I have a role in the heavens

Chapter 3298 Meditation method, an unexpected success

On the second night, the crimson moon cast moonlight all over the ground, tinging the sky and the earth with a faint red, giving people a feeling of depression and madness.

Audrey suppressed her excitement and activated the mark with white light. She was slightly dazed, and everything around her seemed to be distorted and changed. The strong colors appeared in her sight, and the whole world seemed to have turned into a gorgeous ink painting.

Audrey woke up a moment later and appeared in a magnificent building. There were rows of neat bookshelves around her, which were full of books. The girl was a little disappointed that she didn't see the mysterious and great hermit, but then she turned her eyes to these bookshelves.

The tall bookshelves were like trees, distributed in rows around, giving Audrey the illusion of walking in a forest of knowledge. She was not interested in the so-called astronomy, geography, mechanics and other knowledge, and set her sights on mysticism.

It's just a pity that the knowledge of occultism seems to be sealed and requires corresponding permissions. Audrey can't read it at will. Although most of the knowledge of occultism hides the content, Audrey can still read the books on three bookshelves.

After Audrey excluded some of the more common content that she already knew, she picked up a book that she was very interested in, "22 Paths of God!"

"Great, this book actually records the sequence names of the 22 paths of God!"

"The sequence 0 of the audience path is actually the visionary, and the fantasy dragon Angerwede is actually the sequence 0 of the audience path! However, He has fallen in the Age of Gods!"

Audrey's pretty little face showed surprise, her eyes were bright and shining, and she exclaimed from time to time, reading the knowledge of occultism intently.

"Hey! The Fool is actually the sequence 0 of the fortune teller path. Mr. Fool is indeed a real god as we guessed!"

Audrey saw the content about the fortune teller path, and the surprise on her face became more obvious, and a shocked expression appeared on her little face.

"The Hermit is Sequence 0 of the Secret Peer's Path. No wonder he can materialize such a huge island in the spiritual sea. It turns out he is also a god!"

Audrey paused, looking at the knowledge of the Secret Peer's Path, awe appeared on her face, and she looked around and murmured.

"So am I in the Hermit's kingdom now?"

"Perhaps only in the kingdom of gods can there be so much knowledge, all-encompassing!"

Audrey finished reading "22 Paths of God" and placed it neatly on the bookshelf. She took out another book, with a black cover, exuding a mysterious atmosphere.

This book records the content of the Beyonder's loss of control, carefully analyzing the causes, consequences, and how to control oneself to avoid losing control and becoming a monster.

"This book also records the role-playing method, which is more detailed than what Mr. Fool said."

The role-playing method is to interpret the name of the potion, obtain its core symbol and specific imagery, and fit it in daily life to summarize the role-playing rules. This can effectively reduce the risk of humans losing control when they are promoted to the sequence, reduce the impact of the mental imprint in the extraordinary characteristics, and speed up the digestion of the potion, so that the extraordinary can better use the extraordinary ability.

"The gods will be affected by the extraordinary characteristics, and their personalities will become more and more cold and cruel, and they will ignore life. Therefore, they need enough anchors to avoid losing themselves!"

Audrey's eyebrows were raised, her eyes were wide open, her lips were slightly parted, and her face was incredible.

Audrey's fingers turned the pages of the book more and more heavily. She continued to look down. She felt like she had peeked into the secrets of the gods. Her heart beat slower, and she seemed nervous and excited. She even began to tremble slightly, and her voice became much sharper.

"This book actually records a method of cultivating the mind, which can effectively make up for the defects of the role-playing method, so that the extraordinary will not be affected by the characteristics and prevent the state of losing control!"

"Meditation method!"

Meditation method is a method created by Ilsi. He drew on the practice experience of the previous world and created a method of cultivating the mind according to local conditions to resist the pollution and influence of extraordinary characteristics.

This is also what Ilsi specially prepared for Audrey. The last time Audrey took the psychiatrist potion, she almost lost control, which made him very worried.

"Great, with the meditation method, I don't need to worry about the potion getting out of control!"

Audrey's eyes converged, and she concentrated on memorizing all the contents of the meditation method. Only then did she breathe a sigh of relief and happily turned around, obviously in a very happy mood.

"This knowledge palace is so great that even knowledge such as meditation is recorded, and it is still on the periphery!"

"I wonder what the sealed mystical knowledge records?"

Audrey put the black-covered book in her hand into the bookshelf, looked at the sealed mystical knowledge with curiosity and yearning, and said with some sighs.

"My strength is still too weak. According to the information in the mark, if I want to obtain the authority to read these sealed knowledge, I need to at least be promoted to a sequence 4 operator and become a strong demigod, so that I can withstand the impact of the secret knowledge and not be affected!"

Knowledge is also powerful. Audrey is too weak to withstand the impact of more secret knowledge. That is why Ilsi sealed some knowledge to prevent Audrey from overestimating her own abilities and being pursued by those secret, obscure, or even crazy knowledge, and becoming a puppet of knowledge.

Audrey once again set her sights on a book, "Analysis of Audience Pathway Part 1". This book records in detail the abilities and changes of each stage of the Audience Pathway sequence, and even records the potions and rituals required for promotion to the sequence, which made Audrey feel like she had found a treasure and couldn't put it down.

"What a pity, I can only read the contents of the first volume!"

Audrey looked at the book in her hand with regret. The first volume only recorded the relevant contents of Sequence 4. The contents below were all in the second volume, and Audrey had no permission to read them.

"But it is already a great harvest. I have memorized the potion formulas from Sequence 6 Hypnotist, Sequence 5 Dream Walker, and Sequence 4 Manipulator. I don't need to ask around anymore! "

Audrey's lips curled up, she was extremely happy, lifted her skirt and turned around, like a dancing butterfly, elegant and beautiful.

"Thank you, great hermit, for your favor to me and allowing me to obtain such precious knowledge! "

Knowledge is priceless. Audrey naturally knows the value of these potion formulas. Even if she joined the Psychological Alchemy Society, she still had to complete many tasks and pay a huge price to obtain these potion formulas. In this palace of knowledge, she actually got this knowledge effortlessly, which was obviously a gift from the hermit to her.

Audrey felt a little tired mentally and realized that she had reached her limit. She activated the mark in her body again, left the spirit world, returned to her bedroom, and rolled on the bed excitedly again. These movements once again disturbed the golden retriever next to her.

Susie did not get up, still lying on the ground, her head slightly raised, her eyes looked at Audrey, opened her mouth, and sent out a wave, causing the air to vibrate, and a crisp voice like a little girl came into Audrey's ears.

"Audrey, why are you crazy again?"

Audrey heard this and stopped rolling. Her slender white legs tightly clamped the soft velvet quilt, and her voice was full of joy.

"Nothing, I'm just too happy! "

Audrey knew that everything about the hermit was unspeakable, so she didn't tell Susie this secret.

Susie didn't understand why Audrey was so happy. Could it be that she had a good dream, so she was so excited, but she was not very curious. Seeing that Audrey was fine, she was relieved and closed her eyes again to sleep.

Audrey enjoyed her freedom in East Chester County, like a horse that had run away from its reins. She had a lot of fun during the day, and entered the Palace of Knowledge at night to learn about mysticism. Her life was extremely fulfilling.

On Monday afternoon, in Hall Manor, Audrey looked up at the clock hanging on the wall and locked the bedroom door. Not long after, a deep red light gushed out like water in front of her eyes, drowning everything.

In the ancient and mysterious palace, Audrey was about to look at Mr. Fool, and suddenly she saw a figure in front of the bronze long table, and that position had been empty. She moved her eyes slightly, pretended to be indifferent, half turned her body, and looked at the other person carefully.

"The Tarot Club has added a new member, and it's a lady! "

In the gray fog space, the ladies are on one side, the men are on the other side, and in the middle is Mr. Fool, a god who cannot be distinguished by gender. Of course, there is an exception, Mr. World.

"Could it be that Mr. World is neither male nor female, or not human, so he is divided like this by Mr. Fool!"

Audrey turned her little head, her mouth slightly upturned, her mind was active and guessing, and a mischievous smile appeared on her face, which made Klein feel cold in his heart, wondering what happened.

"I think too much!"

Audrey quickly stopped her own divergent thoughts, stood up, lifted her skirt, bowed slightly, and saluted in a brisk tone.

"Good afternoon, Mr. Fool! "

Klein was very happy to receive Audrey's greeting. His mouth curled up slightly, and he nodded in response.

Klein moved his eyes and looked at the new member. She was wearing a black wizard robe, with an astrolabe and a short scepter hanging from her waist. He introduced her.

"This is Ms. Hermit. Let's get to know her!"

As soon as these words came out, all the members looked at this mysterious woman. She had a graceful figure, and there were many patterns printed on her black robe. Her hair was jet black, and her eyes were faintly purple. She was shrouded in gray mist and her face could not be seen clearly.

When Audrey heard the code name of the new member, her mouth opened slightly, her eyes widened, and she looked at the new member with a dull look. A slightly sharp voice sounded in the misty space, full of shock.

"She actually chose Hermit as her code name? !"

"What's wrong, Miss Justice? "

Everyone looked at Audrey in surprise when they heard the code name of the Hermit. They didn't understand why she lost her composure.

Audrey quickly came to her senses. Facing the gazes of everyone, her face fell. She didn't know how to explain. All the information about the Hermit was unspeakable. This new member chose this code name. Isn't he afraid of being blamed by the gods!

Suddenly, a light flashed in her mind. Audrey remembered the knowledge about the Secret Peepers' Path that she had seen in the Hall of Knowledge. Her panic calmed down immediately and she said as if she didn't care.

"I read in an occult book that the deity worshiped by the Moss Ascetic Order is the Hidden Sage, and it seems to be related to the Hermit, so I felt a bit out of place when I first heard this code name!"

Klein and others saw that Audrey didn't mean what she said, but as members of the Tarot Club, everyone is equal and they will not explore each other's secrets too much.

The new member Hermit Ms. Cattleya glanced at Audrey cautiously. Her intuition told her that things were not that simple. It seemed that the title of Hermit had a big secret and was not easy to bear, and the Hidden Sage could It is not something that ordinary extraordinary people can know.

Cattleya is the adopted daughter of the mysterious Queen Bernadette Gustave, and she is knowledgeable and talented. Because the Mysterious Queen Bernadette predicted that Cattleya's future would not be on the Dawn, she passively left the Dawn and formed the Star Pirates Group. However, deep down in her heart, she has always longed to return to the Mysterious Queen. She had been tortured by the ravings of the Hidden Sage before. Because the astrological instrument around her was connected with the gray fog space, she was noticed by Klein, pulled into the gray fog space, and became a member of the Tarot Society.

"Miss Justice, do you also know about the Hidden Sage?"

Cattleya already knew the codenames of the members through Klein's introduction. The purple in her eyes slowly flowed and was difficult to detect. Although she could not see through the gray fog, she could barely make out the clothing and accessories on Audrey's body. detail.

"She is wearing two dangling earrings. The pendants are small and exquisite, inlaid with extremely high-quality emeralds. They are obviously worth a lot of money!"

"The necklace around her neck is unique in style, dotted with diamonds that are too numerous to count in a short period of time, but it doesn't look exaggerated. The off-white waist-cinching dress is simple but beautiful, and the cut is decent and elegant, like the handiwork of a master fashion designer."

As details passed by, Cattleya couldn't help but close her eyes and began to analyze and integrate Miss Justice's identity information.

"A girl of seventeen or eighteen years old. Her manners are elegant and noble, in line with aristocratic etiquette. She has a distinct Backlund accent. She should be a noble lady from the Kingdom of Loen. She has rich assets and amazing wealth. She is innocent and simple, and does not know how to hide her emotions. , without too much scheming, it shouldn’t take too long to step into the mysterious world!”

At the same time, Audrey also noticed the other party's small movements, entered the audience state, and carefully observed the hermit lady.

"A lady with a very cautious character and rich experience in the extraordinary world. She is calm and not introverted. She is very confident in her own observation or certain abilities related to the eyes. The style of her clothing and the short scepter hanging around her waist, etc., Preliminary explanation is that her sequence path is more mysterious, it should be the secret-peeping path, and she speaks the ancient Fusac language. She should not be a Loen person, but may be an Intis person!"

"Well, I know some information about the Hidden Sage. He is the only way to see the secrets. He is the god believed by the Moss Ascetic Order. He infuses knowledge into all extraordinary people who pursue knowledge, causing many extraordinary people to be The knowledge is so overwhelming that it turns into a monster!”

Cattleya's purple eyes narrowed slightly. She did not expect that this innocent lady of justice would actually know the Hidden Sage so well. Could it be that he was also a member of the Moss Ascetic Order.

Klein tapped his fingers gently on the long bronze table, his eyes wavering slightly. He was surprised by Audrey's performance. This noble lady seemed to suddenly know a lot of mysterious knowledge. This was really strange.

Other members have also focused their attention on Audrey. They are very clear about Miss Justice's past performance. They have very little understanding of the extraordinary world, and almost all mystical knowledge is obtained from the Tarot Society.

"Miss Justice, where did you get this knowledge?"

Mr. Hanged Man, Alger asked Audrey in surprise. The two of them joined the Tarot Society almost at the same time and got to know each other better.

Audrey felt a little panicked and could hardly maintain her audience status. Her mind was spinning wildly. A flash of inspiration flashed through her and she blurted out.

"I know this from my brother. He has collected many occult books. I have read a lot recently!"

Audrey just made up the reason at random, but happened to tell the truth. Ilsie concealed her true identity and gave Audrey shelter in the name of a hermit, allowing her to learn a lot of occult knowledge. Delly used Ilsie as an excuse to deal with the members of the Tarot Club, drinking and pecking, and everything was determined.

Audrey felt a little guilty, so in order to cover it up, she quickly took out a few pieces of parchment, handed it to Klein, and stressed.

"Mr. Fool, this is the diary of Emperor Roselle that I copied from my brother's collection. There are five entries in total!"

"Roselle's diary!"

Ms. Hermit, Cattleya's pupils were constricted, unable to hide her shock. Her eyes fell on the five diaries, and a tall and beautiful figure emerged in her mind. She once sighed to herself.

"That's not a note, it's his diary, but no one else can understand it except him!"

Members of the Tarot Society knew that Russell's notes were diaries. Mr. Fool collected Russell's diaries and tried to decipher the contents of these diaries to find the secret hidden by history.

"Is it possible that Mr. Fool is a resurrected ancient god?"

Cattleya had doubtful and shocking thoughts one after another in her heart, but she remained calm on the surface and observed the transaction.

"Mr. Fool, I got three pages."

Magician Volsi said to Klein with a slight smile on his face.

Everyone was distracted by Audrey. They did not doubt the explanation she had just given, and took out their own gains.

"Mr. Fool, I copied a new legend of the ancient god!"

Sun Derrick was in the Silver City and could not collect the diary of Emperor Roselle. He could only copy some documents related to the ancient gods to repay Mr. Fool's protection.

"Very good!"

Klein was very satisfied with everyone's gains. He got seven pages of Emperor Roselle's diary at one time, and a new legend of the ancient gods, which allowed him to understand the mysterious world more quickly.

Klein's eyes fell on the sheepskin and casually browsed the contents, which shocked the hermit lady Cattleya.

"He is not deciphering the contents of the diary, but can really understand it!" (End of this chapter)

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