I have a role in the heavens

Chapter 3281 Audrey's freeloading, betraying Ilsey!

"Ilsie Hall?"

A surprised expression appeared on Klein's face, and he muttered this unfamiliar name. He could not find this person's information in his memory. It seemed that there was no interaction between them. How did the other party know about his existence?

"who is he?"

Edsac was slightly startled when he heard this. He didn't expect that Sherlock didn't know Ilsi Hall, but he immediately reacted and explained to him.

"Ilsi is the eldest son of Earl Hall, the deputy director of the Backlund Police Department, a noble lord of the kingdom, and the first heir to Earl Hall in the future!"

"At the same time, he is also a famous businessman and banker in the kingdom. He has strong assets and profound knowledge. He is a very influential figure!"

Edsac is the prince of the Loen Kingdom, and his evaluation of Ilsi is a very influential figure, which gave Klein a full understanding of Ilsi Hall's noble status, and he took a breath. Liangqi, his identity is fake, naturally he doesn't want to be noticed by such a big shot.

"How did Lord Hall notice me?"

Klein needs to figure this out, because it is related to his safety. He changed his name and hid his identity in order to find traces of Ince Zangwill and avenge captain Dunn. There cannot be any accidents, especially It was about his resurrection after death, and it couldn't be exposed.

"I don't know, I just asked him about Talim and he recommended you to me!"

Edsac looked at Klein very sincerely and shook his head, with a look of confusion on his face. He didn't know enough about Ilsi to answer Klein's question.

The expression on Klein's face was changing. He couldn't figure out how Ilsey knew about his existence, which made him feel a little uneasy. But now he still had to deal with the prince first.

"That's all, let's discuss these issues later!"

"What help do you need from me?"

Edsac was not interested in how Irsi knew about Detective Sherlock. He just wanted to find out the truth about Talim's death, and other things were not worth mentioning.

"I need Talim's hair or flesh, and his belongings!"

Klein chose the Seer path sequence. Now he has been promoted to a Sequence 7 magician. He can use Talim's corpse tissue and personal belongings as a medium to perform divination and obtain some revelations about fate, which will help him investigate. Find out the truth of the case.

"Okay, I'll have these things delivered to your home. Do you need anything else?"

A smile appeared on Edsac's face. This matter was very simple for him, and he asked Klein again.

"Your Highness, can you give me your contact information? If a detective like me appears in your manor many times, it will definitely attract the attention of interested people!"

Klein doesn't want to be in the spotlight. Who knows who is involved in Talim's death, so he must be cautious.

"I will let someone rent a house on Minsk Street, right next to you. If you make a new discovery, you can write a letter to visit the neighbor and put it in the newspaper box. In this way, you will not Someone will pay attention and doubt you!"

Edsac understood Klein's concerns very well. Talim's death was not simple, and even involved disputes within the royal family. He felt that a heavy fog shrouded him completely. He has now learned from Ilsi's reaction. I noticed something strange and felt very uneasy.

As long as Sherlock can find something to confirm his thoughts, Edsac will never be stingy and is willing to pay generous rewards.

"Detective Sherlock, if you can find out the truth, I will give you enough reward to allow you to retire comfortably!"

Klein was extremely excited by Edsac's generous undertaking. He liked such generous clients. If this commission was completed, he would get at least 3,000 pounds, which was a huge income.

"Your Highness, thank you for your generosity!"

Klein saluted Edsack sincerely, with a bright smile on his face. The charm of money made him temporarily forget about the risks hidden behind the case.

"Just stop here today, I'll ask the butler to take you back!"

Edsac waved his hand and said calmly, and did not keep Klein in the manor any longer.

"You are so arrogant that you don't let me enjoy lunch with you. I also want to taste the royal delicacies!"

Klein secretly complained in his heart and walked out of the study. The old butler had been waiting outside for a long time and led him all the way out. He took his gun back from the guard, got on the carriage, and returned to No. 15 Minsk Street. .

Night has fallen, and darkness has enveloped the earth. The crimson moon high in the sky is emitting light and falling on the earth, bringing some light to the world. It has a strange and gloomy feeling, and the entire Backlund seems to have fallen into a deep sleep. , almost no pedestrians could be seen on the wide concrete road, and it was silent.

Klein walked into the bathroom, and a deep red and illusory light rose. He entered the gray fog space and sat in the center of the long bronze table. Three figures shrouded in fog appeared, namely Miss Justice and the one hanging upside down. Mr. People, Mr. Sun, Mr. World.

Among them, Mr. World is Klein's vest trumpet. As the mysterious and powerful Mr. Fool, he has some simple questions that are inconvenient to ask. In order to maintain his integrity, he used the ability of the Secret Puppet Master to create a fake Tarot Club member. Let him speak for you.

The Hanged Man is Alger Wilson, the captain of the ghost ship Blue Avenger. He belongs to the Church of Storms and has a mercenary character.

Mr. Sun is Derrick Berg, a young man from Silver City, a place abandoned by God. This place is full of curses. He had to take the lives of his parents with his own hands. In order to save Silver City from the darkness, he joined the Tarot Society. .

Miss Justice Audrey looked at the people sitting in front of the long table very happily. She obtained the Sequence 7 psychiatrist's potion formula from the Psychological Alchemy Society yesterday, and luckily, she found it again in the family's treasure house. Now she only needs to completely digest some of the most difficult materials to obtain the mind-reading potion before she can be promoted again. Everything goes so smoothly.

Audrey stood up, held up the hem of her skirt, bowed and saluted Mr. Fool at the top, and greeted him.

"Good evening, Mr. Fool!"

Audrey's voice was cheerful and cheerful, breaking the silence in the temple. The gray mist rippled slightly, bringing Klein back to his senses and suppressing the depression and irritability in his heart. What happened this morning troubled him. All the big shots set their sights on him, which made him, who was used to hiding in the fog, feel very uneasy.

Klein nodded slightly and responded to Audrey's greetings. At the same time, he looked at several others to indicate that no more greetings were needed.

Audrey sat down again and entered the audience state again. She habitually observed several other members of the Tarot Club and analyzed their psychology and behavior. This was also to digest the mind-reading potion faster.

"Mr. The Hanged Man is as curious as ever about Mr. Fool's identity, and will secretly look at him from time to time. He is also slightly repulsive to Mr. World, and has not yet fully accepted him as a member of the Tarot Society!"

"Mr. Sun seems to be in a good mood. That's probably why Silver City has lifted the surveillance on him and allowed him to join the Explorer team again."

"Mr. World is still very restrained in his body language. It is difficult to grasp his emotional changes. Moreover, he is under the care of Mr. Fool in the gray fog space. I cannot read his psychological thoughts at all. It seems that he can only be promoted to Sequence 7 Or when you reach Sequence 6, you can get a glimpse of his true identity!”

"Well, Mr. Fool is still so mysterious, powerful, unobservable, and impossible to guess. He is shrouded in mist. Even if I am promoted to Sequence 4, I am afraid it will be difficult to pry into his secrets!"

Thoughts flashed through Audrey's mind, her brown eyes flashed with thought, she looked at Mr. Fool and spoke.

"Mr. Fool, I got three pages of Emperor Roselle's diary from my brother again!"

Ever since Audrey learned that Ilsey had collected diaries from the land of Roselle, almost every time before a Tarot meeting, she would go to Ilsey for prostitution and use it as a bargaining chip to exchange for what she needed from other members. Occult knowledge and materials.

"What reward do you want this time?"

Klein was refreshed. He paid great attention to the diary of his predecessor, Emperor Roselle, and gained a lot of useful knowledge and information from it, although it also contained many romances and gossip.

Audrey tilted her little head and thought about it carefully. She seemed to not need anything recently and said.

"Mr. Fool, can these three pages of your diary be used as a reward for answering my question last time?"

The last time Audrey asked Klein alone for the name of a mysterious organization, the Twilight Hermits, the relevant remuneration had not yet been paid.

The Twilight Hermits is an organization created by the visionary angel Adam. It has the highest goal of resurrecting the original Creator and secretly guides the direction of the world. The members of its organization are basically big figures in various fields. No one knows who they are or what tasks they undertake. Their mystery and concealment are evident, and once someone tells the story of the Twilight Hermits in reality, Words may be monitored by them, and their insight is evident.

Emperor Roselle was once a member of this organization. This shows how terrifying and powerful the Twilight Hermits are. Even he never wrote down the name of this organization in his diary. He always used the corresponding characteristics. To refer to.


Klein did not refuse Audrey's request, and at the same time he became very curious about Miss Justice's brother. He was able to obtain so many diaries of Emperor Roselle. He was worthy of being a great nobleman and was full of arrogance.

Audrey had a bright smile on her pretty face, and she had another free prostitute. It was really great. She should go to her brother's study more often in the future, and she should get a lot of knowledge about mysticism and history. While she was thinking, she handed the three yellowed parchments that appeared to Mr. Fool.

Klein restrained his inner excitement and looked at the diary in his hand, hoping to get some useful information from it.

"January 13th, today I learned a secret from Mr. Men. The top of the moon path is empty, and there is no one at the sequence 0 position!"

"I continued to ask, but Mr. Men refused to say anything and wanted to use this as a bargaining chip to lure me into rescuing him!"

Mr. Men is a great nobleman of the Fourth Era who was trapped in the depths of the storm and lost in the darkness. He has a mysterious identity and powerful strength. He was contacted by Emperor Roselle by chance. Emperor Roselle even guessed The other party's true identity is one of the evil gods and demons, so he is very wary of him and unwilling to rescue him.

"I suppressed my curiosity, changed the subject, and made fun of him for being disrespectful to the gods!"

"He told me that the great nobles of the Fourth Age have always had this attitude towards the gods, which made me very curious about the history of the Age of Gods."

"Mr. Men told me that in the Tudor Dynasty, there were five nobles, Abraham, Antigonus, Amon, Tamara and Jacob. Each of these families can be called an angel family, and they have extremely terrifying strength."

"Mr. Men said that the angel families in the Fourth Age are not just the five nobles, but also the Zarathu and Zoroastrian families who have always been loyal to the Solomon Empire, Augustus and Sauron of the Trunsoest Dynasty, Einhorn, the Castile family, the secretive Andrerad, the Belia family, and the witch family that is a step further than the angel family and originates from the true god.”

“The final winner of the Fourth Age turned out to be the Trunsoest dynasty, but the royal family of this dynasty disappeared in the end, and the four great angel families, including Augustus and Sauron, carved up the Northern Continent.

"The number of top powerhouses in the Fourth Age is beyond my imagination, but most of them have been buried in history. Even the Solo family has declined. I overthrew it and established the Republic of Intis. Perhaps In one or two thousand years, Augustus and other angelic families will no longer exist, and only those true gods will always shine in the real world."

"Although there are gods who have fallen in the Fourth Age, they should only be a very small number. This reminds me of a saying, if you don't become a true god, you will eventually become ashes!"

"The time for communication is over. Mr. Men is offline again. He is like a prisoner who comes out at a fixed time. However, this prisoner does know a lot of knowledge. Even when he mentioned the Zaratul family, there was a hint of emotion in his tone. Contempt, I may need to maintain my relationship with Mr. Men and leave myself a way out outside of the Church of Steam, Zaratul, that secret and ancient organization."

"On June 5th, I got an ancient book. It actually mentioned the name of the original witch. Her name was Chike. This is a male name. I'm afraid this ancient book is fake."

Klein was shocked and forcibly controlled his hands and feet to prevent himself from reacting in a way that would reveal his inner emotional changes. After all, Miss Justice is an Extraordinary in the Audience Path, and she likes to observe the reactions of Tarot Club members.

This is the first time that Klein has obtained the name of a Sequence 0 True God. If it were not in Source Castle, he might have been contaminated and turned into a crazy monster when he deciphered the name.

When Ilsie told Audrey the name of the original witch, if he hadn't used his own characteristics far beyond those of gods to cover up her fate, Audrey would have been directly contaminated and turned into a monster.

Whatever is said must be known!

The power of gods far exceeds the imagination of mortals. If Source Castle was not one of the nine sources of matter, Klein would not be able to resist the pollution of the original witch.

Klein withdrew his complicated thoughts, thought of a question, and controlled Mr. World to ask the other members.

"I want to know the detailed information about Elsie Hall. If any of you provide it, I can pay for it!"

Miss Justice Audrey was shocked and could no longer maintain the status of the audience. She did not expect to hear her brother's name in the Tarot session, and judging from Mr. World's gloomy expression and tone, it seemed that he had no good impression of Ilsey. .

Audrey is ignorant of worldly affairs, naive and simple, and doesn't know how to hide herself, which immediately attracts the attention of other members.

"Miss Justice, do you know Ilsie Hall?"

Audrey wanted to deny it, but in front of Mr. Fool, she couldn't lie. She blinked her eyes rapidly several times and spoke lightly.

"We know each other!"

"Mr. World, what are you asking Ilsie Hall to do?"

Seeing Audrey's reaction, Klein guessed that this confused girl was probably very familiar with Ilsey Hall, and it was definitely more than just an acquaintance. He continued to control Mr. World and said.

"I can guarantee that if you simply inquire about Ilsey Hall, you will not do anything detrimental to him. Mr. Fool can serve as a witness!"

As soon as these words came out, Audrey breathed a sigh of relief. She had great trust in the powerful Fool. With his testimony, Mr. World would not break his promise.

"Mr. World, what can you give me in return?"

Audrey no longer had any worries and sold Ilsie without hesitation, hoping to get a good price.

"The fruit of the Tree of Elders, if you want to be promoted to a Sequence 7 psychiatrist, this material should be useful!"

Audrey's eyes clearly lit up. She just needed this kind of potion material. She nodded her head and said happily.

"No problem, the deal is done!"

"What news do you want to know about Elsie Hall?"

When Klein and others saw this, their mouths twitched slightly, feeling sad for Ilsey Hall. Miss Justice betrayed her information so easily. It seemed that the relationship between them was not deep.

"You can tell me everything you know!"

Mr. World's voice was hoarse and low, as if coming from hell, making people feel a chill.

"Ilsie Hall, the eldest son of the Hall family, the future heir to the earl, graduated from Loon Royal University, serves as deputy director of the Backlund Police Department, has the title of Lord of the Kingdom, has strong assets, is knowledgeable, and likes to study history. , Occultism, has a high prestige among the young nobles of Backlund, and many noble ministers are very optimistic about him. Even King George III wanted to marry the princess to him, but it was a pity that he was rejected! "

Audrey raised her little head proudly, her eyebrows dancing with joy, as if she was really showing off something, which made everyone vaguely guess.

"I know all this, I want to know something more secretive!"

Mr. World's voice was still cold, and he was almost hidden in the gray fog, making people feel unapproachable.

"What exactly do you mean?"

Audrey frowned slightly, stopped showing off, and asked in confusion.

"Has he become an extraordinary person? Which divine path did he choose? How strong is he?"

Mr. World's question was very specific, which made Audrey stunned for a moment before she said.

"He is just an ordinary person. I have observed him and did not find that he has the characteristics of an extraordinary person!"

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