I might be a fake Ultraman

Chapter 140 Graduation Pack Distribution

Bailiyuan and the rest of the scientific research team stared nervously at the big needle bee.

The big needle bee who had just carried the poisonous needle prop did not show any abnormalities. However, three seconds later, the big needle bee's body suddenly trembled.

Baili Yuan's heart was in his throat.

The needle bee's body began to tremble continuously, its body began to curl up, and its flight became wobbly.

"Absorb the venom!" Bantu yelled.

The big needle wasp inserted its tail needle into the venom under its body.

Soon, the trembling of the needle bee subsided, and the venom in the basin under her also dropped at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Seeing that the pain of the big needle bee was subsided, Bailiyuan breathed a sigh of relief, and then began to look at the changes of the big needle bee.

The body shape of the big needle bee has not changed much, but the color of the pattern on the body has become deeper.

Moreover, Bailiyuan didn't know if it was an illusion, but Bailiyuan felt that the big needle bee seemed to have a relaxed expression.

Everything went very quickly. After the large needle wasp absorbed half of the pot of venom, the large needle wasp pulled out the tail needle inserted into the basin, and flew into the sky again, looking very energetic.

"Okay." Bantu nodded to Bailiyuan.

Bailiyuan ran towards the big needle bee, and the big needle bee also came up to meet him.

"Big needle bee, how do you feel?" Baili Yuan asked with concern.

Big Needle Bee nodded, expressing that he felt pretty good.

Then, it is to carry out the test after carrying.

Sure enough, the toxicity of the big needle bee has decreased, but not much, and the poison-type skills have become more terrifying with the blessing of the poisonous needle, completely erasing the effect of the decrease in toxicity.

Although the strength of the big needle bee at this time is not high, only at the level of a trainee heraldry, but the power of the poison-type skills has already threatened the level of a junior heraldry!

After getting the new data of the big needle bee, Bailiyuan was ready to leave with the big needle bee.

"From now on, we will come every three days for toxin absorption. We will provide different toxins. After about a week, the effects of the poison injection will stabilize, and after a month, the improvement of the poison injection may reach the limit." Bantu finally ordered.

Bailiyuan nodded, and then left with the big needle bee.


Recently, the wind direction of Yuncheng Heraldry Academy has changed somewhat.

Even ordinary students could feel some undercurrents in Yuncheng Heraldry Academy.

Even the most obedient and hardworking students have changed during this time.

Because, everyone knows that a major event that is related to all the students and even all the instructors is about to happen at the Yuncheng Heraldry Academy!

That is - vacation!

The Yuncheng Heraldry Academy is divided into five academic years, and the study time for one academic year is two years. That is to say, an academy must be seventeen years old at the earliest to graduate from the Yuncheng Heraldry Academy, and the latest is twenty years old.

The most important thing is the graduation bag distribution!

Of course, this is still far away for most students.

Because there are two years of study in each academic year, each academic year is divided into four semesters, and there are also four vacations, each of which is two months.

That is to say, you have to study for eight months in a year at the Heraldry Academy and have four months of vacation.

Only students in the fifth grade are allowed to go out to practice, so the students of other grades have been practicing in the academy for four months, and now they are about to usher in a two-month vacation. The students are very happy, even the instructors face There are also more smiles, no one thinks too much about holidays, not to mention the salary is still paid.

However, the arrival of the holiday also means that the final exam will come sooner!

The final exam of Yuncheng College is divided into two subjects, one is the culture test, which is taken by all, and the other is the vocational course. One is combat-oriented students, which mainly assesses combat ability, and the other is other-oriented students, which mainly assesses what they have learned.

Yuncheng College will divide the future direction from the third grade. Students with combat talents will continue to learn to fight, while those with insufficient talents or special heraldic professions will be assigned to other professions according to their talents, such as Cultivation, medical treatment, investigation, etc.

The purpose of Yuncheng College is not to waste the talent of every student.

The most important thing is the graduation bag assignment!

Because it's important, I'll emphasize it again.

Although the study direction was divided into in the third grade, there is actually no difference in the resources of the two directions, and Yuncheng College treats all students equally.

However, all of this depends on the students' wishes. Some students without combat talent just want to choose the direction of battle, such as black cavalry, and some students with strong combat talent just want to herd sheep. In this case, Yuncheng College There is no way.

But that's okay because...

Graduation Pack Assignment!

Very important, so say it three times.


Because the final exam was approaching, the fifth grade students who went out returned to the academy if there were no accidents. The fifth grade students who applied to go out for training accounted for about one-third of all the fifth grade students.

And the training in the first and second grades also came to an end, and they began to return to the college one after another.

The college became lively again.

As a result, the number of easter eggs displayed on Bailiyuan's easter egg detector has gradually increased.

Within a week, the number of silver eggs active in the academy increased by more than ten, and there was even an extra golden egg!

But what puzzled Baili Yuan was that this yellow-level easter egg was very skinny.

Why do you say that?

Because this golden easter egg is constantly jumping in space, yes, it is jumping in space.

After staying in one location for half a day, it will appear directly in another location.

So far, Bailiyuan has never seen the true face of this golden egg.

Most of the silver easter eggs appear on the students in the fifth grade, and some are on the mentors.

Now that the conditions were met, Bailiyuan also spent three days making an Easter Egg Handbook with photos of everyone carrying the Easter Eggs. After asking, Bailiyuan also found out the names of a small number of people.

But the page carried by that golden easter egg is a big question mark.

For the person in the manual, it is impossible for Baili Yuan to contact him cutely and then touch his eggs, ah bah, it's easter eggs.

Because through observation, Bailiyuan found that these people have one characteristic, that is, they are very difficult to contact!

Make a point, especially physical contact!

What's more, some easter eggs were refreshed in very sensitive positions of the other party!

Like boobs!

Baili Yuan touched so many Easter eggs on sensitive parts, he did it only after observing that the other party had a good temper and probably wouldn't kill him.

But those who have never met or are not familiar with it may not be sure. If the other party has a good temper, it is okay, but if the temper is bad, then he will be finished.

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