I have a role in the heavens

Chapter 3297: The mark bestowed is unspeakable!

Audrey took a deep breath and lifted her skirt. Her every move was full of grace and etiquette. She took a step and stepped onto the first step. She walked down step by step. The surroundings were extremely quiet. As far as the eye could see, it was all gray. No one could be seen. It was mysterious and lonely, giving people the illusion that there was only one person left in the world.

A strong mountain wind blew between the cliffs and blew past Audrey, causing her body to sway slightly. It seemed that she would be blown down the steps and fall into the endless abyss if she was not careful. A sense of fear slowly filled her heart, like a shadow covering Miss Justice.

Audrey's breathing became much heavier, her little face was tense, her eyebrows were slightly frowned, and her big eyes were flashing with tension. She began to use the comforting ability of a psychologist to constantly encourage herself.

After an unknown amount of time, the gray surroundings changed, and a light spot appeared. Audrey looked over and saw a monster covered with golden scales in the light spot, with a long tail sweeping across. It looked exactly like Audrey, and it was exactly the same as when it almost lost control after taking the potion. A feeling of terror, tension, fear, and confusion emanated from it.

Audrey began to use psychoanalysis to explore her inner world, and realized that she was now in the subconscious world. She ignored it and continued to move forward, step by step, towards the bottom of the cliff.

"According to the theory of the Psychological Alchemy Society, as long as you pass through the bottom of the human subconscious, you will reach the collective of all beings' subconscious, the spiritual sea and the sky!"

Going forward, Audrey saw herself participating in the Tarot Club, ignorant and curious, saw herself participating in the aristocratic party, elegant and noble, saw herself as a child, innocent and lively, every stage of life appeared in front of Audrey's eyes, even some memories she herself did not remember, these are hidden in the deepest part of her subconscious, giving her a feeling of growing up again.

After an unknown period of time, Audrey felt that she was about to lose the ability to perceive time. She finally saw the last step. The bottom of the step was a hard seabed rock, on which appeared a series of illusory and dense figures. They overlapped together to form a vast ocean. This is the spiritual sea of ​​the spirit world.

Audrey showed an excited expression on her face, with a bright and beautiful smile. She quickened her pace, stepped out of the stairs, stepped on the solid seabed, looked up, and the spiritual sea did not block her sight. The scene in the sky came into her eyes, and it was presented very clearly.

The sky was blue, with countless indescribable figures. The most dazzling was the seven different colors, which contained the clear light of endless knowledge.

"That is the spiritual sky, and the glory of the seven gods!"

Audrey walked carefully in the spiritual sea, and started her adventure and exploration. Countless lights and shadows that made up the ocean passed in front of her eyes. It was all-encompassing. It was the memory composition of the collective subconscious of all living beings, including the ancient memory of being burned by flames, and the extreme pain of looking directly at unspeakable things.

In addition to these memories from ancient ancestors, there are also subconscious memories of the present. Audrey saw a figure admiring her, and the folk activities of worshiping dragons held in East Chester County.

As Audrey walked, she found a gray-white mountain in the distance on the left. It stretched upwards and emerged from the ocean of light and shadow. The top was shrouded in mist, and it was clear and blurred. This was the subconscious of an extraordinary person, beyond the scope of ordinary people, and seemed to be dreaming.

Audrey thought of the ability of a psychologist and wanted to test it. She approached the white mountain, intending to influence the other party's subconscious thoughts and let the other party act according to her psychological hints.

"Forget it, this should be very dangerous. If I alarm the other party, I might be backfired!"

Audrey put away her dangerous thoughts and smiled angrily. She did not try rashly. She did not forget her original purpose, entering the spiritual world to find the traces of the spiritual dragon Angerweed and the miracle city Levished.

Audrey explored all the way and passed through the subconscious of hundreds of people. Gradually, she felt mentally exhausted. She had to go back, otherwise she might get lost in the sea of ​​spirituality. She stopped and looked into the distance. She made a decision with her mind. An unwilling expression appeared on her face. She had not found any trace of the Mind Dragon yet and was reluctant to leave.

Audrey turned around and prepared to return to the way she came. At this moment, the spiritual sea began to roll, and the undercurrent surged, engulfing her figure and rushing to a mysterious place.

Audrey's eyes were full of stars and her expression was dull. She shook her head and relaxed for a moment before she began to look at the surrounding environment.

"This is an island like an endless continent!"

Audrey stood on the island and looked at the surrounding environment. The forests were dense and lush. She was confused. Where was this and why was I here?

"Someone can occupy such a large area in the Spiritual Sea alone. How powerful must the opponent be!"

During her exploration of the Spiritual Sea, Audrey saw the subconscious of some extraordinary people. She chose to avoid them from a distance. Those powerful extraordinary people could only concretize a mountain or an island in the Spiritual Sea at most. No one had ever condensed a continent.

Audrey frowned and scratched her head. She looked a little silly and thought to herself that something was wrong.

"I seem to be lost. How can I return to the depths of my subconscious and leave the spiritual sea!"

Audrey was swept up by the undercurrent and huge waves on the seabed, and she was hurtling all the way. She had lost her way a long time ago, and there was no way she could find her way back.

"In this case, we can only explore this island first!"

When Audrey said the word island, she seemed a little hesitant. Compared to the island, using the continent seemed more appropriate to describe the place in front of her.

Audrey couldn't tell the direction, so she randomly found a direction and walked forward. She even ignored the image and etiquette of an aristocratic lady and ran with her skirt in hand. A free smile gradually appeared on her face.

Ever since Audrey started taking etiquette classes, she has become very concerned about her image in the eyes of outsiders. Every move she makes must be elegant and in line with etiquette. She is rarely so unrestrained.

"Strange, after I came to this island, the fatigue in my spirit seemed to disappear!"

Audrey stopped running out of breath, with a thoughtful expression on her face. She looked at the surrounding environment that had not changed much. The tall trees were still densely covered, making it difficult to tell the direction.

"It would be great if there was an airship at this time. This place is too big. I don't know how long it will take to get out of the forest!"

Audrey's little face was wrinkled, her bright eyes were gleaming, and she looked at the surrounding environment distressedly. She seemed to be trapped in this forest.

As soon as she finished speaking, a huge shadow enveloped Audrey's body, making her eyes widen, her pupils constricted, and she looked up in shock.

I saw a huge thing floating in the air. It had extremely smooth and beautiful lines. It was painted in dark blue. The strong and light alloy frame supported the cotton cloth containing the hydrogen bladder, and hanging below it was a huge thing. The machine gun muzzle, bomb-dropping port, flat-firing muzzle body, the exaggerated buzzing of the high-phlogiston steam engine and the crazy turning sound of the tail blades constitute a shocking movement.


The huge airship slowly landed next to Audrey, and the ramp lowered, seeming to invite the girl to board the ship.

Audrey hesitated for a moment, then looked around, then climbed onto the gangway without hesitation and stepped into the airship.

"It seems that this great being has noticed me. Now that I have come, I will make peace with it. Let's go according to the other party's arrangements!"

Audrey secretly praised her wit and stood on the deck of the airship. The behemoth slowly rose, allowing her to float in the air and look into the distance.

"What is that? There is a majestic and majestic building complex in the middle of the island. Could it be that it is a place similar to the Miracle City of Levished, a city created in the subconscious of all living beings!"

The airship traveled in mid-air. It took more than an hour before it landed in front of the building in the center of the island. Audrey couldn't wait to walk down the gangway and looked at the huge building in front of her with a smile on her face. She was excited. Although she didn't find the City of Miracles, she still gained something by coming to such a mysterious place.

The huge white hall is integrated and majestic. A huge bronze door with a height of 100 meters stands, blocking Audrey's progress.

Audrey stretched out her fair and slender hands and touched the exquisite patterns carved on the giant bronze door. Figures were engraved here, like a magnificent epic scroll. The girl recognized one of the figures. She was in Saw it in the Goddess Church.

"This is the goddess of the night!"

Audrey carefully looked at the figure of the Night Goddess, and her expression gradually became solemn. There were hundreds of figures in this picture, and each one was not weaker than the Night Goddess. Some were even more majestic and ancient than the goddess.

"Is this ancient history? These figures seem to be gods!"

"It's a pity that I can only barely distinguish the seven gods. I don't know about the other gods!"

"What on earth is this place? It holds the secrets of the Seven Gods and ancient history!"

Audrey's adventurous heart rose again. She looked at the huge bronze door in front of her and thought about how to open it. She wanted to enter this building and search for more secrets and legends.

Audrey subconsciously pushed a little harder with her white hands. There was a loud rumble, the giant bronze door shook, and a gap slowly opened.

Audrey froze on the spot, looking at her weak and white hands in disbelief, her mouth opened wide, and she murmured.

"When did I have such terrifying power that I could push open this giant bronze door!"

Although Audrey didn't know why she could push the door open, it did not prevent her from entering the building. She walked in slowly with brisk steps and a cheerful mood.


Audrey was dumbfounded and exclaimed unconsciously. Countless bookshelves came into view, and densely packed books filled the entire space.

"Have I arrived at the library of the God of Knowledge? There are so many books here!"

Audrey walked in the hall, looking around, without the elegance of the past, like a little squirrel probing the sky, her eyes flashing with curiosity and exploration, and she kept walking towards the interior of the hall.

Audrey had the illusion that she was swimming in the ocean of knowledge. Books were everywhere within her sight, covering everything, including astronomy, geography, history, literature, customs, machinery, finance, law, and mysticism. As long as she had come into contact with or heard of knowledge, she could find the corresponding books here. Even some novels circulating in the market were placed on the bookshelf.

Audrey didn't know how long she walked like this, and finally came to the center of the hall. A bronze throne floated in the air, shining with bright light, shrouded in a mysterious figure. He was majestic and sacred, looking down at Audrey who broke in, and countless complex and mysterious symbols flashed in his eyes.

Audrey just glanced at the other person's eyes, and she felt countless knowledge poured into her mind, impacting her spirit, making her face turn pale instantly.

The mysterious figure looked away, and Audrey was relieved. She shook her head that was about to burst, lowered her head, lifted her skirt, and saluted respectfully. A voice as sweet as a silver bell rang out.

"Great and mysterious existence, how should I call you?"

Audrey knew that the other party was the owner of this huge island. She could not look directly at him or guess at him. Just now, he just glanced at her and almost burst her head with the endless torrent of knowledge. Such supreme power is comparable to that of a god and needs to be respected.

"My name is the Hermit. We are destined to be together. You actually entered the Hall of Knowledge by accident!"

This mysterious figure was naturally Ilsi. He noticed that Audrey had entered the spirit world and was a little worried about his lovely sister, so he brought Audrey to his Hall of Knowledge.

Audrey's body was shocked. It turned out to be him. Some time ago, she took the psychologist's potion and almost lost control and became a monster. She was saved by the Hermit.

"Thank you for saving me from the edge of losing control!"

Audrey bowed again, with a sincere expression on her face, expressing her gratitude to Ilsi.

"You don't need to thank me, it's just a small thing!"

Ilsi shook her head slightly, and a majestic voice came from above, with a magical power that could soothe people's emotions, so that Audrey's emotions returned to calm without a ripple.

"You are so brave. The first time you enter the spirit world, you dare to rush in, and you are not afraid of being imprisoned by other extraordinary people, and refining your extraordinary characteristics into potions and extraordinary items!"

Ilsi looked at the girl with some dissatisfaction. If it weren't for his secret protection, Audrey would have been caught by a higher-order extraordinary person long ago.

Audrey heard Ilsi's reminder, and then she reacted. She was scared, thinking of her reckless behavior just now, and trying to influence a high-order extraordinary person, she was simply not knowing how to live or die.

"The spirit world is full of dangers, and it is far from being as beautiful as you imagine. In particular, high-sequence extraordinary people like to capture extraordinary characteristics in the spirit world and refine some magic potions or items. The easiest materials are low-sequence extraordinary people!" Audrey trembled slightly when she heard this, and cold sweat came out. She deeply realized how reckless her adventure was this time. Ilsi looked at Audrey, who was a little scared, and nodded with satisfaction. She didn't want to waste any more time communicating, so she spoke directly. "Go back!" As soon as the voice fell, Audrey felt an irresistible force appear out of thin air, trying to exclude herself from the spirit world. She was very anxious and spoke quickly. "Mr. Hermit, can I come here again in the future?" Audrey didn't hear the other party's answer, but saw a stream of light flying out and falling into her spiritual body. Countless scenes passed by her eyes. She broke away from the dream, woke up, and returned to her bedroom bed. "This is a mark that allows me to clearly feel the location of the Hall of Knowledge in the spiritual world. It seems that Mr. Hermit has allowed me to enter his kingdom of God!"

Audrey carefully sensed a mark in her body, with a bright smile on her pretty face. She excitedly hugged the soft and warm quilt tightly and rolled on the bed, waking up the golden retriever lying on the bed.

"Audrey, what's wrong with you!"

Susie looked up at Audrey rolling on the bed, with a blank expression in her eyes. She didn't understand what happened. She slept well, and she died like this.

Audrey quickly moved her body and lay on the edge of the bed, revealing her little head. She smiled brightly, stared at Susie with bright eyes, and began to tell her adventure tonight.

"Susie, I entered the spiritual world alone through psychological suggestion and saw the spiritual sea and spiritual sky!"

"And I also met."

When Audrey said this, she suddenly found that she seemed to have become dumb and could not say the name of the hermit. Her pupils shrank and she understood what this meant.

"An unspeakable existence?"

Susie stared at Audrey blankly, not understanding why she suddenly stopped and didn't say anything.


Audrey reacted, restrained her emotions, and changed the subject.

"I have also encountered many subconscious minds, and even some powerful extraordinary people can materialize mountains in the spirit world. Their spirituality is beyond imagination!"

Susie nodded without doubt and lay down again. It was just a dog and was not so interested in the so-called spirit world. It just listened quietly to the girl's excited voice.

In another room, Ilsi was lying on the bed, his brown eyes flashing brightly, his spiritual light was bright and blazing, his eyes penetrated the void, seemed to see the excited girl, shook his head slightly, and sighed helplessly.

"This girl may be suppressed too much by the etiquette of the nobles on weekdays. She is always reckless in the mysterious world and very bold. She actually entered the spiritual world alone!"

Ilsi was like an old father who was worried about his rebellious sister. He had to pay some attention to Audrey to prevent her from getting into danger.

"I gave her a mark of the Hall of Knowledge and allowed her to enter it. The mystical knowledge there is very useful to her and can help her avoid some detours!"

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