Chapter 238 That mouth full of love

The Zuluks strike again.

MAC tried his best to delay Fengyuan's time just like facing the Kiras twin monsters last time, but the difference is that this time Fengyuan did not successfully practice the flow cutting technique, while the Zuluks increased the power of electricity.

Like a charging battery, the Zuluks stored the current from the previous electric shock attack in their bodies, and they could release current from their two-armed swords to melt buildings, powerful enough to melt steel bars.

In order not to let the MAC group be destroyed, but also to stop the Zuluks, the star clusters had to use the super power again.

Although the Zuluks were successfully repelled, the star clusters also exhausted all their strength.

However, the pure power of ultra power is unable to defeat the enemy. When the Zuluks attack again, if Feng Yuan has not practiced the flow cutting technique, the consequences will be unimaginable.

But at this time Feng Yuan encountered difficulties in his cultivation.

Facing the flowing water, Feng Yuan couldn't cut the water at all.

And when Zhu Xingtuan dragged his exhausted body to Feng Yuan's practice site, seeing Feng Yuan who looked dejected and with tears on his face, Zhu Xingtuan couldn't help throwing his crutches at Feng Yuan However, the strength of the various star clusters at this time was simply not enough to successfully hit Feng Yuan with his crutches. Instead, Feng Yuan, who had reacted, grabbed the crutches in his hands.

Xanadu notified Bailiyuan of the incident here, and Bailiyuan hurried over to see what was going to happen.

"Captain!" Feng Yuan looked at the star cluster leaning on the rocky mountain with a tired look.

"What is that look of yours! What is that look in your eyes! What are those two lines of tears of yours!" Zhu Xingtuan scolded Feng Yuan.

"Well said..." Just as Baili Yuan wanted to applaud, he hurriedly stopped, and then gave himself a slap. Now is not the time, and he didn't even look at the atmosphere!

"Yuan, I..." Zhu Xingluan couldn't support his body anymore because of the intense use of Otto's mental power, and fell to the ground.

"Captain!" Feng Yuan hurried to Zhu Xingtuan's side, trying to support Zhu Xingtuan, but was pushed away by Zhu Xingtuan.

Feng Yuan returned Zhu Xingtuan's abduction to Zhu Xingtuan, Zhu Xingtuan cheered up and stood up tremblingly.

"Captain, that move will consume your lifespan, don't use it anymore!" Feng Yuan shouted, at this time, Feng Yuan saw Zhu Xingtuan's painful appearance, feeling extremely uncomfortable in his heart.

"Get lost!" Zhu Xingtuan, who had just stood up, slapped Feng Yuan's face, and knocked Feng Yuan's fan to the ground crisply and neatly.

The flesh on Baili Yuan's face trembled when he saw it.

This time, Feng Yuan was already a little confused by the slap, it can be seen how much effort the star clusters used.

Zhu Xingtuan looked at Feng Yuan who was struggling to get up from the ground, supporting his body with crutches.

"It doesn't matter what I do, but why don't you practice hard?!" Zhu Xingtuan questioned.

"But I can't do it!" Feng Yuan didn't get up, he could only collapse and shout, his voice was full of pain and powerlessness.

"Then are you crying here?" Zhu Xingtuan's tone suddenly calmed down, but he still asked, "Can your tears hit that guy? Can you save this earth?"

For Feng Yuan, who regards the earth as his hometown, these two sentences are like a knife piercing his heart.

But Feng Yuan didn't know how to answer, his own weakness and powerlessness made his anger can only be suppressed in his heart, and he could only hold the weeds on the ground with his hands in pain.

But by this time he was in tears.

"Think about the people who have died so far, don't you feel ashamed?" Zhu Xingtuan continued to question.

Feng Yuan firmly grasped the trouser legs with his hands.

"Try again, try again!" Zhu Xingtuan was no longer a question, but a kind of sternness mixed with encouragement.

This is a senior's deep expectation for the younger generation.

Feng Yuan looked into Zhu Xingtuan's eyes, cried and nodded vigorously, and Zhu Xingtuan also nodded to Fengyuan.

Feng Yuan got up and walked under the water again, and at this moment, the news of the appearance of aliens came again from the communicator of the star cluster!

It's time for the star clusters to fight!

Even if he is physically disabled, even if he is mentally exhausted, but in order to protect his hometown and buy time for Feng Yuan, he must do his best!

Before leaving, Zhu Xingtuan gave Feng Yuan a final lesson.

"Yuan!" Zhu Xingtuan called Feng Yuan.

"Water that seems to be flowing is actually the same. It is impossible to cut the water without seeing the real flowing plants! Remember, find the target of the flow!"

"Floating target?" Feng Yuan repeated in doubt.

"Yes, hurry up and practice, before that, leave it to me!"

Feng Yuan nodded heavily.

Leaning on crutches, Zhu Xingtuan left step by step with his overdrawn body.

And behind Zhu Xingcluster, Fengyuan's call to contact came again, and the voice revealed more firm belief!

Bailiyuan and the elves watched this scene quietly, unable to tell what it was like for a while.

The star clusters have very strict requirements on Feng Yuan, and it can even be said to be so strict. It takes a short time to cultivate a powerful skill, which is a kind of squeeze on a person's potential. If it is not for Feng Yuan's own strong Talent and foundation, ordinary people have long been crippled.

However, Bailiyuan could feel Zhu Xingtuan's deep expectations for Feng Yuan. Although once Feng Yuan failed to meet Zhu Xingtuan's requirements, Zhu Xingtuan would beat or scold Feng Yuan, but at the same time they would also give encouragement. The place where it should appear points out the direction for Feng Yuan.

The so-called "deep love, deep hatred" is probably the truth.

Although Bailiyuan was also of the same race as them, he had never experienced anything about them, nor had he ever been in their position, but the bond between Zhuxing Cluster and Fengyuan made Bailiyuan feel shocked.

Seeing Feng Yuan who was training crazily, Baili Yuan calmed down.

"Everyone continue to train, if you don't practice, you won't eat!"

The elves also began to continue training full of fighting spirit.

Although they were exhausted, listening to Feng Yuan's cry, the elves gradually had firm belief in their hearts.

Bailiyuan was also facing the water, closed his eyes and recalled Zhu Xingluan's words.

The seemingly flowing water is actually constant, and it is impossible to cut the water without seeing the real flowing plants! Remember, find moving targets!

"Look for the flowing target!" Baili Yuan opened his eyes, his eyes were concentrated, staring at the water in front of him.



Zhu Xingcluster took MAC to face the Zuluks, Feng Yuan and Baili Yuan practiced crazily under the current.

Three Ultraman, in their own way, on their own way.

This chapter is the dialogue of the original book. Every time I read this dialogue, and Fengyuan repeated this dialogue to Xiaomeng later, I can feel the existence of a kind of inheritance, which is very touching. Maybe the difference between Leo's treatment of Mebius and Seven's treatment of Leo at that time is that Leo did not slap Xiaomeng~

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