I have a role in the heavens

Chapter 3280 The truth behind the death, Ilsi passes the buck!

On the outskirts of Queens, Red Rose Manor is a royal manor that covers a very large area. There is even a clear artificial lake in the manor, where waterbirds live and hunt. The water is rich in fish, making it a good place for fishing and leisure.

The entire manor is heavily guarded. There are two soldiers in red military uniforms guarding the main entrance. They do not hide the revolvers under their armpits. Their eyes are sharp and they are vigilantly observing everything around them to prevent dangerous people from appearing and threatening the safety of the manor. .

"Da da da!"

Suddenly, a crisp sound of horse hooves came from a distance, stirring up bursts of dust. A white horse appeared in the sight of the soldiers. They unconsciously put their right hands on the gun bags and entered the alert. In such a state, he could pull out a gun and shoot someone at any time.

A young man wears white trousers, high black boots, a slim shirt and a dark riding uniform. His long golden hair is extremely dazzling in the sun, like the legendary sun god. He has a handsome appearance, sword-shaped eyebrows and starry eyes. There was a pair of gold-rimmed glasses on the bridge of his nose, which gave him a somewhat elegant and scholarly air. When he was still fifty meters away from the manor, he held the reins in his hand and jerked, the horse's hooves were raised high, and the horse neighed. There was a sound, and he stopped. The man turned over and dismounted neatly. With superb equestrian skills, he stepped forward and walked up to the two soldiers.

"Lord Hall, you are here!"

The two soldiers left their gun bags with their right hands and secretly breathed a sigh of relief. The person who came was the current deputy director of the Backlund Police Department, the heir of the Hall family, the leading noble in the kingdom, and the son of Prince Edsac. Old friends are not enemies of unknown origin, and there is no need to be wary.

Ilsey's deep brown eyes were gentle, with a light smile on her face, sunny and elegant. She nodded slightly, handed the reins in her hands to the soldiers on her left, and entered the Red Rose Manor without any inspection. She even He didn't need to hand over the revolver he carried. From this, we can see how noble his status is.

There were soldiers guarding the manor. Seeing that Irsidu did not block his entry, after passing several guard lines, he did not enter the main house. Instead, he came to the house under the leadership of an old housekeeper. The artificial lake behind the main house.

Edsac was wearing loose clothes and was sitting by the lake fishing. There was no smile on his round face, and he was frowning. He showed the majesty of a prince. When he saw Ilsi's arrival, his narrow eyes flashed with light. Twinkle, quickly stood up to greet.

"Ilsi, you're finally here!"

Edsac opened his arms and gave Ilsi a warm hug. A smile finally appeared on his face, but it quickly disappeared.

"Edsac, long time no see!"

Ilsi and the prince exchanged pleasantries before sitting down. She also held a fishing rod handed over by the old butler in her hand, fishing leisurely and enjoying the pleasant time with the breeze blowing on her face.

As time passed, Ilsi gained a lot and caught seven or eight fish. On the contrary, Edsac was worried and caught nothing, so he simply stopped fishing.

"Ilsi, I invite you here this time because I have something to ask of you!"

Hearing this, Ilsi's expression was as usual. He had already guessed it before he came, and was not surprised by this. He swung the fishing rod in his hand, and the fishhook entered the water, causing ripples and golden sunlight falling on the lake. Above, the floating light sweeps over the gold, which is gorgeous and dazzling.

"It must be about Talim's death!"

Ilsi's voice was very calm, clear and melodious. As the deputy director of the Backlund Police Department, he naturally knew something about this death.

"Ilsi, you are right, it was for Talim. I don't believe he died of a heart attack!"

"Talim is my good friend and equestrian coach. Can I not know if he has a heart disease? We even raced horses together two days ago. He is in great health!"

Adesak had a gloomy expression on his face, his narrow eyes flashed with cold light, and he looked at Ilsi and continued.

"I was not involved in the investigation of his death. I don't believe the results of the investigation. I want to know the truth! Ilsi, can you help me?"

Ilsi's eyes were deep and she did not immediately agree to Edsac's request. She just remained silent and did not say a word for a long time.

The expectant light in Adsak's eyes gradually dimmed, and he lowered his head with a look of disappointment on his face. He also knew that the investigation into Talim's death was not led by the police department, but was led by the royal family on the grounds that Talim was a descendant of a noble family. took over in the name of.

Talim was originally a son of a nobleman, and his ancestors had the title of Viscount. Unfortunately, all his family property was squandered by his grandfather, and his noble title was taken back by the king because there was no land. When Talim came of age, he was unable to get a large sum of money to do business like other noble children, and because his grandfather had a bad reputation, he could not join the government as an employee or work as a housekeeper in other noble families. He could only use his talents. Becoming an equestrian instructor for some aristocratic families, the income is quite generous, about four hundred pounds per year, which is much better than that of ordinary civilian families.

"Edsac, you should understand that this case has been taken over by the royal family. You should not ask me, but the royal family!"

Ilsey's face showed a somewhat solemn look, and his deep brown eyes were hidden under his gold-rimmed glasses, making it difficult to see what he was thinking.

"I know, but I don't believe the royal family's investigation conclusion. Talim's case was initially taken over by the police department. You should know something!"

Ilsi looked at the prince in front of him and sighed. He did not dislike Edessacker, and even admired him. He valued friendship and loyalty, which was a rare quality in the royal family and even among the nobles. He slightly turned sideways and put down the fishing rod in his hand. His eyes fluctuated slightly, as if he had made up his mind and spoke softly.

"When Talim's body was brought back to Sivelas Field, I had someone perform an autopsy on him. There was no external injury on his body. The result of the identification was cardiac arrest!"

The headquarters of the Backlund Police Department is on Sivelas Street on the edge of Queens, so it is also called Sivelas Field.

Edessacker stared at Ilsi's face intently, waiting for the other party's next words. He knew that Ilsi was about to tell him some secrets.

"From the perspective of ordinary people, Talim died of a heart attack!"

Ilsi's expression became more and more solemn, and there was a bit of deep meaning in his tone.

Edessacker understood the meaning, blinked his eyes, and asked again with a bit of nervous hoarseness in his voice.

"Then if we look at it from the perspective of mysticism, will the conclusion be different?"

Ilsi showed an expression that said you know what happened, and glanced around. No outsiders were present, so she whispered.

"Someone once used psychic vision and saw that there was black air entangled in Talim's heart, similar to a curse!"

Ilsi recalled the revelation of fate she had seen in her mind, a palm-sized puppet with eyes, nose and mouth. There were a few drops of dark red blood on the puppet, adding a bit of weird color. A palm stretched out, with fair and delicate skin, smooth and well-proportioned, slender and beautiful five fingers, and even bones and flesh. The most noticeable thing was that the little finger of this hand wore a ring inlaid with sapphires, and the shape was very exquisite and unique. A slender index finger gently touched the heart of the puppet, and black flames appeared instantly, enveloping and engulfing the puppet.

"Sure enough, Talim's death was not an accident, but a murder!"

Adesak exhaled a breath of turbid air. Ilsi's words confirmed some of his guesses. His face was gloomy and uncertain. He was in deep thought and murmured in confusion.

"But Talim is just a poor nobleman. He has nothing worth planning. Who wants to kill him?"

Ilsi looked at the fish marks jumping on the lake. The layers of water ripples broke the calmness of the lake and aroused people's reverie. After all, he did not tell Prince Edsak the truth directly, but just mentioned it casually.

"Maybe he was involved in some big event and was affected by it. The murderer was just eliminating the hidden danger!"

Ilsi's eyes were full of deep meaning. He looked at the confused Adesak. The prince didn't know that he was also in danger.

At this moment, a servant hurried to Edsak, leaned close to his ear, and whispered something.

Edsak's face changed slightly. He glanced at Ilsi, showing a nervous look, and whispered to the servant.

"Don't let her run around. I agree to let her walk around the room freely, but she is absolutely not allowed to come out!"

The servant received the order and hurried away again. The whole process took no more than a minute.

Ilsi's eyes fluctuated slightly, looking in the direction of the main house of the manor. His eyes were as sharp as a hawk. He saw a girl of eighteen or nineteen standing in front of the window. She had a slightly round face, slender eyes, gentle temperament, and sweet hidden. She was an extremely outstanding beauty.

The girl looked frightened and a little dazed. She held her heart with both hands. On the little finger of her right hand, she wore a unique sapphire ring. There was a pink aura shining around her body, and a joyful atmosphere was permeated. She was exposed to Ilsi's spiritual vision, which made him look slightly moved.

"Pleasure Witch, Triss!"

"Ilsi, do you know more about the truth of Talim's death? Can you tell me everything?"

Adesak had a feeling in his heart that Ilsi must be very clear about the cause and effect of Talim's death, but for some reason, she always hid it and was unwilling to tell him the whole truth.

"Edesak, you need to find the truth of some things yourself, no one else can help you!"

Ilsi looked at the other party deeply. He was not talking about Talim's death, but reminding the other party.

Unfortunately, Edesak lacked some sensitivity and did not perceive the deep meaning of Ilsi's words. He simply thought that Ilsi was unwilling to tell him the truth about Talim's death.

"Ilsi, in that case, I won't embarrass you!"

"Let me ask you one more thing. Can you tell me the name of the person who saw the curse through psychic vision!"

"Sherlock Moriarty, he is a detective and a friend of Talim. Maybe he can find out the truth for you!"

Ilsi stood up and looked down at Edsak with a serious expression, and said goodbye.

"Edsak, I'm leaving. I can only tell you so much. The rest depends on how you deal with it!"

Ilsi, adhering to the spirit of passing the buck, sold Klein to Adesak without hesitation. He didn't want to get involved in the game between the royal family and the three major sects.

On Monday morning, Klein simply made a fried egg cooked on one side, served with buttered toast, and made a cup of black tea with a little lemon slice. He enjoyed a simple breakfast, and suddenly the doorbell rang.

"Ding Ding Ding!"

"Who would come to see me so early?"

Klein wiped his mouth, stood up and walked towards the door. As soon as his slender palm rested on the door handle, the image of the person outside the door appeared in his mind.

Outside the door was a meticulously dressed elderly gentleman, with a crisp white shirt, a thick gray-blue vest, a long black tuxedo with clear lines, without a single flaw, and a pair of shiny leather shoes that showed that he had walked through rain and mud. Mark of. Wearing a pair of white thread gloves on one pair of hands, there are a few silver hairs on the temples, the face has deep nasolabial folds, and the light brown eyes are serious, without a trace of smile.

"Stranger, I don't know you!"

Klein muttered, twisted the door handle, walked out of the room, and asked the gentleman very politely.

"Hello, who are you looking for?"

The elderly gentleman took off the black top hat on his head, put it on his chest, bowed slightly, and behaved in full compliance with the etiquette of an aristocrat.

"Mr. Sherlock Moriarty, I am a butler and I am here to invite you on behalf of my master!"

"Who is your master, and what do you want from me?"

Klein was confused. He didn't know why the other party's master invited him. He hid his identity and came to Backlund under the name Sherlock Moriarty. He didn't seem to know any nobles, and the only thing he talked about was the nobles. The only person who had any connections was Talim. He was just a descendant of a declining noble, without any title. He also died a few days ago, killed by a curse.

Klein looked at the carriage parked on the road. The outer shell was dark and thick, with curtains on the inside of the windows. It was low-key and luxurious. There was a badge on the carriage, a sword pointing vertically downward. The handle has a red crown.

"The Sword of Judgment represents the emblem of the royal Augustus family!"

Klein's heart trembled, and he had a vague guess about the identity of the old housekeeper's master, and he didn't dare to be careless.

"You and the master don't know each other, but you have a common friend, Mr. Talim!"

The old butler maintained a professional quality and a polite smile on his face. His words did not reveal any information about the identity of the owner.

"Your master invited me, but for Talim's sake?"

Klein is a smart man who can tell the truth at once. He grasped the key points from the old butler's words. He once heard Talim say that he had a noble friend, but he did not expect that the other party would be a member of the royal family.

"Yes, Talim is the master's friend. He was sad for Mr. Talim's death. The master heard that you were at the scene when Mr. Talim died and you also saw some hidden details!"

Klein subconsciously wanted to deny it, but when he saw the old butler with a determined look on his face, he gave up the idea and said in a low voice.

"Yes, I saw Talim's death with my own eyes!"

"Will you accept my master's invitation?"

The old butler stared at Klein with piercing eyes, and asked in a sincere tone.

How dare Klein refuse an invitation from a member of the royal family? This would put him in even greater trouble, so he responded very unhappily.


"Mr. Moriarty, please get in the car!"

The steward bent slightly, stretched out his white-gloved right palm, and pointed at the carriage on the other side of the road.

Klein's expression was a little heavy. After he came to Backlund, he had been keeping a low profile to avoid attracting too much attention. But now the important figures in the royal family knew about it, which made him a little troubled for a while and he didn't know how to deal with it.

"If things get out of control, I'll have to give up this identity!"

The carriage drove through streets one after another, detouring from the area with the artificial lake to the northwest. After more than an hour, it finally arrived at Red Rose Manor.

Klein went through various checks, and the revolver he was carrying was taken away, and then he came to a study room.

"Nice to meet you, Mr. Detective Sherlock!"

Edsac sat behind the desk, with a majestic look on his face, showing the dignity of a royal child, and welcomed Klein's arrival.

"I'm Edsac, Augustus. You must have heard my name too!"

The corners of Klein's mouth twitched slightly, with a solemn expression on his face. He looked at this young man who looked very similar to Henry Augustus I printed on the five-pound banknote, and bent down to salute.

"I have met His Highness the Prince, but I never expected that you would invite me!"

Edsac didn't mince words, stared at Klein, and got straight to the point.

"Detective Sherlock, I have only one purpose for inviting you today. I know that you once saw traces of the curse on Talim's body. I hope you can help me find the truth about Talim's death. For this, I am willing to pay you." Great reward!”

Klein was shocked. He had once observed Talim's corpse with his spiritual vision and saw the lingering black curse aura from the heart. However, he had never disclosed this to the outside world. How did Prince Edsac know about it.

"Your Highness, I'm sorry that I can't do anything about this!"

Klein chose to refuse. He once performed a divination on Talim's death, and the information he received made him very afraid. There were Level 0 sealed objects or demigods involved. Although he had been promoted to a Sequence 7 magician, he still Don't dare to get involved.

"Your Highness, given your identity and status, there are many people who are willing to investigate Talim's death for you. Why do you have to find me?"

"As a prince, the more power you have, the more constraints you have. There are many things that are beyond my control, and the people around me cannot do them either, which will make people focus on me!"

"But you are different. You are thoughtful, capable, and powerful, and you can find out the truth!"

"The two most important points are that you are Talim's friend, and someone else recommended you to me!"

"Don't worry, if you really find out something wrong, I will guarantee your safety!"

Edessak made a promise very confidently, staring at Klein, waiting for his answer.

Klein felt the coercive gaze and sighed. If he refused the prince's request, it would be difficult for him to leave the Red Rose Manor.

"Your Highness, I can promise you! But I have a condition. Please tell me who recommended me to you?"

"Ilsi, Hall!"

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