Chapter 1426

It's been a while since I've seen a top-notch brat, and today's top-notch brat has a bit more aura than before. Although he looks more like a lady from everyone, quiet and quiet, Bailiyuan can feel the pride of the top-notch brat. In fact, there is an aura of "everyone".

Moreover, the internal strength cultivated in the body of the superior favored child has also improved a lot, and the strength should not be weaker than that of ordinary elves of level 30 or 40.

"Mr. Baili can just call me the arrogant boy." The superior arrogant boy said, his face turned red.

"Well, Jiaozi, I have worked hard for you during this time, and I have also troubled you about the dojo." Baili Yuan said.

In fact, speaking of it, as the master of the dojo, he patted his ass and left directly, leaving the dojo to the elites, and he was indeed suspected of being troublesome.

The honored son shook his head.

"It's not that hard. The staff in the dojo handle everything in an orderly manner. Sister Angela often comes to help me, and she also gives me a lot of help in training and practice. I also got a lot of exercise, and I didn't feel hard. It should be Said to have gained a lot.”

The proud proud child then smiled.

"It should be said that Mr. Baili has worked hard. During this period of time, he must be dealing with large and small problems all over the world to protect the safety of the world."

"..." Baili Yuan opened his mouth, and finally scratched his head, "Almost."

Although it is indeed to protect the world, it is not this world.

After all, the Pokémon world is generally considered safe.

Hearing Baili Yuan's answer, the superior pride smiled, his eyes turning into crescents.

"As expected of Mr. Baili."

"Haha, it's not worth mentioning. By the way, is this a doll you raised? It's not bad."

And Baili Yuan's eyes fell on Qi Wa, who was next to the superior pride.

The grade of this almost doll is not low, and it can be seen from the appearance that this almost doll should have been well cared for and nurtured.

Almost doll has a pink and beige body. The pink skin is distributed on the working side of the head and the back, arms and waist sides of the back like a vest. The eyes are sea blue and there are waves on both sides of the head. The curved ears are located at the end of the ear, with powerful beige tentacles hanging down.

Under normal circumstances, almost dolls are in the shape of an upright human being, with a height of more than one meter. They have three fingers and two toes. The tail behind them is white and fluffy. It looks fat, soft and very cute.

Almost dolls have very strong hearing. Through the tentacles on the ears, they can sense the heartbeat of Pokémon, and even small radar-like movements. They can also use the sensing ability of the tentacles to feel the emotions of the other party.

This kind of perception ability makes almost dolls be regarded as common Pokémon nurses by Pokémon Centers in the Hezhong area, which is enough to replace the position of the Lucky Egg family in Pokémon Centers.

They can use this auditory ability to confirm the hatching time of Pokémon's eggs, or heal Pokémon's injuries. Their healing ability can learn moves such as healing waves and healing bells.

At the same time, almost dolls are gentle and caring, and the almost dolls who have been trained are good at helping Miss Joy with Pokémon treatments.

Wild almost dolls are also shy and hidden. It is quite difficult to meet almost dolls in the wild.

The almost doll of the top prize had obviously been raised for a while and was not afraid of strangers, but at this time this almost doll was also looking at Baili Yuan curiously.

Standing beside Bailiyuan, the puppet bear was also looking at the doll.

It is not surprising for Bailiyuan that the top-notch child will cultivate similar dolls, because before that, Bailiyuan had given the top-notch pride a set of super-evolution stones and keystones for the same-doll, and the top-notch child would naturally not waste resources.

And Bailiyuan also saw the evolution stone on the body of the doll, and the key stone was inlaid on the bracelet on the wrist of the superior pride.

"Indeed, this child's talent is very good." The superior pride nodded, and then looked curiously at the puppet bear at Bailiyuan's feet, "Is this the elf newly cultivated by Mr. Baili?"

"That's right, it's the puppet bear from the Alola region. Although she's so cute, she's actually very fierce." Bailiyuan introduced the puppet bear, and reminded the superior pride by the way.

There are not many people who are beaten by bears because they don't know the temper of puppet bears.

Especially in other areas, people in other areas know less about puppet bears and are more likely to offend puppet bears.

When Bailiyuan brought the puppet bear here to wait for the top prize, more than one woman came over and wanted to connect with Bailiyuan through the relationship with the puppet bear. Ririm might be spending the night at the police station.

After all, he is handsome, and with such a cute elf, it is easy to attract attention wherever he goes.

"Is it Alola?" The superior pride quickly recalled the information on the Alola region in his mind.

The connection between the Alola region and other regions is not that great, but because of his own family, the proud son has a certain amount of attention to other regions, and he also knows some information about the Alola region, but it is a pity that there is not much.

"Has Mr. Baili been to the Alola region recently?"

"I have indeed been there and got some 'specialties' from the Alola region. If there is a chance, the proud son can also travel to Alola to see the unique power of the Alola region."

Hearing Baili Yuan's words, the superior pride had a puzzled expression on his face.

"A power unique to the Alola region?"

But then the eyes of the honored pride shined.

"So, I wonder if the little girl will be lucky enough to feel the power of Mr. Baili?"

The proud pride showed a smile.

Although the superior pride looks like a lady of everyone, but under the surface, there is still the superior pride who loves power and pursues strength.

Bailiyuan raised his eyebrows, naturally he would not refuse.

"Will not disappoint you."


The best way to exchange feelings between trainers is to fight!

A battle started on the training ground on the side of the road.

A group of people came around.

Whether it is the rare dolls and puppet bears in the Kanto area, or the handsome couple of Bailiyuan and Youyoujiazi, they are all worth seeing.

"This is the child on my side."

The superior pride sent out almost dolls.

Almost a doll, general attributes, level 65.

Bailiyuan smiled and threw out a poke ball.

"Then, she is on my side, go, Charizard!"


As the flames churned, a fire-breathing dragon that was thinner than ordinary fire-breathing dragons appeared on the ground.

After such a long period of cultivation and the investment of sufficient resources, the fire dinosaur has finally evolved into a fire-breathing dragon!

Although the evolution of Bailiyuan's elves is more difficult and the evolution cycle has been lengthened, it does not mean that it cannot evolve. After the fire dinosaur crossed the threshold of level 60, the fire dinosaur finally evolved into a fire-breathing dragon!

Charizard, fire and flight attributes, level 60.

The superior pride looked at Bailiyuan's fire-breathing dragon with serious eyes.

Although Bailiyuan's fire-breathing dragon seemed to be malnourished and a lot less domineering than ordinary fire-breathing dragons, the top prized man keenly sensed something special about Bailiyuan's fire-breathing dragon.

It was as hot as the center of a flame.

The terrifying temperature is hidden in the body of the fire-breathing dragon!

And when the superior pride saw the tail of the fire-breathing dragon flicking, his gaze changed.

There is a tail ring on the tail of the charizard, and a mega stone is embedded in that ring!

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