I might be a fake Ultraman

Chapter 1616 Head-popping clown: Have you never seen the attack method of throwing your head out?

Through the performance of the three elves just now, it can be found that Dialga and Palkia have the ability to open the channel to Pokémon, so if you want to let the three elves go to the Pokémon world to fight, you can find a way to use them Dialga and Palkia came to open the passage, and finally let the three elves go to the world of Pokémon.

If all goes well, Bailiyuan and Sirona will also be able to leave the Pokémon world safely.

As for Chiri...

Geng Gui looked at Chi Ri and smiled, Chi Ri shook his head in refusal.

But Geng Gui didn't care what Chiri thought, he grabbed Chiri directly, and stuffed Chiri into his body.

The Geng Ghosts can carry a large number of items in their bodies. Their bodies are like a black hole. Things will disappear after they are put into their bodies, but they can also take them out at any time.

"But this is the first time I've seen Geng Gui who can put people in his body." Sirona was a little surprised.

Bailiyuan explained: "Geng Gui can still do this kind of thing, but... the people and creatures imprisoned in Geng Gui's body will not have a very good experience."

Sirona showed a dazed look, as if "learned".

Although Sirona knows Geng Gui, a relatively common ghost-type elf, her understanding of Geng Gui is limited to combat ability, and her understanding of Geng Gui's special abilities is relatively limited.

The explanation that Bailiyuan told Sirona was indeed true, but it concealed some things. For example, Bailiyuan would not tell Sirona that Geng Gui's stuffing other creatures into his body was also a means of predation, because Geng Gui could pass This way absorbs the life energy of living beings, and those living beings that come out of Geng Gui's body alive end up in the hospital, at least seriously ill.

Why is the Chrysanthemum King of Kanto so revered?

Because Juzi Tianwang is not a person to be provoked when she was young or now, she has a record of stuffing people who offend her into Geng Gui's body. Although Juzi Tianwang will not really kill people, but entering Geng Gui Inside is definitely not a good experience, and those who come out are often traumatized.

In other words, Geng Gui's ability is generally used on enemies, and it is somewhat inhumane, so it is impossible for Geng Gui's ability to be known to everyone.

Bailiyuan didn't have such scruples when dealing with Chiri. If he didn't deal with Chiri in this way, it would be impossible to perform a "big transformation into a living person" in front of Sirona, and it would be even more difficult to explain.

Bailiyuan's Geng Gui also knew the severity and would not harm Chiri's life.

"But your Geng Gui is bringing a person, won't it affect the next battle?" Sirona asked worriedly.

In the next plan, they will also participate in the battle, creating opportunities for Dialga and Palkia.

Baili Yuan nodded, "Indeed, Geng Gui bringing someone with him will affect her actions, but Geng Gui will not be the main force in the next battle."

Saying that, Bailiyuan took out a special-looking elf ball.

Sirona froze for a moment, Bailiyuan still had elves on her body?

But when Sirona saw the elf ball in Bailiyuan's hand, she was a little dazed.

What kind of elf ball is this?


The battle between the three legendary elves was fierce, and with the strange gravity of the inverted world, it took a lot of effort for Bailiyuan and Sirona to get close to the three elves.

Then, they also started to act!

"Bite the land shark, meteor swarm!"

This time the meteor swarm was not concentrated, but dispersed and fell towards the three elves, the purpose was to attract the attention of the three elves.

Although they still chose to fight the three elves, they did not help one side, but interfered with the battle as a third party. The purpose was to create opportunities for Dialga and Palkia to escape, and their escape would Giratina was also introduced to the Pokémon world, so that the three elves could transfer the battlefield to the Pokémon world.

At the same time, Bailiyuan and Sirona can also use this to escape.

However, there are also risks for them to intervene in the battle. They must ensure that they can interfere with the three elves, but they will not draw the wrath of the three elves onto themselves. They don't want to be hated by the three elves or suddenly face any of them elf.

Sirona's attack was very effective and successfully attracted the attention of the three elves.

At the same time, Bailiyuan also threw the elf ball in his hand, no, this is the ultimate ball!

"Come on, bang-head clown!"

The bang-headed clown was the special ghost-type ultimate beast sent to Bailiyuan by Shuiwutong and Chiyansong!

The pop-headed clown is a kind of ultra-beast. Shui Wutong and Chi Yansong have cooperated with Dr. Moen and Lusamine to continuously explore the ultimate space and the ultra-beast in it, and now they have made a lot of progress. Progress.

Although some Ultra Beasts are difficult to communicate and are aggressive, there are also Ultra Beasts that can communicate and even command battles like ordinary elves.

But the pop-head clown is not the kind that can command, but can communicate, and Baili Yuan can barely get the help of the pop-head clown.

As soon as the pop-head clown appeared, it attracted the attention of the three elves. Its aura that was different from ordinary Pokémon made the three elves feel strange.

Sirona also looked at the bang-headed clown.

"What kind of elf is that?"

Shui Wutong and the others have protected the information of the Ultra Beast very well. Except for the information investigated by the Interpol before, the information researched by Shui Wutong and the others has not been leaked, and there is no alliance established in the Alola area. It also facilitates their actions.

However, unlike the island patron saints in the Alola region, the island patron saints will guard against and even attack the ultra beasts, believing that the ultra beasts are a threat to the Pokémon world, while the space-time gods and Giratina just feel The head clown is a weird guy.

Giratina felt that the aura of the popping clown was somewhat familiar. In ancient times, there was an existence with a similar aura in a certain area of ​​the Pokémon world, but...it doesn't matter.

Because the pop-head clown also made moves.

Like a magician, the bang-headed clown stood on a broken island fragment, bowed gracefully to the three elves, and then... it then took off its own head and threw it at the three elves. only sprites.

"It's amazing!" Sirona exclaimed.

She has seen many attacks with the head, but it is the first time she has seen him directly take off his head and throw it out.

Pop the Clown's head flew between the three elves, and...


There was an explosion, and huge fireworks exploded in the air!

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