I might be a fake Ultraman

Chapter 139 The First Observation with Carrying Objects (Updated)

"The golden part is the absorbing part, and it is also the key to the Poison Needle item's ability to continue to increase in the future." Bantu explained.

"What's the use of that?" Baili Yuan asked curiously.

"After our research, in theory, poisonous needles need the power of the poison system to warm up and fully stimulate the energy of the boost if they want to improve the boosting ability, but the book says that this kind of prop cannot be taken once it is carried by the Pokmon. When it comes out, it can only be replaced, and the replaced props cannot be used again. Therefore, after the Pokmon carries the props, the boosting ability of the boosted props cannot be taken out, and with our current understanding of the Pokmon world, we cannot completely Inspired that boost energy and increased the boost of the Poison Needle to the maximum, we changed our thinking, why can't props grow with Pokémon?"

"So, we installed the absorber at the tail of the poisonous needle, so that the big needle bee can warm and nourish the poisonous needle through its own poisonous power, so that the increasing power of the poisonous needle is gradually developed, and finally reaches the maximum value. That is to raise the limit." Bantu said.

"Limit?" Baili Yuan asked.

"That's right, there is a limit to the improvement of this poisonous needle. According to our estimation, the maximum value of the boost energy in this poisonous needle should be between 25% and 30%." Bantu said.

"Then is this kind of warming harmful to the big needle bee?" Baili Yuan asked with some concern. After all, no matter what it is, every change always comes with the unknown, and he must figure it out.

"This..." Bantu tucked his cheeks in embarrassment, "There is some influence."

"What effect?" Baili Yuan asked with a frown.

"Because this poisonous needle will absorb the poison of the big needle bee and grow, so it is likely to make the big needle bee feel uncomfortable at the beginning, and even make the toxicity of the big needle bee weaker, but for poison-type skills The increase in power can make up for this problem, and as long as the poisonous needle bee is provided with enough toxins for her to grow during the growth of the poisonous needle, this effect will soon disappear. The power of the system skills will reach a very considerable level." Bantu said, explaining the specific impact and solutions for Bailiyuan, and at the same time imagining a bright future for Bailiyuan, giving Bailiyuan peace of mind.

Baili Yuan thought for a while, then looked at the big needle bee flying aside.

"Big needle bee, did you hear what Uncle Bantu said, do you want to carry this special poisonous needle?" Baili Yuan asked.

The big needle bee looked at Bailiyuan, and then flew around the poisonous needle.

"I don't carry this poisonous needle, do you have other poisonous needles?" Big Needle Bee asked back.

"Eh..." Baili Yuan's tone froze, it made sense.

"However, I will work hard in the future, maybe I can get a better poison needle..."

The two long needles of the big needle bee rubbed each other, did not speak, but glanced at Bailiyuan expressionlessly.

Bailiyuan closed his mouth again, well, he didn't believe what he said.

Carrying props are also considered rare items in the Pokémon world. Even if they are sold in shopping malls, according to Bailiyuan's estimation, they will not be too high-level rare items. They are probably just the ones that have just reached the 20% upgrade standard. Maybe not as good as this modified poisonous needle.

Even if it is really possible for Bailiyuan to get high-quality Pokémon props, it will be after Bailiyuan has established a firm foothold in the Pokémon world.

The big needle bee ignored Bailiyuan and Bantu, but stared at the poisonous needle for a while, and then flew towards the poisonous needle, apparently ready to carry it.

"Wait a minute!" Bantu suddenly stretched out his hand and stopped the big needle bee.

The big needle bee looked at Bantu, and then raised its long needle.

Bantu shrunk his neck subconsciously. After this period of time, the members of the research team had a better understanding of the temperament of these elves in Bailiyuan. Bantu knew that the big needle bee was not so easy to talk to.

"Can I explain?" Bantu said in a deliberative tone, and then raised his hands, indicating that he was not prepared to resist.

Big Needle Bee gestured to give Bantu a chance to explain.

Only then did Bantu breathe a sigh of relief. He knew the power of the bee venom of the large needle bee. For a scientific researcher with weak combat power like him, it is a poison that can block the throat when seeing blood. It is better to be a good boy like a mosquito-repellent frog. .

After sorting out the language, Bantu said: "This is our first time carrying Pokmon props, can we record it? We want to understand what Pokmon props are like, and integrate this special root The poisonous needle also needs some preparations, this poisonous needle is likely to quickly absorb your poison energy after fusion, if you don’t prepare well, you will feel very uncomfortable.”

Big Needle Bee finally nodded.

Bantu was completely relieved, and quickly called someone to get ready.

It may be that the scientific research team has already made preparations, and everything is ready in less than ten minutes.

At this time, the scientific research team showed a much more professional level than the breeding team.

The detection equipment directly fills a room, which can detect in all directions without dead ends, and also has many functions.

"Come on, boss, this is the venom we prepared based on our calculations. It is rich in nutrients and can supplement your loss after carrying the poison needle. I hope you like it." Bantu was wearing a chemical protective suit and holding an iron basin The dark green venom came over and put it in front of the big needle bee with a smile on its face.

The toxicity of this pot of venom is only a fatal threat to people under the middle-level heraldry, and it is only a little troublesome for the middle-level heraldry, but unfortunately Bantu belongs to the category of those who have a fatal threat, so it must be careful.

The big needle bee picked up a little bit of venom with its long needle, absorbed it and felt it, then nodded in satisfaction.

"As long as you're happy, I'm off to work." After speaking, Bantu ran away.

everything's ready.

"First Pokémon carry item observation begins!" someone announced.

"Big Needle Bee, come on!" Baili Yuan waved to Big Needle Bee from outside.

The big needle bee nodded to Bailiyuan, but as for the encouragement of the rest of the scientific research team, the big needle bee ignored it.

Everyone quiet down.

The robot hand sent the poisonous needle to the big needle bee.

The big needle bee looked at the poisonous needle for two seconds, then stretched out a long needle of her own, and touched the poisonous needle.

A force gushed out from the body of the big needle bee, wrapped the poisonous needle, and then the poisonous needle merged into the body of the big needle bee under everyone's gaze, and disappeared...

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