I have a role in the heavens

Chapter 3299 Audrey: I am worse than a dog? !

Audrey paid special attention to Ms. Hermit, observed the other person's strangeness, and secretly analyzed and thought in her heart.

"Ms. Hermit is very shocked that Mr. Fool can interpret Russell's diary. She is very concerned about this matter. Maybe I can ask my brother about the contents of Emperor Russell's diary."

Klein ignored the small movements between the two ladies. His slender fingers tapped the long table regularly, and he stared intently at the contents of the parchment in his hand.

"On April 9, I just came back from Countess Valian's masquerade, and I suddenly felt a little empty in my heart. One woman, another woman, another woman, monotonous and mechanical movements, the indistinguishable smell of perfume, the entanglement of limbs The warmth can only bring a few seconds of pleasure, and then there will be endless boredom, disgust, emptiness and numbness. What fun is there in this kind of life? Is this the purpose of my life? "

When Klein saw this, he raised his eyebrows slightly. Emperor Russell, a beast, actually knew how to reflect on himself. He was so young, which overturned his fixed impression of Emperor Russell.

"I can't go on like this anymore, I have to get rid of this depraved state"!

"On April 11th, Countess Valian invited me to a private salon. She told me that Lady Julia would also attend. Hahaha, this conservative blonde beauty who married from Loen would also attend. It's really It’s so exciting! I’ve been fantasizing about her in bed for a long time, I hope her husband, Mr. Viscount Delion, doesn’t mind!”

Klein secretly rolled his eyes. A dog can't change its habit of eating shit. Just now, I actually believed that Emperor Russell would change. In just two days, he had grown up solidly, and his eyes were set on him again. Wife. However, why did I have such a sour and envious thought in my heart? It must be that my own morality and integrity condemned this kind of traitorous behavior.

Klein continued to look down. Emperor Russell finally stopped talking about his romantic affair and told him some information about mysticism and secret organizations, which gave him something to gain.

The entire temple was quiet, and no one spoke. This period was Mr. Fool's reading time, and they all formed a tacit understanding not to disturb Mr. Fool.

The hermit lady Jiadeli secretly observed everyone's reactions, and with her rich experience, she analyzed a lot of useful information from everyone's reactions.

"This is probably not the first time this has happened. Everyone is used to it, which shows that Mr. Fool often reads Emperor Russell's diary at gatherings!"

"Moreover, I can completely confirm that He can indeed fully understand the contents of these diaries. He is most likely a resurrected ancient god!"

Klein finished reading Emperor Russell's diary and the legend of the ancient gods, and then looked up at everyone, with a faint smile on his lips, and said in a soft voice.

"You guys start!"

According to past practice, it is now the trading time among Tarot Club members. During this time, the most active one is Miss Justice Audrey. Whether it is mysterious knowledge or potion formula materials, she always has one word, buy! Waving the money in his hand, he looked wealthy.

However, Audrey seemed a little strange today. She did not speak and was very silent. She had obtained a lot of occult knowledge in the palace of knowledge, as well as the magic potion formula of the audience path sequence. She had no other needs for the time being, even the magic potion formula. The medicinal materials are also collected in the family treasury, so there is no need for her to buy them from other members.

"Miss Justice, don't you need anything this time?"

Alger, the Hanged Man, looked at the silent Audrey in surprise and asked.

"I don't need anything or information recently. I have confessed to my family that I have become an Beyonder. I don't even need to collect the potion materials myself. I can purchase them through family channels. It's very convenient!"

When the members of the Tarot Club heard this, they had envious looks in their eyes. They all knew that Miss Justice's family was very wealthy and a real noble. Materials and information that were difficult for ordinary people to obtain were not considered important to Miss Justice's family. Too difficult.

The others withdrew their gaze from Audrey and began to make transactions. The first person to speak was Moon Emlyn.

"Mr. Hanged Man, I have prepared the cash. When will you get the inheritance of the Blood Baron?"

Alger's expression was calm, his eyes fell on Emlyn, and he said with some surprise.

"Is your money order due?"

"I couldn't wait any longer and resold the money order directly. Although I lost some money, it was still acceptable!"

Moon Emlyn was full of longing for the Blood Baron's inheritance and couldn't wait for the three-month expiration of the money order. For this reason, he had to bear some financial losses.

"In this case, I can get the Blood Baron this week. Let's confirm the transaction amount again, 4,500 pounds, that's right!"

Hearing this, Emlyn the Moon showed some hesitation on his face. He was obsessed with collecting female dolls and wasted most of his money on this. 4,500 pounds was a bit difficult for him, so he had to start bargaining.

"Can it be cheaper?!"

"It can only be 300 pounds cheaper at most. After all, it's not mine, I'm just a middleman!"

The inheritance of the Blood Baron is in the hands of another pirate, and Alger only acts as a middleman to earn some commissions.

"no problem!"

Emlyn had a look of heartache on his face. He seemed to have seen countless cute, beautiful, and sexy dolls moving away from him, but for the sake of the legacy of the Vampire Baron, these were all bearable.

"Which of you has the fruit of the glorious spirit tree?"

Seeing that the two of them had completed the transaction, Derrick the Sun quickly began to raise his hands and asked, acting like a good student, well-behaved and cute.

The fruit of the Brilliant Spirit Pact Tree is one of the ingredients for the Sun Priest potion in Sequence 7 of the Singer Path. Derrick has already collected all the other ingredients. He only needs this extraordinary material to advance to Sequence 7.

Miss Hermit Cattleya now understood the rules of this transaction and was silent for a moment before speaking.

"I have!"

Derrick had no money circulating outside, so he looked at the new member with some embarrassment and said very sincerely.

"I can exchange historical documents from Silver City, or if you need any monster materials, I can make a list of common monsters around Silver City!"

Derrick lives in a land abandoned by the gods and is isolated from the outside world, so every transaction is bartering and never lowers the price. The members of the Tarot Society have made a lot of money from him.

Cattleya looked at the dense list of monsters. Many of them were ancient names. If it weren't for the fact that she was a member of the Moss Ascetic Order and her own strength had been promoted to Sequence 5, she really couldn't figure out what the monsters listed were. She was very curious about Silver City, how could there be so many monsters living around.

"You can exchange it for the history of Silver City!"

Derrick nodded and agreed readily. He had already seen himself promoted to Sequence 7.

Audrey watched everyone making transactions, and she couldn't help but have the desire to spend money. She was an adult and had strong assets, so she joined in.

"Mr. World, last time you said you had a clue about the psychiatrist's characteristics, please give me a price!"

Klein looked at Audrey who was not short of money, thought for a while, and quoted a fair price.

"4,700 pounds! But it will take a month to trade!"

"No problem! I want it!"

Audrey did not buy this trait left by the psychiatrist for herself. She planned to feed this trait back to the dog to improve Susie's strength.

A portion of dog food costs 4,700 pounds, which is enough for two people to live a relatively decent life for the rest of their lives. However, Audrey did not even blink, which made other members of the Tarot Club look at her with suspicion.

"Miss Justice, are you rich?"

Before Audrey was underage, although she spent money lavishly, because Ilsey helped manage the assets, sometimes she had to think twice, and she was definitely not as generous as she is now.

"Well, my coming-of-age ceremony is over, and my family has handed over all my assets to me!"

The eyes of Klein and others fluctuated slightly, and there was a hint of curiosity on their faces. The magician Volse became everyone's mouthpiece and asked.

"About how many?"

When Audrey heard this, a bright smile appeared on her pretty face. She couldn't help showing off, raised her little head high, and said in a brisk tone.

"Not much, just over a million pounds!"


The members of the Tarot Society took a deep breath, and the gray mist around them rippled slightly. Everyone's eyes widened, and they looked at the Justice Girl in disbelief, as if they suspected that they were hallucinating.

"How many?!"

Alger, the Hanged Man, has an extremely shrill voice and a grin on his face. As a big pirate on the sea, he can only have about 2,000 pounds left in a year at most. To have a million pounds of assets, he needs to work for at least 500 years.

"More than one million pounds. In two years, my personal assets should be doubled!"

Audrey felt extremely proud and happy. She enjoyed the attention of everyone, but she remained reserved on the surface and pretended to be calm.


Everyone gasped again, feeling jealous of the girl in front of them, and their faces began to distort.

"Didn't you say that your family can only give you about 300,000 pounds of assets at most? How could it become so much? Could it be that you have become the heir of the family!"

Klein held back the sourness in his heart and controlled Mr. World to speak. His cold voice reminded him of a poisonous snake, and he felt a chill all over his body.

"With my brother here, how can I become the heir of the family?!"

Audrey shook her head wildly and denied everyone's speculation. Looking at everyone's puzzled expressions, she suppressed her inner pride and explained.

"Before I became an adult, all my assets were managed by my brother. He is a true genius. In just a few years, my assets have doubled several times, and there is still a lot of investment income that has not expired. As long as Waiting for two years will be enough for me to earn another million pounds!”

Klein and others' eyes fluctuated violently as they looked at the noble girl with envy, and a thought arose in their hearts.

"I also want such a good brother!"

Magician Volsi showed an expression of envy on his little face, and sighed to Audrey sincerely.

"Your brother is so awesome, and he's so kind to you!"

"Of course!"

Audrey nodded proudly, with an expression of great approval, and seemed to have opened up her chatterbox, and began to praise Ilsi nonstop.

"My brother has been a genius since he was a child. He manages the family's business, and his assets have been increasing crazily. Now, apart from the royal family, our family is definitely the richest in assets. Thanks to this, the family's status in the kingdom has also risen sharply. !”

After hearing this, Klein, Alger and others began to analyze Audrey's family information in their minds and began to list them one by one.

"There are not many top nobles in the Loen Kingdom. The Negan family, the Hall family, the Ors family, and several general families in the military. Miss Justice should be from one of these families!"

The party ended with Miss Justice showing off her brother. Audrey returned to the bedroom again and looked up at the clock on the wall. It was already past five o'clock. The world outside the window had begun to become dim, and night was about to begin. Covering the earth, the crimson moon will also shine in the night sky.

"It's a pity that I can't show off my adventures in the spiritual world to the members of the Tarot Club. The Palace of Knowledge is the country of Mr. Hermit, which is indescribable!"

Audrey thought with some reluctance that she felt somewhat regretful that she could not show off her recent adventure.

"However, Mr. Fool seems not to have found the mark of Mr. Hermit on my body. It seems that my guess is indeed correct. Mr. Hermit is a great god whose strength is not weaker than Mr. Fool. After all, only gods can fight against gods!"

Audrey attended this party with the intention of verifying the strength and identity of Mr. Hermit, but the result was as she suspected. Even the mysterious and powerful Mr. Fool had not noticed the connection between herself and Mr. Hermit.

"Between two gods, I feel the pressure is doubled!"

Audrey felt a little worried about happiness, scratched her long golden hair, and sighed.

In the study room of the manor, Ilsey leaned back on the chair, with a deep look on his face. A ripple flashed across his calm eyes, fleetingly. The corners of his mouth were slightly raised, revealing a bit of smile, and his voice was low. echoed in the heart of the room.

"Is that the Source Castle, one of the nine sources of matter?"

Through Audrey, Ilsey had already locked onto the traces of the Origin Castle. She even used the mark in Audrey's body to analyze the extraordinary characteristics of the Origin Castle and gained a lot.

"I have integrated all the information on the Extraordinary characteristics of the Source Castle. In up to half a year, I can fully analyze all the information contained in it, use the Extraordinary characteristics of the Source Castle to cover up the trajectory of fate, hide all information, and only wait for the promotion ceremony of the Black Emperor. From now on, I am 100% sure that I can be promoted to Sequence 0 Hermit quietly, without having to worry about being noticed by the Seven Gods!”

As one of the nine source materials, the Source Castle is even higher in status than the seven righteous gods. Its extraordinary characteristics can obscure the gaze of the gods and cover the trajectory of destiny, allowing Ilsi to easily complete the promotion ceremony of the hermit and hold the throne high. , let the palace of knowledge rise into the spiritual sky and become a high-altitude god.

The promotion ceremony of the Secret Peeper Path Sequence 0 Hermit is very demanding. It requires the Extraordinary to be watched and unnoticed when holding the throne high. Now is the era when the Seven Gods are in charge of the world. It is almost impossible to avoid their gaze. It's impossible.

If Ilsey had not started the promotion ceremony long ago to hide the sight of the Seven Gods, why would there be any need to wait for the actions of George III, the Angel of Dreams Adam, and the Black Emperor Russell.

Time is like quicksand between the fingers. No matter how hard you try, you can't hold it. A month passed quietly. During this period, Audrey attended several parties again. The rest of the time, she soaked in the palace of knowledge, absorbing it eagerly. It can be said that she has undergone a huge transformation in the knowledge related to mysticism. She is no longer a novice in the mysterious world. She has mastered a large amount of secret knowledge, some of which are secrets of major organizations and families.

The gray mist rippled, the crimson radiance dissipated, and Audrey returned from the gray mist space. She opened the bedroom door, looked at the golden retriever dog lying beside her, twitched her fingers slightly, and shouted softly.

"Susie, come on, I have a gift for you!"

The big golden retriever raised its head, its big eyes flashing with anticipation. It moved towards Audrey's side, opened its mouth, and sent out a wave that caused the air to tremble.

"What gift?"

Audrey did not answer directly, but went back to the bedroom to get some things, took Susie to the laboratory in the manor, and placed the psychiatrist's materials on the long table.

"Susie, do you remember the process I used to prepare the potion last time?"

Audrey cleared her throat and looked at the golden retriever with a serious look. Her back was straight and she looked like a stern teacher, and she asked the golden retriever.


"I still remember!"

At this time, Susie seemed very excited, and she already understood what the gift in Audrey's mouth was, the psychiatrist's magic potion.

"Try to mix it yourself!"

Audrey nodded with satisfaction and asked Susie smoothly.

Susie was stunned when she heard this, staring at her paws sadly, then looked up at Audrey, rolled her eyes, unable to suppress the emotions in her heart, and complained.

"Audrey, I'm just a dog!"

Audrey was a little silent after hearing this. In order to cover up her embarrassment, she quickly picked up the materials on the table and started mixing them.

Audrey is no longer what she used to be. She has gained a lot of occult knowledge in the palace of knowledge. It only took a moment to prepare the psychiatrist's potion, pour it into a bowl, and let the golden retriever take it.

Susie licked the liquid in the bowl, her pupils gradually faded and slowly stood up. Dark golden scales seemed to grow under her thick hair, and Susie's spirituality was spreading outward, as if it was intertwined with the space of the entire villa.

Audrey watched the transformed Susie nervously. She had begun to prepare to use the soothing ability of a psychologist to prevent the golden retriever from losing control and becoming a monster.

"It is very dangerous to be promoted to a psychologist of Sequence 7. A genius like me almost lost control. Susie will definitely lose control. I need to protect it!"

Audrey's mind turned, quietly waiting for the opportunity to show her ability as a psychologist.

Suddenly, Susie raised her head, and a voice with a bit of excitement sounded in the ears of the genius Miss Justice.

"Audrey, I succeeded!"

At this moment, the silence in Audrey's heart was deafening, and a shocked expression appeared on her face. She stared blankly at Susie, who had successfully been promoted to a psychologist, and fell into self-doubt.

"I am not as good as a dog?!"

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