Chapter 1835 The power of evil gods?

At this point the situation is very clear.

The believers of the Devil Sect had spotted Angelina's team following them before, so they set up an ambush here.

And this time the people taught by the Demon King are not ordinary believers, but the priests personally lead the team.

The judgment was wrong, and everyone fell into the dangerous situation at this time.

It's just that the gluttonous priest doesn't seem to care about the five ninja soldiers who left before, or is there other strong people in the villa who are strong enough to fight against the ninja soldiers? So just ignore it?

When Bailiyuan was thinking about this, Angelina also realized that her own misjudgment put others in danger, and she made a choice immediately.

"I'll hold him back, you guys retreat quickly!"

Although Angelina knew that Bailiyuan and Olinsen also had certain strengths, she didn't know whether Bailiyuan and Olinsen could fight against the gluttony priest, but at least relying on the strength of Melkart, she could hold off for the time being. Gluttony sacrifices to fight for opportunities for others.

Hearing Angelina's words, before the other girls had time to say anything, the gluttonous priest laughed, "Isn't it a bit late to run now? And don't you think I'm a little less important?"

Come whenever you want, run whenever you want, do you really think that he can be squeezed by gluttony and sacrifice?

Bailiyuan glanced at the gluttonous priest, do you see me looking straight at you?

"Don't worry, I just invite you to visit the Demon King's Cult." The gluttonous priest licked his lips and said, although his tone was polite, but everyone knew that being a guest was not so easy to do.

"Fuck, hit me if you want, what are you talking about so much nonsense? You'll be done if my Olinsen beats you up!" Lafite suddenly stood up and said, which was beyond everyone's expectations.

Even Bailiyuan didn't expect Lafite to be so staunch.

Della also looked at her best friend, as if she was meeting Lafite for the first time.

After all, Lafite planned to refuse to follow the Demon King's teaching before.

Being looked at by others like this, Lafite also scratched his head embarrassedly.

"I just think that Olinson shouldn't run away, he's going to fight anyway, at least he has to yell harsh words, and he can't weaken morale."

"..." The others were speechless for a while, they thought that Lafite had really become brave, but Lafite's words really made the others suppress their panic and get ready to fight.

After hearing Lafite's words, Olinson immediately felt that he could stand up again, "You are indeed my summoner! Fight for Lord Michael!"

Then Olinson rushed towards the gluttony priest with a hammer and a shield.

"Why not for me!" Lafite suddenly felt a little choked up.

However, because of Olinson's actions, the surrounding Demon King Cult followers were attracted, and the battle officially started!

The few girls naturally faced the challenge without fear.

In the past, they would not have entered the state so easily, but now they have done many adventurer tasks, so naturally they will not be afraid of fighting.

The Melkart on Angelina's shoulders flapped its wings, flew into the sky, expanded and expanded at the same time, and then fell.

Angelina jumped onto the top of Melkart's head, and then they rushed towards the gluttony priest with Olinson.

When the gluttonous priest saw Olinson and Melkart, he couldn't help squinting his eyes, "Interesting."

Angels and dragons are extremely rare must be delicious to eat.

Kohane landed on top of Georgia's head.

I'm going to make up the head... Ahem, it's time to cross the stage.

But when Xiaoyu landed on top of Georgia's head, Georgia immediately felt her head cleared up, and her hands were not slow either, and she cast several spells in an instant.

The fireballs were thrown by Georgia casually, without Georgia deliberately aiming at them. With Xiaoyu's assistance, these fireballs accurately landed on several demon king believers.

When you open the self-aiming, you will be asked if you are afraid.

Fravo immediately summoned her own water horse.

When a water attribute mage cooperates with a water attribute familiar, the power that can be exerted is multiplied!

The water horse ran up, bringing waves of spray.

Flavor drew out her sword and staff, and used water magic.

Several believers of the Demon King's Sect rushed to Fulawo's side desperately, but the staff in Fulawo's hand turned into a long sword in an instant.

"Look at the sword!"

The sword light flickered and shrouded several Demon King Cult followers. The few believers had never expected that Fulavo would have such a skill. They were stunned for a moment, and thus exposed their flaws, making it difficult to resist.

Flavor with a sword seems to be stronger than with spells, because she has already added several buffs to herself.

Melee mage, you can't think of it!

Della and Rafi also acted.

Back to back, they took turns to use magic, so that the followers of the Demon King Cult could not get close.

Olinson naturally didn't forget his mage, when he was fighting the gluttony priest, he turned around and put a sacred shield on Lafite.

And Della also used a shield of moon magic and put it on her body.

Although the shield in the moon magic is not as hard as the sacred shield on Lafite, it can cooperate with Della's other moon magic to increase the power of Della's moon magic.

Some special spells are naturally better than ordinary spells.

Ordinary demon king believers are indeed not strong. A few girls cooperated with each other and quickly defeated most of them.

But the few girls didn't kill people, they just knocked down these believers.

It would be fine if it was killing monsters, but they were not so decisive in killing people.

But it's useless to defeat the believers, because the gluttony priest is the boss.

Bailiyuan was lying on the safe area in the center, and he also started calling.

This time I won't summon goblins, I will summon stronger ones...

Because the target to be summoned this time is very strong, Bailiyuan also needs more strength. He uses his own spirit to mobilize the magic power floating in the surrounding air to build a magic circle.

The magic power was activated, which made the time and momentum of Baili Yuan's call seem a bit big.

Colorful magic power flickered, and a huge magic circle slowly appeared.

The gluttonous priest who was dealing with Olinson and Angelina frowned when he saw this scene.

"It turned out to be summoning magic. With such a movement, the summoning must not be simple...Forget it, let's not play for now."

Hearing the underestimation of the Gluttony Priest, Melkart felt serious, "Angelina, be careful!"

As soon as the words fell, terrifying power erupted from the body of the gluttonous priest. The eruption of power directly lifted Malkater and Olinson out, and Malkater turned over immediately to protect Angelina.

The explosion of the gluttony priest's power also attracted Baili Yuan's attention. While building the summoning array, he rubbed his stomach that was a little full from eating before, and then looked at the gluttony priest.

"This is... the breath of God?!"

Bailiyuan felt the breath of God from the power emanating from the gluttonous priest... No, it should be said that the gluttonous priest has the power of a god!

"Is it authority? Or the law? Or the power of faith?"

But no matter which one it is, it means that the gluttony priest cannot be treated as an ordinary diamond-level powerhouse.

Moreover, there is an evil aura in this divine power. There is no doubt that the power of the gluttonous priest comes from an evil god!

"This gluttony sacrifice is not easy."

In the previous battles, the Gluttony Priest didn't do anything special. He just relied on his body's strength and flexibility. Facing the siege of Malcotte and Olinson, he suddenly burst out with strength, making Malcarter and Olinson unstoppable. Check, was blasted out.

Seeing the explosive power of the gluttonous sacrifice, everyone felt the pressure immediately, and their movements couldn't help but stop.

Xiaoyu spread her wings and protected Georgia behind her.

The water horse also protected Fravor.

Della and Rafi team up to resist the pressure.

Olinson got up from the ground, wiped his nose, and looked at the gluttonous priest with a serious face.

Malkart also protected Angelina behind him, but Angelina gritted her teeth and insisted.

"Be careful, I've noticed the power of God!" Malkart reminded again, causing Angelina's heart to sink.

Angelina has also heard about the power of God, it is definitely not something they can handle now!

And Bailiyuan continued to maintain the summoning... Well, the summoning will be completed soon.

The power that erupted from the gluttonous priest gradually dissipated.

But this is not to say that the gluttony priest ended the explosion of power, so he can only sneer.

The burst of power just now was more like the power leaked out during the process of unlocking the power in the body when the seal was lifted.

At this time, the strength and aura of the gluttony priest have not only been improved, but his appearance has also undergone a huge change. His figure has become a bit tall and bloated, and the noble costumes on his body can barely wrap his body.

The gluttonous priest's face also became wide and fat, and red marks appeared around his eyes, making his facial features look distorted and hideous.

The few girls who had just recovered from the pressure saw the appearance of the gluttonous priest at this time, and they all backed away in fright.

When the Gluttony Sacrifice completed its transformation, Baili Yuan's summoning was also completed.

In the bright light, a figure gradually appeared...


The figure expressed doubts about his sudden summoning and the circumstances of the matter.

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