I have a role in the heavens

Chapter 3320: Borrowing without returning, Audrey's big move

Leodro, the Lord of Storms, looks like a middle-aged man. He wears black armor, steps on the waves, is surrounded by storms, has lightning on his back, and holds a trident. He looks majestic, has a violent personality, and is impulsive. He is like a storm, with raging waves, and lightning dancing wildly, exuding the breath of destroying everything. He is worthy of being the emperor who controls the ocean and the overlord who controls the sky. He was once the wind angel among the eight angel kings. He ate the body of the rising sun and ascended to the throne.

"Humph, he is so rude. What do you think of us!"

The Lord of Storms has a gloomy face, with storms surging around him, and countless silver snakes shining. The trident in his hand suddenly paused, and a majestic and violent voice was transmitted into the real world.

"Don't pay attention to Audrey Hall's affairs!"

Although he was honest, the Lord of Storms Leodro still gave Ilsi Hall face, but he just muttered a few words unwilling to admit defeat.

As for the last Emperor Roselle, he already owed Ilsi Hall a great favor, so he naturally would not object. He directly issued an oracle to the Steam Church, asking them to take good care of Audrey Hall and not to offend the Hall family.

In the Hall of Knowledge, Ilsi Hall nodded with satisfaction, and his eyes paused for a moment on the three true gods, expressing his gratitude. Then he retracted his gaze and looked at the God-Forsaken Land again. He had to keep an eye on Klein's actions. When the God-Forsaken Land descended into the current era, he could spy on the secrets of the Lord of Secrets, lock the traces of the Wilderness of Knowledge, obtain this source, and impact the Old Ones.

"I seem to have forgotten something?!"

Ilsi's somewhat puzzled voice sounded, holding the black Star Staff tightly in his hand, inlaid with countless bright and clear gems, colorful and very gorgeous. He completely forgot that the owner of this seal was Klein, and he only borrowed it temporarily to fight against the Fallen Mother Goddess, and he had to return it after use.

"Since you have forgotten, it means that this matter is not important. Come back and talk about it when you remember it!"

Ilsi didn't know whether he really forgot or was just pretending to be stupid. He had an extraordinary memory and could remember everything he saw. He even forgot the Star Staff that he was holding tightly in his hand. It was really suspicious.

However, it was understandable that Ilsi did this. After all, as the God of Magic, how could he not have a staff that suited him? The Star Staff, as a Level 0 seal, corresponds to the extraordinary characteristics of the gate path, which can open the Starry Sky Gate and increase some of Ilsi's magical power, which can barely meet his needs for the staff.

The Extraordinary held the Star Staff in his hand. As long as the corresponding scene appeared in his mind and existed in reality, he could open the Starry Sky Gate leading to this place. However, in this process, every detail must be accurate, otherwise he didn't know where he would be teleported to. The Star Staff can also copy extraordinary abilities, provided that he had enough understanding of this extraordinary ability, otherwise he didn't know what kind of mutation would appear in the copied ability, and when copying high-sequence extraordinary abilities, there would be a certain gap with the original.

The Star Staff is made of hard material and can be used directly to attack. The Beyonders who are whipped by it will immediately mutate and experience various strange effects.

As for the negative effects of this Level 0 Sealed Item, the Star Staff itself will teleport at irregular intervals and randomly. When holding this staff, you must keep your mind empty. Once certain images appear in your mind, you may accidentally activate the ability. If no one holds it, the Star Staff may mutate around it, and it is hard to predict whether it will be good or bad.

The God-forsaken Land is dark, dim and cold, with little vitality. The residents of Moon City look devoutly at Klein in front of them, imitate his movements, and hold a large-scale mass.

Klein purified and treated the mutations of a large number of Moon City residents, and also brought a kind of edible mushroom. This ancient city-state became a believer of the Fool without any resistance, and welcomed Mr. World Gehrman Sparrow, who is a saint and a messenger of God, into the city.

After the mass, High Priest Nim took a few steps forward, bent his hunched back, and respectfully looked at Klein's vest identity, Gehrman Sparrow, and asked with great awe.

"Respected God's Messenger, what is the name of the great Lord?"

Klein looked around at everyone, his expression solemn and solemn, and his low and sacred voice resounded throughout Moon City and reached the ears of all Moon City residents.

"The Fool who does not belong to this era, the mysterious master above the gray fog, the Yellow and Black King who controls good luck!"

Klein looked like a charlatan, told everyone the name of the Fool, and emphasized one point.

"Don't recite the name in full when praying, only when there is something important."

Klein didn't want to be disturbed by the believers. If so, he would be mentally collapsed by the countless prayers.

As the person who understood faith best in Moon City, the High Priest nodded slightly to show that he understood. The gods have always done this, and they don't want to be disturbed by believers.

"What are the requirements for the ritual of worshiping the Lord?"

"God said, the eighth commandment, serve me with your heart, not with sacrifices. The most important thing about the ritual is piety, there are no other requirements, it can be very simple."

Klein said pretentiously. Anyway, he didn't care about these fancy rituals. As long as the believers were pious enough, they could become his anchor, help him stabilize his state, and not be polluted and eroded by extraordinary characteristics, that was enough.

At this point, Klein looked up at everyone again, pointed to the pile of mushrooms in front of him, and shouted loudly.

"The Lord has given you these mushrooms and brought you food that is safe to eat. These mushrooms can use monster flesh and blood as nutrients, grow and reproduce rapidly, and accumulate all toxins, pollution, and madness into pure black mushrooms , black mushrooms can be used as a medium for curses or as paint for arrows!”

When the residents of Moon City heard this, they looked excited and excited. They clasped their hands, lowered their heads and shouted loudly.

"Praise be to the great Fool, who gives us health and food!"

At this moment, Klein seemed to hear countless illusory voices pouring in from the void. The voices were mixed with real praises, surrounding him and fixing him. This was the anchor, the anchor to position himself.

After the large mass event, Klein did not stay in Moon City for long. He chose to leave and walked into the deep darkness outside.

Klein was walking in the dark wilderness, with countless dangerous monsters lurking around him. He stretched out his right hand and reached into the void. He grabbed it five or six times in a row before a black cane appeared in his hand. In front of me, this is the extraordinary ability of the ancient scholar, summoning the historical image of the 062 sealed object, which can effectively isolate the negative effects of using it.

The strong wind in the wilderness stung Klein's cheeks. The black windbreaker on his body rustled. The flames of the lantern in his hand were swaying, and the light and shadow were mottled. There was a somewhat puzzled expression on his face, and he looked down at the Star in his hand. The historical image of the staff frowned and muttered to himself.

"What's going on? The connection between me and the Star Staff seems to be much weaker. It actually takes five or six times to summon historical images to succeed!"

How did Klein know that the Star Staff had been taken by Ilsi Hall as his own? He was no longer the owner of this level 0 sealed object and had no connection with the Star Staff. If Ilsi hadn't been somewhat guilty, If Klein is allowed to summon the historical image of the Star Staff, he simply cannot succeed.

Klein was confused and didn't notice the reason. He shook his head and put these doubts behind him for the time being. The ruins of the destroyed ancient northern city of Nos appeared in his mind. The surrounding space was slightly distorted and his body disappeared. In place.

Backlund, the poverty relief fund is helping people in need, distributing shabby and meager food. The hard black bread is enough to crack nuts and knock out teeth, but it is the hope of these poor people's survival.

Audrey looked at the little black bread left with a heavy expression on her face. There were still many people queuing up to receive food. They were skinny and swaying. They were destined to leave disappointed today without food. They don't know if they can survive until tomorrow.

Various complex emotions such as heaviness, pain, and shame surged into the heart of the kind-hearted blonde girl. Her green eyes no longer had the bright light of the past, and the feeling of fatigue, weakness, and depression made her feel even more uncomfortable.

"I have always followed the principle of the audience approach, only watching and not participating. In fact, living in the real world, who can tell the difference between the audience and the actors? Maybe it is time to make some changes and try to actively change the development of the story. Trajectory, leaving a happy ending!”

Audrey Hall had a determined look on her face, and she finally made up her mind to fight for the last glimmer of hope for these poor Backlund people.

Audrey walked in the streets and alleys. She used the ability of psychological invisibility to observe the difficult situation of the people of Backlund. They were hungry, their faces were emaciated, and countless families endured hunger and cold. They had no future, no hope, and were lifeless.

Audrey said nothing and walked back to Queens. When she walked back to the luxurious villa, she smelled the aroma of fried foie gras and other delicacies. After staring silently for a while, watching the comings and goings of the male and female servants, she quietly went upstairs and returned to her room.

In the middle of the night, Audrey put on her cloak, entered her parents' bedroom, and came to their bed. She looked deeply at it for a long time, knelt down on one knee, and droplets of water slipped down and spread on the carpet.

The noble and beautiful girl with blond hair and blue eyes slowly raised her head and said sadly to her sleeping parents, sobbing non-stop.

"Dad, Mom, thank you for teaching me what mercy is, what kindness is, and what virtue is."

After the words fell, Audrey closed her eyes, stood up suddenly, and walked out of the bedroom. There was no expression on her face, and she walked out of the manor with determination.

Dark night enveloped the earth, and the crimson moon hung in the sky, casting a strange and ominous blood color. Ilsi was wearing a black tuxedo, and her posture was upright, like a standing mountain. Listening to the light footsteps coming from behind, she slowly Turning around slowly, his brown eyes were full of tolerance and understanding. He quietly stared at his beloved sister and said softly.

"You have finally grown up. Now that you have decided on the path you want to take, then go for it boldly and don't regret it. You don't need to worry about the family. If anything happens, I will take care of it!"

The blonde girl's cold face showed a touch of emotion, her eyes filled with water. She took a deep look at her beloved brother, suppressed the fragility in her heart, nodded fiercely, and took another step. Passing by Ilsi, he headed towards the civilian residential area.

The next day, as soon as the morning light broke through the darkness, dense crowds of figures appeared on the streets of Backlund. Thousands or tens of thousands of people gathered together, like a torrent of waves that could submerge and swallow up everything in their way.

From a distance, the streets of Backlund were crowded with people. They gathered together and poured towards Queens, like a huge dark cloud that was about to envelope Backlund.


"We want bread!"

Thousands, tens of thousands, or even more people gathered together to shout for social workers. The voice was loud, like thunder, making the scalps of all the rich and powerful go numb. When participating in activities such as High Mass in Remembrance Day Square, these dignitaries had not seen so many people before, nor had they not heard the shouts and shouts. But at that time, they were also standing in the crowd and were part of the whole. But today Differently, they have become the target of the torrent, and a slight mistake in their response will lead to terrible consequences.

There were police and soldiers on both sides of the Backlund people's parade, but the number was very small. Compared with the more than 100,000 people marching, they were like a small wave in the ocean, looking so small and powerless.

The number of people in the march exceeded 100,000, and it seemed to be organized overnight. There must be someone behind the scenes of such a large-scale operation. It was strange that the church and MI9 did not find any clues.


"We want bread!"

The shouts became more and more uniform and loud, like the roar of the ocean. The crowd of heads shocked the nobles greatly. Everyone's face began to turn pale and their bodies trembled slightly. They seemed to be hit by a flood. The dam may collapse at any time.

Some determined nobles reacted and wanted to send a telegram to the royal family, asking for an army to come to suppress it. However, their eyes found many soldiers in military uniforms in the crowd, most of them physically disabled. There were people on both sides of the crowd maintaining order. The soldiers looked at these disabled comrades with sympathy, making these nobles suddenly feel weak.

These are the comrades of the army soldiers. They fight for the country, are physically disabled, and have wives and children. They also need food to satisfy their hunger and support their families. They feel the same pain as others, and even many soldiers who maintain order also joined the parade. Among them, they don't want to end up like this, and they want to fight for their own interests and needs.

Many great nobles have private guards. Among them are extraordinary people recruited by themselves, extraordinary people trained by their families, and extraordinary people from the church. They are usually responsible for protecting the personal safety of the nobles. But at this moment, the extraordinary people from the church are all exposed. The nobles reacted with sympathy as they looked at the people marching outside.

"As far as the church is concerned, both nobles and commoners are believers in the gods. There is no essential difference. If it had to choose, the church would tend to the outside people at this time and would not protect the interests of the nobles at all!"

The nobles took a look at the family's private guards, who were armed to the teeth. This number was simply unable to protect them from the impact of such a large-scale parade. They suddenly made a decision. Although there was a look of pain on their faces, they remained firm. He ordered the steward on the side.

"Immediately contact the Prime Minister's Office and the church and say that I am willing to donate most of the food to help civilians tide over this crisis!"

"At the same time, contact other nobles and ask them to stay calm and not cause conflicts, otherwise Backlund will explode and everyone will die together!"

Anxious voices sounded one after another in the luxurious noble manors. The nobles all clearly realized that they had to make a decision. Whether to eat food or live. This is a very simple question. Life is the most important thing. Yes, from the moment these common people, who used to be as small as ants, unite, the nobles have lost the initiative and can only choose to give in and protect themselves.

In the Prime Minister's Office, the newly-appointed Duke Negan and Prime Minister Agushed received the telegram from the nobles. His heavy face became slightly lighter and he exhaled the breath that was held in his chest. Things have not yet developed to the worst. The situation, the nobles' concession made things turn around. These guys are not stupid enough at last. They know the priorities and are willing to donate most of the family's stored food, which should be able to appease the hungry people of Backlund.

"Announce this good news to appease the citizens marching and protect the safety of the nobles!"

"At the same time, crack down on the big businessmen who are hoarding food and calm the anger of the citizens!"

Prime Minister Agushid's eyes were shining brightly. He acted resolutely and clearly, and gave very decisive instructions to the male secretary beside him.

On the balcony on the third floor of Hall Manor, Ilsey stood here quietly, her eyes locked on a figure in the crowd. She was wearing a black robe, with a strand of long golden hair exposed, and her face was Covered by black gauze, her appearance cannot be seen clearly. She has a graceful figure, tall and slender. The void around her is intertwined with dreams and reality, affecting the people around her, and she moves forward on the street with the flow of people.

"Audrey, this is amazing! I didn't expect that you could influence so many citizens, organize such a grand parade, and force all the nobles to make concessions and donate most of the food!"

The Hall family was not spared. Earl Hall took the lead in setting an example and taking the lead in donating the family's food. This wise earl was keenly aware of the danger and did not dare to be negligent. After all, as he said , the importance of the family ranks first in his heart. Facing such a terrifying parade, if he does not give in, the only outcome will be destruction. This is something he cannot accept.

Ilsey did not stop Earl Hall's decision, just as he did not object to Audrey using the citizens of Backlund to force all the nobles to make concessions and donate most of the food.

Backlund, in a dilapidated apartment, a bearded man sat on a chair, his hands cuffed behind his back.

The officer from MI9 and his men interrogated the man fiercely, with a dagger in his hand against his neck. The sharp blade sank into the flesh, and the bright red blood slowly flowed out.

"We have sufficient evidence to show that you are one of the main organizers of this march. If you don't want to suffer, tell us who is the mastermind behind this action?"

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