steel ah!

The Frog Flower that has turned into a half monster can no longer be judged by common sense. Compared with Xanadu, the Frog Flower at this time is the strongest Pokémon under Bailiyuan!

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