However, when most colleges are preparing for the final exam, there is still an undercurrent constantly surging, and this undercurrent involves the ten strongest students in the entire college...

Bailiyuan sat in the corner of the library, flipping through the books, and beside him was Xanadu.

Xanadu is the only elf in Bailiyuan who loves to learn. By the way, the other is the mosquito-repellent frog, but he has been practicing his strength recently and has less time to study.

Now that the training of the elves was on the right track, Bailiyuan had time to come to the library to study.

what to study

Of course, it is to learn the knowledge of the Pokémon world and the world of heraldry!

At this time, Bailiyuan was reading a basic book on breeding bug-type Pokémon.

Bug-type Pokémon are the easiest to cultivate, but it is not easy to cultivate them well.

In contrast, the best Pokémon to keep are Grass Pokémon.

The elves involved in this basic book are not very rare insect-type elves, including the green caterpillar family, unicorn family, Dajia and Pylas family.

But the level of this book is just how to raise a green caterpillar alive into a butterfly.

But Bailiyuan still watched with gusto.

It is always right to read more books.

If someone asks Bailiyuan in the future "how to write the character 'fen' in fennel beans", Bailiyuan can not only write it, but also write him characters from other worlds!

Xanadu also got to know the characters of the Pokémon world, reading the biographies of celebrities brought back from the Pokémon world.

"Ah, isn't this the young master of the dean's family?" A voice sounded.

Bailiyuan saw that it was two boys who came, they looked a little familiar, by the way, they were two silver eggs, one named Yihui and one named Heiqi.

At this moment, the two of them were holding their schoolbags, and they should also come to study.

The appearance of the two remains the same.

Ikki looked very energetic, but in contrast, the black knight seemed a little weak.

Bailiyuan nodded politely to the two, and then Yihui and Heiqi sat down opposite Bailiyuan.

"..." Baili Yuan.

"Huh? This is..." Ikki looked at Xanadu curiously, and Xanadu smiled politely at Ikki.

Heiqi also looked at Xanadu.

"This is my contracted beast, Xanadu." Baili Yuan introduced.

"Contract beast?! Isn't it human?" Ikki showed a shocked look, rubbed his eyes, and looked at Xanadu as if he was no different from an ordinary girl.

Heiqi is a little embarrassed by his friend's behavior, normal people can tell that Xanadu is not human, okay?

"Sorry, in Ikki's eyes, girls are all the same." Black Knight explained.

"How is it possible?" Ikki looked at his friend unhappily, "I'm not frigid, for example, I can tell the difference between Emily and Eriri very clearly!"

"How did you separate them?" Baili Yuan asked curiously.

"I just..." Ikki froze his words for a while, subconsciously gestured with his hands on his chest, held them empty, and held them up.

Bailiyuan and Heiqi showed a clear look.

This is probably to know people by seeing their chests.

The gap between the airport and Everest is indeed huge.

Ikki's face was a little red, and he couldn't say what he said later.

Heiqi patted his friend on the shoulder, expressing that he didn't mind, and Bailiyuan also gave Yihui a "fellow man" look.

Only Xanadu blinked, as if he didn't understand.

"Hello, I'm Xanadu." Xanadu's voice sounded in the hearts of Ikki and Kuroki.

"Can you still talk?" Ikki threw away his embarrassment and looked at Xanadu in shock.

"It's not talking." Baili Yuan continued to explain, "It's telepathy. It's the ability to think through the mind, establish contact with other people directly, and understand other people's thoughts."

With the continuous application of telepathy, Shanaido's communication with other people has become smoother and smoother.

Ikki showed a surprised look.

"Wouldn't this be able to predict the opponent's thoughts in battle and achieve absolute prediction?"

Hearing Yihui's words, Bailiyuan froze for a moment, then subconsciously looked at Xanadu.

Xanadu also looked at Bailiyuan, and when Bailiyuan looked at her, she understood Bailiyuan's thoughts.

"It is indeed possible, but I am not very proficient in this aspect, and I haven't tried it in battle." Xanadu's voice sounded from the bottom of Baili Yuan's heart.

Bailiyuan narrowed his eyes, Ikki's words and Xanadu's words made Bailiyuan suddenly have a new idea, thinking that the application range of Xanadu's telepathy might not be limited to communication.

Whether it is reading the thoughts of the enemy or reading the thoughts of teammates, it is very likely to play an unexpected role in team battles.

What could be more practical than the ability to see through an enemy's mind?

Seeing the suddenly quiet atmosphere, Kuroki pressed Ikki's head and smiled awkwardly.

"I'm sorry, Ikki's mind is full of fighting, which also made his academic performance miserable." Black Knight.

"No, on the contrary, I should thank brother Yihui." Bailiyuan smiled, "Brother Yihui's words also gave me a new idea."

"Hmph." Ikki opened Kuroki's hand, and proudly raised his neck.

The black knight looked at his friend speechlessly.

"By the way, what book are you reading?" Yihui looked curiously at the book in front of Bailiyuan and Xanadu, "Is it a storybook?"

"Almost." Baili Yuan smiled.

Ikki and Kuroki nodded.

"Then we won't bother you when we study here?" Heiqi asked.

"Please feel free, it's okay." Baili Yuan smiled back.

"Thank you very much." Ikki folded his hands together, then sighed, wrinkled his face bitterly: "The final exam is really too difficult."

"Isn't it because you don't study hard?" Heiqi rolled his eyes, "Okay, you study hard, and I will explain it to you if you don't know it."

"Black Knight, you are really my best friend!" Ikki shed tears of emotion.

Afterwards, Heiqi and Yihui calmed down and began to study. Bailiyuan took the time to look at the two of them, and suddenly found that the two looked inexplicably handsome when they were serious.

However, after ten minutes, Bailiyuan took Xanadu to say goodbye to the two of them.

It's not because Bailiyuan has finished reading it, but because Bailiyuan can't take it anymore, it's really because the atmosphere of Yihui and Heiqi's study is really... violets are in full bloom!

Shanaiduo watched the situation of the two with relish, but when Bailiyuan left, she also left.

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