Chapter 1836 ?(*°ω°*?)*

Chapter 1836 (°ω°)

Everyone was a little surprised when they saw the small figure who was not 1.5 meters tall.

"So cute~" Lafite said subconsciously.

Appearing from the magic circle is the super-powered Miaomiao in a small dress.

Different from the general nude Super Miaomiao, Bailiyuan's Super Miaomiao prefers to wear all kinds of special exquisite dresses and exquisite top hats.

With exquisite costumes and soft and neat hair, the charm of Super Miaomiao has been greatly enhanced.

If you go to the Gorgeous Contest, Super Miaomiao will have a high score as soon as you play, and Ms. Joey will definitely say that she knows how to do it.

After the appearance of Super Miaomiao, she quickly figured out the surrounding situation. Most of the elves who can control powerful mental power at will have a high IQ, and their analytical ability is naturally not too bad.

Then Chao Neng Miaomiao looked at Baili Yuan, with a rare expression of interest on his expressionless face.

In the past, Super Miaomiao wanted to come to this world to see how Bailiyuan turned into a cat, so Bailiyuan directly summoned Super Miaomiao this time, wanting to let Super Miaomiao crush the gluttony sacrifice, and then they Go catch the Dryad.

Now Super Miaomiao has his wish.

But judging from the situation of gluttony and sacrifice, the battle should not be too simple, and I don't know if I will have time to catch the dryad today.

Chao Neng Miaomiao came to Baili Yuan curiously, stretched out his hand, and poked Baili Yuan's stomach.

so soft~

"Hahaha..." The gluttonous priest suddenly laughed, "I thought I was going to summon some powerful existence, but I didn't expect it to be a cute little cat. Could it be the friend of that fat orange cat..."

Before the words of the gluttony priest fell, Bailiyuan saw that Super Miaomiao's eyes moved and glanced at the gluttony priest, and then one of Super Miaomiao's folded ears suddenly opened, and the terrifying super power stored inside exploded suddenly , Attacking the gluttony sacrifice.

The gluttonous priest suddenly felt the crisis, but he had no time to react. He suddenly felt as if he had been hit by a running pig-headed man. His whole body was severely injured in an instant, and he flew to the distance, and finally hit a distant cliff hard. , The whole person fell between the rocks and was buried by the rocks.


The sound of impact came, and the wind and waves blew up the clothes of several girls. Fortunately, they were all wearing adventurer suits, not skirts, and nothing that should not be exposed was revealed.

But a few girls are not in the mood to care so much.

With a stiff neck, Lafite turned his head to look at Chao Neng Miaomiao, and then swallowed.

"Oh my god, are all cats this scary now?"

After finishing this, Super Miaomiao's ears fell down, and she remained expressionless, without any emotional fluctuations, as if she had slapped a fly to death, ignoring the gluttonous priest who was blown away.

Then Chao Neng Miaomiao turned Baili Yuan over and rubbed Baili Yuan's chubby belly, his expressionless face seemed to be shrouded in the radiance of happiness and joy.

Poke poke~

Baili Yuan twisted her body and made a meowing sound, enduring the "shame" of being restrained by the contracted beast.

"Hey, don't make trouble, it's itchy~"

On the cliff, the five ninja soldiers who had just sneaked into the villa also heard the movement outside. They hurriedly lay down on the window and looked outside.

"Is this the end?" Georgia asked.

Of course it's not that simple!

The gravel on the stone wall under the cliff fell, and a hand covered in blood and dust stretched out from it. The gluttonous priest panted and stood up slightly.

A few girls noticed the situation, and hurriedly took out their binoculars, and looked at the position where the gluttony priest was embedded in the stone wall.

At this time, the condition of the gluttonous sacrifice was very bad, his whole body was a little distorted, covered with blood and dust, and the blood that spit out seemed to be mixed with internal organs.

And the gluttonous priest knew that the flesh and blood in his body was almost crushed just now!

Bailiyuan knew the power of Super Miaomiao's attack just now.

If it weren't for the gluttony priest who had just liberated some strength and improved his physical fitness, he would most likely have become a meatloaf now.

However, the super-powerful Miaomiao suddenly exploded, so naturally Bailiyuan's order was also given.

"No, it's still alive." Lafite said in surprise.

Although the girls can't kill people, they were a little scared to see the miserable gluttonous priest at this time, but they didn't expect that the gluttonous priest could survive such an attack.

The gluttonous priest who was seriously injured opened his mouth again and spit out another mouthful of blood.

He realized that if he didn't do something about it, he'd be overwhelmed.

"You annoy me!"

The gluttony priest burst out with power again.

The second layer of seal is released!

The whole cliff shook.

The gluttony priest lifted the seal this time, but it seemed a bit painful, not only because of the injuries on his body, but also because of the swelling power in his body.

How could it be so easy to bear the power of the evil god?

With the expansion of power, the gluttonous priest's eyes widened, his body also expanded, and the noble costume was completely torn, exposing the skin underneath.

At this time, the gluttony priest's skin was no longer human-like, but turned bluish-yellow, growing countless small fluff, which looked corrupt and weird.

At the same time, the gluttony priest's appearance became more ferocious, his eyes completely turned into fly-like compound eyes, his mouth became mouthparts, and countless tentacles appeared on both sides of his body.

"It actually forced me to become a second form, I must eat you!" The gluttonous priest said in hatred, his voice became overlapping, as if there were two vocal organs.

But after becoming the second form, the gluttony priest's strength not only increased by one section again, but his injuries also recovered quickly.


The gluttonous priest suddenly jumped out of the stone wall and flew into the air.

Only then did everyone see clearly that a pair of fly-like wings appeared behind the gluttonous priest!

"Is he still human?" Georgia asked in surprise.

Flavo also showed a hint of disgust.

Kind of disgusting.

But no one would underestimate the gluttony priest who is difficult to deal with at this moment, but everyone did not take any action, but looked at the super-powered Miaomiao who was masturbating Bailiyuan.

One cat is stroking another cat, the scene is a bit strange.

"I remember cats would lick each other." Lafite said in a low voice.

Chao Neng Miao Miao seemed to have heard her words, and immediately stopped and looked at her.

Lafite shut his mouth instantly.

However, the super-powerful Miaomiao no longer rubbed Bailiyuan, but looked at the gluttonous priest flying in the air in the distance, and his expression became a little disgusted.

The Gluttony Priest roared and rushed towards Super Miaomiao at such a fast speed that he almost reached it in the blink of an eye.

However, before everyone could exclaim in surprise, they heard a bang, and then saw the gluttonous priest hit a special wall.

Light wall trick.

Then Super Miaomiao raised his hand, and a shadow ball was stuck on the gluttonous priest's face, causing the gluttonous priest to scream.

Miserable green blood spilled all around.

Super Miaomiao still crushes the gluttony priest transformed in the second stage.

Super Miaomiao, Level: Body 93; Projection 89.

Although the level has dropped from the colorful pole to the diamond level, it is also top-notch at the diamond level, and the various abilities and combat experience of Super Miaomiao are not suppressed in any way.

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