Chapter 1356 Smelling the Smell of Treasures

In the Gaosuo Mountains, several figures appeared outside the mountains. These figures were surrounded by a strong undead aura, and their strengths were all impressive. They were surprisingly a large number of powerful undead.

Those with the lowest strength all have high-level strength, and the number is as many as sixty.

There are nearly 20 half-step legends above!

And the leaders are five existences with long, thick, or violent breaths—the undead monarchs!

There are five of them!

The five undead monarchs looked at the empty Gaussian mountains with only a few idle undead, and did not speak for a while.

Naturally, the traces of battle on the Gaosuo Mountains cannot escape their eyes.

"What about the zombie king...?" an undead monarch asked.

"It seems that the Zombie King was attacked here, and he was defeated in the end. Not only was his territory wiped out, but also..."

"It's still being held captive."

Through the contract, they know that the zombie king is not dead, and because of the contract, the zombie king dare not betray.

Then there is only one possibility of being captured.

These undead monarchs are undead monarchs united with the zombie king!

They also signed a special contract.

Their goal is the Big Three in the north, and the day to do it is just around the corner. Today is the day they rush to the north. Every undead monarch brings his own strongest group of undead men. The Zombie King who responded to them here in the Suo Mountains disappeared without a trace.

And it seems to be captured!

"It can capture the zombie king, make it impossible for the zombie king to escape, or send a signal for help... What kind of existence is the other party? Is it the hands of the north?" Some undead monarchs guessed.

"Hmph, anyway, what should we do next?"

Before it even started, one-sixth of its combat power was lost. Whether to continue or retreat was a problem.

Several undead monarchs discussed for a while, and then decided... to continue going north!

If you don't do it now, there will be no chance in the future!

And this time they are fully prepared, five against three will not necessarily lose!

Give it a go, turn a bicycle into a motorcycle, win the young model in the clubhouse, lose and go to work in the sea!



Although the actions of the several undead monarchs are secretive, they only take their strongest subordinates to act, but it is inevitable that they will not attract the attention of other undead monarchs.

After several undead monarchs crossed the Gaussian Mountains and headed north, the figure of the skeleton mage appeared.

"Finally can't help but do it?" The skeleton mage naturally knew the camp situation among the undead monarchs, and it also knew that there would be such a day sooner or later. After several undead monarchs changed, it quietly followed.

"Huh? Was there a big war in the Gaosuo Mountains? Who did it?" The skeleton mage was a little surprised.

But thinking of the undead army that attacked it before, and the complicated situation now, it felt a little unclear.

"The mainland is going to be in chaos." This is what the skeleton mage can tell.

The chaotic situation is suitable for a lone traveler like him to fight his way out. Of course, there is a great possibility that he will be crushed by the chaos!

Moreover, the Skeleton Mage knows that if it doesn't give it a go, it will only have the fate of being crushed and smashed in the chaos that follows, and there is no other way out. Even if it surrenders to the strong, it is no different from the fate of being crushed in its heart. Because in this way, it will still become a pawn in the hands of others, be used casually by others, and can be discarded at any time. The only difference is that it can last for a while longer.

The ground that has been crushed by the wheels leaves only debris, and only debris remains tenaciously no matter how crushed it is. Unfortunately, the Skeleton Mage knows that his strength and identity are destined to not be debris, and he cannot resist the crushing of the wheels. If you want to avoid being crushed, you can only become stronger so that the wheels cannot crush you.

Wheels can crush gravel, but they can never crush mountains!

The skeleton mage looked to the north, and then followed.

"If it goes well this time..."

"Maybe I can go one step further!" The skeleton mage thought in his heart.

Furthermore, there are undead emperors, the true rulers of the undead, even in the world of the dead, there are not many, and even one died in the previous stage!

Powerful and terrifying are synonymous with undead emperors, but that position is also desirable, even the undead who have long lost their blood still yearn for it.

The reason why we think the flowers on the high mountains are beautiful is that it is difficult for us to reach the high mountains. Suffering and setbacks are all over the road to the top of the mountain, but the flowers on the top of the mountain are qualified to look down on the struggling and embarrassed people below. The wind laughed.


"The front is the territory of the three undead monarchs in the north."

After a day's march, Bailiyuan finally arrived in the north with his undead army.

The extreme frost ice field contains undead, and I didn't see any wild undead along the way.

If you think about it, the undead who are not strong have long died in the harsh environment, and those undead with some strength will definitely be absorbed by the power of the undead monarch.

How can you allow others to snore on the side of the couch? Unless it's a beautiful big sister.

But the undead don't have so many ideas. Camping next to their own forces, do they want to mess with me?

Then the undead monarch will definitely strike first.

What's more, I learned from the Zombie King that the three giants in the north have joined forces and have completely controlled the Jifrost Icefield as a single piece of iron.

Of course, the power of the Big Three in the north is definitely not weak.

Those cannon fodder and low-level undead cannot survive in such a harsh environment. In other words, the undead army under the Big Three is definitely not many, but they must be very strong!

Because only the strong can survive here.

In addition, the Big Three in the North also slaughtered the giant dragon family living in the Extreme Frost Ice Field. If there is no accident, there is now a team of undead dragons in the bottom of the Big Three in the North. , is a high-level undead, let alone a group of undead dragons, this team alone is enough to crush most other undead monarchs!

There are also giant dragons on this continent, but the composition of the giant dragons in other worlds is a bit different, because the giant dragons all live in a cold place like the Frost Ice Field, so the giant dragons in this world mainly control the ice. There are mainly ice-type dragons with power, and the leader is a pure-bred ice dragon. There are also many subspecies of ice dragons in the group, such as frost dragon, ice dragon, ice crystal dragon and so on.

There is not much communication between the giant dragons and other races, and it is difficult for the legendary dragon knights to appear in the storybook. The dragons have always stayed in the northernmost part of the extreme frost ice field, but there is no doubt that the dragons are very powerful.

At the beginning of the natural disaster of the undead, the dragon family did not participate in the war between other races and the undead. Although other races came to find the dragon and hoped that the dragon family would take action, the dragon still chose to say "NO", however In the end, the undead monarch came to the door, and the three prepared undead monarchs slaughtered the dragon family.

Alone and helpless, arrogant and arrogant, who will die if they don't die?

"Then the three undead monarchs, just like the original giant dragon, entrenched in the extreme frost ice field and never came down again." Baili Yuan murmured.

The dragon is like this, and the undead monarch is also like this. Everyone knows that there is a problem!

"The giant dragons have also been active on the mainland, and the undead have also harassed the northern front, so they are still entrenched there... Is there anything there that makes them not want to leave?"

Bailiyuan smelled the treasure.

The second chapter will wait, try to make up yesterday's work today

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