I might be a fake Ultraman

Chapter 245 The Cycling Blade Storm

It was still the barren mountain where Kentaro and Feng Yuan trained together, but today the one who trained with Feng Yuan was Miao Frog Flower, and the other elves stood with Feng Yuan and accepted the attack of Miao Frog Flower.

And the main training they receive is the attack of Frog Flower's Flying Leaf Knife. No, at this time, Brilliant Frog Flower's Flying Leaf Knife should be called Whirling Flying Leaf Knife, which is more appropriate, because Brilliant Frog Flower's Flying Leaf Knife is not a one-off Yes, after shooting, Feiye Kuaidao can fly around like a boomerang, or be retracted by Miao Frog Flower, and then launched more quickly.

The reason why Frog Flower can do this is that on the one hand, the appearance of Frog Flower's flying blade has mutated, and on the other hand, Frog Flower has obtained the true inheritance of the star clusters throwing boomerangs.

And the reason for this special training is also requested by Zhuxing Cluster.

In the future, Leo is likely to encounter enemies who use boomerangs, so it is better to conduct special training on this opportunity.

If you want to deal with enemies who use boomerangs, you have to look at the right time to destroy the incoming boomerangs, but if you don’t grasp the opportunity well, not only will you not be able to defeat the boomerangs, but you will also be injured. There is a reason.

At this time, the size of Miaowahua has shrunk to a normal size of two meters.

After the Frog Flower turned into a half-monster, it also gained the ability to shrink its body. Compared with the reduced size, the strength of the Frog Flower also dropped. Level ten, but the gap in strength is huge.

At the beginning of the training, Frog Flower was not very proficient. Whether it was Feng Yuan or the elves, it was very easy for Frog Flower to deal with the attack of Frog Flower. The elves found that the situation seemed to have changed, and they easily turned into Miao Frog Flower instead. The elves were beaten and yelled one by one, and even if the whirling blade hit the elves, they could still return to Miao Frog Flower. Frog Flower's side.

Miao Frog Flower will lose power when using the whirling flying leaf blade, and it also needs some use time to condense the blades. This time is similar to the reading time of the skill. Faster, it can be shot in seconds, and the speed of the whirling blades is also faster, and it will not consume more power.

At this time, the whirling blades flew up over the barren mountain like a storm, and Feng Yuan and the elves were all enveloped in it, blocking the whirling blades with difficulty.

Moreover, Feng Yuan is under more pressure than other elves. On the one hand, most elves are physically stronger than Feng Yuan; Let Feng Yuan feel like Alexander.

The elves also split into two waves.

Flame Chicken, Nine Tails, Katie Dog, Gala Gala, Menus, Gyarados, Mosquito Frog, Pikachu, Chenglong, Iron Rhinoceros, Rumble Stone, Giant Pincer Mantis, Bibi Bird, Xanadu, Super Power Meow, Kentaro, and Ibrahimovic, these elves are the main training elves, they are not allowed to use powerful skills, only a small part of their strength is allowed, and superpowers are not allowed to use too much power, so they can only find ways to use their bodies Or a small power skill to destroy the whirling blade.

The remaining elves are either soy-sauce elves like Smelly Flower, or because they are too young to be suitable for high-intensity training. Although they also participated in this training, some elves have already lost their combat effectiveness at this time, so they come out to rest up.

At this time, there were two salted fish brothers, Smelly Flower and Gas Bomb, who were lying next to Bailiyuan. They were basically killed by Miaowahua when they went up, so they had to be carried away by Bailiyuan.

Xiao Bingyanzhu didn't participate in this training at all. Because the background of Xiaobingyanzhu is hard enough, he doesn't need to participate in any training to grow his strength. As long as he basks in the sun, his strength can grow rapidly, and he only needs to gain some battle experience.

The round land shark is very strong. Although it is not yet a juvenile, it still persists in the whirling blade, trying to bite the blade with its big mouth.

Key Ring also came out and lay down. Key Ring is not suitable for this kind of training. He is more inclined to assist the position. Participating in this kind of training is completely training the ability to resist blows.

The mini dragon is the same as the round land shark. As a dragon species, it is still in its long juvenile stage. Unlike the round land shark, he did not participate in this training. He is not as hard as the round land shark.

Although the last remaining fire-spotted cat has just been summoned not long ago, and it is still in its initial form, compared with dragon species, ordinary elves go through their infancy much faster. Generally speaking, ordinary elves are born in two or three After a few days, they will be able to move freely, and at this time they will be able to display some strength, and after a month or two, they will be able to conduct formal training and enter a period of rapid growth in strength. This time also declares the end of the elf's infancy.

Although Huobanmao can also train, but its strength is still very weak. He was worried that Huobanmao would be injured. Bailiyuan did not let Huobanmao participate in this training. The anti-strike ability is not strong.

At this moment, Huoban Miao was licking her fur, and it was time to shed her hair. As a girl, Huoban Miao liked to be clean very much.

Although compared with dragon-type Pokmon, the growth of most Pokmon in the early stage is not slow, but, relatively, after the dragon-type has passed its infancy, the growth of strength will be a blowout, and the powerful talents will be seen at a glance , even if the growth is slow in the early stage, but in the later stage, it only needs to work hard to make up for the gap in the early stage, and even get to the front!

Bailiyuan was watching the training of Fengyuan and the elves. At this time, the swirling blades of Miao Frog Flower had formed a storm of swirling blades.

Bailiyuan thought of a skill - Flying Leaf Storm.

But the difference is that the storm of leaves raised by the Frog Flower will not have a reaction force on itself, and it is continuous. As time goes by, the storm built by the Frog Flower will only become stronger and stronger.

Bailiyuan imagined that in the future, if Miaowahua could use so many swirling blades at one time, then this storm of swirling blades could be formed in an instant, without preheating at all, and the enemy would be killed by Miaowa in the blink of an eye. The flower pulls into its own rhythm, if more can be used at one time, then the storm will turn into a field of whirling blades, at that time, Bailiyuan thinks that the frog flower can do whatever it wants!

The sound of crutches sounded, Zhu Xingtuan did not know when he came to Baili Yuan's side, seeing Feng Yuan's training below, Zhu Xingtuan's eyes showed a look of satisfaction, and then Zhu Xingtuan looked at Baili Yuan who was standing beside him.

"Why don't you go down to train?" Zhu Xingtuan asked.

"Because I'm coordinating the overall situation!" Baili Yuan said.

Zhu Xingtuan nodded, and then kicked Bailiyuan's ass, kicking Bailiyuan into the whirling blade storm of Miaowahua.

"Now it's my turn to take care of the overall situation!"

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