I have a role in the heavens

Chapter 3318: Keeping to oneself and confronting the fallen mother goddess

Backlund, Queens District, Hall Manor, Ilsie and her father, Earl Hall, were sitting in the study, discussing the recent situation in the kingdom. Earl Hall reached out and touched his mustache, and there was a trace of emotion on his face. He was very tired and his eyes were slightly red. He had not had a good rest for a long time since the war broke out. As the leading dignitary in the kingdom, he had too many things to worry about.

"Ilsi, you seem to have been quiet recently and lack fighting spirit!"

Earl Hall was keenly aware of Ilsey's changes, with a puzzled look on his face. He had high hopes for his eldest son and was very satisfied with his performance, but recently Ilsey seemed to be a different person. He was no longer interested in politics and business, and seemed unusually silent. He seemed to no longer care about the future fate of the Kingdom of Loen, just like a bystander who stayed away from the matter.

"Yes, I have found my goal, and the politics of the kingdom are no longer important to me!"

Ilsi revealed a little bit. He had been promoted to a god, and everything in the world no longer meant anything to him, and his personality became more and more cold and detached.

"Oh, I wonder what your new goal is?"

Earl Hall was not furious. He was very open-minded and was not angry because of the changes in his eldest son. A look of curiosity appeared on his extremely mature and charming face. If Ilsie really found the goal of life, he would not be angry. Will try to stop it, but will choose to support it instead.

"Why can the Augustus family have a long history and become the Loen royal family?"

Ilsi did not answer Earl Hall's doubts directly, but asked back, with an incomprehensible smile on his handsome face, which was meaningful.

When Earl Hall heard this, he frowned slightly, thought for a moment, and then answered.

"The Augustus family is a family of angels. It is powerful, so it can have a long inheritance and control the fate of the kingdom. Even the three major churches must respect it!"

Ilsey nodded slightly and agreed very much with Earl Hall's answer. Strong power was the key to the Augustus family's control of the kingdom.

"What if the Hall family also becomes a family of angels, or even a family of gods?"

When Earl Hall heard this, his eyes flashed with a gleam, and his face showed a solemn expression. He stared at Ilsey, trying to see something on his calm and handsome face.

"Ilsi, the Hall family has insufficient foundation. Although the family has trained some members to become extraordinary people, the high-sequence powers of the extraordinary path are all controlled by the demigod family, the angel family, and the church!"

The Hall family has abundant assets and has spent a lot of money to cultivate extraordinary people in the family. However, at most, they only have mid-level strength, not even a demigod. Therefore, they have to rely on the Church of the Goddess of the Night to obtain The refuge of high-sequence strong men.

"It is difficult for the Hall family to obtain high-sequence magic potion formulas and extraordinary characteristics, and become an angel family, or even a demigod family!"

There was a bit of bitterness on Earl Hall's face. High-sequence power is not easy to obtain. The Hall family has such a close connection with the Church of the Night Goddess. It is still impossible to obtain potion formulas and extraordinary properties above sequence 4. It can only stop at the mid-sequence.

"No, you are wrong. The Hall family already has a demigod-level existence!"

The corner of Ilsi's mouth twitched slightly, revealing a faint smile. She looked outside the study room, seemingly ignoring the obstruction of the door, and saw a beautiful blond girl walking quickly with a look on her face. He said with a look of compassion and deep meaning.

Upon hearing this, Earl Hall's expression moved slightly, as if he had guessed something. A hint of excitement flashed deep in his eyes, and he turned to look in the direction of Audrey's room and said hesitantly.

"Ilsie, what you mean is that Audrey has..."

"Dong dong dong!"

A rapid knock on the door interrupted Earl Hall's words, and Ilsi spoke calmly.

"Audrey, come in!"

Audrey opened the door to the study and walked in. Her face was not pretty, and her green eyes were full of melancholy. She walked in front of Earl Hall and Ilsi, and forced a smile. He spoke.

"Dad, brother, there is a big gap in food in the poverty relief fund. I have visited many nobles, and they all told me that there is no extra food, even if it can be purchased with money!"

"Audrey, this situation is very difficult for everyone, you have to understand!"

Earl Hall sighed. The war situation was not conducive to the Loen Kingdom. The nobles also had to make long-term plans. There was no other way to hoard food.

Audrey was silent for a moment after hearing this, with her little head lowered and listless, but still unwilling to give up her last hope, she raised her head and glanced at Earl Hall, and asked hesitantly.

"Dad, I remember that the family should still have a lot of food. Can I buy some?!"

Earl Hall showed a look of embarrassment on his face. The Hall family has a large amount of resources and has accumulated enough food for the family for several years. However, this food is the family's last guarantee and cannot be disposed of at will.

Ilsi frowned slightly, with a look of dissatisfaction on her face. She looked at the begging Audrey and scolded.

"Audrey, you have to understand one thing: if you are rich, you can help the world, but if you are poor, you can be alone!"

"Doing charity cannot affect your family and life. I hope you can follow this rule!"

Audrey still refused to give up, her eyes full of pleading, looking at Earl Hall, hoping that her father would allow her to buy some of the food stored by the family.

"Audrey, I'm sorry, I can't promise you!"

"What I value most is the survival and future of the family, and our identity and status. I will only show my love and kindness when it does not affect them. Maybe this will be cruel, but you have grown up and need to understand that everyone is selfish, just to different degrees!"

"In my heart, the importance of the entire Hall family is greater than me and your mother, greater than Ilsey, Lewis, and you! I don't mind helping the poor, but the premise must be to ensure the interests of the family. As the patriarch, I have to consider it more comprehensively."

Earl Hall is not optimistic about the situation in the Kingdom of Loen, and has even prepared a retreat. He has contacted the family in-laws in the Republic of Intis. If the situation really reaches an irreversible point, the family will go to Intis and convert to the Church of Steam and Machinery. As long as the family's assets and titles are still there, the status and power will not be greatly affected.

"Ilsi, Audrey, the family has made the worst plan. If the kingdom is defeated and destroyed, Ilsi, you will be the new Earl Hall and will be in charge of the family's future destiny!"

Audrey opened her mouth slightly and showed shock on her face when she heard this. She didn't expect that the situation was so bad, and Earl Hall had already begun to pave the way for the family.

Ilsi took a deep breath, and her eyes under the gold-rimmed glasses fluctuated slightly, and she said calmly.

"Father, don't worry, the situation will soon be reversed, and the family doesn't need to take the last step!"

Ilsi's eyes were deep, and she saw through the trajectory of fate. In the near future, the Goddess of Night and the Mother Goddess of the Earth will successfully kill the gods and make the God of War fall. The situation of the war will be reversed, and the Feysac Empire will be defeated.

"Moreover, Roselle Gustav has become the new generation of the God of Steam and Machinery. If the plan of the Goddess of Night fails, I will persuade Emperor Roselle to let the Republic of Intis and the Kingdom of Loen form an alliance, turn their guns around, and fight against the Feysac Empire together!"

Ilsi was sure of victory, so she was not panicking. Her tone was full of confidence, which made Earl Hall and Audrey stunned and felt a strong appeal.

Audrey was different from Earl Hall. She already knew that Ilsi had been promoted to a god. She was very convinced of his strength and judgment. She smiled excitedly and asked quickly.

"Brother, is everything you said true?"

Ilsi nodded slightly, looked at the blonde girl with a doting look, and finally reminded her.

"Audrey, the law of nature is that the strong prey on the weak, and the fittest survive. It's not a bad thing to have compassion, but you must be restrained and don't let your sympathy and kindness overflow!"

"Brother, I understand!"

Audrey put down a big stone in her heart, finally breathed a sigh of relief, and regained her calmness and rationality. She looked at Earl Hall with an apologetic face and said.

"I'm sorry, Dad, my request just now was too unreasonable!"

Earl Hall loved Audrey very much. He sighed, stood up and walked in front of his daughter, patted the blonde girl's head, and said.

"Audrey, I'm also sorry for making you realize that Dad is such a cold and selfish person!"

In the Forsaken Land of God, Klein met the high priest Nim of Moon City, and learned from him that there is a way to change the gray-white mist, that is, to hold a prayer ceremony for it as a great existence.

Klein tried it according to Moon City's method, and a faint sound came from the depths of the gray-white mist, layer upon layer, vague, and extremely vague. The sound seemed to come from multiple different objects, intertwined, sometimes interfering with each other, canceling each other out, sometimes overlapping and resonating.

Klein concentrated and held his breath, listening attentively. The sound gradually became clearer and converged into a sentence that he was very familiar with, which made him stand there.

"Fusheng Xuanhuang Tianzun!"

Klein's body trembled slightly, and the back of his head instantly felt numb. This feeling spread to various parts of his body, causing small bumps to bulge on his skin surface one after another.

This was the first time Klein heard the name of Fusheng Xuanhuang Tianzun from this world in the true sense. His mind was blank and he was completely shocked.

The sound gradually weakened and finally dissipated. Klein came back to his senses with mixed feelings. He reached into the void with his right hand and quickly dragged out a historical image of himself, and his body entered a hidden state.

Klein's historical image walked to the solidified gray-white mist, stretched out his right hand, and pressed it. An invisible barrier blocked everything and trapped the Forsaken Land of God.

Klein took a deep breath and performed the ritual he had performed before his reincarnation again, reciting the name of that great being in Chinese.

"Blessings to the Immortal Xuanhuang; Blessings to the Heavenly Monarch Xuanhuang; Blessings to the Heavenly Emperor Xuanhuang; Blessings to the Heavenly Monarch Xuanhuang."

As the last word was uttered, the complete ritual ended. Klein felt the invisible barrier begin to vibrate with his right hand, and the gray-white mist began to roll, like a calm lake hit by a boulder. Countless ripples were generated, spread out, converged, intertwined, merged and changed, and gradually outlined an illusory gate in front of his eyes.

Klein concentrated and held his breath, staring at the gate intently, but it was still a little short of it, and it disappeared before it was fully formed.

Klein frowned, used his divination ability to spy on the trajectory of fate, turned his head and looked at the excited people in Moon City, and said solemnly.

"It's not the right time to open it in the oracle yet, there are still more than ten years. I will practice hard here for a while. If you want to feel the glory of the Lord and listen to His teachings, you can come here at any time during the period of frequent lightning. I will do purification and treatment once a day, when the lightning is most frequent."

Klein intended to transform the people of Moon City into believers of the Fool, to become an anchor for positioning themselves, and to prepare for the impact of higher sequences in the future. But he did not choose to enter Moon City, but continued to stay here.

When Nim, the high priest of Moon City, heard this, his face showed awe. He saw the hope of leaving the God-forsaken Land from Klein, and bowed and said.

"Mr. Gehrman Sparrow, I will tell everyone in Moon City what you said!"

Under Chernobyl, Klein learned some information and came to the site of the nuclear power plant, the birthplace of the ancient sun god. Here he met an unlucky clone of Amon who was exploring the Chaos Sea. After being influenced by the Chaos Sea, this clone seemed to have an independent will and was disconnected from other Amons.

Klein learned some information about the two blasphemous stone tablets and the Chaos Sea from this clone of Amon.

"The Chaos Sea is very large, almost filling the center of the earth. It is also the only source that is both real and illusory, and has a direct entrance in the real world. Other source substances are either completely illusory and hidden somewhere, or absolutely real and coexist with reality."

"I found something very interesting in the Chaos Sea. The first blasphemous slate should have been conceived here, but later it was pulled by some force and left the ground before it was complete. My father also browsed that blasphemous slate at first, so after falling, he let his remnants condense into the second blasphemous slate."

Klein's expression moved slightly when he heard this secret, and he asked quickly.

"What is the difference between these two blasphemous slates?"

"The second blasphemous slate changed the names of some sequences and added some other content!"

"Those contents contain the secret of transcending the sequence!"

Amon adjusted the position of the crystal lens, his eyes flashing with brilliance, and his face was very serious.

"Transcend the sequence? Become the creator?"

Klein didn't understand what transcending the sequence was, so he could only define this concept in this way.

"It's similar, but the description is not accurate enough! I prefer to call it above the sequence. Some true gods also call it the Old Days, the Outer Gods, and the Starry Sky!"

"The Starry Sky!"

When Klein heard this term, a spiritual alarm sounded in his mind. Arianna of the Church of the Goddess of Night once reminded him that if he had not entered the angel level, he should not try to understand the starry sky, which would have a great impact on him.

At this moment, the lightning that kept erupting in the sky above the magical land dissipated, and a crimson moon occupied half of the sky. The blood-colored light swallowed and condensed into a vague figure, all bright red. This figure was countless times larger than the moon, with countless eyes. There was a red sea flowing around it, drowning the moon. Countless strange and ominous eyes were projected from the starry sky, locking onto Klein's body in the God-forsaken Land.

In an instant, Klein lost all his thoughts and ideas, and the whole person fell into a sluggish state. The flesh and blood all over his body gave birth to an independent will, squirming wildly, trying to separate from the body.

Above the gray fog, a majestic palace building shone with a fiery white light, and the breath of knowledge and wisdom permeated. Ilsi sat on the bronze throne, with spiritual light shining all over her body. She rushed out of the initial barrier outside the planet and blocked between the moon and the earth. A figure condensed, vague and illusory, sacred and majestic, majestic and huge. He looked directly at the Fallen Mother Goddess, one of the three pillars in the past, with an indifferent expression and a ruthless voice resounding through the starry sky.

"Fallen Mother Goddess, you have crossed the line!"

The starry sky is vast, the Milky Way is bright, the stars are shining, and the endless starlight gathers and turns into a beam of light, bombarding the blood-red figure without any mercy.


The earth-shaking explosion sounded in the empty and cold starry sky, countless meteorite belts were broken, fire, air waves rolled, and the terrifying shock wave shattered the red sea and crashed into the phantom of the Fallen Mother Goddess.


An ominous and crazy breath rose up, and countless tentacles with scarlet eyes waved wildly, hitting the giant pillar of starlight. The starlight fell like flying debris, and the broken tentacles squirmed, polluting the cold and lonely starry sky. The figure of the Fallen Mother Goddess became more and more illusory and dim.

Ilsi Hall raised his right hand and gently grasped the void. A black cane inlaid with countless gems appeared in his palm. It was the 062 seal that Klein got, the Star Wand. He raised the Star Wand high, and the extraordinary characteristics of the gate path opened a series of illusory gates in the starry sky. Endless starlight gathered from the extremely distant starry sky, gathered and merged into the pillar of starlight, and fiercely blasted towards the Fallen Mother Goddess.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The earth-shaking roar continued to echo, and countless bright stars spread across the night sky. The shining starlight covered the brilliance of the scarlet moon, shocking countless people.

The battles in the starry sky continued to break out, fierce and terrifying. With Ilsi's obstruction, Klein finally regained a bit of sanity and quickly began to recite.

"Blessings to the Immortal Xuanhuang; Blessings to the Heavenly Monarch Xuanhuang; Blessings to the Emperor Xuanhuang; Blessings to the Heavenly Monarch Xuanhuang!"

The gray-white mist enveloped Klein's spirit. He entered the Source Castle. The gray mist continued to wash and baptize him. Wisps of black air and bloody light surged out and were melted by the gray-white mist.

Klein's face showed a fear of surviving a disaster. His body collapsed on the bronze chair. There was no trace of blood on his face. He was almost contaminated by the breath of the fallen mother goddess and became the carrier of the starry sky. That would bring doomsday and destruction to the world.

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