Chapter 239

The practice is still going on, and the monsters are also rampant.

And Feng Yuan also successfully found the correct cultivation method.

Taking the petals in the water as the target, finally, Feng Yuan successfully cut the water, this scene made Xanadu look a little dazed.

Can this really be done?

Then Feng Yuan, who had successfully cultivated, transformed and left to face the monster, while Shanaido hurriedly told Baili Yuan what happened here.

With Fengyuan's experience, Bailiyuan and the elves also began to add petals to the water flow during their practice, capturing the trajectory of the petals for training.

On the other side, Ultraman Leo fought against the Zuluks, and there was no suspense in the final result. The Zuluks were cut off by Leo Ultraman and then beaten to death.

The cultivation progress of Bailiyuan and the elves also gradually increased.


The incident with the Zuluks has passed, and Bailiyuan and the elves have also learned a lot, and they are now working hard to practice.

In addition to these, through the relationship between the various star clusters, Bailiyuan also obtained a piece of information about the principles and methods of the Zuluks absorbing and releasing electricity.

The Zuluks can use the released current to fuse steel, the power of which can be imagined, Bailiyuan also has electric Pokémon, Bailiyuan hopes to try to imitate the principle, so that Pikachu's strength can be enhanced .

In the end, it was discovered that the key to the Zuluk being able to release such a powerful electric current lies in its double swords. The Zuluk's double swords have a special structure, and they cannot be imitated even if they want to. I can only give up.

But now Pikachu is working hard on iron tail skills.

Iron Tail is the only steel-type skill that Pikachu can learn, and it is also the main skill against rock-type Pokémon.

Now Pikachu is learning this skill.

In order to let Pikachu understand the energy of the steel system, Pikachu is practicing with two steel-type Pokmon, the giant pincer mantis and the key ring. Although this induction is not as direct as applying the steel-type material on Pikachu's tail, it is better than someone teach.

Whether it is the giant pincer mantis or the key ring, they can communicate with Pikachu about their steel energy, instead of letting Pikachu realize it by themselves.

When he is free, Pikachu will also grind his tail on the giant pincer mantis or the key ring, or practice chopping stones with his tail.

When Pikachu really learns Iron Tail, then Pikachu's combat power will definitely increase greatly. If it can be combined with the flow cutting technique that is currently being practiced, then Pikachu can completely do damage explosions in the face of rock-type Pokémon.

If the damage of the flow cutting technique is applied to the enemy, then either the effect will be outstanding or the weak point will be damaged!

After the Zuluks, the earth once again fell into a short period of peace. Although there are still monsters, there are no particularly powerful monsters. Even if Leo chooses to fight hard, he will not be easily defeated.

And Feng Yuan is also making continuous progress.

The only thing that makes Leo Ultraman more difficult to deal with is a monster called the fierce sword monster Canedras, but the most powerful part is the flying horn attack on the head and breathing flames.

The so-called flying horn attack means that its horn can fly out to attack like the ice ax above Seven's head, which is called Doras knife.

To be honest, there is nothing to comment on this monster Bailiyuan. Compared with the previous Kiras twin monsters and the Zuluks, the strength of this monster can only be said to be the posture of two knives.

Although the Doras knife is relatively powerful, it is only limited to being difficult to deal with. As for the flame attack, it is very powerful. The flame temperature of the fierce sword monster Canedras is also ranked high among the monsters in the universe. But Naihe didn't know what Canedras was thinking. With such a powerful flame skill, he couldn't use it well, and he always used his Doras knife to chop people.

Presumably Canedras had a samurai dream.

In the end, Fengyuan was inspired by a friend and learned how to strike the sword with bare hands, and successfully restrained Canedras' Doras knife, and then... was blinded by Leo Ultraman with his own knife, and was finally killed by Lei Altman uses the body cutting technique evolved from the flow cutting technique that he has just learned not long ago.

Facts have proved that the dream of the fierce sword monster Canedras fell through, and he played himself to death.

In this battle, Bailiyuan also gained something.

Bailiyuan and the elves have learned a new physical skill - empty hand into white blade.

This move is much simpler than the moves learned before, and it only needs enough eyesight and strength to do it.

In addition to learning new skills, Bailiyuan took Xanadu and poached half of Canedras's flame-producing organ.

This time, He really took the food from the tiger's mouth. With the ability to distort the light with superpowers, he quickly poached half of the monster's organs before MAC came to wave the monster's corpse, and then moved and ran away in an instant.

The flames of Canedras can be of great help to the elves of Bailiyuan, so Bailiyuan took the risk.

Because Canedras had already been dismembered by Leo, it would be much easier for Baili Yuan to do it, but he could only dig out half of it. After all, it was cut vertically, and Canedras' flame-producing organs were also cut. into two halves.

Fortunately, Bailiyuan and Xanadu shot fast enough and were not noticed in the end.

After digging up half of the organs of Canedras, Bailiyuan took the elves to stay in the mountains for a week, and waited until the Flame Chicken, Nine-Tailed, Katie Dog, Gala Gala, and Fire Spot Meow absorbed them completely. After the flame energy in it, Bailiyuan led the elves out of the mountain.

Well, all of this is for cultivation, definitely not because of a guilty conscience!

After returning to the city, as if nothing happened, Bailiyuan and the elves continued to live their daily lives.


Today's weather is fine, sunny and sunny.

"Get up early in the morning and open the window, I'm in a good mood~" Bailiyuan opened the window, feeling the wind outside, Bailiyuan was in a good mood.


A huge figure appeared in the distance.

Baili Yuan looked at the huge figure, his nose was about to run out of fright.

"Damn it, monster!"

Bailiyuan called out Xanadu.

"Xanaiduo, move instantly."

Xanadu brought Bailiyuan to the monster.

Bailiyuan took a quick look at the monster, and Bailiyuan recognized it, because this monster was also a kind of cosmic being.

"The Kalis, the people from the dark universe, like to attack female creatures, but isn't it a nocturnal creature? What are you doing out in broad daylight?"

But no matter so much, there is a woman at the feet of the Kali star, and this woman will be trampled to death in two seconds.

"Save people!"

Xanadu's superpowers surged out, pulling the woman out of the monster's footsteps.

Although the star clusters don't let Bailiyuan interfere with this world, but now that I see it, there is nothing wrong with wanting to save people, as long as I don't interfere with the general direction of this world.

As for why I came here...

The monster came out, of course it depends on whether there is a chance to get some benefits.

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