I might be a fake Ultraman

Chapter 2063 Rabbit—rabbit——!

A faint Longwei floated from the front.

This feeling is very familiar to Bailiyuan. Every time they encounter bad guys who are trying to trick Daisy and Nicole, Muji and Nutrition Express will exude this special coercion, and it will become more violent.

After all, Muji and Nutrient Express are Dragon King-level giant dragons, and at this time, through the Longwei in front of them, Bailiyuan can judge that the dragon in front is just a giant dragon that has just grown up. Although its strength is very strong, it is not enough to be feared .

Otherwise, Bailiyuan would direct Daila to run back now.

In addition to Long Wei, Baili Yuan also noticed a special alarm barrier in front of him, letting him know that he had arrived at the territory of the giant dragon.

"Daju, is the dragon just ahead? Otherwise, let's retreat first." Della was a little scared.

That's a giant dragon, the legendary giant dragon. Although she hasn't met her yet, she feels the pressure, and this pressure mainly comes from her own heart.

The kid just likes to scare himself.

Bailiyuan said that there is no rush to retreat, and he can test the situation first. He controlled Tutu, stepped on the alarm barrier, and the barrier appeared and flickered.

Before Della could continue speaking, she saw that Tutu turned over and lay on the edge of the barrier, and then did sit-ups unexpectedly.

Della: Σ(⊙▽⊙"a!!!

Can it still be like this?

The alarm barrier flickered frantically, and at the same time, the alarm barrier was constantly reminding the hidden dragon—someone came in, someone went out, someone came in again, and someone went out again, are you angry?

Julong said, I'm fucking mad right now!


A roar came from the depths of the dense forest, and spread throughout most of the mountain range. Even the large troops on their way heard the movement, and then everyone changed their faces.

Things have changed, they realize.

A huge green dragon rose into the sky, and a pair of dragon pupils stared at Tutu's position before swooping down.

Della's eyes widened, as if she had forgotten to breathe.

Last time, she just glanced at the giant dragon from a distance, but now facing the swooping dragon at close range, she finally realized how different the legendary creature like the dragon is from ordinary monsters.

Huge, noble, and oppressive.

The huge body approaching 50 meters, and the spread of the dragon wings are 70 to 80 meters wide, all of which shocked Della.

And the dragon that was agreed before was injured... what about the wound on the dragon?

This giant dragon looks more energetic than Archmage Howell!

Bailiyuan slapped Della directly.


Della finally came to her senses, turned around and ran away.

The dragon didn't care about Della, because at this time the dragon's anger was concentrated on Tutu.

Tutu turned over and lay there, ready to go, the halo above his head lit up.

Thanks to Bailiyuan's transformation of Tutu before, most of the dragon's breath in Tutu's body was wiped out, and Tutu was out of the range of dragon beasts. Therefore, Tutu didn't feel too much when facing the dragon at this time. Great suppression, and the power to fight back.

Bailiyuan did not control Tutu anymore, because the moment the dragon appeared, Tutu instinctively made a posture of preparing to attack.

Perhaps in the eyes of Tutu, the dragon at this time is not much different from the monsters it blew up before.

Bunny missile launch!


Tutu was wrapped in flames, turned into a fireball, and rushed towards the dragon.

Live to die without fear!

When Della heard the movement, she turned her head and looked behind her, showing a shocked expression.

The huge dragon and the tiny bunny form a huge contrast and contrast between the two.

One is a predator at the top of the food chain, and the other is a rabbit at one of the bottom.

But Tutu didn't have any fear or hesitation.

Della knew that if this scene was seen by others and spread, it would be enough to become an epic.

Turn the impossible into the possible, so let's step on the road of legend!

"Tutu, let's go! Come on!" Della couldn't help shouting in her heart, cheering for Tutu from the air, but her running legs didn't slow down at all.

Facing the provocative Tutu, the giant dragon opened its mouth.

ah woo~

The dragon closed its mouth. Della and Bailiyuan didn't hear the explosion, but heard a muffled sound. Then the dragon exhaled, and two streams of black smoke came out of its nose.

The dragon raised its head and moved its throat.


"Meow-meow-!" (Rabbit-rabbit-!)

"Lightness technique, acceleration technique, breath shielding, trace shielding..." Daila threw a series of auxiliary magic directly on her body, "Moon magic, moon shadow sprint."

The dragon lowered its head, and a pair of scarlet eyes looked at the direction in which Della was escaping. Della was not able to completely isolate the perception of the dragon.

And before the dragon ignored her, it was because the dragon felt that Della couldn't escape.

The dragon flapped its wings and set off a strong wind, chasing Della.

"Daju, are you playing off?" Daila asked Bailiyuan in a crying voice. After all, she is still a child, and she has only experienced a year of experience as an adventurer.

However, Baili Yuan lying on top of Della's head remained calm.

No, everything is according to plan... Although Bailiyuan wanted to say that, he was just a kitten and couldn't speak.

However, it is indeed in Bailiyuan's plan to lead the dragon out of the temporary lair.

The dragon will chase after Della, not only because Della is an accomplice of Tutu, but in the blind spot of Della's vision, Bailiyuan used provocations and spiritual hints to the dragon one after another,

If the giant dragon can hold back this and go back to lie down, Bailiyuan is willing to call this giant dragon "Goulong King".

Bailiyuan raised his paw, added two more acceleration spells to Della below him, then turned around and raised his paw towards the dragon.

"Meow! Meow!" (You! Come here!)

The dragon chased even more fiercely.

Baili Yuan's gaze passed under the dragon and looked in the direction of the dragon's temporary lair.

"However it looks like a trap there, let's pull out the monster and fight."

It's just that Della runs on two legs after all, while the dragon flies, and the dragon is getting closer and closer to Della.

Bailiyuan took two more summoning formations.

Goblin Huddle!


"Meow~meow~" (Huddle, come on!)

Ken Tairo directly bit Della's clothes, threw Della onto his back, and then ran down the mountain with Della.

As for Hedel, he was left in place by Baili Yuan to stop the dragon.

But... blocking?

Huddle: (ΩДΩ)!


The dragon passed by at a low altitude, and the air pressure caused directly crushed Huddle to death, like accidentally stepping on a bug while walking on the road. Even the dragon didn't realize that Huddle had intercepted it.


When Della led the dragon away, two figures appeared near the temporary lair of the dragon.

"The dragon has been lured away, and the situation has changed."

"It doesn't matter, that direction is still the direction that those groups of people came from, it's just changing the position of the battlefield, and it doesn't have much impact."

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