Chapter 1358 Eight Times the Happiness, Eight Times the Damage

A large number of undead were fighting together, and Bailiyuan's undead army was rapidly reducing its personnel, while the subordinates of the terrifying banshee did not suffer much damage.

The strength gap between the two sides is too great, but when the cannon fodder on the outer layer is dead, the powerful and well-equipped undead in the center can really compete with the men of the terrifying banshee.

After all, walking down this circle, almost walking from south to north, constantly fighting and absorbing other undead, the overall strength of Bailiyuan's undead army has doubled several times.

While the undead were fighting, Bailiyuan also released the elves to join the battle to gain experience from the group, and then Bailiyuan looked at the terrifying banshee in the air, and he was ready to attack the terrifying banshee.

A diamond egg is on the body of the scary banshee.

However, the difference is that within the scope of the Extreme Frost Ice Field, apart from the three diamond eggs representing the three undead monarchs, there is only one sacred egg, but it is not in the lair of the scary witch, but in a more northern area. At the same time, there is a glory egg not far from the sacred egg.

No matter where it is over there, let's deal with the scary banshee first.


Xanadu, who looked like a girl, appeared beside Baili Yuan, and nodded slightly at Baili Yuan.

"give it to me."

Shanaido tapped her fingertips, and a ball of thought power emerged between her fingers, and her eyes lit up at the same time.

Predict future!

The thought power between Xanadu's fingers disappeared.

The skill of predicting the future can enable Xanadu to have a certain degree of prediction of the next battle, and launch an attack when needed in the future, which can not only resolve the crisis, but also seize the upper hand.

Then Shanaido moved in an instant and appeared behind the terrifying banshee, and then started with a magic flash.

"Looking for death!" The terrifying banshee felt the sudden attack from behind, and suddenly became angry. It felt that its majesty had been provoked.

The scary banshee didn't turn around, but directly opened her mouth wide, becoming ferocious.

A scream came from the mouth of the terrifying banshee, instantly annihilated the magic flash, and all the surrounding undead or elves, including Xanadu, were shrouded in screams, and those with weaker strength fell directly into the A state of fear and cowering, special energy rises from these horrified targets, absorbed by the Horrible Banshee.

Bailiyuan also frowned slightly, trying to appease the elves so that they would not fall into fear, and Xanadu, who was flying in the air with super powers, also covered his ears with a painful expression. No big problem.

Scream of terror!

Horror Banshee's special skill is powerful and has a wide range. It can also annihilate attacks within the range. If a unit falls into fear within the screaming range, it will increase its power.

The disadvantage is that this skill consumes a lot, and it cannot be maintained all the time, and you must concentrate your energy when releasing the terrifying scream. Simply put, you cannot move and cast spells, and you cannot run while screaming. In addition to being damaged, all enemies and friends of the target within the attack range will be affected.

For example, the undead on the side of the scary banshee are now in fear.

Soon the screams of terror were over.

Feeling the power of her own promotion, the Scary Banshee was very satisfied.

This is also thanks to the undead brought by Bailiyuan who are not strong. Those undead who are not strong are more likely to fall into fear, which also increases the power of the scary banshee.

And when the scary banshee was about to close her open mouth, a mass of thought power that seemed to have crossed time and space pinched at this point in time, appeared directly in front of the scary banshee, and then got into the scary banshee's mouth. mouth.

The power of thought instantly filled the mouth of the scary banshee, and then came a deep throat, making the throat of the scary banshee into its shape.

The horrible banshee's throat swelled suddenly, and then there was a muffled bang. The horrible banshee's throat retracted, but at the same time, a large amount of undead breath leaked out from the empty mouth, and a large amount of black liquid was spit out. , the breath shrank suddenly, as if he had been seriously injured.

Seeing this scene, Bailiyuan smiled.

"As expected of Xanadu."

When fighting, it is not necessary to erupt with powerful force, as long as the timing is right, the smallest force can be used to exert the greatest effect.

After using the terrifying scream, the scary banshee has no time to mobilize her body's strength, and after using the terrifying scream, the scary banshee doesn't feel that there is an enemy who can seize this time to attack it, after all, even if it is now Although Xanadu behind him didn't fall into fear, he was also affected and couldn't attack it immediately, so he didn't have any defense at all.

Without any precautions, this group of thought power was easily obtained.

And this group of thought power was not used temporarily by anyone, but Xanadu was using the ability to predict the future, and the arrangement left in the past to launch an attack.

Because Xanadu has a unique talent in superpowers, coupled with the practice methods of the world of heraldry and other worlds, and the help of the superpower seeds of beasts like Iron Mewtwo, Xanadu has changed in superpowers.

It is no longer a simple "super power", but began to have the meaning of "extraordinary".

Although it is still not as powerful as a beast like Iron Mewtwo, it can also allow Xanadu to do things that ordinary super-powered elves can't do.

Xanadu also recovered quickly, with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

Her future foreknowledge is not random.

The Scary Banshee has a physical body, but its body is not flesh and blood, but an entity formed by the power of terror and undead. With a physical body, many things can be done, and there are more attack methods, such as letting People's blood spurts and sweats profusely (referring to melee combat), but there will also be more flaws.

Xanadu has already obtained information about the three undead monarchs from Bailiyuan, not the specific strength information, because the specific strength of the three giants is not very strong, but the racial information about the three giants, terrifying The banshee's powerful attack method is mainly based on screaming.

As long as the throat of the scary banshee is abolished so that it cannot scream, then more than half of the strength of the scary banshee can be said to be crippled.

And what caused this result was only a small mind ball of Xanadu.

Although the special body composition of the Horror Banshee means that its injuries can recover quickly, and with the strength of the Horror Banshee, it can recover within a few minutes, but as long as you grasp the time when the Horror Banshee's strength declines, then It might be impossible to seriously injure the Scary Banshee!

Xanadu's body glowed with superpowers, a series of Xanadu's figures appeared around, and the eight-way Xanadu's figure surrounded the terrifying banshee.


It's not a shadow clone, but a special superpower mastered by Xanadu. The clone is a physical clone! (See Chapter 645 Super Power Crystal for details)

The avatar can differentiate itself, each avatar has its own partial strength, and with practice, it can increase the strength of the body possessed by the avatar, and even one day have the strength of the entire body.

At present, each of Xanadu's clones has half of its own strength.

Seeing Xanadu's clone, Baili Yuan's eyes flickered a little.

That's...eight times the joy.

Again, for Horror Banshee, that's eight times the damage!

The besieged scary banshee also lost her original arrogance, but felt that something was wrong, and her face was serious.

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