I have a role in the heavens

Chapter 3319: Repel the Fallen Mother Goddess, Ilsi Protects Her

"Is this the starry sky above the sequence? It's so scary. Just by being exposed to this information, I was almost contaminated and became a container for the other party's arrival!"

Klein finally understood why the Secret Servant Arianna reminded him. Without the status of an angel, she was not even qualified to know information about the starry sky.

"Dong dong dong dong!"

Klein seemed to be able to hear the violent beating of his heart. He had a frightened look on his face, panting heavily, and a cold sweat on his head. He shouldn't be curious to ask Amon's clone about the information on the sequence, and he almost fell down.

"This Amon clone is indeed lying. He must have noticed my arrival. Is there any way to bypass the historical images and directly deal with the original body? Why would he reveal such dangerous information to me? He wants me to be polluted by the stars and directly transformed into Monster, reap the benefits!”

"He is indeed the God of Deception. Just by communicating with him, I was almost tricked to death by him. Compared with Him, I am still too young!"

Inside Chernobyl, Amon stood in front of the cliff with a treacherous smile on his face, stretched out his hand to hold the crystal lenses in his eyes, and whispered to himself.

"He escaped another disaster. He reacted very quickly!"

In the real world, many scholars who study starry sky and astronomical phenomena got up from their beds and looked up at the night sky with dull eyes. The crimson moon covered half of the sky. The stars were so bright that their brilliance even overshadowed the moon. Such a spectacle made everyone fascinated. I was amazed and confused, not understanding what was going on!

Neither the textbooks on human society nor the books on occultism have recorded similar phenomena! Except for the common waning moon, full moon, and occasional blood moon, the moon has never changed like this, at least since the fifth era, absolutely not in the past 1,300 years!

Until this time, these scholars who studied the moon did not know that in addition to the two states of crimson and blood red, the moon has other colors. Not to mention the stars that shine to an exaggerated level, which have never been seen before.

In the starry sky, the fierce battle was still going on. The Seven Gods also temporarily put aside the fight. Their eyes were projected from the star world, paying attention to this battle that was comparable to the old days. The hidden information in it made them all feel. I have benefited a lot and gained a lot.

Ilsi ignored the gazes of the seven gods and continued to condense the vast and bright starlight. Giant starlight pillars took shape and continued to blast towards the huge blood-red figure.

The endless cold starry sky is filled with murmurs and murmurs that make people crazy. An aura beyond Sequence 0 envelopes the void between the earth and the moon. It is ominous, strange, cold, and bloody. Even the true god of Sequence 0 cannot be contaminated. Otherwise, one's spirituality will be polluted, and sooner or later, it will turn into a carrier of the starry sky, bringing doomsday legends to the world.

Ilsi was born divine, her status far surpassed that of the past, and her spirituality was not affected by the past. Ignoring these contaminations, she waved her right hand repeatedly, and all the gems inlaid on the Star Staff lit up, tinged with a layer of silver-white starlight. Gorgeous and gorgeous, the extraordinary characteristics of the doorway were brought into full play. Countless illusory doors were opened, filling the surrounding space, and endless starlight poured out, turning the dark starry sky into a sea of ​​light.

Although the Fallen Mother Goddess is one of the three pillars, she has lost part of the source of the mother's nest, and has been deprived of the power of the mother's path. She has no position above the sequence, and her strength can only barely remain at the threshold of the old days. Within, the name was not worthy of the name, and Irsi was excited and did not take any advantage.

Ilsi became a god through both paths, and also controlled the uniqueness of the hermit path. He is a quasi-Old One, but he has profound knowledge and accumulated far more than ordinary Old Ones. He can exert the combat power of the Old One level and leapfrog the level. Fighting, but not afraid of this former three pillars.

The skinny camel was bigger than a horse. The fallen mother goddess let out bursts of roars, crazy murmurs spread, and the void began to twist. Countless eyes spread across the starry sky, slowly opened, and blood flowed out of the eyeballs, polluting the entire world. In this space, countless monsters have condensed. These monsters have hideous and terrifying faces. Their bodies are rotten with flesh and blood, flowing with yellow mucus. They are so fishy that even starlight can corrode them. They have no limbs, and their bodies are covered with octopus tentacles. The blood-red mouth has jagged teeth, ferocious and ferocious, and it keeps making harsh and sharp whistling sounds, which makes people frown and want to cover their ears.

These monsters were terrifyingly powerful, not weaker than Sequence 2 angels. They kept waving their hands and smashing into the bright starlight pillars. The light pillars exploded, blooming like gorgeous fireworks, dazzling.

The countless terrifying and disgusting tentacles continued to break, and bright red blood flowed out, gathering into a sea of ​​​​blood, turbulent and turbulent, exuding an aura of depravity and filth, enough to drive the gods of Sequence 0 into madness.

Seeing this, Ilsi slowly exhaled the turbid air in her chest, frowned slightly, and looked a little solemn. This time the battle was very sudden. Both sides did not exert their full strength. They just condensed a spirit and tested each other, but they were still not weak. The Sequence 0 True God War affected hundreds of thousands of miles of starry sky and wiped out countless meteorites and space materials.

"Klein has gotten rid of the pollution, it's time to end this battle!"

Ilsey secretly thought that although he was not afraid of the fallen Mother Goddess at this time and had combat power above the order, he had not yet been promoted to become a ruler of the old days. There was no need to fight against the three pillars at this time. He had time. Advantage, as long as he completely digests the extraordinary characteristics in his body and controls the wilderness of knowledge, he will leap beyond the ordinary old days and become an omniscient and omnipotent one of the three pillars.

Ilsi had made a decision in her heart, and once again activated the Star Staff in her hand. Countless gems shone, stars were dazzling, and the vast and endless starlight condensed and compressed. A black point appeared in the middle of the silver-white ocean of light, sending out a terrifying sound. The suction force began to swallow up the entire starlight ocean, and the black light spots began to expand and become larger.

Ilsi controlled the black hole she created, aimed at the shadow of the fallen mother goddess, and threw it at it. Along the way, light was swallowed up, meteorites were swallowed up, space matter was swallowed up, monsters were swallowed up, and the bloody ocean was swallowed up. Being devoured, everything cannot escape the fate of being devoured.

In the end, the black hole swallowed up the shadow of the fallen mother goddess and disappeared. The crimson moon began to dim. A shocking roar came from the distant starry sky. Countless voids were shattered. The space affected by the roar began to distort and mutate. Countless terrifying tentacles stretched out from the void. It was covered with countless eyes, which were terrifying and ferocious. The eyes of hatred penetrated the initial barrier, fell in the palace of knowledge above the gray fog, and locked onto Ilsi's body.

Countless crazy murmurs resounded through the hall. Ilsi looked calm and sat on the bronze throne. She stared at the great being calmly. The ominous and depraved aura spread along her sight, but she could not do anything to him. Every cent.

"You're such a bastard. If you have the ability to break through the initial barrier, enter the earth and fight with me!"

Ilsi looked tired and didn't care at all about the anger of the fallen mother goddess. She was filled with the hatred of the fallen mother goddess in one breath, and her sarcastic words made her even more angry.

"Bang bang bang!"

The terrifying tentacles slammed hard on the invisible barrier outside the earth. Ripples were generated and spread out. The seven gods in the star world were shocked and integrated their own power into the original barrier. , resisting the anger and venting of the fallen mother goddess.

After an unknown amount of time, the Fallen Mother Goddess finally regained some sense, stopped her useless attacks, let out an unwilling roar again, and retreated into the void with countless strikes. The starry sky suddenly became empty and deathly silent.

Ilsi's real body has not shown up from beginning to end, just staring quietly at the dead and cold starry sky, his eyes are deep, like an endless abyss, making it impossible for people to clearly see his inner thoughts.

"According to the prophecy of the end of the world, the initial barrier will dissipate in 1368, and the outer gods of the stars will no longer be blocked and can come to the earth to bring doomsday and destruction!"

"There are still 17 years until the end of the world. There is still enough time for me to attack the beginning and reshape the rules of the world!"

Ilsi's voice was majestic and sacred, full of confidence. He had already made a plan and was working step by step to achieve his goal. When Klein opens the God's Abandoned Land, he can spy on the Lord of Mysteries. The secrets, find the wilderness of knowledge, and hit the old days above the sequence.

Then, he will create more extraordinary ways, use the power of other worlds to create new sources of essence, achieve the realm of the original creator, swallow the original will, become the master of the world, and embed the magic network in the rules of the world. Among them, he forcibly changed the trajectory of this twisted world, allowing the glory of arcane magic to shine again.

Above the gray mist, inside the Origin Castle, Klein once again disguised himself as Mr. World Gehrman Sparrow, and got in touch with Miss Justice Audrey. He now needs a psychiatrist to help him forget about the starry sky and Hidden knowledge of the apocalypse.

The long bronze table had disappeared, and a desk and two chairs appeared in the hall. Klein and Audrey were sitting across the desk from each other.

"Mr. World, what do you want to forget this time?"

This was not the first time that Audrey hypnotized Klein, helping to hide some dangerous memories deep in the subconscious, and setting up reminders that could only be restored after the sequence was improved.

Klein rubbed his frown and hesitated for a moment before speaking out the information he had learned about the sequence, leaving Audrey dumbfounded.

"The Starry Sky Outer Gods are entrenched outside the world, and even the Seven Gods are unable to resist them. When the initial barrier dissipates in 1368, they will no longer be blocked from the outside world. They descend into the world, seize the nine sources of matter, and destroy The world is just passing by!”

Klein felt extremely desperate. He compiled all the information and vaguely guessed the truth about the coming doomsday. However, he was unable to change it. He did not even dare to retain these memories and could only seal them in the deepest part of his subconscious.

Audrey listened quietly to Klein telling about the old days and the secrets of the starry sky. Her face gradually turned gray, her green eyes showed despair and confusion, and her whole person seemed dim. After being silent for a long time, she When he spoke, his voice was hoarse and low, and a sense of decadence emerged.

"Is this the truth of the end of the world? Even the Seven Gods can't save us?"

After saying that, Audrey showed a self-deprecating smile and lowered her head before saying.

"I thought my recent behavior of helping the weak was meaningful. The worst outcome I could think of was the defeat of the kingdom and the destruction of the church!

"But these are so insignificant and powerless compared to the truth of the doomsday. What's the point of everything I do?"

Audrey was shocked by these secrets, unable to control her emotions, and fell into a state of confusion and despair, unable to raise any fighting spirit at all.

"The death of a father may be insignificant to the Loen Kingdom. Such things happen every day, but for his family, this is a big event that can change the destiny!"

"As long as we are not promoted to the rank of angel, everyone's fate and ending will be the same. They will eventually die, but this does not mean that the time we live is meaningless!"

Klein looked a little weird. He originally asked Audrey to help him seal these secret memories, but he didn't expect that Miss Justice would be shocked by these shocking news, and he would comfort and enlighten her in turn.

"I understand everything you said, I just can't digest these cruel truths for the time being!"

Audrey steeled herself and adjusted her state. As a psychiatrist, it was really embarrassing for her to be treated by someone.

"You don't have to think too much, just be yourself, have some light, bring some warmth, and bring a glimmer of hope. The power of one person is small, but the combined power of everyone can light up the whole world. !”

Klein was an excellent lobbyist, and his words made Audrey's green eyes ignite again, extremely bright.

“With a little light and a little warmth, you can bring a glimmer of hope to the world!”

Audrey murmured, a bright and energetic smile appeared on her face again, reviving her morale.

"Mr. World, Backlund is short of food now, what should I do to save these poor people!"

When Klein heard this, he hesitated slightly, frowned slightly, lowered his head, and said in a deep voice.

"Miss Justice, you are an Extraordinary Audience Path. You should hide behind the scenes, keep in mind the principle of caution, and not put yourself in a dangerous situation."

"But sometimes, things in the world are not so easy to solve, and you have to make a choice!"

Klein raised his head, with a serious look on his face, staring at Audrey closely, and continued.

"Under the current situation, if you want to help the people of Backlund, the most feasible and least risky way is to snatch food from merchants, nobles, and the royal family."

When Audrey heard this, her pupils tightened, her eyebrows furrowed slightly, and she asked hesitantly.

"What if I do this and the church notices the traces?"

Although Audrey has been promoted to a Sequence 4 operator and is a demigod and half-human high-sequence expert with great strength, this does not mean that she can do anything without fear. There are many in the church. It is impossible for angel-level existences not to be aware of the truth.

Klein's expression remained unchanged, he looked at Audrey meaningfully, and said very confidently.

"Even if the church discovers the truth, it will choose to acquiesce!"

Audrey was slightly stunned and looked at Klein in confusion, wondering why he would give such an answer.

"Believers are the anchors of gods, and a believer is an anchor. In this regard, there is essentially no difference between nobles and poor people. No one is nobler and no one is lower. Under normal circumstances, nobles and businessmen can take advantage of My own status, power, wealth and influence help the church maintain the system and spread the faith, so it is more valued. But now the situation is corrupt. Thousands of anchors and hundreds of thousands or millions of anchors are trying to compare, which one is more important? No need to choose!”

Klein's words nakedly exposed the relationship between gods and believers, and also severely trampled on the superiority of the nobles. There is no distinction between high and low, they are all subjectively created by humans.

Audrey found it hard to accept what she said. She was still proud of her aristocratic status deep down in her heart. When she heard Klein say this, the expression on her face was a bit ugly.

"And, on the other hand, it makes sense for you to do such a thing. You help the gods stabilize the anchor point. They are the key to fighting the doomsday!"

Klein naturally noticed the change in Audrey's expression, changed his tone, and explained from another aspect.

Audrey also reacted immediately, with the corners of her mouth slightly raised, feeling ashamed of her reaction just now, and laughed self-deprecatingly.

"At this time, I realized that deep down in my heart, I am still proud of my noble status!"

"What is noble is quality, not status!"

Klein expressed his praise for Miss Justice. Audrey is kind, brave, passionate, and kind. This is her most noble thing.

When Audrey heard this, a proud smile appeared on her face, her eyes sparkled, and she looked full of energy.

"Okay, you can hypnotize me and make me forget the secret knowledge about the starry sky, leaving only a little warning!"

Seeing that Miss Justice had adjusted her mood and returned to her usual liveliness, Klein leaned back, closed his eyes, and prepared to be hypnotized.

Audrey immediately restrained all her emotions, entered the audience state, kept calm, and began to perform detailed operations on Klein's mind, stripping away the secret knowledge about the starry sky and sealing it in the deepest part of the subconscious, leaving only Be careful of the reminder from the stars.

Above the gray mist, Ilsi sat on the bronze throne. He ignored the protection of Origin Castle and took in the conversation between Klein and Audrey. His expression moved slightly, and his brown eyes flashed. A trace of fluctuation, murmured.

"What a worrying silly girl. It seems that you need to say hello to the Goddess of Night, the Lord of Storms, and Emperor Russell, lest you really get caught by the church!"

Before she finished speaking, Ilsi raised her right hand and flicked her finger. A stream of light flew out of the Hall of Knowledge and entered the Star Realm. It split into three parts and fell into the Dark Heaven of the Night Goddess Aman. Nisis, the Storm Abyss of Leodro, and the Kingdom of God of Emperor Roselle.

"My sister is young and likes to make trouble. Please help take care of her!"

The Night Goddess Aman. Nisis wore a black dress inlaid with stars. Her face seemed to be covered with layers of gauze, hazy and beautiful. The extraordinary characteristics on her body were bright and clear, the purest. Her black eyes flickered slightly, and her red lips pursed lightly, and she smiled softly.

"This God of Secrets and Magic is really protective of his shortcomings. I'd better remind Anthony and Arianna to avoid offending Him!"

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