I have a role in the heavens

Chapter 3300: Learning the truth, Klein's new identity

Under the spiritual sky, the deep ocean seemed extremely calm. The subconscious of all living beings gathered here, making people feel the vastness. Audrey once again appeared in the spiritual world, with the white radiant mark shining in her body. Under his guidance, he passed through countless obstacles, arrived on an extremely huge island, and entered the majestic palace of knowledge.

The hall was quiet, without any noise. Audrey walked among the neatly arranged bookshelves. She could clearly hear her footsteps echoing in the space. Her breathing was steady and strong, with a pious look on her face and a greedy look. Looking at the books on the shelves on both sides, this place is an ocean of knowledge, containing endless secrets, which makes her often linger and reluctant to leave.

Audrey came to the occult area with ease. Looking at the dazzling array of books, she once again pulled out a book of knowledge that interested her and began to read. Her pretty face looked demure and elegant under the bright white light of knowledge. , she was so focused and focused that she didn't notice a figure appearing in front of her.

This figure is only about the size of a palm. It is a weird-looking doll. Its face is painted with red and yellow clown paint, and it looks weird. When its mouth opens and closes, it lets out a gloomy laugh, which is eerie and weird. , his eyes were black, shining with a deep light, his limbs and joints were twisting, he stood in the bookshelf, bent down to Audrey who was reading, and said with great respect.

"Hello, Lord Divine Envoy, I am Alexi, the most devout servant of the great master!"

Alchemy doll Alexi's voice is shrill and harsh, not pleasant to listen to. If it sounds in the dark, it can be enough to scare people into cardiac arrest. Audrey's delicate body trembled, a look of wariness appeared on her pretty face, and she took a few steps back. Then she looked away from the book and looked up at the dolls on the bookshelf, extremely wary.

"Don't be nervous, respected Lord God Envoy, you are a descendant of the great Creator, I will not harm you!"

Alexi opened and closed his mouth, revealing the deep black inside. His two arms swung mechanically and flexibly, and he quickly explained.

After hearing this, Audrey relaxed a little, her big eyes rolled around, and she looked at the doll in front of her curiously. She was no longer what she used to be. She knew a lot about mysterious knowledge. From Alexi He saw traces of alchemy on his body and asked tentatively.

"Are you an alchemical creature?"

Alexi shook his head and nodded, a bright smile appeared on his clown-like face, and his black eyes stared closely at Audrey, revealing a sense of closeness and kindness.

"Master God Envoy, you have a sharp eye. I am an alchemy doll, the first life created by the great master!"

A look of pride appeared on Alexi's face, and he raised his head, full of pride, which made Audrey feel inexplicably familiar. This was exactly the same as the way she usually showed off.

Audrey had completely relaxed her vigilance at this time. This was the palace of knowledge and the country of Mr. Hermit. There should be no danger. She took a few steps forward and walked in front of the alchemy doll. She looked at him carefully and looked a little... asked in confusion.

"Alexi, why do you keep calling me the Messenger of God?"

Alexi opened and closed his mouth and looked at Audrey with excitement. As the first life refined by Ilsey, it had lived in the Hall Manor for a long time, so it naturally knew Audrey. Speak this out.

Suddenly, a majestic and peaceful voice came from the endless void, making Alexi's expression stagnant, and he swallowed the words that came to his lips.

"Don't reveal my true identity!"

Alexi did not dare to go against the great master's will, his dark eyes flashed slightly, and he spoke vaguely.

"You are the only family member of the great master, so naturally I want to call you Lord Divine Envoy!"

As an extraordinary person in the audience channel, Audrey has keen observation skills, so she naturally noticed Alexi's strangeness just now. Her green pupils shrank slightly, but she didn't show any strangeness on the surface, and she said with a smile.

"Alexi, you don't need to be so respectful. This makes me very uncomfortable. You can just call me by my name!"

When Alexi heard this, he hesitated for a moment, nodded slightly, a look of familiarity appeared on his clown-like face, jumped up, jumped on Audrey's shoulder, and said obediently.

"Okay, Miss Audrey, I will follow your will!"

Audrey glanced sideways at the little man standing on her shoulder, stretched out her hand to touch it, with a look of curiosity on her face.

"I haven't told Alexi my name yet, but he already knows my name is Audrey!"

"Could it be that Alexi has known me for a long time!"

The thought in Audrey's mind flashed away and then was forgotten. Perhaps Mr. Hermit told Alexi.

"Alexi, do you usually stay in the Palace of Knowledge?"

Audrey put her hands in front of her and spread them out, gesturing for Alexi to stand in her palms, and asked curiously.

The alchemy doll jumped down and landed in the white palm. It raised its head and answered Audrey's question.

"I am the most loyal servant of the great master and the administrator of the Palace of Knowledge. I am responsible for maintaining the books here!"

Alexi had a look of pride on his face. This was the great master's respect for him. He cherished his job of being loyal and was meticulous in his daily life.

"You are the manager of this palace of knowledge. Alexi is so awesome!"

Audrey praised the alchemy doll, making the simple Alexi smile more and more brilliantly, and she was a little lost.

"Then why haven't I seen you during this period? Could it be that you are lazy, Alexi?!"

Audrey lured Alexi step by step, trying to get more information from it. The alchemy doll rarely came into contact with people, so naturally it didn't know the routine. Its expression changed, and it looked insulted, and hurriedly explained.

"Miss Audrey, Alexi is the most loyal servant of the great master, and will never be lazy!"

"Recently, I completed the task assigned by the master and went to Backlund to explore the underground mausoleum!"

Alexi did not hide anything and told Miss Justice about his whereabouts during this period, and was not stopped by Ilsi.

This was also intentional by Ilsi to reveal George III's plan to the Tarot Club. He needed Klein and others to stop the Black Emperor's promotion ceremony. The stage has been set, the villains are in place, and only the protagonist is left to appear.

"What does Backlund Underground Mausoleum mean?"

Audrey was confused, her emerald eyes were like a spring water, shimmering and rippling, she looked at Alexi curiously and asked.

"I don't know much either, the great master just told me that Backlund Underground Mausoleum is the remains of the Blood Emperor of the Tudor Dynasty, and is related to the Backlund Great Smog Incident, and asked me to go investigate!"

Alexi had no guard against Audrey, the girl was Ilsi's sister, and was very much loved, Alexi knew this very well, so he told her frankly.

"What, Backlund Great Smog Incident!"

Audrey showed a shocked expression, waving her hands excitedly, so that Alexi didn't have time to react and fell directly to the ground.

Alexi stood on the smooth ground, looked up at Miss Audrey who was in shock, sighed, and with a thought, a stone pillar rose from the ground, holding it up, almost flush with Audrey.

Audrey woke up with a start, and a bit of apology appeared on her pretty face. She took the initiative to admit her mistake to Alexi.

"I'm sorry, Alexi, I was just too excited just now!"

The girl apologized while staring at the exquisite stone pillar under Alexi's feet. The stone pillar was carved with exquisite patterns, which were consistent with the patterns on the surrounding bookshelves, and very harmonious.

"How did you do it?!"

"The Hall of Knowledge is the master's kingdom. People in it can materialize everything as long as they think about it!"

Alexi answered as a matter of course. When he thought about it again, a chair appeared behind Audrey. Everything was so understated.

"Miss Audrey has the mark given by the master. Didn't you read the information contained in it?"

Audrey's mouth twitched slightly when she heard it. During this period of time, she was reading in the Hall of Knowledge and had always been standing. She never knew that she could materialize items such as tables and chairs.

The ground moved again, and a beautifully designed desk appeared in front of Audrey. Her eyes were a little dull and embarrassed. She didn't even notice the common sense hidden in the mark.

"But Mr. Hermit's mark is so magical that it not only allows me to materialize tables and chairs in the Hall of Knowledge, but also allows me to build my own small library and copy and integrate the books I have read, which is equivalent to building a small space that belongs to me alone!"

"And when I am in danger, I can also travel through space through the Hermit's mark and hide in the Hall of Knowledge, which greatly guarantees my safety!"

Audrey's face showed joy and her smile became brighter. After a few breaths, she looked at the alchemy doll that jumped onto the desk and asked.

"Alexi, how much do you know about the Backlund smog incident?"

The alchemy doll showed a thoughtful look on his face, and his dark eyes shone with an inexplicable light, and a sharp and piercing voice sounded again.

"The great master once told me some inside information. The Backlund smog incident was a trick to cover up the truth. The purpose was to eliminate some traces and cover up the real plot of the mastermind behind the scenes. All of this seemed to be related to the Augustus family. They were dissatisfied with the control and confinement of the three major churches. They cooperated with the Psychological Alchemy Society, the Witch Sect, and the Dusk Hermit Society to plan a conspiracy that would affect the situation of the entire continent!"

Audrey's heart contracted violently, her hands held her heart, and her face turned slightly pale. She actually heard a huge conspiracy secret from Alexi. The royal Augustus family was actually the mastermind behind the Backlund smog incident. They were also brewing a disaster that affected the entire continent. She had to spread the news to prevent the disaster from happening.

"Miss Audrey, this incident has a huge impact. You'd better not act rashly. Your strength is not enough to get involved in such a terrible conspiracy!"

Alexi seemed to have noticed Audrey's thoughts and quickly spoke to dissuade her. It didn't want Audrey to fall into danger, which would make the great master furious.

"The master once said that this matter involves a struggle between gods, and only gods can fight against gods!"

"Don't mention this matter outside the Hall of Knowledge, otherwise you will definitely be noticed and fall into a dangerous situation!"

When Audrey heard this, her breathing stagnated, her face became even paler, and her weak eyes showed weakness. The majesty of the gods prevented her from doing anything rashly. Could it be that she had to watch the Augustus family's conspiracy succeed like this.

"No, you can't. Audrey, you are Miss Justice, how can you give in to the evil forces!"

"Justice! By the way, I can tell Mr. Fool the news, and he will probably stop it!"

"Also, Mr. Hermit, since He asked Alexi to investigate this matter, it means that he is also paying attention to this matter. The conspiracy of the Augustus family will not succeed easily!"

Thinking of this, Audrey's mood improved slightly and she stopped reading. After learning more information from Alexi, she left the palace of knowledge and returned to her real world.

In the bedroom, Audrey looked anxious and her eyes flickered. She sat on a chair and thought for a long time before she began to pray to Mr. Fool. She lowered her head and began to meditate, chanting the name of the Fool repeatedly.

“A fool who is not of this age;

“The mysterious master above the gray fog;

"The King of Yellow and Black who controls good luck."

In the monotonous and rhythmic voice, Audrey gradually entered a wonderful state. Her body was relaxed and restrained, as if she was sleeping, but her spirituality was lively and light, constantly spreading outward. At this time, he had a feeling that he was constantly rising.

In the ancient palace above the gray fog, Klein sat at the top of the long bronze table, tapping his fingers as he looked at the swaying light curtains next to him, watching Audrey's praying figure without expression.

"Miss Justice, what's the matter with you? Why are you suddenly praying to me?!"

Klein remained calm, but felt confused in his heart. A majestic voice sounded in Audrey's mind.

"Mr. Fool, I have received information. The mastermind behind the Backlund Great Smog Incident is the Augustus family. They are planning a conspiracy that is enough to plunge the continent into turmoil. Everything they have done before is just to eliminate Traces to deceive others, their real purpose is in Backlund’s underground mausoleum, and the gods are involved in this matter!”

Klein was shocked in his heart, but it didn't show anything on the surface. He had entered the underground mausoleum before and encountered Ins Zangwill. If it hadn't been for Mr. Akzi, he wouldn't have been able to escape. He also informed the machine about this afterwards. Church, but the Augustus family had already moved the tomb, and nothing was found.

"How did you learn about the underground tomb?"

When Audrey heard this, she sighed in her heart. Mr. Fool also knew about the underground mausoleum. He was indeed a great existence like a god.

"Mr. Fool, I'm sorry I can't tell you this!"

Audrey knew that all the information about the hermit was unspeakable. She shook her head slightly and said apologetically.

When Klein saw this, he had many doubts in his heart, but in order to maintain his image as a fool and aloof, he pretended to be calm on the surface and did not continue to ask Audrey about the source of the information.

"I understand everything you said, and I will continue to pay attention to this matter!"

Klein is wandering on the ocean at this time and has not yet returned to Backlund. He is too weak. His top priority now is to advance to the rank and increase his strength. Only by becoming a demigod-level existence can he return to Backlund and show his support to Inszanger. Will takes revenge.

The gray fog rolled in front of Audrey's eyes, and she felt like she was falling rapidly. In a daze, she had escaped from the gray fog space and returned to the real world.

"With Mr. Fool's attention, things will definitely turn around!"

"What's more, Mr. Hermit is also watching Backlund!"

Audrey breathed a sigh of relief and felt a little relaxed. These two great god-like beings would definitely be able to stop the Augustus family's conspiracy.

"Woo! Woo!! Woo!!!"

A loud whistle sounded, and a long steam train clanged into Backlund.

Klein carried his suitcase and walked out of the carriage, once again arriving at the Capital of All Capitals, the Land of Hope. He looked up and looked around, and found that the fog over Backlund was much thinner than before, and there was no longer any obvious lightness. Yellow, the gas street lights on the platform were lit early, dispelling the gloom and darkness.

"It seems that the Air Pollution Investigation Committee has played its due role and is quite effective in controlling smog!"

Klein walked out of the steam train station. The pattering rain, the faint mist, the rows of gas street lamps trying to show off their misty light, and the carriages passing through the streets from time to time all together constituted Backlund's most common night scene.

"Dingle bell!"

Amidst the crisp sound echoing, a strange machine with only two wheels quickly ran along the edge of the road and drove to the other end of the street. Its overall frame was black, but some parts showed a grayish white color of steel, penetrating through the rain. Under the light of the gas street lamp, the beauty of metal shone.

Sitting on top of this machine was a man wearing a postal worker's uniform. His legs were constantly moving, looking very hard. There was a green-painted wooden box tied behind him.

"It seems that the promotion is good!"

Klein watched this scene with a look of emotion on his face. These strange machines were exactly the bicycles he invested in and promoted. He had just returned to Backlund and had already encountered multiple bicycles.

In order to promote bicycles, the bicycle company has done a lot of advertising and held bicycle competitions in the Jowood District and Backlund Bridge area to attract people's attention. In addition to these, it also actively promotes to government postal, police and other departments. , the effect is not bad.

The pricing strategy for bicycles was formulated by Klein, avoiding the middle and upper classes who often use horse-drawn carriages, and targeting the skilled workers with a weekly salary of more than 1 pound 10 soli, students from well-off families, and civil servants who often travel outside. A bicycle costs 3 to 5 pounds, which people in this class can afford, and they can also show off to people with lower incomes.

At this time, Klein has changed his appearance and created a fake identity again, Dwayne Dantes. He is a mysterious wealthy businessman from Disi Bay, who believes in the goddess of night. He sold his original land and mines and prepared to come to Backlund to seek new opportunities. He also has a certain degree of interest in donating to obtain a title.

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