Dialga fought Giratina angrily.

You have already troubled me last time, and you are coming this time?

And when Dialga was entangled by Giratina, Palkia suddenly realized something...

Now Dialga's attention is not on me, so can I take the opportunity to run away?

Dead friends don't die poor daoists, slip away~

If it wasn't necessary, Palkia didn't want to confront Giratina. Giratina's ability is very dangerous, otherwise Giratina wouldn't be the only one who was exiled.

Although they are two-on-one, it is impossible to really kill Giratina. It is also thankless to fight against Giratina. If you can run, you should run quickly.

Sacrificing Dialga and making Palkia happy, Palkia felt that there was nothing wrong.

Although the three elves were created at the same time, they don't have a deep sense of brotherhood. Even if they are brothers, this brother is also the kind with quotation marks.

The previously opened passage has disappeared, and Palkia opened another passage, and is about to run back to the Pokémon world. For the space god who has mastered the power of space, it is still possible to just open a space passage leading to the Pokémon world. did it.

The reverse world is not connected to the space where the two gods of time and space are located. Dialga and Palkia can only return to the Pokmon world before returning to their own space, otherwise they would have run away early.

Dialga on the other side also realized that Palkia was going to sneak away, so he yelled at Palkia, and shot a beam of light directly at Palkia who was about to run away.

Then Palkia returned to where he was before, as if the movie was reversed.

Turn back time!

It's not a move, but the use of time ability.

The effect of this trick on Palkia is much better than that on Giratina. Giratina was just stuck as a "high-frequency fighter", but Palkia was directly killed. The "progress bar" - the escape progress bar is reversed. The reason for this difference is because of Giratina's special ability.

But now Dialga has achieved the effect he wanted.

Dialga: Palkia, you can't escape!

It is also a victim, but Dialga has issued a declaration that Giratina should say.

Palkia, who was reversed in time, was startled, and looked at Dialga unkindly.

Babe, you plot against me!

Giratina also noticed Palkia. It didn't intend to let Dialga go, but it wouldn't let Palkia sneak away either.

You made such a big noise, you attacked me just now, you want to run now?

Just when Palkia was about to run towards the passage he opened again, Giratina's figure suddenly disappeared, and it reappeared behind Palkia.

As soon as Giratina appeared, she launched a powerful attack on Palkia.

Shadow Stalker!

Palkia was not afraid, and turned around to fight with Giratina.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Dialga also plans to use the passage opened by Palkia to return to the world of Pokémon.

It doesn't need to beat Giratina, it just needs to run faster than Palkia.

However, when Dialga rushed to the front of the passage, he slammed into an invisible wall.

Dialga shook his head, and then realized that this is not a special wall, but a space blockade!

Although Dialga seemed to be only one step away from the passage, there was already an invisible space between the two!

It is also the application of spatial ability, but to be able to achieve this level...

Dialga turned to look at Palkia, and Palkia withdrew his hand pointing at the passage while fighting Giratina.

Is it useful for you to run fast? The exit has been blocked by me!

The passage to leave the reversed world gradually began to shrink and disappear.

Palkia won't let Dialga pick the peaches!

The reverse world is used to imprison Dialga. Except for some special places with passages to the Pokémon world, it is not easy to open passages to and from other areas at will, and only Palkia can It can be done, which is why Dialga also cooperated with Palkia to open the passage to the world of Pokémon at the beginning.

With Diya Luka alone, it would be difficult to open a passage casually.

Dialka couldn't help being angry, and opened his mouth to roar at Palkia.

At the same time, Giratina also used Shadow Sneak again.

Palkia was also unconvinced, and used the subkong slash with his claws out!



The three legendary Pokémon fought together. Although they did not affect Bailiyuan and Sirona in the distance, they were not so optimistic.

"We can't let them fight like this, this world can also affect the world of Pokémon!" Sirona said seriously.

There are records of this in the report that Sirona has known before, just like in the Pokémon world, the battle between Dialga and Palkia in Baiyang Town affected the reverse world, which angered Qila Dina, if you do something in the reverse world, it will also affect the Pokémon world in reverse!

The inverted world is like the other side of the mirror in the Pokémon world, and the scene inside and outside the mirror must be the same!

There are bubbles of different sizes everywhere in the reverse world, reflecting everything in the Pokémon world. If these reflections are destroyed in the reverse world, the corresponding scenes of the Pokémon world will also be affected, and even cause disasters!

And it's much easier to destroy those reflections in the reverse world than to attack the real thing in the Pokémon world.

If the three legendary Pokémon are allowed to fight like this, the impact will definitely not be small. In the end, it will be the Pokémon world that will suffer the most damage!

After learning about these things, Baili Yuan also frowned: "Then we have to make a choice, whether to help Giratina or Dialga and Palkia, we must end this as soon as possible." battle."

This is not a simple multiple choice question.

To help Giratina, you need to face Dialga and Palkia, to help the two gods of time and space, the first choice of the two gods of time and space should be to escape, but when the two gods of time and space run away, they have to face Giratina's anger flared up.

As for persuasion...

Even Bailiyuan didn't have the confidence to calm the anger of the three elves with the power of his own heart, and might burn him instead.

It's like when someone burns your house down, and you want to "just" reason with others, but a third party comes and says, "Calm down, don't worry about it, just admit it", as if standing up and talking without pain in your back .

I don't know if others can bear Baili Yuan, but Giratina definitely can't bear it, and may even beat up the people who persuaded him.

"I choose to help Giratina." Bailiyuan said his thoughts, Dialga and Palkia can run, but Giratina can't run, let alone the last time in Baiyang Town, Diya Luka and Palkia didn't give Baili Yuan a good look.

Sirona narrowed her eyes and thought for a while, "Actually, we don't necessarily need to help one of them, we can let them fight in another place!"

Bailiyuan looked at Sirona suspiciously.

"No matter which side you help, it may hurt the other side, but if you let them go to the Pokémon world to fight, the impact on the Pokémon world will be smaller. There are also some barren areas in the Sinnoh area, which are suitable for them. Come to fight, and... there is no way to appease their anger."

Sirona looked at Bailiyuan and said with a smile: "Don't underestimate the alliance, but all of this needs to go back to the Pokémon world first."

Does the alliance have a way to calm the anger of the three Pokémon?

Bailiyuan was a little puzzled.

To appease the anger of the two gods of time and space, you can use the Tower of Time and Space in Baiyang Town to play Orazion, but what about Giratina?

This time it is obvious that Giratina is the sufferer.

But after thinking about it, Bailiyuan chose to believe in Sirona.

"Tell me what to do."

Note: High-frequency fighters are actually "high ping fighters", which often appear in FPS games. A high ping fighter refers to a game with high latency. From the perspective of other players, a high ping fighter may stand still or be doing animation effects, but in fact he is not in that position because the server updates the data between players. The delay caused the data to be out of sync. Sometimes it will happen that you beat him for a long time without dying, but he kills him with a backhand shot; or you obviously hit him but there is no damage judgment.

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