I might be a fake Ultraman

Chapter 240 Stand Up and Fly

After Bailiyuan pulled the woman out from the monster's feet, she found that the woman had passed out.

And at this time, Leo appeared.

Then... Leo was beaten up by the monster.

"..." Baili Yuan.

slip away~

Pretending not to know anything, Bailiyuan threw the woman to a safe place and left.

It is worth mentioning that this monster is carrying a platinum egg!

The Kali star is even stronger than the Zuluk star!

Although Fengyuan is now much stronger than when he was dealing with the Zuluks, he is still no match for the Kalis.

In the end, it ended with Leo's defeat.

It's still the original routine, if you can't beat it, just special training!

There is no enemy that Fengyuan can't defeat through special training, if there is, then special training twice!

But this time...

When Bailiyuan and Elf were eating hot pot at Zhuxingtuan's house, the door was suddenly pushed open by Zhuxingtuan.

Zhu Xingluan, who hadn't seen him for a long time, returned home for a rare time.

Pushing open the door, Zhu Xingtuan looked at Baili Yuan who was looking at him, and the first sentence he opened his mouth——

"Xiao Yuan, show me your cow!"


This time Fengyuan brought Bailiyuan into the special training, not Bailiyuan followed the training, but Bailiyuan became a participant, specifically, it was Bailiyuan's Kentaro.

In order to deal with the Kali aliens, the star clusters found Kentaro, who attacked in a similar way to the Kali aliens.

On a barren mountain, Ken Tailuo ran wildly after Feng Yuan.

Facing Kentaro's crazy impact, Feng Yuan gritted his teeth and ran wildly, almost using all his strength to feed.

Because Ken Taro didn't hold back any hands!

And not only did he not keep his hand, Kentaro also used his skills.

Facing Kentaro's horn, Feng Yuan was sure that if it was put on his body, a poke would be a bloody hole.

"Stop, don't hide!" Zhu Xingtuan shouted from the side.

"If you want to defeat the Kali star, you must defeat him head-on!" Zhu Xingtuan shouted.

Feng Yuan gritted his teeth, stopped, turned around, and faced Ken Tailuo.


Seeing Kentaro rushing towards him, Feng Yuan's expression changed. Although he wanted to face Kentaro directly, but...but...but instinct didn't allow it!

Feng Yuan hurriedly hid aside, then continued to run wildly.

"Don't dodge, go up!" Zhu Xingtuan shouted.

Baili Yuan covered his eyes.

Zhu Xingtuan is going to train Feng Yuan to death!

"Feng Yuan, the weak point of the Kali star is between the eyebrows, find a way to attack the center of the eyebrows!" Baili Yuan couldn't help shouting.

Zhu Xingtuan looked at Bailiyuan, "How do you know?"

Bailiyuan wiped his nose.

"The information about the evil monsters and cosmic beings in the universe in my time has been compiled by the scholars and warriors of the Kingdom of Light. There is a general introduction on it, and the editors include the Otto Brothers." Baili Yuan explained.

That's right, Baili Yuan was referring to the book "One Hundred Thousand Giant Monsters".

On the other side, after hearing Baili Yuan's reminder, Feng Yuan gritted his teeth and stopped, finally really preparing to face Ken Tailuo.

"Come on!" Feng Yuan shouted loudly, with a look of death.

But then Feng Yuan was pushed into the sky by Ken Tailuo.

"..." Baili Yuan was speechless for a while.

In fact, to be honest, even the physical fitness of the human body directly transformed into by Ultraman is not as good as that of Pokmon. Gradually getting stronger, Bailiyuan only trains with the elves, but never sparring.

It wasn't that pleasant for Feng Yuan to be bumped into by Ken Tailuo, but obviously Zhu Xingcluster wouldn't feel so sorry for Feng Yuan.

"Stand up, Feng Yuan!" Zhu Xingtuan knocked on the ground with his crutches.

Feng Yuan slowed down for a while, then got up holding his breath.

"Come on!" Feng Yuan yelled and patted his chest, with stubbornness written all over his face.

However, no matter how stubborn he is, Feng Yuan can't be stubborn!

Feng Yuan was pushed up again!

"Stand up, Feng Yuan! Fight back!" Zhu Xingtuan said.


Feng Yuan stood up!

Then Feng Yuan flew up!

"Stand up, Feng Yuan! Aim at the center of his eyebrows! Only by attacking there can the enemy be defeated!" Zhu Xingtuan.


Feng Yuan stood up!

Then Feng Yuan flew up!

Bailiyuan felt that this scene seemed familiar.

Feng Yuan kept being pushed up and stood up again and again. After an unknown period of time, it might be the excessive pressure brought by the monster, or it might be stimulated by the pain and the humiliation of always being pushed up, Feng Yuan finally broke out !

Feng Yuan successfully avoided the impact of Kentaro this time, and seized the opportunity when Kentaro turned around, shouted and jumped high, and kicked Kentaro's forehead with a flying leg, knocking Kentaro to the ground. Taro kicked out and fell to the ground in the distance.

Baili Yuan watched this scene in shock, a little unbelievable.

And Zhu Xingtuan also squeezed his fist excitedly.

It's done!

Feng Yuan also experienced a short disbelief and looked at his hands excitedly, showing a smile.

"Captain, I did it!" Feng Yuan shouted.

Standing aside, Zhu Xingtuan showed a satisfied smile, and nodded towards Fengyuan, kindly like an old father.

But they ignored Kentaro on one side.

Ken Taro got up, shook his head, and then stared at Feng Yuan with a pair of red bull's eyes.

The weakness of the Kali star is the center of the eyebrows, but Kentaro's is not the center of the eyebrows. Although his head was a little heavy after being kicked by Fengyuan, it also aroused Kentaro's desire to fight. All in all, the bull's eyes are red , at this time Kentaro is not as easy to talk as before.

Ken Tairo stared at Feng Yuan, then scratched his hooves, breathing heavily from his nostrils.

Ken Tailuo rushed towards Fengyuan whose back was facing him.

Skills - Rampage!


Baili Yuan quickly summoned Ken Tailuo back, not letting him disturb Fengyuan and Zhuxing cluster who were excited.

To be honest, Bailiyuan felt that Feng Yuan was wronged. After being hit by Ken Taro so many times, he counterattacked Ken Tairo once, and Ken Tairo became angry. Yuan may have already been admitted to the hospital, so what kind of monsters are you going to fight?

However, Baili Yuan recalled Feng Yuan's kick just now, and that kick already had the shadow of Leo Fei's kick.

And this, at the same time, Zhu Xingtuan and Fengyuan received the news that the Kali Stars were attacking again.

"Feng Yuan, attack!" Zhu Xingtuan said.

"Yes!" Feng Yuan responded loudly, his voice full of confidence.

Feng Yuan felt that after he had practiced a new move, he could kill the Kali star this time!

At this time, Bailiyuan suddenly pulled Zhu Xingluan's arm.

"That! My Kentaro has been training for Feng Yuan, can I make a small request?" Baili Yuan said.

Zhu Xingtuan nodded after thinking about it.

"you say."

"Can I touch the egg when Leo kills the Kali star?"

Star clusters, Feng Yuan: "???"

Because Bailiyuan rescued the woman casually, the plot changed, so Fengyuan's mood and the time of practice changed during the practice, I hope you like it.

The Kali star is very strong. In the original book, even after Fengyuan's special training, he did not directly defeat the Kali star. Instead, he defeated the Kali star by catching the corner of the building that restricted the Kali star.

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