Chapter 1357 Start the war!

Although some people guessed that there was a situation in the north, no one knew the specific situation, because there were giant dragons guarding it before, but now there are three undead giants guarding it.

But if others dare not come, it doesn't mean that Bailiyuan dare not come.

The extreme frost and ice field outside roared with blizzard, but in the core area, the blizzard calmed down instead.

But not everyone can pass through the wind and snow blockade outside. If it weren't for the help of the small ice rock pillar, the wind and snow blockade outside would be enough to bury all existences below the high level forever!

Not to mention bringing legions across like Bailiyuan.

"According to the Zombie King's memory, the three giants in the north are a Monarch Horror Banshee, a Monarch Undead Bone Dragon, and a Monarch Ice Element Ghost."

Horror banshees are generally considered to be undead born from the fear of death. They have entities and generally appear in the form of women. They specialize in dealing with spirit and soul. They are good at involving the power of spirit and soul and will bring fear.

The undead bone dragon is transformed into an undead creature after the death of the giant dragon. Needless to say, there is an undead poisonous dragon in the big needle bee, which can be regarded as a mutated undead bone dragon, and the normal undead bone dragon has all the power of an ordinary giant dragon. Is it a powerful force, or dragon language magic, and can even breathe out the dragon's breath of the undead!

Ghosts are not rare undead, they are usually born from broken souls, but when ghosts have attributes, it is different. Ghosts with attributes are somewhat similar to elemental creatures, and they are extremely powerful when they appear. A powerful existence, the power of its attributes is very tricky, and it will suppress enemies with the same attributes, and it will not suffer physical damage, and it also has powerful magical power. Ice Elemental Ghost is such an existence.

Whether it is a scary banshee, an undead bone dragon or an ice attribute ghost, they are all born high-level undead, both in strength and potential. It also restrains the giant dragons that are all ice attributes.

So the dragons didn't lose.

In this world where there are no legends, the highest combat power is the legend, and the dragons are the same, and although the dragons are naturally powerful, it takes a lot of effort to break through the legend, which makes the dragon clan Legends are also relatively limited, although the number is unknown, but definitely not too many.

Otherwise, the giant dragons would not be wiped out by the three undead monarchs.

Bailiyuan's arrival was not secretive.

Although there are not many subordinates of the Big Three, there is still an external patrol team. This patrol team is composed of a team of ten high-level undead, and the arrival of Bailiyuan's undead army directly encountered the patrol team. Not much to say, the two sides fought directly.

This patrolling undead team was only crushed in front of the undead army, but when it was completely wiped out, the strongest undead as the captain burst out with a powerful momentum.

"Oh? Is this... a trick left by the undead monarch?" Baili Yuan saw through the situation.

A high-pitched scream came from the undead, which shocked the surrounding undead army.

And the aura of this undead also changed, as if being occupied by another existence.

"The outsiders... are the undead army?" A strange voice came from the undead.

"Who are you?" Baili Yuan asked directly.

"Huh? Human? Interesting... I am the Lord of the Undead, a terrifying banshee, human, you are looking for death!" The strange voice came again.

This undead has been occupied by the consciousness of the scary banshee at this time, and the consciousness of the scary banshee has descended. Not surprisingly, the situation here should have been passed on to the scary banshee, and the scary banshee should have known it at this time The arrival of Bailiyuan!

"As expected of a terrifying banshee who is good at soul and spiritual means, she can do such a thing." Baili Yuan thought in her heart, but then she would not say such words.

Bailiyuan looked directly at the terrifying banshee whose consciousness came down.

"Don't use this method to force Lai Lai here with me. You can't do anything about me. If you have the ability, come over and have a touch later. See if I tie you or not, and you're done."

With a wave of Bailiyuan's hand, the army of undead tore the undead who had been descended by the consciousness of the terrifying banshee into pieces.

Don't give the scary banshee a chance to say anything more.

In an iceberg, this place was originally the lair of a legendary ice dragon, but now it has been occupied by undead, and the rich property of the ice dragon is also occupied together.

And now the owner of the lair is an undead monarch—a terrifying banshee!

When Bailiyuan wiped out the undead descended by its consciousness, the aura of the terrifying banshee erupted immediately.

A figure with the appearance of a beautiful woman, but with feathered limbs and a pair of blood-red eyes rushed out of the nest, screaming, resounding throughout the core area.

Then a large number of undead auras emerged, and two auras of undead monarchs that were comparable to the terrifying banshee's aura awakened.

The extreme frost ice field, which has been at ease for a long time, has finally broken its peace!


Naturally, Bailiyuan also heard the scream of the terrifying banshee, Bailiyuan didn't wave his hand, and the undead army rushed towards the scary banshee's direction.

However, Bailiyuan also noticed something strange about his undead army.

The not-so-strong undead of the undead army actually appeared to be afraid. Although they were still led forward by the undead army, their speed slowed down significantly.

"This terrifying banshee is really different from other undead monarchs." Baili Yuan secretly said.

Other undead monarchs don't have the ability to scare low-level undead with a single scream, and the Horror Banshee is considered one of the three strongest undead monarchs to come.

And these three strongest are united together.

When Bailiyuan just saw the iceberg occupied by the terrifying banshee, a large number of undead with strong aura had appeared outside the iceberg. With advanced strength, Bailiyuan even saw a group of dragons that were transformed into undead with more intense aura!

Not only are not all giant dragons transformed into undead into undead bone dragons, but also special undead dragons such as zombie dragons and ghost dragons.

And the Frost Banshee's team of undead dragons has twenty, all of which have been transformed into zombie dragons. Seventeen of them have high-level strength, and the remaining three have half-step legendary strength!

The Zombie Dragon has lost the ability to fly and magic, but its physical strength is stronger. Although its intelligence is not high, it is more fearless in battle. It is more troublesome to attack with curse and plague damage.

This is the most powerful undead monarch that Bailiyuan has encountered so far!

The terrifying banshee floated in mid-air, staring coldly at Bailiyuan standing in the undead army without any cover.

"Human, I will make you regret coming here!"

Baili Yuan raised his head, pointed his nostril at the scary banshee, and stretched out his finger.

"Climb for Grandpa!"

The war broke out!

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