I might be a fake Ultraman

Chapter 2062 Gray Crystal

This is a rabbit?

"Daju, is this the original rabbit monster?" Della asked in surprise.

Although the speed and strength of the little white rabbit seem to be weakened today, but with the effect of the flame explosion, its danger level has doubled.

The reason why mages have such a high status is that magic attacks can often cause more damage than physical attacks.

Many creatures are born with physical resistance, but they may not have magic resistance, which is one of the reasons why magic attacks are so powerful.

Facing Della's question, Bailiyuan nodded his chubby face, yes, but it was still very thin at that time.

Then Bailiyuan patted Della on the head, and signaled her not to look at it, but to go up and see if there was anything uncooked on the giant beetle monster, and if it could be recycled, hurry up, or else she would have to be reprimanded by Georgia when she went back.

Although Della's dissecting skills were not as superb as Georgia's, she could still figure out what was worth recycling. First, she would cut and recycle the whole thing, and it would not be too late to hand it over to Georgia for finishing after returning.

Besides, in a hurry now, Della can only simply recycle.

Put your stuff away and move on.


The advance of the large army was not smooth. After passing through the territory of the rabbit monster, more monsters of various kinds appeared and stopped the large army.

Although these monsters were all suppressed one by one under the coordinated joint encirclement and suppression of the large army, it also caused some casualties in the large army, because most of these monsters blocking the way are the same as rabbit monsters. It has been strengthened and is even more difficult to deal with.

This was the case for the large troops, not to mention the individual squads. Some chose to retreat, and some chose to join the large army. Only a small number of squads were able to follow nearby and maintain their combat effectiveness due to various reasons.

Archmage Howell was not in a hurry to make a move, because he needed to recharge his energy and prepare for the crusade against the dragon later.

It is enough for these other monsters to be handed over to other forces in the large army, which is also one of the meanings of their existence.

General against general, soldier against soldier, and team action, everyone has their own positioning and tasks.

Soon, the large group of hunters and thieves found some special traces, and then they hurried back to report.

"Is there traces of explosion and scorching? At the same time, there are still mutilated monsters? Very new?" The leaders of several forces frowned immediately.

This information cheered up many people, which meant that someone had walked in front of them without encountering any obstacles.

The good news is that the number of opponents is not many, the bad news is that the opponent may be strong.

Archmage Howell also firmed up his surroundings.

"The magic power around is very chaotic. Someone has stirred up the magic power around. The other party may also be a legal professional, and his strength should be slightly worse than mine." At this time, Archmage Howell was still very confident.

It is very likely that there are other powerful people following in the dark in this operation, but it is absolutely stupid to walk ahead of them.

After a brief discussion, the large forces decided to speed up their advance.

Angelina led a few girls forward steadily, not to say that their strength is strong enough. Without transformation, their strength is still relatively limited. Although they can solve some monsters with their cooperation, but now they It is impossible to use all its strength while camouflaging.

The reason why they were able to advance safely was because of the existence of Malkart.

When facing these monsters with dragon aura in their bodies, Melkart released his own dragon aura, covering the surroundings of several girls, and those monsters would not actively attack them.

What Angelina and the others need to pay attention to is how to avoid other adventurers and professionals, so that others will not notice their strangeness, and at the same time, they must not lose sight of the large army.

Fortunately, everything is going well so far.

"It's a pity that we can't fight these monsters. The materials on these special monsters must be more precious." Georgia felt it was a pity, but she knew the seriousness of the matter.

Xiao Yu flew back from the front and landed on Georgia's head, cooing and communicating with Georgia.

"Did you find no trace of Della and the others?" Georgia translated Xiao Yu's meaning.

Now their investigative methods are limited, so they can only let Xiaoyu go forward to investigate.

"Della and the others have not been found, which means that they should not be in danger now. Maybe they have found some clues. Let's move on. When we reach the end safely, we should be able to reunite with them." Flavor said .

"That makes sense." Lafite nodded, "Then let's move forward quickly."

"Shh!" Angelina made a silent gesture, "The big team is speeding up, let's follow up, go this way, and avoid the team in front."

The girls all closed their mouths, kept a straight face, and moved forward cautiously, which made people feel weird.

It's not like a nice guy.

Ahead, just as the girls thought, Bailiyuan and Della who continued to move forward did find some special clues.

After Tutu blasted a gray wolf monster to death again covered in flames, Della began to dissect the gray wolf's body. Although the smell of cooked meat came over her face, Della knew that wolf meat was not that delicious. .

"Wait, what is this? This gray wolf's stomach is so hard, did it eat stones?"

However, when Della cut open the gray wolf monster's stomach, she found that what was in the gray wolf's stomach was not a stone, but a gray crystal, which revealed a strange red light, which looked like water droplets.

"This is... a magic crystal?" Della was a little surprised.

Magic crystal is a general term for a class of items. It is a name for special crystals with magic power inside. Because of different magic power, magic crystals will show different shapes and colors.

This kind of gray magic crystal was the first time Della saw it, but this kind of magic crystal made her feel a little uncomfortable.

This is not a magic crystal that a serious mage should use.

Bailiyuan also stared at the magic crystal, but he saw more.

"The chaotic magic elements, the breath of hell, the curse of the tarsus... and the blood of the dragon, there is something about this crystal."

If Bailiyuan's body is here, he still has the ability to purify this crystal, maybe he can turn this crystal into a precious magic material, but now, Bailiyuan can't purify this crystal, he can only say, Whoever uses this crystal will die.

The gray wolf probably swallowed the crystal by mistake, but failed to absorb the power in the crystal, otherwise the gray wolf would not have come to them.

Bailiyuan put a seal on the gray crystal, blocking the breath of the gray crystal, and then signaled Della to put the crystal away.

Although Della can't use it now, nor can it be purified, but it can stay, at least it can't be thrown in the mountains casually, it will be bad if it pollutes the environment.

"The gray crystal should be related to the giant dragon. The giant dragon may not be as simple as an ordinary injury. Let's take a deeper look."

With Tutu leading the way and Della paying attention to avoiding monsters, Della went deep into the forest without encountering any major obstacles.

Perhaps because of injuries and limited time, the number of dependents produced by the giant dragon is not particularly large, enough for people to take advantage of loopholes.

When Della came outside a dense forest, Bailiyuan stopped Della.

Because they're here-

The dragon is ahead!

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