I might be a fake Ultraman

Chapter 1617 Escape

Blow your head!

This is the special skill of the clown, a skill that has not been recorded in the alliance illustration, and the name of this skill comes from Dr. Moen.

This skill is somewhat similar to skills such as explosion and big bang, but the difference is that the bang head clown blows his own "head".

This skill will make the clown's head explode, and then attack everything around him, but at the same time, the clown himself will also be hurt and lose stamina.

According to the experimental calculations, every time the pop-head clown uses the shocking head, he will lose part of his physical strength. The pop-head clown can naturally control the degree of physical strength loss. At the same time, the more physical strength he loses, the greater the power of the explosion.

However, the most powerful shocking head that the pop-head clown can use will cause it to lose about half of its maximum physical strength. , if you reduce the power of the skill, you can use this skill multiple times.

Of course, the explosion of the head of the pop-head clown does not mean that it will threaten its life, because the head of the pop-head clown is quite special-the head of the pop-head clown is not connected to the body, but is made of an incredible collection of sparks , so pick your head up or let it explode as you please.

This is a bit similar to the Flying Head Man or Headless in Japanese monster legends.

And the bang head clown who uses the big head, can regenerate after its head is blown up.

The head-popping clown standing on the island shards swayed, and another head appeared at the original head position.

"Using such a strong move from the beginning, this bang-headed clown is really irritable." Bai Liyuan couldn't help but said, he had limited understanding of this bang-headed clown, and this time he got to know this bang-headed clown better head clown.

Although Bailiyuan can command the head-popping clown to a certain extent, but often the head-popping clown has its own ideas, and it was also its own idea to suddenly use such a powerful move as the shocking head.

He lost half of his stamina before the battle even started. Should he be crazy or confident?

Or the clown who popped the head just wanted to blow it up.

The reason why Bailiyuan chose the bang-head clown to fight was, on the one hand, because the bang-head clown had good strength, and on the other hand, because the bang-head clown could make enough noise.

Sure enough, the sudden explosion not only startled Sirona, but also successfully attracted the attention of Dialga, Palkia and Giratina in the air.

"It's now, Lie Bite Lu Shark, continue to attack, Meteor Swarm!" Sirona seized the time and kept Lie Bite Lu Shark attacking.

Biting the land shark attacked again, and the clown with the head popping threw his head again.

But this time the clown didn't use the Big Head Blast, but simply made his head expand and shrink continuously, making it look like an explosion.

But this level can only be regarded as a trick, except for the sound of explosion, it is not harmful, and the head of the clown who meets the head looks like it exploded, but in fact it is just a special kind of expansion, which can be shrunk and retracted.

Pop head clowns often use this method to scare other creatures, and then absorb the special emotions of other creatures because of the fright as food.

After all, the pop-headed clown is also an ultra-beast with ghost attributes, and in some respects it has the same habits as the ghost-type Pokémon.

The head of the head-popping clown in the sky regrouped into the shape of a head after an explosion sound, then floated to the other side, expanded again, and caused the explosion sound again.

Although Bailiyuan and Sirona's attacks seem to be attacking the three elves indiscriminately, in fact their firepower is more focused on Giratina.

Although Sirona said that she couldn't beat the three elves, it didn't mean that Sirona couldn't pose a threat to the three elves, let alone the strongest biting land shark in Sirona's hand who launched the attack.

In a one-on-one situation, Sirona may not have challenged the strength of one of the elves!

Therefore, when most of the attacks of the biting land shark fell on Giratina, Giratina could not ignore it.

Giratina was attacked one after another, and could only keep retreating. Although Dialga and Palkia were also affected, the impact on them was not great.

"It's now, Diyaluka, Palkia, open the passage!" Bailiyuan suddenly shouted at Diyaluka and Palkia.

Although Dialga and Palkia didn't know what happened, they realized that this was an opportunity.

The two elves no longer aimed at each other, and once again jointly launched their forces to open a passage to the Pokémon world. Then the two elves went to the Pokémon world through the passage. As Bailiyuan expected, they ignored Bailiyuan and Xi. Lorna and them.

But they were already prepared. After the passage appeared, Sirona also stopped biting the land shark, only the bang-headed clown was still attracting Giratina's attention.

"We should go too!" Sirona said.

Lie Bite Lu Shark glides towards the direction of the passage, Sirona jumps on Lie Bite Lu Shark, followed closely by Baili Yuan.

The biting land shark was bred very well by Sirona, and its size is big enough to bring Bailiyuan and Sirona together, but it is not as Bailiyuan thought that he and Sirona were standing next to each other and biting the land shark Instead, Sirona sat on Lie Bite Lu Shark's back, and when Bailiyuan jumped towards Lie Bite Lu Shark, Lie Bite Lu Shark twisted his body so that Baili Yuan did not fall into it Instead, he clamped Bailiyuan with his hind legs, and didn't give Bailiyuan a chance to get close to Sirona.

"I'm sorry, I just bit Lu Shark and didn't trust you yet, and I did this to protect me." Sirona explained apologetically.

Bailiyuan looked at Sirona.

But the strength of my heart tells me that Lie Bite Lu Shark doesn't think so, she just doesn't want me to get close to you!

In fact, biting the land shark did not mean to target Bailiyuan. Although Sirona is a champion, she is more natural in some aspects. It seems that all her talents are focused on the battle. Therefore, Sirona's spirit We also have to spend more time thinking.

For example, to prevent other men from approaching Sirona casually and taking advantage of Sirona.

But at this time, Bailiyuan didn't care to say anything more, so he could only be led by the biting Lu Shark to fly to the passage, and at the same time stretched out his hand to retract the head-slamming clown.

The clown's mission is also over.

Naturally, Giratina would not allow everyone to leave just like that. After biting the land shark and the bang-headed clown both stopped attacking, Giratina also immediately attacked the two spoilers, Bailiyuan and Sirona.

But Bailiyuan and Sirona had long thought that Giratina would attack at this time.

A shadow suddenly appeared behind Giratina, and then entered Giratina's body, and then Giratina's body froze suddenly.

It was Geng Gui!

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