Chapter 1834 Gluttony Sacrifice

The reason why Angelina and the others came to the plain was because they were following a group of demon king believers who were disguised as travelers.

Della and Lafite put aside their missions for the time being, and they continued to disguise themselves as adventurers and follow behind the followers of the Demon King Cult.

But the few girls are not pretending, and they are all registered as adventurers.

Della and Rafi are not the only ones who exercise themselves through adventurer quests.

The few people who have done adventurer missions for a while have also matured a lot. They followed behind from a distance, judging the situation of the followers of the Demon King Sect ahead from the traces on the plain.

It looks a little professional.

But overall, the best performer is Georgia.

After asking, I found out that the number of quests done by Georgia far exceeded the others, almost twice as many as Della and Lafite's quests.

When asked why Georgia worked so hard, Georgia said that doing tasks can not only improve herself, but also earn money.

When it came to money, Georgia showed a happy smile.

She really likes money!

Soon, several people followed the traces to a cliff near the sea.

"Is there a sea near the Master Academy?" Baili Yuan was a little surprised.

The others were not surprised.

In fact, the terrain around the Mage Academy is very diverse. After all, this is the territory of the mages. Some powerful mages naturally changed the surrounding environment for their own practice. Let alone the sea, there are volcanoes nearby.

Just because of the temperature, there is no polar environment.

"The destination of the group of Demon King Cultists is ahead!" Angelina said.

At this time, they were standing on a small forest road, looking at a cliff at the end of the road.

It can be seen that a luxurious villa is built on the cliff.

"Is that the stronghold of Demon King Sect followers? can there be villas here?" Lafite was a little puzzled.

It would be too grand if the followers of Demon King Sect built a stronghold with villas like this.

"Perhaps there is something hidden in it. That villa may have been there originally, and then it was occupied by the Demon King Cult. Does any of you know anything about that villa?" Angelina asked.

Everyone looked at each other, then shook their heads.

None of them knew everything.

Angelina frowned, and then looked at Melkart.

Melkart understood what Angelina meant. It sensed it for a moment, then shook its head, "It didn't notice any special power or danger. Either there was really no danger, or the enemy was very good at hiding."

Angelina hesitated, but soon she made a decision, "Let's retreat first, and I will notify Brother Huang about this."

However, Olinsen looked at Bailiyuan.

Bailiyuan understood, Olinsen didn't intend to just go back, otherwise the child wouldn't even be able to eat milk.

"Forget it, just take it easy and do some activities." Baili Yuan also paid attention to the time, he could stay in the mage world for a while, so he should deal with this matter as soon as possible.

Bailiyuan jumped off Della's embrace.

Everyone looked at Bailiyuan suspiciously.

Then Bailiyuan slapped his paw on the ground, and several magic circles appeared.

"It's a summoning!" Angelina realized that the last competition was when Bailiyuan summoned a group of summoned beasts, forcing her and Malcott back.

In that competition, Della consumed all her magic power and fell into a coma, and she left the arena, and the final result was a tie.

However, this is just a competition within the rules arranged by the academy. If it is a life-and-death battle, the result will not be certain. It's just that Angelina and Melkart can't see through Bailiyuan's strength, and they also don't think they can. Sure win.

This time, what Bailiyuan summoned was not the summoned beast they had seen last time, but a team of ninja soldiers of five colors, with a strong breath.

Bailiyuan had already collected ninja soldiers with five types of chakra, and signed a special contract with these ninja soldiers by the way.

After all, if the ninja soldiers die, they can be revived, but the chakra that Bailiyuan gave them may be wasted, so sign a special contract, and when necessary, call their projections to fight, and the projections will not die. have too much impact on the body.

Not only the ninja soldiers with five chakra attributes, but Bailiyuan even cultivated a few special ninja soldiers with blood-stained escapism, which are stronger, and they were not summoned together.

Although the Shadow Corps looks a bit evil, they are exactly shadow creatures. Although some creatures may dislike them, they cannot be simply attributed to evil creatures.

When Olinson saw a few ninja soldiers, he just frowned, but when he thought that they were summoned by Master "Michael", he immediately stopped feeling disgusted.

The five ninja soldiers looked at Bailiyuan strangely.

How did the owner become a cat?

But luckily the contract is real.

Bailiyuan waved the cat's paw, and issued an order through the contract. The five ninja soldiers nodded slightly, then disappeared, lurking towards the villa on the cliff.

The others stood there, not knowing what to do for a while.

"Let's just wait for now." Della said with a smile, and eased the atmosphere. After all, Bailiyuan did everything, and they seemed a little redundant.

But before their butts touched the ground, weird laughter suddenly appeared around them.

Several people instantly became vigilant.

Immediately afterwards, there were rustling sounds around the few people, and it was obvious that someone was hiding in the surrounding forest.

Melkart frowned, "I didn't realize that there were enemies hiding around?"

"Get ready to fight the enemy!" Angelina said.

As soon as the words fell, the girls were surrounded by a group of uniformly dressed people.

This group of people was dressed in black, and their faces were covered by white cloths. There were special patterns on the white cloths. Their eyes were not exposed, and they didn't know how they could see the road clearly.

"It was taught by the devil!" Angelina recognized the costumes of this group of people.

Ordinary wild monsters, followers of Demon King Sect appeared.

Then, a figure appeared among the group of demon king believers.

This is a man dressed like an aristocrat. Generally speaking, those who dress differently are special monsters, or at least elite monsters.

"It's you who are following us... huh? It's actually the Princess who sent us to the door. It really makes people shine." The man said with a smile.

The moment the man appeared, Bailiyuan, Olinson, and McCarter sensed the malice in the man.

Xiao Yu on Georgia's head also exploded instantly, realizing the danger of the other party.

"Who are you?" Angelina's face darkened, and she asked in an echo.

The noble-like man performed a noble etiquette, "Let me introduce myself, the demon king teaches gluttony sacrifices, it's an honor to meet you all."

It turned out to be a priest of the Devil Sect! ?

The gluttonous priest appeared in front of everyone like this and easily revealed his identity. Perhaps, he felt that he had already eaten Baili Yuan and the others.

It is also true, according to the level of strength, this gluttony priest has at least the strength of diamond level, and he is also a strong man in this world.

After judging the strength of the gluttony sacrifice, Baili Yuan began to think.

Which elf should I summon next to smash this gluttony priest?

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