I might be a fake Ultraman

Chapter 243 MAC recruits for a long time, large quantity favorably

At this time, a yellow-haired young man was standing at the gate of MAC's base wearing MAC's combat uniform.

That's right, this yellow-haired young man is Bailiyuan, but at this time Bailiyuan used Ezreal's character card. Although Ezreal is a yellow-haired man, Ezreal is still very handsome.

The character Kabriel who uses Ezreal does not have the strength of Ezreal, but his own strength is retained.

The reason why Bailiyuan is here is also the meaning of the star clusters.

Perhaps because of knowing Bailiyuan's system and seeing the infinite possibilities brought by the system, Zhu Xingtuan also changed his attitude towards Bailiyuan. It's just like the saying goes, "keep it under your nose".

The things developed by the system are not good or bad in themselves, but if Bailiyuan goes astray, then when Bailiyuan uses the things developed in the system, it will cause unimaginable disasters.

Although Bailiyuan hasn't opened that terrifying thing yet, it doesn't mean it won't be able to open it in the future.

Therefore, the star clusters feel that it is necessary to guide Bailiyuan.

I have to say that the veteran Ultraman thinks too much.

For Bailiyuan's easter egg system, Fengyuan just sighed "It's amazing" and then there was nothing else.

Wanting to guide Bailiyuan more easily, Zhu Xingtuan decided to make Bailiyuan look like Ezreal and join MAC after thinking about it.

Well, the star clusters once again used their private power to open the back door for Bailiyuan. No, Bailiyuan at this time should be called Ezreal.

The main base of MAC is on the space station of the universe, and the outside of the universe can be seen through the window.

At this time, Bailiyuan was at the entrance to the space station.

There are also posters on both sides of the space station.

"MAC has been recruiting talents for a long time, and it is thirsty for talents!"

Baili Yuan twitched his mouth as he looked at the recruiting poster.

Bailiyuan knows that the loss of MAC combatants is fast and the number is huge, and recruiting is normal, but what do you mean by posting recruiting posters on the space station? Want to recruit aliens?

Bailiyuan seemed to suddenly understand why Zhu Xingcluster was able to join MAC—could it be that he saw MAC's recruiting poster on the way to Earth!

Waited for a while.

Zhu Xingtuan came out, nodded to Bailiyuan, then brought Bailiyuan into the MAC headquarters, and introduced Bailiyuan to everyone in MAC.

There are many people in MAC, but the faces are updated frequently.

How did you say that sentence, the team members who are fast-moving, the captain who is hard-working!

Well, the No. 7 team member has not been changed, after all, the No. 7 team member is called Feng Yuan.

For Baili Yuan joining MAC, Feng Yuan was surprised at first, but immediately expressed a warm welcome.

Although Bailiyuan is still a child, Bailiyuan's strength is not comparable to that of earthlings.

After joining MAC, Zhu Xingtuan and Feng Yuan also introduced a lot of things about MAC to Bailiyuan.

And Bailiyuan also ended his idle days and began to follow MAC to protect the peace of the earth, while the elves continued to train in the mountains.

However, MAC is not that busy. Combatants still have a lot of leisure time and can live in the city. Combatants usually live in the crowd and can respond to emergencies in a timely manner.

Therefore, when there is no battle, Bailiyuan only needs to go to MAC to report regularly, and then he can return to Earth to train with the elves.

When there is no battle, the only task of MAC is to patrol, but this kind of patrol is also rotated, two players are in a group, and rotate once every seven days. Bailiyuan and Fengyuan are naturally divided into a group.


Another sunny day.

Bailiyuan would occasionally go around the Chengnan Sports Club. After all, Fengyuan was often in the sports club. Bailiyuan could exchange fighting skills with Fengyuan, and from Bailiyuan, Fengyuan also learned Bailiyuan and elves The power-generating skills they practiced, and the fighting skills have improved again.

And the strength of Leo who has learned the technique of exerting force will be even more terrifying.

Today, Bailiyuan returned to her original appearance, walking outside the club, and then Bailiyuan saw a flower.

It's not that Bailiyuan likes flowers, but that the flower grows in the grass like a flock of chickens, and it's hard not to notice it.

And this flower looks very strange, Bailiyuan always finds it strange.

What should I do if I feel strange?

Otto swiped it!

Bailiyuan released the ultra-special power, and sure enough, Bailiyuan didn't see anything.

Well, I still don't know much about it.

However, Bailiyuan could feel a special wood-attribute power in this flower. After thinking about it, Bailiyuan pulled out the flower and put it away.

Study it when you get back.

Baili Yuan patted his butt and left.

In the universe, a monster with a strange shape is floating.

The name of this monster is Kendoros, and it is a plant monster.

The purpose of Kendoros coming to the earth is of course not to travel, but to invade the earth!

But Kendoros's strength is not strong, but it doesn't matter, as long as Kendoros cooperates with a cosmic plant called sword wheel grass, his strength will increase greatly.

For this reason, Kendoros spent a lot of effort to find a sword wheel grass seed. After all, sword wheel grass is also a rare plant in the universe, and it is also a dangerous plant!

At this time, the seeds of the sword wheel grass have been thrown into the earth by Kendoros.

Kendoros sensed that the sword wheel grass had taken root and sprouted at this time, as long as the sword wheel grass matured, it would officially invade the earth!

Kendoros believes that as long as it cooperates with the sword wheel grass, no one can stop it!

Although its strength is not strong, it has a heart that wants to be a BOSS!

Thinking of the admiring gazes from other monsters and cosmic beings on him after he fought on the earth, Kendoros felt refreshed all over.

Maybe at that time, the earth can be used as a vote to join the cosmic emperor Ampera, not only will he have a backer, but he will also get a very good treatment.

Kendoros waited quietly in the universe, and at the same time sensed the growth of the sword wheel.

Kendoros has made hands and feet on the sword wheel plant, which can sense the situation of the sword wheel plant and can also control the sword wheel plant. Now everything is available, only the sword wheel plant has matured!


Bailiyuan got information about the flowers she picked casually from Zhuxing Cluster.

"I didn't expect it to be Sword Wheel Grass." Baili Yuan sighed.

Sword wheel grass is a very rare cosmic plant, Bailiyuan has only heard of it, but has never seen it.

Zhu Xingtuan thinks Sword Wheel Grass is very dangerous, and hopes that Bailiyuan will destroy Sword Wheel Grass.

But Bailiyuan didn't think so.

In fact, sword wheel grass itself is not dangerous, but if it is used, it will become very dangerous.

However, although Bailiyuan didn't intend to destroy the Sword Wheel Grass, he wouldn't let the Sword Wheel Grass just grow outside.

This precious cosmic plant of the sword wheel grass suddenly appeared on the earth. If it was not the calculation of the aliens or monsters, Baili Yuan would not believe it with his ass.

Sword wheel grass is a very precious cultivation material for the elves of Bailiyuan.

Bailiyuan summoned Frog Flower, and then threw the immature Sword Wheel into Frog Flower's mouth.

"Eat it."

The sword wheel grass can only be eaten when it is still a seedling, otherwise, when the sword wheel grass matures, it will become very hard and cannot be eaten by ordinary people. Don't say it is a wonderful frog flower.

And the Miaowahua began to absorb the energy of the sword wheel after eating the seedlings of the sword wheel.

Suddenly, Miaowahua twitched.

Baili Yuan's expression changed.

"It won't spoil your stomach, will it?"

Bailiyuan hurriedly ran to Miaowahua's side, and put his hand on Miaowahua's belly.


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