I have a role in the heavens

Chapter 3282: The Hall family's secret talk, the death of the Conservative leader

Klein felt surprised in his heart. He did not expect that Ilsie Hall would be an ordinary person and had not stepped into the world of extraordinary people.

"you sure?"

Mr. World's cold voice came out of his mouth again, and his body movements were much louder than usual, which made Audrey detect a lot of information. The other party seemed very confused and didn't quite believe in his own judgment.

Miss Justice was very arrogant and confident in her own wisdom and judgment. She raised her fair and slender neck high like a proud swan and said firmly.

"I'm a mind reader!"

Mr. World nodded slightly, but he didn't care in his heart. If it were someone else, he might have believed it, but Miss Justice in front of him was someone who couldn't be deduced by common sense. After all, normal people would make magic potions and feed them Dog things.

When Miss Justice said this, she seemed a little guilty for no reason, and added another sentence at the end.

"My friend's dog also observed Ilsi, and it doesn't have any extraordinary characteristics!"

The other members of the Tarot Society nodded one after another. Making friends out of nothing was Miss Justice's usual method, and in their hearts, the dog that had entered the ranks of extraordinary people was obviously more reliable than Miss Justice. Even Mr. World believed it. Ilsi is an ordinary nobleman and has not entered the ranks of extraordinary people.

"In this case, as the successor of the Hall family, Ilsi must be protected by extraordinary people. Do you know the relevant information?"

Mr. World continued to ask, if Ilsey Hall could discover that Talim's death was due to a curse, then there must be an extraordinary person by his side who is good at spiritual vision.

When Audrey heard this, a look of confusion appeared on her pretty face. How could she not know that her brother had an Extraordinary beside him? Moreover, she had never thought about this problem.

"Huh? I've never heard of it!"

The Hall family is one of the richest nobles in the Loen Kingdom. Even if there are no Extraordinaries among the family members, there will definitely be Extraordinaries to protect them. Audrey is just an aristocratic lady who is inexperienced in the world and has never paid attention to this issue before. , Mr. World’s question today made her realize something.

Klein sighed inwardly. It seemed that Miss Justice didn't know much about the Hall family. She didn't know much about the Hall family's extraordinary people. There was no need to continue asking.

Mr. World kept silent, took out a fruit from the Tree of Elders from his sleeve, handed it to the smiling Audrey, and ended the transaction.

Meanwhile, in Queens, the Hall family estate.

There was a chandelier hanging in the study room. The flame of the burning candle was swaying, and the light and shadow were mottled. It swayed on the bodies of the two men, adding a sense of mystery.

Earl Hall sat behind the desk with a faint smile on his face. As he reached middle age, he inevitably gained weight. His belly was slightly bulging. He looked at the blond young man opposite, who had a handsome face like a sculpture. It was very similar to when he was young, which made him very happy.

"Ilsi, I heard that you recently went to Red Rose Manor. I remember that you don't have a close relationship with Prince Edsac?"

Ilsey's back was facing the chandelier, her face hidden in the shadows, and her brown eyes hidden behind gold-rimmed glasses were extremely deep, like an abyss that could swallow everything, making people afraid to look directly. He listened to his father's inquiry , said calmly.

"Edsac wants me to help him find out the truth about Talim's death!"

Earl Hall frowned slightly, thoughts flashed in his eyes, and he spoke after a long time.

"Talim is just a declining nobleman, and he doesn't have much value. If he hadn't become friends with Edsac, no one would even focus on him!"

"His death should be the result of royal strife. The other two princes are not kind. This may be a warning to Prince Edsac!"

George III had four sons. Except for the youngest son who was still underage, the other sons had already begun to compete for power. As the third prince, Edsac, although he did not want to compete for the throne, was still feared by the other two princes and often suppressed him. .

"Don't get involved in the fights within the royal family!"

Earl Hall worriedly warned that he did not want his son, who he had high hopes for, to become a victim of the royal family's fight. Although it would not kill him like Talim, it would also affect his future.

As a great noble of the Loen Kingdom, the Hall family has a fixed seat in the House of Lords, and its assets are involved in multiple industries. It has amazing wealth and great influence. Therefore, even if Ilsi participates in the royal battle, Hall The earl is confident that the princes will not kill Ilsi.

"I'm not interested in royal battles, but Talim's death is not a simple matter!"

Ilsey pushed up the gold-rimmed glasses on the bridge of her nose. She was a gentle and elegant gentleman, with a confident light shining in her brown eyes, and explained to the somewhat confused Earl Hall.

"Talim was killed by a curse, but the royal family's investigation revealed that he died of a heart attack. They are covering up the truth!"

"If the other two princes were responsible, it would not be surprising for the royal family to give this investigation result!"

Earl Hall did not understand the meaning of Ilsi's words, and looked at Ilsi with a matter-of-fact expression, waiting for his next words.

"No, on the contrary, Talim was not killed by the royal family, but by a happy witch!"

"Witch Cult!"

The expression on Earl Hall's face suddenly changed, becoming gloomy and uncertain. He knew a lot about this evil organization hidden in the darkness and liked to create disasters and chaos. What was their purpose in killing Talim this time?

"Also, there is another interesting thing. This Witch of Joy is in the Red Rose Manor in Edsac, and she has fascinated His Highness the Prince so much that he can't extricate himself!"


"The common woman Prince Edsac likes is a witch. What does the witch sect want to do?"

As a member of the House of Lords, a great nobleman, and a great banker, Earl Hall had many channels for obtaining information. He naturally knew that Prince Edsac had fallen in love with a commoner woman. He frowned and stroked his two hands with his right hand. Pulling back his moustache, he pondered some of the secrets revealed in this matter.

"Maybe it's not what the Witch Sect is going to do, but what the Augustus family is going to do?"

Ilsi said with deep meaning, with the corners of his mouth raised slightly, and a somewhat mysterious smile, which shocked Earl Hall. A crazy idea came to him, and he exclaimed in surprise.

"Are you saying that the royal family and the Witch Cult have secretly united?"

Ilsey nodded slightly, confirming Earl Hall's guess. He admired his father's political acumen for analyzing such important information from just one sentence of his own.

"Not only the Witch Sect, but also the Twilight Hermits and the Psychological Alchemy Society, the three major hidden organizations are all related to the royal family!"

Ilsey once again released a bombshell, which made Earl Hall stand up suddenly. The hairs on his body stood up. He broke out in a cold sweat. His face was extremely gloomy and his eyes were flickering. The royal family was actually in contact with three major hidden organizations. What exactly does the alliance want to do, and what impact will it have on my family?

"Ilsi, are you sure this is true?"

Earl Hall is different from Audrey. He is deep-tempered, wily and knowledgeable. He has long noticed that his son has become an extraordinary person. Therefore, he did not ask Ilsey about the source of the information, but just to confirm the authenticity of the information. sex.

"Absolutely true!"

Ilsi's expression was serious, her eyes did not dodge at all, she looked directly into Earl Hall's sharp eyes, nodded slightly, and said very confidently.

Upon seeing this, Earl Hall exhaled a breath of filthy air, regained his usual calmness, sat down again, and kept stroking the two mustaches with his right hand. After a long silence, he spoke.

"It seems that the king is dissatisfied with the restrictions imposed by the three major churches on the royal family, and wants to break the shackles and break through the high order."

Earl Hall is worthy of being a long-time official with strong political acumen. He has already analyzed the purpose of the Augustus family from this news.

"But it's normal. The Augustus family is an angel family. How could they be willing to be controlled by the three major churches and not be allowed to break through Sequence 4 and become puppets of the gods? I just don't know if the church knows about the royal family's actions!"

Hearing this, Ilsey had a faint smile on her face, her eyes were gentle and her expression was calm, as if such a big thing still couldn't move him.

"The church may not know, but the gods must know!"

George III wanted to plan to be promoted to the Black Emperor of Sequence 0. The Seven Gods chose to acquiesce because of the threat and pressure from the outer gods of the stars. However, if the three major churches did not get the decree from the gods, they would definitely prevent the destruction of George III's promotion ceremony, because This would infringe upon the interests of the church.

"It seems that I need to go to St. Samuel's Church a few more times recently to visit Saint Archbishop Anthony!"

The Augustus family believes in the God of Storms, while the Hall family believes in the Goddess of Night and has a deep relationship with the Church of the Night Goddess. Earl Hall is protected by the extraordinary people of the church. There is a relationship between the church and the Hall family. Common interests.

"Archbishop St. Anthony?"

Ilsi murmured, and the figure of an old man appeared in his mind. He was wearing a black and red clergy robe, with five dark holy symbols on his chest. His face was clean, without a beard, and his eyes were deep and dark. , anyone who faces him directly will tremble from the bottom of their hearts, as if their spirit is dominated by fear, as if they are facing an unknown existence staring at themselves from the depths of darkness.

Saint Anthony Stevenson is one of the thirteen archbishops of the Church of the Night Goddess and the head of the Backlund Diocese. He has entered the semi-god level and is a high-sequence powerhouse.

This conversation between father and son did not seem to cause any changes, but the Hall family would become more closely connected with the Church of the Night Goddess in the future. Earl Hall donated large amounts of money to the church many times and obtained the church's There are some promises made by the top management, but of course these things are not known to outsiders.

In the early morning, the pale sunlight outside the window shone on the red roses, and a light mist filled the surroundings, making the beautiful roses look even more delicate.

Duke Negan, who was on the bed in the bedroom, seemed to have regained the feeling of his youth. He was full of energy and vigorous. The volcano erupted and the magma spewed out, making him instantly fall into the ultimate pleasure. His blood flowed rapidly and he rushed in. In his heart, his vision went blank, and he could no longer think.

The old heart beat violently, like an old steam boiler, spewing hot white gas outwards, deforming and expanding, and might explode at any time.

If it had been an ordinary person, he would have suffered cardiac arrest and brain hemorrhage at this time. However, looking at the elderly Duke Negan, he actually managed to hold on, with transparent and moist traces flowing out of the corners of his mouth, his eyes dull and lifeless, and his body tilted. He fell towards the beautiful mistress lying on the bed.

The Wind Blessed One and the Duke's Secretary who were guarding outside the bedroom noticed something strange in the room at the same time. The Extraordinary's aura and mysterious smell made their faces suddenly change. The Wind Blessed One's body was surrounded by strong winds, wrapping around his body and crashing into him. The bedroom wall was touched, and with a bang, a big hole appeared in the wall. The Wind Blessed One had already rushed into the bedroom and saw Duke Negan collapsed helplessly.

The Duke's secretary did not enter the bedroom together, but went straight to the attic on the top of the building, where the mysterious source came from. The vases and other decorations along the way seemed to be alive, and they all avoided the blond man. He reached the attic without encountering any obstacles.

In the attic, a figure sat on an old and broken chair. His whole body was covered with black mucus. He was like a collection of all the ugly desires of the human mind, betraying all greed, never-ending hunger, and uncontrollable hunger. The color field, enjoying bloody killings, all the extreme human emotions can be seen in him. This is the devil walking on the ground, the apostle of desire in the Criminal Path Sequence 5, which can arouse the deepest desires in human hearts and make them It fell into the abyss of darkness.

The Duke's secretary, with blond hair and a slim figure, opened the door to the attic and walked in. Without taking any direct action, he stared at the apostle of desire. He stretched his hands back and closed the wooden door. He looked very polite, as if he was visiting. of guests.

With the wooden door closed, the attic felt completely enclosed. Even the Desire Apostle of Sequence 5 could not easily leave this place.

At this time, the body of the Desire Apostle also underwent tremendous changes. It swelled and became larger, and a pair of bat wings wrapped with green flames grew out of its back. It was ugly and evil. As the flames burned, the closed space of the attic filled the air. With a strong smell of sulfur, fireballs emerged one after another and attacked the blond Duke's secretary.

Without any panic, the Duke's secretary stretched out his left hand with a white glove, shook it lightly, and turned his wrist. The fireballs that hit the air were deflected, or hit the ceiling, or hit the surrounding objects. The walls and even some fireballs reversed direction and hit the Desire Apostle himself. The whole scene was chaotic and in a mess, leaving traces of broken and charred blackness, and the building began to shake.

The attack of the Desire Apostle did not have any effect. He tried to arouse the desire emotion in the Duke's secretary, but it had no effect. The other party remained calm and restrained, without any influence, which made him a little more vigilant. The brown eyes were filled with magma-like red flames, and an evil voice full of corruption and corruption came out of his mouth, which shook the entire attic.


These are the dirty words of the apostle of desire, which can kill people invisibly and act on the inside of the enemy's body.

The duke's secretary's face changed slightly, and before he had time to dodge, he stretched out his right hand, aimed at the heart of the apostle of desire, squeezed it hard, and turned his arm.

The Duke's secretary turned pale, grunted, and took two steps back. Patches of rust appeared all over his body, like an iron man who had been left in a humid environment for a long time. He kept coughing in his mouth and spit out congealed blood. , exuding a strong smell of iron blood.

The Desire Apostle's state was no better than that of the Duke's Secretary. His heart suddenly contracted, and countless blood spurted out, breaking the blood vessels. He lowered his head and spit out a pool of blood, and the black mucus covering his body became much thinner.

In this confrontation, both the Desire Apostle and the Duke's Secretary suffered losses. No one took advantage and both suffered heavy losses.

In the Duke's bedroom, the Wind Blessed One quickly helped up Duke Negan, who had survived the disaster. The Duke's face was ashen with white hair and beard, and a cold light flashed in his eyes. He kicked away the mistress next to him. His condition at this time was slightly relieved. , but still unable to display his extraordinary abilities, and the aura around him was dim.

Duke Negan took off a conch he was wearing around his neck, put it in his mouth, and blew it out. The sound of rushing water sounded from the strangely patterned conch, like rolling waves, rushing towards Backlund's Holy Wind Cathedral. .

After Duke Negan finished doing this, he seemed to have exhausted all his strength, panting, and was carried by the Wind Blessed One.

The two of them were about to jump out of the window and join the guards in the manor. There were also three low-sequence Beyonders among the guards, who could better protect the Duke's safety.

"We must catch the other party. I want to live. If not, I must at least catch the spirit body!"

Duke Negan was particularly angry at this time. He thought that he had not reached the point of fighting with anyone to the point of fighting to the death. He must find the mastermind behind the scenes and use all the power of the family to retaliate against the other party. He wanted everyone to understand that the Negan family Not that easy to mess with.

The premise of all this is that the attacker must be caught before he can find a way to pry open his mouth and learn from him the identity of the person behind the scenes.

In the garden, the Duke's Guards assembled, surrounding Duke Negan and the Wind Blessed Ones in the center, vigilantly guarding against possible attacks.

The fighting in the attic was still going on. At this time, the attic was riddled with holes. The figures of the Duke's Secretary and the Apostle of Desire fell into everyone's sight.

At this moment, the Desire Apostle split into several black shadows, dodged the attack of the Duke's secretary, gathered together again, looked at Duke Negan below, with a cruel smile on his face, and raised his head With the five fingers of his right arm clenched, a feeling of fear surged into everyone's heart.

In the bedroom, the Duke's mistress walked to the window, with a frightened and sad expression on her face. She jumped up and hit her head on the hard concrete floor. Blood flowed and stained the area red.

Duke Negan felt an unspeakable fear in his heart, his eyes widened, his pupils tightened, and there was a sense of danger.

The surrounding guards had the same expression. They raised their spears and started shooting chaotically. Their hearts were filled with fear and they lost all sense.

The Wind Blessed One reacted, and strong winds surged around him, cutting the necks of the surrounding guards and causing blood to spurt out. At the same time, he hugged Duke Negan and dodged aside.

"Ho ho!"

Duke Negan's face was pale, his eyes were dim, and he was breathing heavily. His body kept shaking and twitching. A chill enveloped him, and his chest was covered in blood. He was hit by the random grab just now, and he was already There is no way around it.

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