Chapter 1427 Spray him!

The battle begins.

Because the strength of the two sides in the battle is not weak, Bailiyuan and Youyoujiazi deliberately chose a larger venue, but it was just an ordinary dirt venue.

"Qiqi doll, mega evolution!" The superior proud child directly raised his arm, allowing Qi Qi doll to complete the mega evolution.

Almost the doll's body lit up with the light of evolution, causing the surrounding crowd to exclaim.

Although the super evolution has gradually become known to people, familiarity is not necessarily common, let alone a chance to see it, and almost dolls are hardly seen in the Kanto area, let alone the super evolution of almost dolls .

The light dissipated, and the almost doll completed the super evolution, becoming a super almost doll.

Super Almost Doll is covered with snow-white skin, below the abdomen is beige, the eyes are garnet red, both ears and the end of the white fur have a white to pink gradient, the edges of the ears are beige, and the antennae have become More curly.

The super almost doll has a mass of white foamy cream-like fluff on the chest, and a white strip that extends underneath is hidden. The ends are all curled. The feet are also white, and the heels are like butterfly wings. The protruding structure, the tail is also larger than before the super evolution.

In addition to these, the ears of the super almost doll are upward, while the ears of its non-super-evolved form are downward. At the same time, the attribute of the super almost doll is also increased by one, becoming a normal plus fairy dual attribute.

However, to the surprise of the superior pride, Bailiyuan did not super-evolve the fire-breathing dragon.

In fact, it's not that Baili Yuan doesn't want to, but... can't.

After all, the fire-breathing dragon has just evolved. Although the fire-breathing dragon is already familiar with the mega stone, it is still not familiar with the evolved body, cannot fully control its own power, and naturally cannot complete the super evolution.

But even if it can't super evolve, the Charizard is enough to face the super doll.

Although the fire-breathing dragon is at an absolute disadvantage in terms of level and race value alone, the trainer of the fire-breathing dragon is Baili Yuan, and Baili Yuan is not without any support.

Bailiyuan took out a bracelet, put it on, and pressed a spar on the bracelet.

It is the Z bracelet and the fire Z.

Seeing Baili Yuan's actions, the superior proud son was thoughtful.

"Okay, proud son, I'm going!" Baili Yuan reminded.

The proud pride smiled.

"Mr. Baili, please be a little more gentle." The superior proud child joked.

The top prized son will not underestimate Baili Yuan.

Baili Yuan smiled back, and then waved directly.

"Charizard, fire flames!"

Spraying flames, Charizard is a common starting move.

The flame condensed in the mouth of the fire-breathing dragon, and then sprayed out directly.

"So fast!" The face of the honored pride changed slightly.

This fire-breathing dragon's skill use speed exceeded the expectations of the superior pride, but the superior pride still reacted quickly and shouted loudly.

"Get away!"

The super almost doll jumped back, avoiding the jet flames, and let the jet flames hit the ground, roaring.

However, the jet flames that landed on the ground suddenly exploded, like splashing, and a large amount of flames rushed towards the super doll who jumped backward.

The flames fell on the super doll's body, causing the super doll's brows to frown. Although she didn't suffer too much damage, the fire appeared on her body.

Impressively fell into a burnt state.

"not good!"

As soon as they fought, even though it was just a single move, Bailiyuan's fire-breathing dragon showed extraordinary abilities, and it made the superior pride feel the pressure.


Refreshing: let the body rest, and heal the abnormal state of poison, paralysis, and burns in the body.

The green light shines from the super almost doll's body. The green light seems to be washing the body, and the burnt hair on the super almost doll's body returns to normal. At the same time, the fire light on the super almost doll also disappears.

Bailiyuan did not rush to attack.

Bailiyuan's fire-breathing dragon is not that simple.

The fire-breathing dragon already has a good talent in flame control, as well as a talent in superpowers. At the same time, it also practiced superpowers to further control the flames. Afterwards, it came into contact with and learned many coats of arms to make the world more related to fire. With the cultivation of the power of the fire-breathing dragon and the absorption of a lot of power of the fire-breathing dragon, the power and skill of the flames of the fire-breathing dragon have reached a level that ordinary fire-breathing dragons cannot touch.

Soon the super doll was back to normal, and the face of the top prize boy became serious.

She was already very careful about Bailiyuan's fire-breathing dragon, but she didn't expect Bailiyuan's fire-breathing dragon to be so unreasonable.

Bailiyuan didn't rush to attack, which also allowed the superior pride to regain their strength.

"Use one hundred thousand volts!"

"Fly and dodge."

The super doll's body lit up with lightning, and a 100,000 volt attack attacked the fire-breathing dragon.

Facing the incoming 100,000 volts, the fire-breathing dragon rose directly into the sky to avoid the electric light.

At the same time, the flying skill was also used by the fire-breathing dragon. After a simple charge, the fire-breathing dragon dived towards the super doll.

"Fight head-on, use the Enhanced Fist."


When the two sides collided, Bailiyuan's fire-breathing dragon was slightly disadvantaged, but it did not suffer any damage.

And the purpose of this trick is also to shorten the distance.

"Flame vortex!" Baili Yuan said.

The fire-breathing dragon's mouth flashed again.

"Stop him, use chain slaps!"


The flame vortex was successfully used by the fire-breathing dragon, and a large area of ​​flames surrounded the super doll.

And the fire-breathing dragon is still breathing flames.

The rapid use of skills prevents the power of the skills from reaching the limit of the fire-breathing dragon, but the fire-breathing dragon can use the skills continuously to gradually increase the power of the skills.

"It's such a difficult flame." The brows of the superior pride frowned.

"Restrain the opponent, and this battle is almost over."

Bailiyuan looked at the battle on the field, his own fire-breathing dragon has successfully become an "old sprayer", there is no need to do anything, as long as the opponent is sprayed by the flames of the fire-breathing dragon, then the fire-breathing dragon can take advantage and continue to suppress opponent, silence the opponent in its flame.

And restraining the target, and then giving the final blow, is the simplest and most direct application of power.

Just spray it.

However, Baili Yuan's expression changed at this moment.

"Is there any trick?"

"The power of the secret!" the superior pride said slowly.

The light bloomed from the flame vortex, mysterious and strange, and then, a large number of rocks condensed with strength broke through the flame vortex, broke through the flame vortex, and smashed at the fire-breathing dragon at the same time.

The fire-breathing dragon spouted flames again, facing the large piece of rock that was flying, and blocking it.

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