Chapter 2061 Tutu-1 Missile Launch

Bailiyuan led Della to move forward, surrounded by monotonous scenery of mountains and forests, and it seemed that because of the influence of the dragon's might, there were no other monster activities along the way.

This also means that the rabbit monster that can move here is not simple, and it may have something to do with the dragon.

When it comes to the understanding of giant dragons, Bailiyuan still has a say. Although the two lolicon dragons who did not return home, Muji and Nutrition Express, were not something that Bailiyuan could keep, but they did. It also gave Bailiyuan a better understanding of the dragon.

"The dragon blood of most giant dragons has a strengthening effect on ordinary creatures, and many giant dragons have also mastered the means of cultivating dependent races. It is very likely that these rabbit monsters are produced by giant dragons, and they can barely be regarded as dragon beasts. " Bailiyuan deduced in his heart that after following Daila as an adventurer for more than a year, it was also the first time that Bailiyuan came into contact with such a special rabbit monster.

Soon, Della encountered a rabbit monster again.

Looking at the rabbit monster, Bailiyuan lowered his head and patted Della.

"Huh? Daju, is there a problem?" Della was a little puzzled, because Bailiyuan's order by patting was to capture.

Although Della didn't know Baili Yuan's purpose, she still cooperated with Baili Yuan.

Della first put several layers of shields on herself, and then blasted a magic bullet in front of the rabbit monster to attract monsters.

The rabbit monster was frightened, stood up, and rushed towards Della with a sonic boom, but the rabbit monster hit the shield, failed to completely break through Della's defense, and hit himself seriously.

This time Della didn't make up the knife, but threw a binding spell, which restrained the rabbit monster's struggle.

Successful capture.

"Sure enough, as long as the defense is sufficient, this kind of rabbit monster will not pose too much threat." Della expressed her feelings.

That's true, in fact, if Olinson is here, his battle shield is enough to resist this kind of rabbit monster.

As for the thieves who were slaughtered before, it can only be said that thieves are generally crispy, and they don't build shields for themselves.

But still can not deny the advantages of the rabbit monster.

Bailiyuan jumped off Della's head, came to the rabbit monster, carefully checked the condition of the rabbit monster, and sure enough felt a trace of dragon breath in the rabbit monster.

Not the blood of the dragon, but the breath of the dragon. The change of the rabbit monster is not a change in the bloodline, but the dragon injected part of its own power into the rabbit monster, forcibly strengthening the rabbit monster, but the price of this strengthening is that the rabbit monster has since become the dragon's slave At the same time as the powerful power that does not belong to itself, the consciousness of the rabbit monster becomes blurred and crazy.

"It's a pity that there is no contract value." Bailiyuan originally thought that it would be good to contract such a rabbit monster as a battle pet for Della, but now that the rabbit monster's brain is broken, Bailiyuan can't help it.

There is no rule of law for the mentally disabled.

"However, you can try the method you thought of before." Baili Yuan stared at the eyes of the rabbit monster, and then the eyes lit up.

Then Della saw the rabbit monster lying on the ground struggling, as if in pain.

"What is Big Orange doing?"

After a few minutes, finally, the rabbit monster stopped struggling and calmed down completely.

Then Della sensed that the floating magic power gathered around the rabbit monster. As the magic power continued to gather, the concentration of magic power in an area increased, and the magic power gradually appeared in addition to the colorful colors.

Della took a few steps back and watched Baili Yuan Shishi quietly.

These magical powers entwine on the rabbit monster, repairing and transforming the rabbit monster's body, and the dying rabbit monster also recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Magic power can do this kind of thing?" Della was very surprised. She just knew that the priest's magic had a healing effect. Could the magic power floating in nature also have the same effect?

In the end, all the gathered magic power gathered around the rabbit monster to form a halo, and then slowly rose up, staying on top of the rabbit monster's head.

At this time, the magic that binds the rabbit monster has been broken, and the rabbit monster has returned to the normal appearance of a little white rabbit, with snow-white and smooth fur, only the white magic halo on the little white rabbit's head is very strange.

Della has seen this kind of halo, and there is a similar one on Olinson's head, but the angel halo on Olinson's head is white with golden light, full of sacred and bright power, while the one on the little white rabbit's head The halo is pure white, and what makes up the halo is also rich magic power.

Baili Yuan looked at his masterpiece and nodded in satisfaction.

The previous struggle and distortion of the rabbit monster was because Bailiyuan was competing with the giant dragon for the control of the rabbit monster. It was impossible for the giant dragon to guard this rabbit monster exclusively, so the control of the rabbit monster finally fell into Bailiyuan's hands .

Then Bailiyuan tried to use the method of condensing the soul ring to transform the rabbit monster and strengthen its control over the rabbit monster.

Under the baptism of magic power, the dragon breath in the rabbit monster's body was greatly weakened, but it was strengthened by magic power. Not only did it restore its normal body shape, but its consciousness was no longer in chaos.

But the little white rabbit's consciousness still can't be saved. Now the little white rabbit's consciousness is a blank sheet of paper. Apart from instinct, other actions depend on external stimuli or Bailiyuan's manipulation. As for whether it can be born again Self-awareness depends on fate.

"Daju, how is this rabbit monster?" Della came over and asked curiously.

"Meow." (Come on, show.)


The little white rabbit squatted down, stretched its limbs, and rushed out again. Immediately after hearing a bang, a big tree half as thick as a man fell down not far away.

Bailiyuan nodded.

"Although the strength and speed of the body have weakened, it is still not bad, and this is still without using the magic ring on the head. This rabbit is already different from the previous rabbit monster. A new name is called Magic Rabbit? But this looks a bit like an angel, or else, is it called an angel rabbit?"

When Bailiyuan was thinking about naming the little white rabbit, Della picked up Bailiyuan again and put it on top of her head.

Della didn't have much interest in the transformed little white rabbit. She didn't think the little white rabbit had become stronger, but just thought that the little white rabbit had become prettier.

But soon, Della realized that Bailiyuan's efforts to transform the little white rabbit were not in vain.

Naturally, the rabbit monster is not the only monster in the mountain forest that is accepted by the dragon as a family member. There are more and more powerful monsters in the mountain forest. These monsters have become more powerful after receiving the power bestowed by the dragon.


A huge beetle-like monster blocked the way. The more you advance, the more powerful monsters will become. Some monsters Della can deal with by herself, but this huge beetle monster is obviously beyond the scope of Della's alone. Of course, without changing your body.

And at this one, the Angel Rabbit who had been by Della's side stood up.

The human cannon is ready to fire.

The Tutu-1 missile is ready.



The magic halo above the angel rabbit's head lit up, and then the angel rabbit was wrapped in flames, and charged at the giant beetle monster.

Then, with an explosion, a small mushroom cloud rose in the forest.

In the flames, the angel rabbit stepped on the corpse of the huge beetle monster, which was so shocking in Della's eyes.

"Just kidding." Della murmured.

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