I might be a fake Ultraman

Chapter 1425 Golden City

Not all ashrams occupy such a large area in the city like the ashram opened by Baili Yuan.

In fact, most dojos are opened in the wild or in some special environments. After all, it is more suitable to use the environment to hone skills, and many genres also need special places to practice, and the same feature of these places is-inaccessible!

The inaccessibility of people has a lot of influences, the first is the difficulty of spreading the reputation of the dojo, and the second is the problem of recruiting disciples.

In the past, the dojo recruited disciples relying on their own fame to attract outsiders to learn from teachers. This is also a preliminary test for disciples in disguise. After all, if you don’t even have the determination to find a dojo, how can you join the dojo and study hard?

Now that there is an alliance, more trainers can receive more specific and convenient education, and then embark on the path of a trainer. People's eyes are all on the alliance, and a few people will take the initiative to think about those who don't know where they are hiding. What about the dojo?

Worrying dojo masters squat at the door of the dojo every day, staring at the road to see if there are any trainers passing by, and then flicker... no, it is to convince them and make them apprentices.

Fortunately, the emergence of the dojo conference eased the worries of the dojo masters.

Although the reputation of the dojo conference is not very high, the influence is not too big, and it is far inferior to the alliance conference, but it can be regarded as a lively conference.

It is not too difficult to participate in the dojo conference, as long as you can prove that you are a dojo, the review of registration is not too hard.

Every region has a dojo meeting, and this year the dojo meeting in the Kanto region is held in Jinhuang City.

Jinhuang City is a huge city extending in all directions in the Kanto area, located in Hualan City, Yuhong City, Dead Leaf City and Ziyuan Town.

At the same time, Jinhuang City is also the largest and busiest city in the entire Kanto area, and is also very famous in other areas. This is not only the central business circle of the Kanto area, but also has the largest infrastructure in the area, including the maglev train station connecting the Kanto area and the Johto area.

There are even guards around the entrances of Golden City, and the security work is quite good.

To be able to hold an event in Golden City, the necessary expenses are definitely not low.

And the expenses this time were actually paid by several dojos who were preparing for the conference.

Although the dojo has begun to decline gradually, it does not mean that the dojo is poor.

After so many years of development, the remaining ashrams are all ashrams with rich backgrounds, either rich or powerful, but unfortunately many times the rich and powerful cannot inherit the ashram, and being rich and powerful does not mean that they can recruit satisfactory disciples.

However, it is not that simple to spend money to organize the conference. Some dojos can’t spend money even if they have money, because the dojos funded by the conference will have some privileges in the conference.

These privileges are naturally not privileges in battle, but privileges in propaganda.

Propaganda is the focus of the dojo conference!


After coming to the world of Pokémon, Bailiyuan went directly to Jinhuang City.

The disciples of the dojo have already been led to Jinhuang City by the superiors.

Although Bailiyuan passed by the Golden City before, this was the first time he wandered around the City.

The huge Silver Company headquarters building stands in the very center of the city, while the Golden Gymnasium is in the northeast corner of the city, which are two landmark buildings of the city.

The Dojo Conference was held in a huge stadium in Jinhuang City.

Now is the registration period, and the competition has not yet officially started, so Bailiyuan is not late.

Jinhuang City is quite lively, not only is there a lot of people, but the number of elves on the street is also very complicated, and the battle of Pokémon is also popular.

"Puppet bear, use the strange power to give the opponent the final blow!"

"Ibrahimovic, get out of here!"

However, Ibrahimovic did not escape, and was directly knocked down by the puppet bear. Bailiyuan won the battle.

The loser naturally handed in the bounty honestly.

Although this kind of joint duel often rarely encounters real strong players, the joint duels in different cities can also see the characteristics of the city.

For example, the Ibrahimovic who fought against Bailiyuan just now.

At this time, the Ibrahimovic was using sleep recovery power, and during the battle, the Ibrahimovic was also using auxiliary power.

These two skills are the only superpower attribute tricks that Ibrahimovic can learn.

And both need to use the learning machine to learn these two skills.

Needless to say, the purpose of expending effort to let Ibrahimovic learn these two moves with super power attribute is needless to say. If there is no accident, the trainer of this Ibrahimovic hopes that this Ibrahimovic will evolve into a sun elf with super power attribute.

The superpower attribute is a very popular main attribute in Golden City.

This is all because the Golden Gym in Golden City is a superpower attribute gym, and the owner of the Golden Gym, Nazi, is a powerful superpower user and superpower trainer.

But Nazi is not a talkative person, and she had a "notoriety" in Golden City before, but even though she said she was afraid, the trainers in Golden City began to prefer to cultivate Pokmon with super power attributes. Say "really fragrant".

In the past, there was a fighting gym in Jinhuang City, which was evenly divided with the Golden Gym, and the two heroes competed for the top spot. However, the fighting gym declined due to various reasons, making the super power gym become the only one.

In fact, it is not uncommon for the elf selection preferences of trainers in the entire city to be affected by the main attributes of the official gymnasium in the city, and it should even be taken for granted.

After all, everyone is a trainer for the first time, and no one knows how to grow up. Naturally, they will first imitate the strong ones they have seen and cultivate elves similar to them.

It's a pity that although the trainers in Golden City like Pokmon with super power attributes, there are not many Pokmon with super power attributes, and they are generally relatively rare. After developing for such a long time, the number of trainers with super power Pokmon Not much.

However, even if their elves do not have super power attributes, as long as they can learn moves with super power attributes, trainers will let their elves learn two moves with super power attributes.

When Bailiyuan accepted the bounty, a voice sounded from behind Bailiyuan.

"Mr. Baili, long time no see."

Bailiyuan turned around, and he was naturally in the appearance of Ezreal, after all, he came to the dojo meeting as the master of the dojo.

Behind Bailiyuan, a girl in a white dress stood tall, with a beautiful white leg exposed under the skirt.

The breeze was blowing, blowing the corners of the skirt, the girl raised her bracelet-wearing right hand to stroke her hair blown by the wind, and looked at Bailiyuan with a smile.

There is also a pink almost doll beside the girl.

When Bailiyuan saw the girl, he also smiled.

"Long time no see, honorable pride."

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