I might be a fake Ultraman

Chapter 2064 the dragon descended the mountain

Chaos dragon is a very special existence even among giant dragons.

Compared with other giant dragons, the growth cycle of the chaos dragon is longer, which also makes the strength of the chaos dragon stronger at the same growth stage, even if the types of abilities mastered by the chaos dragon can be mastered by most dragons Yes, but the strength of the Chaos Dragon will be stronger.

In addition, among other giant dragons, only the strongest individuals in those races have a certain chance to grow into a dragon king; however, the difference is that every chaotic dragon has the appearance of a dragon king, and they just need time to grow up. That's all, as long as it doesn't become disabled and grows normally, every chaotic dragon can grow into a chaotic dragon king.

Once a dragon grows into a dragon king, it not only means that the dragon will become stronger, but also that the dragons around him will become prosperous.

Therefore, because of the particularity of the Chaos Dragon, the Chaos Dragon has a special status among the dragons. Once other giant dragons find the Chaos Dragon, they will spontaneously guard the Chaos Dragon and make it grow.

It's just that this special dragon is extremely rare. Even many dragons can no longer recognize the appearance of the chaotic dragon. They can only peek at the posture of the chaotic dragon through the memory inherited in their blood—that is a touch that symbolizes the appearance of the chaotic dragon. Prosperous green.


"The dragon is down, the dragon is down!"

The front scouts passed the news back to the main force.

After being stunned for a moment, the leaders of various forces hurriedly organized their own teams to prepare for the response.

Then these leaders approached Archmage Howell one after another, asking for help.

Although they said they were here to fight the dragon, but when they actually met the dragon, they were still a little timid, as if Ye Gong loved dragons.

Archmage Howell smiled slightly, not panicking at all, "If you really want to rush into the dragon's lair to fight against the dragon, you may encounter some troubles, but now that the dragon has taken the initiative to leave the lair, it is easier to deal with it. "

"Why did Your Excellency the Archmage say that?" Someone was puzzled.

"Giant dragons can also use magic, and as an archmage, I know more about what magic can do. If I didn't expect it, the dragon's lair should have been transformed into a magic formation, full of benefits for giants. Dragons are designed to target the enemy's magic. If we rush into the dragon's lair, we must face these dangers. Although I am confident that I can break the magic of the dragon by tricks, I can't guarantee that everyone will be taken care of."

After hearing what Archmage Howell said, the others gasped.

"There is such a thing."

"Your Majesty the Archmage, Gao Yi!"

Archmage Howell smiled modestly, "No, now you need to thank the person who led the dragon out of the lair, and I'm curious how the other party led the dragon out of the lair, under normal circumstances, the dragon will not give up on itself positional advantage."

After hearing what Archmage Howell said, the eyes of the others narrowed.

Being able to induce the dragon to leave the lair is either hatred or benefit!

They prefer to believe that it is because of the latter, because there will not really be a dragon that will rush out of the lair because of provocation and hatred, no, no, no.

Just as the few people were communicating, the giant dragon had already arrived nearby, and was about to face the big army face to face!

Everyone in the large army clenched their weapons tightly while swallowing nervously.

"If I can go back alive this time, I will confess to Widow Li."

"The cherry blossoms in my hometown are blooming again. When I succeed in defeating the dragon, I will go back to enjoy the cherry blossoms."

"My legend begins from this moment!"

Everyone in the large army was full of fighting spirit, and countless flags were fluttering in the wind.

Master Howell also raised his staff: "Use me as a banner!"

And just when everyone was nervous and looking forward to it.

The giant dragon unexpectedly made a sharp turn, changed direction, and rushed out of an "L" shape.

Everyone: ⊙⊙?

Archmage Howell ready for magic: =_=

"What are you doing in a daze, hurry up and chase after him!" The leaders of several forces shouted.

The dragon turned a corner, naturally because the thing that drove the dragon turned its direction.

Kentaro ran wildly in the forest with Della on his back.

The reason for turning the corner is that after Della realized that there was a large army fighting against the dragon in front of her, Della did not intend to cause trouble.

"Although they are here to fight against the dragon, but the dragon was drawn out by me, I can't let the dragon attack the innocent."

The reason why Della has this idea is because Della feels that the giant dragon is too powerful and does not seem to be injured, so it is very likely that the crusade team will not be able to deal with the giant dragon.

Bailiyuan is also very different about the reason why Della asked Ken Taro to turn around.

"I understand, I want to solo the dragon, right!"

Fortunately, Bailiyuan still knew Della. Although he didn't really understand what Della was thinking, he knew that Della probably didn't have the idea of ​​fighting the dragon alone. After all, Della didn't have the guts, and...

"Oh, I sensed that Lafite and the others are right in front, so it turns out that five people are going to open the dragon!"

Baili Yuan smiled, and turned around to use another provocation.

Kentaro continued to run wildly, and the dragon chased after him. Finally, Della saw several familiar figures in front of her, and her expression changed suddenly.

"Run, don't come here!"

Lafite and the others saw Della returning, and before they had time to be happy, they saw the giant dragon chasing after Della and Kentaro, and then their expressions also changed drastically.

Three minutes later, Kentaro was still running wildly, but his speed slowed down, because at this time Kentaro was no longer only Della and Bailiyuan, but also five other girls and Olinson.

Sure enough, there is a limit to human potential. Several girls even put themselves on Kentello's body at a critical moment. Maybe they didn't realize how they did it.

It's just that so many people came up suddenly, Kentaro's speed naturally slowed down, and the dragon gradually narrowed the distance between them.

After all, Bailiyuan's Ken Tailuo is not a good-tempered Pokémon, but a irascible old man. Fengyuan has a great say in this matter.

The reason why he ran away before was because of Bailiyuan's order, and because the giant dragon couldn't catch up with him, he felt a sense of pleasure walking the dog.

But now, the giant dragon was about to catch up, and he finally couldn't bear it anymore.

With a flick of Ken Taro's body, the girls on his back were thrown away, and then Ken Taro turned his head and rushed towards the attacking dragon.

Kentaro kept beating himself with his tail, his eyes turned blood red, and at the same time his body lit up, and the ground trembled as he trampled on it.

One hundred thousand horsepower!

The size gap between the giant dragon and Kentaro is also huge, but Kentaro's momentum and strength are not too weak.

The two sides were walking towards each other. Before the dragon could react, they collided with each other. The dragon let out a scream and flew upside down.

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